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Everything posted by BND

  1. They just seem to be doing a lot in the first couple of weeks so you have to wonder.
  2. There's a couple of Caribbean island that requires a passport for cruisers. Martinique is one.
  3. Passport cards are really for people who drive to Canada or Mexico or do a closed loop cruise out of the US. Lots of people who live near a border but never fly overseas have them to go back and forth across the border. So, it is a cheaper alternative for those that have no plans to use a full passport.
  4. Hotels in Europe used to do that to guarantee people wouldn't skip out on their bill. No need to now with internet and ability to put a hold on a credit card. We had to leave ours in the early 80's at our hotels. No way I'd leave mine now.
  5. On Jewel for our 20 night b2b in Oct/Nov, D were restricted from 5-8 pm. They were allowed in the first half hour of happy hour at 430-5. No idea how it was enforced as we showed up at 6-630. We had so many top tiers onboard. We were doing the 10 night NJ to Quebec and 10 night back to NJ which isn't offered much so we had lots of Pinns and D and D+ onboard. If they hadn't restricted it, the D's alone would have taken up all the seating. As it was, if we got there before 6 or so, there was sometime no seating in the CL or overflow which was the entire VCL. We're on Wonder in just over 3 weeks so we'll see how that is.
  6. We don't do galley tours anymore. We've done a couple over the years. We prefer a bridge tour. The only thing I can think of is we had an issue at dinner with my fried chicken being underdone one night. We were sent a plate of macarons a day later. The invite showed up within a day after that if I remember correctly. We used to get invites all the time prior to covid. I've met people who have been given tours randomly. Also, I watched a group heading to the bridge when we were on Jewel last month. They had security escorting them and one was carrying the wand. We were on deck 10 where the bridge is located and they were heading that way. I assume it was suite guests.
  7. My BIL just got over it. All he had was a mild cough. Otherwise he felt perfectly fine. My sister had a bad headache for 4 days and mild flu symptoms for a couple of days. BIL could have definitely drank, sister, not really. We've never had it either and we've cruised 12 times since restart.
  8. My DH folds, rolls, whatever it takes to cram as much as possible into the bag. So far, nothing missing on any cruise. We only send socks, underwear, bras and tshirts.
  9. Um, the answer to the OP, is NO. Your friend needs to wait until their status allows them to leave the US and return. Parole status? Maybe on a probationary or pending status? Waiting for permanent status? No Royal cruise leaves and returns to the US without a distant foreign port. It's a violation of the PVSA. Otherwise as others have said, US based cruises, such as Mississippi river, Hawaii only.
  10. Sabor never sells out anyway. We booked it onboard for dinner a couple of days before we ate there. That said, we think their food is terrible so we won't be back.
  11. On Jewel, we had a lot of Pinns in the CL. I can't remember exactly how many but over 50 onboard each week. In fact, the couple we lowly D+ traveled with were Pinns. We saw the normal 4-6 people sitting together in groups and other than a few that were Pinns only, there was a real mix for the most part.
  12. I remember reading they don't, but I stand corrected. But, the point is OP didn't tell us it was a charter until their last post. We all know charters are different.
  13. Okay, because Royal doesn't do waitlists, especially now that they have the Royal Up program. A charter is an entirely different situation.
  14. We're D+ (607 pts now, 567 prior to our b2b on Jewel) and we were in a JS. No idea why. We just had an invite appear in our cabin.
  15. I know you asked firefly, but on Jewel in Oct/Nov we were offered a galley tour. That's my least favorite tour so we didn't go.
  16. That's the worst possible place to go in. Very dangerous.
  17. I edited my post to say there is no wall near where the ship is actually docked (it's just past that), but you still have to try pretty hard to go over the edge.
  18. The pier has a small "wall". How did he go off it? ETA, I just looked at a video and near where the ship docks there is no wall at that point.
  19. It is listed in the Compass and usually also posted on the bulletin boards. I've seen it listed/announced on every cruise we've been on.
  20. More and more ships are sailing with half the guests being D and above so maybe they've decided top tier should really mean the top and not the top half. I know on Jewel in Oct/Nov (b2b) while we didn't go D were invited but half the ship qualified. As I said we'll be on Wonder in a month and we'll see what changes have happened.
  21. LOL. Just because he got away with it once doesn't make it allowed. It's like all the people who respond to a question about extension cords on cruises and someone posts the exact rules, there's always a couple who say that they do it and have never had a problem. Duh, that isn't the issue. Not getting caught doesn't translate into allowed. Also, why do we need to know he is a "Tik Tok influencer"? I know, he makes great contributions to society smh.
  22. Interesting. On Jewel last month they collected our invites to Cheers with an Officer when we arrived. They also checked us off a list. We're on Wonder in Jan so we'll see if they're doing the same. I'm sure it's going to be fleet wide, if it isn't already.
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