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Flatbush Flyer

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Everything posted by Flatbush Flyer

  1. All depends on which CD you’ve got. As aforementioned, Ray Carr is the “gold standard” for O. A morning show that’s so funny, people tune in just to see what the latest antics are. Minimal announcements as well.
  2. Brooklyn Boy here too. Beyond Brooklyn, the only other great bagels are Montreal.
  3. Certain CD announcements including port arrival info, midday (after the Captain’s report) and pre-dinner (evening activities) are the normal sequence of PA announcements. Some CDs add to that (which I agree is usually unnecessary). IMO: every new CD on O should be required to shadow Ray Carr for at least a week or two as part of their orientation.
  4. FWIW: Philly Cheese Steak is a relatively new item that was only an experiment on O not too long ago. I had one of the first ones made on Riviera and after returning it for something else, had a chat with both the Exec Chef and the GM about what exactly is a Philly Cheese Steak. I’ve had similar conversations across multiple O ships about certain other newly introduced “regional” American dishes including Lobster Rolls and Reuben Sandwiches. Suffice to say that it takes awhile (and enough passenger comments) but, O eventually gets most of it right. BTW: That earliest version of a Philly Cheesesteak was a small filet with melted cheese on top 😳.
  5. Most importantly, thanks to Hank for the “live from…” reporting on Vista. It’s the only O ship afloat that we haven’t been on. But, we’ll experience her on some ATW segments in 2026 (and actually will cruise on Allura first in autumn 2025). Somehow I missed the CC notification that Hank had begun his Vista review. So, I only just now read through the threads (carefully focused solely on his commentary and skipping those replies that basically amounted to whining about “issues” that are easily corrected by speaking with the crew member involved or, if necessary, a supervisor. FWIW, the cruise industry suffered an upheaval and, along with the influx of many new ships and cruise lines, one resulting issue has been a tremendous shortage of seasoned hotel staff which has, in turn created a wide spectrum of experienced service. It has particularly hit O hard where you may now find first time wait staff along side O’s traditional 5 to 10 year veterans. Interestingly, post-Covid stoppage, some O old timers (including several chefs and bartenders I know) “jumped ship” for a try at a competitor or new line. According to my sources, for most of them it was a “one and done” contract and they’ve returned to O (which treats its loyal crew very well). Have I noticed a post-Covid inconsistency in some service arenas onboard? Absolutely, but I have already witnessed improvement, particularly as first time staff return for a second contract (as most do). Time will tell. Back to Hank’s review. I debated about going through and responding to selected posts. But I decided, instead, to lump here my comments so far. Toscana! I am a first generation Sicilian-American who spent much of his childhood in the Red Hook/Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn - the Sicilian stronghold so accurately portrayed in the Nicholas Cage/Cher movie Moonstruck with its Cammareri Bros. bakery just a few doors down from my grandmother’s “walk up.” I know Sicilian food (whether native or descendant). I mention this because, if Hank’s lobster main was Toscana’s Aragosta Fra Diavola (“lobster, brother of the devil” [or “from the devil”]), what was placed before him (yes, red sauce!) was quite accurate and, if I had to fault anything with the dozens of times I’ve eaten it, it would be that it was not always as spicy as I prefer. From a different post, I noticed the comment about the Terrace orange juice, the solution to which has been “just ask for it.” Likewise, if you want an omelet made with fresh eggs (rather than the already prepped eggs), “just ask for it.” Same goes for cocktails: Want a true “Side Car?” Specify Hennessy VSOP, Cointreau and fresh squeezed lemon juice in a 2:1:1 ratio. It costs no more than a well swill drink with citrus mixer (and most O bartenders will remember your preference the next time you order it). Another item in the “live from …” review that caught my eye was Country Fair. That’s a long standing tradition on O ships during multiple sea days (as is the hilarious boat building competition and the quite challenging Art Scavenger Hunt which Hank may not yet have experienced). We enjoy all three activities (though it was sad to see the elimination of “wack a waiter” from the Country Fair lineup - the waiters too were sad to see it go). And then, there are the line-crossing (equator, IDL) ceremonies and some other itinerary dependent fun (and often educational) pastimes - each with some semblance of an experience aimed at creating a camaraderie among what often becomes an expanded group of O regulars. Thus, I hope we’ll hear more from Hank about his onboard engagement experiences. That said, I’ll limit my comments about O entertainment: If you want a Broadway show, go to Broadway! (Our 2025 Allura cruise is NYC-NYC and we’ll do a Broadway binge land stay as well.). And remember that the size of O ships imposes physical limitations on the nature of the entertainment provided. As for the late night ghost town perception, the O ships have far less passengers than most mass market ones and, on longer cruises, the demographic skews to 60 to 70+\- who generally are not there for the entertainment. (The lectures and cooking demos or classes, however, are a different story.) A final thought- am I an Oceania fan? Not really. What “loyalties” I have are only to people. What I am a fan of is a favorable Value to Quality quotient. And when I compare cruise industry segments (including bottom line costs and experiences), O, because of its excellence “here” and despite its shortcomings “there,” meets my needs for a good fit. And, I’m not alone in that determination. Apologies for the long post (but, it’s probably much better than a bunch of smaller - though not much shorter 😉 - ones). I hope that Hank will continue to enjoy the ship and the food and that he will take my advice to heart: If there’s anything that’s a reasonable concern onboard, say something. You may be surprised at how quickly it gets fixed.
  6. $25 fee applies to your own wine (bottle or glass from that bottle in ANY public space - not just restaurants.
  7. Aren’t you on Vista now? If so, how about a “live from…” report?
  8. You need to expand your horizons…. Try Polynesia and Hawaii. Even the Seychelles would blow away anything you’ll find in the Atlantic O or Caribbean Sea.
  9. Doesn’t matter. The U.S. Dollar is O’s standard currency.
  10. At any cruise price, there’s no contest. IMO, Sydney is a far better land visit than Tokyo. Tokyo is huge and there are a few good museums that set it apart if you’re into Asian history. Otherwise, it’s just another large/overcrowded (and VERY expensive) metropolis. Sydney, on the other hand, is a beautiful city that is far more interesting and “user friendly” in many ways.
  11. Exactly! There were only two questions of significance on that survey- both carefully worded/limited to elicit “support” of bad news for the current program. One was “which worse-than-now situation would you prefer?” And the other was to “rank order only 3 items” (instead of prioritizing all items) which, of course, will end up erroneously suggesting that the O Club is basically irrelevant. In addition, not having a space for written comments on that survey is unconscionable when so many of us who are O long-haulers are a tremendous resource for informing O’s corporate decision-making regarding the policies that directly impact the guest experience. Since the survey was sent under Neli Arias’ signature, I urge all of you who know Neli (or who have corresponded with her) over the years) to contact her with your concerns AND reasonable suggestions for actually improving the O Club experience. BTW: small though telling item: Have you noticed that the onboard O Club “Ambassadors” are now referred to only as “Future Cruise Consultants?” The seesaw has fully flipped from “service” to “sales.”
  12. Though it can get pricey, museum shops often have a selection of affordable originals/reproductions of historical/cultural significance. Likewise, indigenous art collectives in exotic locations are often worth the detective work to identify and find them. And don’t forget that a bit more research can identify authorized art restorers who have museum permission to manufacture/market certified “spot on” handmade reproductions of handicrafts in their collections.
  13. Duty Free shops anywhere are seldom (if ever) a better deal than at home in the US (even in locations with State Liquor Stores). On the other hand, in-port specialty liquor/wine shops and, in particular, excursions to your itinerary’s regional wineries/distilleries can mean some rare/real acquisitions/bargains for knowledgeable/discerning consumers. For example, certain varietal wines are very difficult to find outside of their country (or even their appellation) and may certain editions may only be available at the winery or distillery itself. Caricante wine (from a “postage stamp” sized Sicilian appellation) immediately comes to mind. Same holds true for spirits (like the oh-so-affordable/exquisite Dingle Gin from Ireland). That said, however, a little research back home can often find a U.S. distributor/specialty shop that can get what you want. Of course, however, the State Store predicament in some locations most often puts the screws to any hope of shipping from a different State. BTW: Anyone headed to SYD for a cruise? If so, check out the Red Bottle Wine Shop (formerly the Australian Wine Center) at Circular Quay (a short walk from the ship if it’s parked there). Also, is Ensenada a stop on a future cruise? If so, find a guide or excursion and head straight for Val de Guadalupe wineries and some excellent wines. The list goes on ….
  14. Surrounded by an ocean in a tropical climate area with a ton of port stop beaches and you’re worried about the size of the ship’s pool(s)???🤔
  15. O Lifers can convert existing bookings to SM. But, whether the resultant deal saves or costs you bottom line $ varies significantly since there appear to be no algorithm yet in play (nor will there be once all the O Life applicable cruises have occurred). FWIW: we had two recent cruises where we could switch. Only one would’ve gotten a “better” deal but the limited value wasn’t worth the hassle.
  16. Not necessarily. Recently, in Thailand, among all ATM machines we tried to use (that had our card’s logo), a couple of them rejected the cards (two different cards) while most ATMs were OK. And, for others (with little experience abroad) reading this thread, never use your credit card in an ATM machine since a cash withdrawal will immediately start the accumulation of interest on your entire CC balance. Also, be aware that some machines are bank ATMs while others are Exchange Bureau machines with significant transaction fees (e.g., Travelex). And I agree with others here who have said always indicate that you want your credit card charges made in local currency so that your regular home bank exchange rate and fees will be used (almost always a better deal than their banks).
  17. Good point. Just did a “book onboard.” The chosen cruise was on the O Club “10% off” list. Got that discount AND the “book onboard” low price match guarantee plus bonus SBC on the new cruise. BUT, there was no 5% book onboard fare discount added to the O Club 10% deal. O’s mantra (“No Double Dipping”) strikes again.
  18. As is often the case with O: what you read in the O website FAQs and “reality” can be vastly different things. Might I suggest that, as you approach your twentieth cruise credit, you contact the O Club folks in Miami and enquirer about what you’ve got in mind for your complimentary 2 weeks on an O ship. Come to an agreement and go from there. That’s what has worked for us.
  19. Add to that that O Connoisseurs Club TAs are the first to know about the upgrade availability and you can inform your TA if you’re interested and what would be your OK price.
  20. IMO: Partial canal transit is like kissing your sister. Nonetheless, it is possible.
  21. …until it’s a problem. (Just one of the reasons why most premium/luxury lines still require all passengers on all itineraries to have passports).
  22. In this case, N/A Could mean “not applicable” if the tour is under $200 (as was the case under O Life where U.P. folks paid no premium for them. That said, however, I do agree that, under O Life, Unlimited Passport, was most often not as good a bottom line deal as was the YWYW option.
  23. …but are still useless for international air travel. Not having a passport with 6 months expiration leeway? Not a problem until it’s a problem - a very costly problem.
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