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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Wow, you're lucky. I don't know the exact number of our sailing before yours, but they said the ship was full and the inside areas were almost always very, very crowded. Given the capacity the numbers had to be similar. The theater (at least for the early show) was very full. Rarely could find a seat at or near the Martini bar. Rendezvous was just about as crowded most of the time. Casino was very, very busy most nights (less so during the day). People were lined up by the dozens at dinner time waiting to get into Select dining. Was not at all unusual to see 10 people in line at Cafe al Bacio (nothing against the staff, they were very efficient). Blu needing to give out beepers regularly. Wonder why the difference? Maybe your cold weather was less cold than ours -we had a good amount of high wind and some rain which made it worse.
  2. I started cruising again last September - they never took our temperatures back then.
  3. All good information. Unfortunately even antigen tests can show positive for some time. It took me 13 days from symptom start to show a negative test. Frustrating. But I agree - definitely should do antigen rather than PCR which can show positive for weeks, or even months.
  4. True, it is much more of a cooler than a fridge. If anyone needs a real fridge for medicine storage, they need to contact special needs and get an actual refrigerator for their use.
  5. The best way to handle feedback is while onboard. Praise where it is needed, and if there are real issues raise them to the appropriate person so things can be rectified.
  6. I've had to switch to a different browser just to log in. Frustrating.
  7. Yes, and I wish it wasn't. It used to be that you had to prove an early flight to do it. I understand that. Now anyone can. So what happens? People who have early flights and really need it get stuck in lines hundreds of passengers long. Want to catch an elevator in the early morning? Good luck. Loaded with luggage and people. Need to go anywhere near the exit area in the morning? Again, good luck. Stumbling over crowds of people and tons of luggage trying to get back to Blu for breakfast. Have the bad luck to get behind all too many of a certain age (of which I am as well for the record) or a small size, struggling like crazy to move more darn luggage than they can reasonably handle, inching down the hallways, I just wish people would show a little more consideration for others - something that seems to be in short supply these days. If you really need to do it, fine. But if you are just driving a few miles home from the ship and can wait for those who need it to clear out, please do so. In fact, just put it out and wait for your number to be called to make life easier for others. A little kindness and consideration would go a long way. End of rant.
  8. I am just saving mine for now. With a potential winter surge in cases it is very possible testing could become the norm again. When they near expiration date, I will just use them as I would any other test at home if I felt I needed one for some reason
  9. How someone dresses doesn't necessarily affect me per se, although there is such a thing as ambiance and that is one thing I am in fact paying for. But having too many people on ships with the attitude of "it's my vacation so I'll do whatever I want and the heck with the rules" does. That's what bothers me with the current dress code enforcement or non-enforcement. I realize Celebrity is struggling to recover and I understand they don't want to anger their customers. So my real issue is with the "always me first and rules only apply to other people" passengers. Most passengers on Celebrity used to care about manners and consideration for others. It's sad to see that falling short lately. Unfortunately that's an issue with society in general these days. Very sad.
  10. I confess I am so jealous! Onyx level (second lowest) and have been on many Celebrity cruises and get absolutely no offers. I have many cruises already booked in the next year. Wonder if that is actually working against me? Meaning I already am a steady customer so why tempt me? I am going on some of the cruises people are mentioning they are getting for free, only I am paying the full load. Just doesn't seem very fair to me. Very curious about how they actually choose who to send the free offers to? Does anyone have any insight on that? I know people who gamble a lot get freebees and I have no issue with that. I'm talking about the people who rarely, if ever, gamble.
  11. Ten cruises since the pandemic and enjoyed every single one of them! Different in some ways but still very enjoyable.
  12. It all depends on the weather and other conditions as noted above. Your ports aren't tender ports so they aren't subject to cancellations due to sea conditions like Grand Cayman for example. Any island tour director worth my money would offer refunds if for some reason the ship cannot dock. I would never book with one who did not, on principle if nothing else. I suggest double checking their policies. Virtually all of them who generally will not allow cancellations will make an exception if the ship can't dock.
  13. It really depends on the ship and sailing. I also recently sailed Summit and it was completely full, with very few cabins reserved for quarantine so they let people quarantine in their cabins (which IMHO all ships should do anyway!). It was a colder weather cruise so everyone was inside most of the time and the facilities were wall to wall people. It was no surprise that near the end of the sailing they announced masks inside due to Covid cases Also sailed Eclipse this summer to Alaska and at the time it was the highest percentage capacity yet as of that time. Being a bigger ship it didn't feel nearly as crowded as Summit and was not experiencing the staffing shortage/new staff barely trained that Summit struggled with. They did the best they could but it was a challenge
  14. My advice is stay by the airport. There are a number of nice hotels there (we like the Embassy Suites, or for less $$ the Hampton Inn). You have to taxi or Uber from the airport to somewhere anyway. Might as well stay close to the airport and just transport in the morning. Less expensive, nice restaurants nearby, casino in the property, walk to a grocery store if you like, or the beach. We've done it that way a number of times. Since it's only for one night no need to pay more $$ to stay closer to the port IMHO. I don't know of any hotels near the port that offer free shuttles. And if you haven't booked your flight yet I personally would recommend coming in a couple days before. There aren't that many flights to PR from most places and if something goes amok with your flight there will be fewer back-up options with the full flying planes these days.
  15. Not sure about weather, but there can be some choppy seas in particular around the area where the US and Mexico meet. We've sailed that itinerary a number of times and never had any serious issues. Our worst seas were in the spring in the Gulf of Mexico - 30'. You just never know for sure.
  16. I think this is a ridiculous argument. Requiring them to mask up is a business decision and condition of employment they agreed to when signing their contract. Doctors and nurses are required to wear masks. Are they second class citizens? It's a question of what is needed to effectively run the business. Ships cannot afford a large outbreak onboard among their staff. They're at sea, there are no backups or temporary replacements waiting in the wings. They need to do all they can to protect their staff. And for the record I think the staff are wonderful! I am personally friends with a number of them from cruising a lot over the years. Always big hugs when we meet (pre-covid) and communication on FB. They are in no way second class citizens to me!
  17. Currently on my 9th cruise since restart. Only noticed some downgrade of service on one (current) which is fully booked and crew struggles to keep up. There have been issues getting some wines and on some ships food portions are a little smaller but I've managed to gain weight on each trip! The biggest difference, now that testing is being canceled or changed, is what happens if you get Covid. Quarantined for a minimum of 5 days and cannot be released until testing negative. Causes many to not report and others to suffer through the situation. Stressful either way.
  18. The issue is that the app is not always current. My sailing on Summit had info on ports cancelled days ago due to the hurricane. Another issue is demographic. Celebrity trends older, and often much older. A good number of the much older crowd (not all I know) don't have smart phones.
  19. Easily. Hmmmm. Maybe. We've had a cruise begin disembarkation in Lauderdale at 9:30 due to customs delays. And this person is flying internationally. I'd agree with probably but IMHO easily is pushing it.
  20. I guess because you were actively using the chairs it's a bit different. At the same time by taking that space all day it prevents others from having a chance for those prime spots. Not sure after all that's all that much different. I find that same issue in the spa on the heated seats. People park there for hours, even sleeping there. As there aren't too many I think that's pretty selfish. After awhile I just gave up trying.
  21. I am currently in a deck 9 cabin on Summit and I disagree strongly that there is no noise. The thumping and jogging type noises start around 6 am and last all day sometimes into the night. When the band plays, in the cabin you hear thump thump thump until they stop. We are a few cabins fore of the elevators. I recommend booking further aft. I like deck 11 except on warm weather (Caribbean) cruises as without a cover the sun beats down and it can be sweltering on the balcony.
  22. Breakfast in Blu is rarely fully crowded. As to dinner. I have been on ships in Blu when the maitre d' would seat suites guests even when Blu was jammed and there were literally a dozen people in line. It is supposed to be subject to availability only and glad to hear that is often endorsed. It's only fair as Blu guests have just one assigned restaurant. On many ships in Luminae you can ask for dishes from other restaurants as well.
  23. I am currently on Summit and haven't seen any crew without masks
  24. The answer to the OP is yes they do but if possible buy ahead of time in case they run out.
  25. Yes I would call that weird. I am subject to seasickness and have sailed on 70+ cruises. I should give up my favorite vacation because sometimes I need to take a harmless pill? Not gonna happen.
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