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Everything posted by Toofarfromthesea

  1. You do realize that people from small towns, or limited education (that supported sufficient prosperity to allow them to cruise) have access to all of the modern conveniences like TV and the internet, and are just as likely to know something about art as you might. And it has been my experience that these kinds of people tend to have strong values and strong common sense when to comes to avoiding scam-like operations. Like art sales on cruise ships.
  2. For me the whole generation thing is foolish. Whenever someone is born, the defining characteristic is the person, not the generation. I have 2 "millennial" daughters, and they both have the outlook, values, and goals of someone in the "greatest" generation or the boomers. And I now live in a somewhat upscale 55+ community and I meet people in the 60-80+ range who would fit right in with the "millennial" stereotypes.
  3. https://vivaexpeditions.com/blog/why-visit-ushuaia-the-end-of-the-world-is-the-beginning-of-an-unforgettable-adventure
  4. I think it is bad planning to use the cruise line air option in a situation where you can't catch up to the ship, if it isn't going to be bringing you in a day or two early. Although even that is precarious in these days of increased flight delays and cancellations. But they do make it imperative to plan to get in a day (or more) prior to scheduled embarkation. The best solution to the problem you describe is avoiding the problem so you don't have to try to solve it, IMO.
  5. Sounds both cool and fun. I bet after a few days one or another of the ships officers will wander by to kibbitz, and maybe give you some tips.
  6. Pictures of your family to give to staff in lieu of tips.
  7. They're only essential to Amazon's bottom line.
  8. Here is something that is actually true: once something becomes politicized the truth about it becomes undiscoverable. The history of science is replete with politically enforced consensuses* that turned out to be false from before Galileo to today. * I was surprised to learn that the plural of consensus was consensuses, not consensi. It's not a word whose plural is seen much.
  9. Are there any stats available about the current number of cruising passengers compared to pre-pandemic 2019?
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