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Everything posted by flare3192

  1. Can you own it in an IRA or must it be a personal account? I called and was told an IRA is ok but wondered if anyone did it this way Thanks
  2. when do you have to have the stock to use this -- we have a cruise in July -- if we buy 100 shares now will we get the benefit and how do we do it? Thank you
  3. I am new to this but it seems to me that business class air is getting more difficult for the cruise lines to get at a lower rate as they did in the past. Apart from all the mileage upgrades, people are purchasing business class themselves. I know I have. So I think this is a way to pass on more of the cost to of the air to us. They are trying to make it sound as if we have more of a choice -- we have always had the choice to accept their price for the included business class air or find our own air -- business or otherwise. We are doing our first cruise with Regent in July and part of the thing I liked was the included air because it was a bit less than I could find on my own. However, in the past I have done my own because I like the control if I need to change something. I am skeptical of this being good.
  4. Thank you for all the replies -- I will use their laundry happily!
  5. I know laundry is included but I wanted to know if they follow instructions -- ie if you want something hung up and not in the dryer or if you want something in the dryer on low. We were at a hotel recently that told us they would hang to dry but ended up drying them on high as best we can figure. Several items were ruined with permanent creasing. Pants my husband has been washing and drying and leaving overnight in the dryer came out without wrinkles but now they are permanently creased and same for me. So before I consider letting someone do the laundry I want to be sure if you say dry on low they do that and if you ay hang to dry they will follow those instructions Thanks
  6. I have had this happoen as well -- mostly the first fight from Atlanta disappears as there are no nonstops-- if the airline changes the equipment this can happen and or if the airline cancels or changes the flight this can happen. You have to get them to book it again and you may not get the same seats. The only way to prevent this that I know of is to have them ticket you before the 60 days out they ordinarily do. When ticketed you have a little more control over the seats or if things change I was told -- have never tried that so I am not sure and someone here will probably address that
  7. I am from Atlanta. We leave July 19 as we did pay for a deviation. There are no nonstops to Reykjavik so we must do a stop and change of planes. Asking for Delta over Icelandair was expensive so I took Icelandair. Originally we were Atl Bos Kef but that disappeared and then we were Atl Jfk Kef which is fine but two or three times when I checked my itinerary with Regent, the Atl Jfk mysteriously disappeared and we were leaving from JFK. We have been able to get them to put the ATL JFK leg back. But each time the seats change as well. I understand they normally ticket 60 days out which is May 20. I was told if I had them go ahead and ticket I would be able to change seats and deal directly with the airlines for any time changes and seats. I am within the penalty period -- just not 100% yet. I know we could still do our own air but the cost was about double so I used theirs. On our own the flight schedule was not better than what I have with them
  8. What I meant about disappearing is the airline schedule on rssc had atl jfk reykjavik and the o would look and the atl jfk is nit part of my record. They bring me back to atlanta but have me leave from jfk. I would do delta to go but that option was very expensive. I do have delta back from London but forced to change planes in Boston.
  9. When I wanted to change the assigned seats they told me they would not do that until they ticket 60 days out and then we can adjust. She did tell me that since it is paid for I can request ticketing and then I could adjust seats. I know that flights change all the time but I prefer it under my control than having to call them to do it for me. Sometimes they are difficult to deal with or they just don't understand. We leave in July but I am not sure I gain anything by waiting. Wanted to know if I am missing anything or if there is a reason to wait to ticket
  10. The cruise is paid for and I am wondering if there is any downside to having them ticket the air before the 60 days. Would this give me more control over seats and missing flights? Three times since January the first leg of our trip has disappeared from our file. We leave from Atlanta to Reykjavik but there are no nonstop flights and we have been routed through NY and Boston but the AtL JFK part disappears or the ATL Boston disappear. The closer it gets the more I am concerned that I won't get flights or have to do something crazy like AtL Seattle to Reykjavik
  11. Thank you -- I wanted to do Patagonia next year and you have convinced us to do a cruise. I plan to do pre and post on my own and am not sure exactly where we will go but we may try to go to one of the parks and stay for a couple of days. to experience more of patagonia. I also want to do Isauzu falls and atacama as well. If any one has any tours they did would appreciate knowing about them
  12. we are coming in early cruise and got a hotel room at Hilton Iceland Parliament for about $465 including breakfast. That is for July 20. We also booked two nights July 23-25 Center Migdargur for about $350 a night but these have been booked in January. I do not think a 4 star hotel centrally located in Reykjavik can be had for less than $400-$500 a night. ' I always book cancellable pay at hotel rates. If you prepay and have no cancellation or changes allowed you can save about $50. We debated Concierge but we are doing our own thing pre and the extra wifi wasn't worth the cost. I do think what they are doing is crappy. They should find you a room.
  13. I am glad we are not concierge and did not rely on Regents for the room. We have reservations at two different hotels in Reykjavik as we come in early so we needed a room on both ends. The amount offered does not cover the cost. And we got specials and good rates. I ave cruised very little and this is the first time with Regent and watching this board is concerning me. My air has changed a few times with them dropping off my origination city. The excursions are in doubt. I really hope we don't regret this as I am excited about seeing Iceland.
  14. we came back from the Galapagos a few weeks ago. We chose to go with ecoventura which has 3 ships that hold 20 passengers each. We chose that one because they are required to have a guide for every 16 passengers so we had 2 guides. Also the women's wet suits are full length. Most lines have full length for men and shorties for women. The islands are volcanic islands with the ones to the east having been formed earlier and they are older and any hotels etc are on them. The western islands are newer with no civilization on them. We chose to do that itinerary. Every ships itinerary is decided by the park service that is in charge of the islands. the order and activities are predetermined by them. That said our trip was magical and I can't say enough good things about it. No ship is allowed to have more than 100 passengers. The smaller ships can get into places the larger ships can't go. We landed on islands every day for about a 2 hour walk. We also snorkled every day. Sometimes we had an additional landing. Sometimes we had a zodiac ride. Sometimes we kayaked. My concern was the rooms are small. However, suitcases fit under the bed and there were drawers, a closet and several hooks to hang things up. The shower was excellent and about 4x3 feet. Ecoventura is aligned with relais and chateaux brand. Our guides were wonderful. Both were born in the Galapagos and had about 30 years experience. I do understand Celebrity has 3 ships -- one with about 100 passengers, one with about 50 and one with about 16. The number of ships in the Gallapagos are all that are allowed to be threre. If, for example, Viking wanted to go there they would have to buy an existing ship and they could replace it with their own but it could not have more than 100 passengers. And the crew will be Ecuadorian. We combine this with a boat cruise on the Napo river which is part of the Amazon basin.
  15. We have one night in Reykjavik before the cruise on July 20 I need to find a hotel for. I have considered the Sand hotel and the Hilton Consulat or the Iceland Parliament. I know the Canopy is favored but I was trying to keep cost less than $500 for the night. Feedback and suggestions are appreciated
  16. I look at it that the money spent on the cruise is gone. Getting some back if something happens is nice but I am more concerned with something happening while on the cruise or trip that I need medical treatment or something else. I don't want unexpected expenses. So if, for example , I spent $30,000 for my husband and myself I may insure $10,000 for him and $7,500 for myself. I take the risk that I would lose $12,500 and limited the amount of insurance cost. My husband is younger so I give him more as it costs less. We are covered for air, sickness, delayed flights, lost luggage etc. I may spend $1,500 less on insurance and if I do that 10 times it is a break even if I lose some on a trip. I know not everyone looks at it that way. We just got back from Ecuador and the Galapagos. Just before we left there were curfews in place and military actions against the drug trade. If we had cancelled the trip we would have lost everything in spite of the insurance as that is not covered unless the cruise and airlines cancelled -- it was not my call. We went and had a magical time. But many people cancelled and lost everything they paid including the insurance. So I really look at what I am willing to lose vs what I want to pay for.
  17. if we are already booked but not ticketed on delta will they change the flight
  18. We are on the same cruise and they would not let us take the 12:45 flight to Atlanta as that was what we wanted. They insisted we could not book one before 1:00. So we have a 1:00 fight to NYC and then a connection to Atlanta. They told us w could not have a flight before 1. So I would think that any flight after 1:00 would be ok. I am jealous of you Mahogany!
  19. The $75 fee to talk to the air department is deducted from the $175 per person deviation fee if you accepted their deviation. So the 75/2=37.50 and 175-37.50= 137.50 which is what you are seeing.
  20. Is Woodford Reserve included or an upcharge
  21. can you get Regent to ticket earlier -- when you have paid instead of their normal 60 or so days out? I know you could request that on Viking
  22. One of the advantages to me of a cruise is not having to pack and move every day. One of the disadvantages is that it is so short a time -- When I spend a few days somewhere I have the opportunity to see more of the location. Some days one day is enough to see most of what is there but many destinations have a lot to offer. And without having to rush back to a ship you can have a more leisurely excursion. I understand that many of you have been cruising for years and gone back to the same place multiple times so over time you have seen more of the area. I think it is a difficult thankless job to figure out the itineraries and how long to stay in a port. I personally welcome multiple nights in a port BUT I think that needs to be disclosed before you book so that you can decide if it is a good fit for you. Changing the itinerary after people have booked them is not a fair way to do business.
  23. Cooking Classes.I am trying to choose between these two. Has anyone taken these and what would the menu be potentially? Thanks
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