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Everything posted by bucfan2

  1. When ya cruise again, you'll find it's pretty desolate at the safety drill.
  2. Must admit I'm well aware....wasn't necessarily a very good rule follower back in the day, and far from touchy-feely. (Wife would say there's still plenty of room for improvement in the former....baby steps in the latter). 😉
  3. Thank you for the info...never knew that. Although we'd never use it, we've cruised w/ friends that would have (if I hadn't misinformed them to stay clear lol).
  4. Again, never considered that. And having the same cabin if far from 'the whole idea' for us doing a b2b, although it certainly has its benefits. (I wasn't clear on 'room steward handing bags'...that includes remaining in same room). Just trying for determine where/what/whatever gives a b2b'er approval for accessing the halls. Guess it's the little touch of 'rule follower' in me that wants to make sure I'm doing just that. If the answer is 'slip out/in real quick', I guess the other 6K pax on an Oasis class ship could argue the same.
  5. They don't mind at all....love having you at the table. The odds are in their favor based on 'perfect strategy play' from the players. They'll welcome you.
  6. That's interesting....never heard of it/considered it. Is this in the 'fine print' somewhere, part of the 'secret handshake', or just an assumed benefit? I can see being in a GS/CL/etc on a b2b and this warranting consideration.
  7. Wow, never knew that b2b's were allowed to do that. Room steward's have always handled our bags. Don't see us changing it up, as we have no need to be disruptive while they're all doing their changeover.
  8. Not much is 'great' all the time (and hasn't been for us either)....and that includes cruising. I took your 'some people can't handle reality' comment as directed at positive responses/experiences (beings how it was in the middle of the discussion). If it wasn't directed at me, I apologize. If it was, you were slamming.
  9. OK...I'll call it out. Reality from the 8 cruises since the restart, or your reality/facts from the recliner? I stated my opinion from recent cruises...that opinion is based on our factual experience. Anyone w/ something positive to say is accused of being a cheerleader....are you continuing to cheer for failure? You've claimed 'no' when asked before...got me wondering.
  10. Not at all....just playin' around. Gets boring reading these never-ending threads on dress/tip/chair/etc...but I continue to do so.
  11. Agree. "your clothes should be clean, neat, free of rips, tears, stains and pictures/words that you wouldn't want your grandmother to see/read".....that's too much bandwidth.
  12. IMO, I highly doubt there is an issue w/ 'Kitchen talent'. Problem w/ quantity of kitchen talent (due to shortage of staff)? Certainly a possibility. Overall problem w/ kitchen talent? Highly doubted. You stated "The reality is if the food quality is down, most likely the people cooking the food have changed". That's certainly one possible contributor. We all could speculate and add an infinite number of additional 'possible' contributors. (Once again, my opinion. And don't apply the job to convince me about anything...you wouldn't be a good fit).
  13. Purely subjective, and hope you get opinions that help you determine what's best for you. Bottom line: The price will fluctuate as necessary for the cruise line bean counters to know it's 'worth it'.
  14. That’s awesome. For our upcoming cruise (Symphony), we were notified 17 days prior (OB to CL)…pretty excited. If we ever cross paths, I’ll buy ya a drink and we’ll chat airplanes.
  15. Room for improvement there...our arrangement is exactly opposite. 😂
  16. You now have several answers that are potentially correct. Only one we can assume that's correct - electronically.
  17. For us, we received one 17 days prior and one 3 days prior. Some have received them as late as after sail away. Nobody knows.
  18. Agree for the most part. We did get a 2BR GS in AK, and have a CL coming up. We initially book the cat/cabin we desire, and if we upgrade at a price we’re happy w/, great. If not, that’s great too.
  19. Guess that’s how they get the thread count so high. Tried to scroll past them….gave up after 25 min.
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