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Everything posted by TowandaUK

  1. I was shocked on Anne to the Canaries that there were regularly wheelchairs folded up and in the aisles of the theatre. It was a clear health and safety issue, but worse than that it was clear that the wheelchair provision was woefully inadequate. I think the only way to get a dedicated wheelchair space would be to arrive very early. I was glad not to need a chair as I don’t believe they were very well catered for.
  2. With vouchers to spend it is the best M&S readily available to us, and an excuse for a day out in the area. Never been to M & S in Soton - perhaps next time we are there, although I think I’d rather go to John Lewis.
  3. It’s titled Scenic Jurassic Coast Voyage. Having read the descriptions of the scenic part of the naming voyage I am under no illusions that we shall be in sight of the shore despite the title.
  4. We live 30 mins from the Jurassic coast so know it well shoreside. It would be good to see it from the sea, but the main reason for going is to try out QM2, we’ve been on Anne, and have Victoria booked, but would like to try QM2.
  5. We have a 2 nighter booked on QM2 in 2026. It just cruises along the Jurassic coast for a couple of days and returns to Southampton. We are using it as a taster for QM2. It is immediately after a dry dock so we are aware that it could be cancelled if the dry dock over runs. Prior to a voyage to Norway last year I was most concerned about anti tourist protests and posters reported in the news. We never had any problems whatsoever, and never saw a single poster despite prior warnings that they would be plastered everywhere in the ports.
  6. My husband often gets M and S vouchers from the children for Xmas and Birthday. Castlepoint is our store of choice for M and S as it’s the largest in our area- although it does entail 1 1/4 hour car journey. We don’t tend to spend long there but like to visit the Lakeland shop. We often travel on to either Mudeford Quay or the New Forest to make a day of it.
  7. Conditioner was available in Britannia balcony room. The hairdryer was not powerful and you need to keep the knob held down while using - I used a strong elastic band to keep it down.
  8. The only time I drink tea is with a cream tea. Coffee isn’t the same.
  9. I smear on a layer of cream as if it was butter, then jam, then cream. Keeps Devon and Cornwall happy!
  10. We saw the McDonald brothers on our first celebrity cruise in 2014. Absolutely loved them. Best act we have seen on a ship. When they sang 500 miles everybody joined in. It was a gala night and there were several gentlemen in kilts. We remembered them on X factor. So glad to hear they are still performing on ships.
  11. Thanks for posting this. So glad to hear of the improvements in Sir Samuel’s. We dined there on the second voyage. Service was the worst we received anywhere else onboard and the caviar and oysters were unavailable. Having seen your post I would be encouraged to give them another try.
  12. Thanks for this. Totally agree.
  13. Queen Victoria Voyage 511 Atlantic Coast and Iberia 14th April 7 nights 15th April Black and White 19th April Masquerade Thanks for doing this Blue Marble it is most appreciated.
  14. Sorry just noticed you are in Queens grill. Hope you can get it sorted.
  15. Sorry you have had difficulties already. Would you consider a switch to anytime dining if a two top is not available on fixed dining? We easily got an anytime two top each time on QA recently. Hope the rest of your voyage is happier.
  16. Have you checked the calendar in My Cunard? Our voyage on QV in April has already got gala nights noted.
  17. We too have had our marketing options tweaked by Cunard. After our voyage on QA we needed to contact Cunard regarding a missing refund. Once that was fixed I asked why we had not received the post cruise survey and was told our marketing options were not set up for surveys. We were surprised as we had done a couple of pre cruise surveys. The tweaks were made. Since then we have received a general survey and also a booking survey for a recently booked voyage. Time will tell if we get a post cruise survey next time.
  18. There was a sale of WiFi to coincide with the installation of Starlink WiFi. I am led to believe this is an unusual event.
  19. Sadly not possible.
  20. That’s the same as I got in Sardinia for my bite. It seemed to help.
  21. Yes the donkey sanctuary near Sidmouth. Lovely day out. Ham was fine, photo not the best.
  22. I had a bad bite (not sure if mosquito or another insect) while onshore in Cadiz a couple of years ago. We spent quite a bit of time at the next port searching for anti histamine cream. We always pack anti histamine now.
  23. This is a ploughman’s! (Purchased at a local donkey sanctuary) if I had had this - even half portions of this, I would have been happy.
  24. Having experienced a ploughman’s lunch in the Golden Lion on Queen Anne I would never dream of eating dinner there if it was available. Very small portions - and while we don’t want to eat a lot at lunch time the offerings were tiny. Worse than that the quality was well under par, quite different to food available everywhere else on the ship.
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