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Everything posted by AndyMichelle

  1. Sounds like 3 workers were injured dismantling the structure, doesn't sound too serious, 1 was taken to hospital. Andy
  2. Mayflower park is closed at the moment for a couple of days due to a marquee collapsing, injuring people. Andy
  3. Thanks Dai, I found them. Not a great deal that tickled our fancy but booked a couple of the shows. We have fixed dining at 8.30, so the late show suits us. Just hoping we can get Epicurean booked once on board. Not packed yet, but I expect it will be done by the weekend. See you in the Crow's Nest... Andy
  4. And vice versa. It is important that good experiences are shared as well as bad to help us make decisions about our future cruising, which is why most of us come here. I am so sorry you had such a bad experience, nobody should be treated like that and I would be calling out the staff if I witnessed it. Take care. Andy
  5. Hi, We get on Britannia as you get off. Our cruise personaliser says 2 formal nights on our 7 night cruise. We haven't been able to book the theatre yet? Definitely layers needed for Norway. We have basked in sunshine and been soaked through on the same cruise... I believe you have to visit your muster station as you board but it seems that it is a very simple process now. As for the app, it does seem to be part of life now. Have a great time, Andy
  6. We seem to have time preference, it's only the table size that is to be confirmed. Andy
  7. That's it, I'm cancelling!!! My friend Zap stubbed his toe and didn't even get on board credit or an apology from Paul Ludlow... Disgusting behaviour 😂😂😂 But, being serious, I'm very grateful for all the feedback, good and bad, it really helps us returning cruisers. Andy
  8. Probably not, but there is no doubt there are some changes some passengers are experiencing that are a concern. The truth is, P&O have never been perfect but offered enough to enable many of us to keep coming back. Reading between the lines, they still do. Check out some of the very recent posts from regular posters who's opinions we trust, the Presto2, TigerB, Deelitefull, BillY and many others and although there are some negatives in there, there is enough to make me know we will still have a fantastic time. People understand change, as long as it works. If its not working for us, we will have to adapt our expectations and act accordingly. It's a tough world and P&O are no different to any business that needs to adapt and so do we... The main issue is elements of the changes are taking time to work for some people and I feel/hope P&O are working to correct these accordingly. I have no doubt we will experience a different offering, but hopefully have gleaned enough knowledge from others who have been good enough to share their experiences/opinions both good and bad, to enable us to adapt accordingly. Andy
  9. Yeah, when you put it like that... 😂 I quite like the idea of the hole in the wall spitting out cases😂 Andy
  10. Uh oh... Just read elsewhere that a passenger travelling soon on Britannia called P&O to ask if they could drop their luggage off a bit early and was told absolutely not, they would be turned away... If true, that's my solution of dropping the luggage and walking to Oxford Street for lunch out of the window... Andy
  11. Unfortunately not... We have seen many an occasion where items are picked up by hand and put back in the buffet... In fairness, all pre lock down. Don't get me started on the notorious 'bun sniffer' who seemed to have an obsession with picking up items like bread and fruit, sniffing them, then putting them back!!! Also heard a story about someone licking utensils and placing back in the curry, but I never witnessed that. Staff observed this and said and did nothing... Andy
  12. We have done Limelight a few times, booked early to get good seats and always had a great time. I don't really want to queue and I don't want to sit behind a pillar, so probably won't go. Another night in the Epicurean beckons... I will join the queue 😂 Andy
  13. Just wondered if any of you have seen Kevin Simm and was he any good? I expect he has a great voice, but does he put on a good show and interact? In a nutshell, is he worth the extra 20 quid and having to queue early to get a decent seat as seems you have to do these days... Andy
  14. Still open now, local press say 'later this month' Andy
  15. It closes at the end of this month, so you might just catch it Dai... Andy
  16. Then, unfortunately, if you arrive early, your only option is to wait outside in the queue... P&O are not budging and this is how it is for now. If you can't physically walk for 10 mins to Oxford Street, won't get a taxi, are worried about getting robbed, then ask P&O for assistance or queue... It's not nice, but they must feel it is necessary. Andy
  17. Just glad we are not boarding today... The IOW festival starts and one of the major roads near the port, Town Quay, is closed due to a police incident... Just an example of how things can go wrong, no wonder we all want to get there early... Andy
  18. Unfortunately Dave, the Admiral is one of the 'Spoons' that is closing down at the end of the month. 😒 You might just catch 'last knockings' on your upcoming cruise. Andy
  19. Hi Ian, They are available. Depends on demand in the town to how quickly you will get one, especially if there are multiple ships in, but they are constant. Prebooking is a bit difficult as you never really know how quick you will collect your luggage etc. Have a great cruise. Andy
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