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Everything posted by PatandStu

  1. I’ve also sent a email voicing my displeasure……for what it’s worth. Pat
  2. I’ve also sent an email voicing my displeasure….for what it’s worth. I’m scent-sensitive and I can’t imagine walking through a casino where vaping is allowed, much less stopping for a while to give X more of my hard-earned dollars.
  3. Our flight is September 15. Fingers crossed everything settles before, or after, then!
  4. Any of our recent flights through YYZ or YUL our bags were checked right through to Ottawa. One agent assured me this was an Air Canada only thing. I am not particular to AC; rather, I’m particular to cost & length of layover (we can’t seem to get a direct flight from Ottawa to anywhere). We also have Nexus & TSA pre-approval. Our duty free was opened, examined & re-sealed & we carried it on from there to Ottawa.
  5. Pinboy, I cashed in my empties & drained my piggy bank but the Senators snubbed my offer!
  6. As I read comments, I’m thinking as a first time cruiser on X with no previous history for comparison, I might not be disappointed. In February, our first post-Covid cruise, and 5th on NCL, we were disgruntled enough to try something new. As I previously stated, I pay for relaxation, the opportunity to visit new places, good service & food quality and prep better than I can make for myself at home. If I get all those, then I’m a happy cruiser.
  7. We are trying X for the first time in September after a disappointing NCL cruise in February. Our ta found us a great deal and suggested we try X. But it’s funny, in talking to my brother & nephew (who are planning a fall NCL cruise) the things we found “lacking” wouldn’t bother them a bit. I read reviews with a very open mind. I do love the relaxation aspect, but for the money charged, I believe we should get good service & food at least slightly better than what I can prepare for myself at home. We are decent tippers, but I like to see a good level of service before I hand over the first greenbacks. With this being our first X cruise (Equinox in a standard veranda room) our only hope is the stuff we found lacking in NCL are present in X. We have one dinner reserved at Murano to celebrate our anniversary, but for the rest we’ll try MDR. We are not buffet fans, other than for a fast breakfast on excursion days or for a late afternoon snack. I’ll submit an honest review on this site when we’re home.
  8. Does the cabin have a light up, magnifying make up mirror? Or shall I bring my own? Pat
  9. One more quick question: does celebrity punch holes in the key card? On our last NCL cruise they did not, and we found it a nuisance to take it out of the Amazon holders we bought so cards could be swiped at each bar and restaurant. I don’t like carrying a purse and not all my sundresses have pockets.
  10. I’ve booked Murano for the 3rd sea night. It would work perfectly if that is indeed chic night. If not, we’re ok-we’ll do our thing and not worry about what others are doing. Pat
  11. Booked Murano for a sea night. Took all our onboard credit & then some. Hopefully it lives up to its reputation. Booked a golf cart for Bonaire. Now, need advice on the best beach on Aruba. thanks everyone for all the help so far. Pat
  12. Bigger discount onboard? That’s different than the photo you posted that clearly says “always lower than on board”.
  13. I don’t see an option to book a restaurant, only to buy a dining package. Do I have to wait till after final payment?
  14. When can we book a specialty restaurant? We don’t want the package, just one dinner. Pat
  15. I realize this may vary from cruise to cruise, but we are trying to book Murano on Equinox and prefer to do it on a chic night. Our 8 day cruise in Sept to ABC has 2 sea days, followed by 3 port days, then 2 more sea days. Any insight would be appreciated. Pat
  16. Did you manage to get a day pass? We’d be interested for our September cruise.
  17. Unfortunately, moving cabins at this point results in more $. It was an awesome deal and I’m not sure the added cost will be worth it. I don’t mind walking - it’s not as large a ship as my previous cruises. As far as motion, neither of us is affected. I’ll have my ta keep an eye out for pricing on the suggestions though! Appreciate it. Pat
  18. TA checked, angled balconies mid-ship are not part of the sweet deal we got. We’ll stay where we are. Looking forward to celebrating my Dutch heritage on this cruise! Pat
  19. Why move? From the photos, it looks like balconies closer to midship look down in the lifeboats.
  20. We are in a prime balcony forward deck 9. My ta assures me we have gratuities, drink package & wifi included but I don’t see it on my reservation-I’ve asked her to screenshot it for me. I’ve been “burned” by promises before although this is a reputable agent in a reputable agency.
  21. Thanks for all the tips, taking notes! I think we’re in a prime room? As far as drinks package, I don’t know. TA is sending conf email tomorrow-will all those details be listed?
  22. Golden Palace! Their big 1/2 price egg rolls sale is next week! Lineups start at 8am & go around the block!
  23. We’ve booked the Equinox to the ABC islands in September. We are Celebrity newbies but we have several cruises under our belts. Me more than DH because I’ve travelled a few times with my parents. We’ve sailed Disney, RCI, Carnival and NCL. What should we know about Celebrity & Equinox in particular? I usually research our vacations to the nth degree and had another line in mind, but our ta found us a sweet deal on Equinox. So, I’m ready to absorb others experiences & advice. Thanks, Pat
  24. What did you “hate”? Everyone has different things that are important. We do like good food so I’m thinking we may have to spring for some specialty dining.
  25. That won’t wok for us. DH cannot function with the drapes closed.
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