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Everything posted by Angel57

  1. What a worry for you…… Hoping your Dad is back home again soon. 😘
  2. Do it….. you will never regret it. My friends and I still talk about all our adventures from our Aurora world cruise in 2012…..
  3. Teddy is braver than Freddie - he just dances on the edge! Teddy looks like he’s having a grand time!
  4. Have a great cruise! Look forward to hearing what it’s like.
  5. Agree. I’d love to see that Lab performing on board and would suggest he has more musicality in his tail than some of the artistes we have endured!
  6. Yep, Freddie thought he should be given extra treats to mark the day!
  7. Freddie and I have just had a lovely morning in Poole. The weather here today is just perfect. I hope everyone has a great Bank Holiday weekend (and dare I say it, it is the last one before Christmas!!!)
  8. I just googled them too (what did we do before tinternet). I’ve never seen anything like them before.
  9. Wow. Teddy is a very handsome chap and I bet he is pleased to be going away with you to Wales where there may be lots of muddy puddles to get utterly muddy and smelly!……
  10. @grapau27happy anniversary to you both. Have a wonderful day and maybe treat yourselves to a nice meal out? 😀🎉 @Dermotsgirlhappy anniversary for last Monday! 🎉
  11. So sorry to hear about your Mum. You must be going through a rollercoaster of emotions…… Look after yourself.
  12. Absolutely. This thread and the sheer range of topics that have been discussed over the last few years has been an absolute joy. It has kept me (relatively) sane and also kept my interest alive in cruising. I love to read and see all your posts. Long may it continue!
  13. Oh no. Sorry to hear you are positive. Hope you had a good holiday.
  14. Sorry to hear you positive and altho not great timing, at least it’s not interfering with your holiday. Look after yourself!
  15. I would agree with your daughter-in-law. Would never go again. I’ve been on several World cruises to many destinations and Tangiers is the one place I felt really uncomfortable.
  16. How are you doing Josy? Losing someone with such a long and loving link to our past is such a blow. Gill x
  17. So delighted that your mobility scooter found it’s way home to you. I hope your hospital appointment goes ok this morning.
  18. I did that tour 20 years ago. It also included a night’s stay at The Empress on Victoria Island the night before boarding ship…… wow - loved that hotel. Fantastic holiday.
  19. I would suggest you go down to the Loyalty Desk on board and ask about them about your points and membership. Enjoy your cruise.
  20. Let’s hope your mobility scooter turns up soon - perhaps it never left the departure airport…… but how they could lose one is beyond me. Let’s hope you get good news soon. I also hope it is covered under insurance. Glad you had a great holiday up to that point tho. Gill x
  21. Scary isn’t it…. 32c here in Dorset. Parts of Studland (near Swanage) are on fire and I suspect there will be a lot more incidents before any rain comes on Monday. I hope everyone keeps safe.
  22. Just returned home after 5 wonderful days away in Cheshire for my goddaughter’s wedding. How lovely it was to see everyone joining in and enjoying themselves. However as someone who has so far dodged you know what, I do wonder what the next few days will bring 🤣🤣 It’s going to take me ages to catch up on the last 5 days of posting on here tho! But, so sorry to hear about the accident by your house Indiana - sounds very dodgy indeed! Enjoy your McDonalds!
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