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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Safe travels to all you gals (and George)! I know you will have a ball on this cruise. Send photos! Another traveler today will be DS and Ren along with his FC Dallas Academy team members. I heard they will be driving 3 hours to College Station, TX to play the Houston Academy team. I believe it was supposed to be yesterday in Houston but I think they rescheduled it because of flooding in Houston. Anyone here have any first hand knowledge of the situation in Houston? We have friends there. ❓
  2. Wow Ann @cat shepard!! A Georgia wine today! Thank you for your research on it.🍷
  3. Graham @grapau27 please thank Father David for his sermon this morning. He is so right that the wisdom of the past is the wisdom that we need to hear today. I hope the church always remains relevant.
  4. Good morning friends! It was rainy overnight and the temp is down to 44 degrees. It might be cloudy today and either 60 degrees or 46 degrees depending on which weather app you believe. That's a big difference of opinion. I'll take 60. Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for the Fleet Report and Daily and the fleet maps this morning. We appreciate you! I don't know that I can discuss American Immigration Lawyers Association Day of Action right now because immigration is such a mess in this country at the current time. It used to be done legally but now is primarily done illegally and no one can deny that. Instead let me recognize teacher Christa McAuliffe and the sacrifice of her life for her love of space exploring. I will never forget the day the Challenger exploded. 😪 Daisies are a lovely yet simple flower. It's a bit early to wrap my brain around a Marie Curie quote. I'm sure the kale, wild rice and chicken stew will be just delicious. I think I'll skip the cocktail and wine. I see the Diet of Worms isn't what it sounds like so I can appreciate that day in history. Thank you to our F&B helpers, Eva @superoma, Paul @kochleffel and Ann @cat shepard for reports today. I'm almost positive Paul was taking over for Dixie @summer slope but I'm not sure if that day starts today or not. At any rate safe travels to Debbie @dfish and Sue, Dixie @summer slope and George and any other Dailyites traveling today! Prayers for all on our Care list and hope for better news for you all, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages from Israel still held, our troops in danger of attack on bases and at sea, and my family and friends in need of them. 🙏 A big cheer for those cruising or heading to one, plus those celebrating big events like birthdays and anniversaries! 🥂🎂 Thank you so much Vanessa @JazzyV for your work on the lists! Great job!! The port today is another Puntarenas (different spelling) in Costa Rica (for Puerto Caldera). Last two times we had it was Sept. 22, 2021 and April 9, 2023. A short group of photos will follow the links. I hope all here enjoy a fabulous Sunday! Stay safe and keep well! We've been to Puntarenas three times - on Star Princess 2012, Ruby Princess 2015 and Westerdam in 2016. These photos were from 2015. This restaurant seemed to be a popular place to stop and take a photo. This is an interesting way to spend a half hour, watching all the people scurrying off the ships in port. Also watching those buses back up on the narrow pier for a quarter of a mile or so. On my first trip to Costa Rica on Star Princess in 2012 we took a tour but I'm not even sure where the bus took us. We thought it was Puntarenas and I know it wasn't very far away. We stopped at this local square and watched the children dance. The square was across the street from this church. The remainder of our times in Puntarenas, we just stuck close to the pier and walked through the small town. Hoping to see everyone's photos of Puntarenas!
  5. The latest update intentionally changed check-in time to boarding begins time. Here's a screenshot from my phone. The app updated 2 days ago. It also says: Added "Required Check-in Time to Boarding Pass".
  6. Good morning friends! It 59 and drizzly out. We're expecting rain or thunderstorms today and a high of 66. ⛈️ We have no plans except the usual laundry. I've been up 90 minutes and I'm already tired! Maybe a nap is in order this afternoon.😴 Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report as well as the fleet maps. Two days to recognize the Holocaust tragedy. and a mention on this day in history of Soviet troops liberating survivors of concentration camps in Poland. I'd enjoy some chocolate cake if I had any. I probably shouldn't though because we just finished the chocolate pie we made on Pie Day this week. Yum! I could go for some rosemary turkey roast with vegetables, but pass on a Jungle Bird and the Rioja wine. A unique quote. Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for food and beverage reporting. Prayers were said earlier today for our Care list here on the Daily, the people affected by the wars including hostages held, and my family and friends. 🙏 Congrats to all celebrating happy events and cruising. For those preparing to leave for your cruises, and those coming home from them, safe travels. We're excited for you all! 🥂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your work keeping the lists. Prayers for you each day, too! The port today is Argostoli (Cephalonia/Kefalonia), Greece. This was the port before on July 20, 2021, Jan. 21, 2022 and Nov. 19, 2023. This does not sound like a port we have personally visited so no photos today. Here are the three links to prior dates for your convenience. Hope you all have a great day! Stay safe and keep well!
  7. Thanks Debbie @tupper10. I think I'll let them decide what their next step in and if all else fails we can suggest these things. Maybe their daughter can get further along than they did. Now go enjoy your cruise!
  8. Paul, DH was outside helping straighten the post with neighbor Mike. Mike said his daughter who is a lawyer in Nashville said she couldn't be his lawyer here in Georgia but she would gladly go to small claims court if he wanted to. Mike said she was livid. DH said Sandi is pretty mad, too. If he does do that I would be happy to testify to what I saw. DH was a witness too but didn't have as good a view as I did.
  9. Okay I'll make a note of the dates. Hope you all have a wonderful cruise! If my neighbors were home Saturday when it happened he may have fessed up at their front door and they could have gotten compensation. But then he left and Amazon customer relations took over. Poor neighbor is out there trying to dig up the concrete base around the post right now. Just what 70+ year old men need to be doing!
  10. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I don't know the answers about taking them to court but I'm sure their lawyers are pretty good, right? It would be cheaper to pay for it yourself. I had a close up of the driver's face head on and they can easily identify him by that, or the fact they have to have records of who was on what route that day. Van #, license plate number, nope none of that matters. Remember, I said the driver took a photo of the broken mailbox? Well, I guess he's pretty relieved his company is covering for him. Before I forget I can check for your photos while you're on the cruise. What day do you leave?
  11. I am so ticked off at Amazon right now. DH is outside cleaning up more acorns and the neighbor who had his mailbox run over by the delivery guy just told him Amazon said we didn't have enough evidence that their driver backed over it. Even with me as an eyewitness and numerous photos of the damage, license plate, van #103, driver's face and uniform. They think "your friend would lie for you". They asked if he had a video of it! That's downright terrible customer relations. Just thought you all should know, unless you have security cameras and a Ring doorbell with video proof of their drivers doing something you're on your own with a $500 repair bill. 🤬
  12. Not a lot of wavers on board. Doesn't anyone ask for a Wave from PTZ?
  13. Looks like the Rotterdam on the far left of the screen. To the right of the palm fronds.
  14. checking in. Is Rotterdam warming up? Guess not...🙄
  15. Here is an explanation of International Customs Day for those who wondered. International Customs Day USA Friday, January 26, 2024 Annually held on January 26, International Customs Day (ICD) recognizes the role of custom officials and agencies in maintaining border security. It focuses on the working conditions and challenges that customs officers face in their jobs.
  16. Debbie @tupper10, what color shirt or jacket will you be wearing with your blue ball cap?
  17. I'll never regret the amount of time I spent traveling back and forth to visit all my grandkids as they were growing up. DH got to see them a lot less than I did because of his job but I would drive or fly there to see them about every other month. Precious memories. Beautiful ocean photos today Bruce. Thank you! When I take meclizine (just in case instances) I take it at night before bed. It's good for 24 hours and helps a lot. I hear you about the cost of expedition trips to Antarctica. Looking back at what we paid in 2016 I'm amazed at how little it seems now. Then it seemed like a lot, but prices have skyrocketed! Keep buying those lottery tickets! If your room is on the port side and you have a balcony, come out and wave at the camera. I'll include a photo of where to look. If you're on starboard you can always stand on the outer decks, port side of course. Your grandpup is adorable! That "wool" he's wearing must keep him warm! Your photos are very interesting! Keep them coming.🙂 Everything looks delicious. Please continue posting photos!
  18. Punta Arenas, Chile is a third time showing for port of the day. I thought I'd been there four times, but the fourth time was a miss because of a huge storm while on Coral Princess in January 2020. We stopped instead at Puerto Montt. The other times there were a March 2012 Star Princess South America cruise, then a February 2015 Ruby Princess South America cruise (which included Lenda and DH) @Quartzsite Cruiser, and finally a Christmas day 2016 stop on our Seabourn Quest Antarctica and South Georgia Island cruise. You'd be surprised how busy the town was on Christmas Day! On our first stop in Punta Arenas, Chile in 2012 we and another couple who cruised with us walked to the overlook to see the whole town. We also did some shopping and visited some monuments. A good gift store right down the street from Plaza de Armas. The Plaza de Armas The Magellan statue I think I saw one of these dogs sleeping here three years later on our 2015 stop! On our tender ride back to the Star Princess we were accompanied by some dolphins. In 2015 on Ruby Princess, arriving at our anchorage. We walked downtown again and visited the Shackleton Bar inside the Sara Braun Palace Here's the bar And the much lighter and brighter conservatory near it A protest on a street corner Back at the Plaza de Armas a lot of vendors were set up. And here is a local stray who looks like he could have slept in front of the Magellan statue, or perhaps a relative of one of those dogs I photographed 3 years earlier. On December 25, 2016 we were able to dock instead of anchor on Seabourn Quest's stop there. All the goodies were on display for us even though it should have been a holiday. Penguins are the star here. These look warm! A sign similar to the one in Ushuaia, Argentina For the first time we took a walk in the cemetery. Very interesting place! I could do that walk again. So much to see there. From there we walked back to the church across from Plaza de Armas. Many of us quietly popped our head in the door to see the interior but left quickly so we wouldn't disturb the worshippers. Time to head back to the Quest for a snack at the poolside restaurant. Heaters and blankets are provided for your comfort. Whatever we ate, I'm sure it was great.
  19. Good morning friends! It's a warm 58F and cloudy morning. Today will be 70 degrees with a chance of afternoon showers. Last night when I checked my weather app it said we would see rain for the next 36 hours so it pays to check weather often because they're always changing it. That means they're wrong 50% of the time, at least. Thanks go to Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Fleet Report and Daily as well as the maps of the fleet locations. I turned on the PEV camera in time to see Rotterdam passing the condos. A certain family member is on the Rotterdam and will spend the next week in Kissimmee then back to PEV to board a southern Caribbean cruise on the Zaandam. Now back to the Daily. Do I have to think about dental drills? If you see a Customs official today thank them for their work. I agree with protecting our environment but some people go too far and want to downgrade our quality of life so we need some balance there. I would enjoy the meal suggestion and the Sauvignon Blanc but pass on a Melon Ball cocktail. Two interesting days in history. I've just heard of a Robitussin recall so I'd better warn my twin and DBIL. He's been taking Robitussin to sleep at night with his awful cough. Thanks to our friends Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reporting. Prayers were said bright (dark?) and early on my treadmill. First were my family and friends in need of a lift. That was followed by the people of Israel and Ukraine and the poor hostages still held, and all our service people in harm's way in the region. And special prayers for our Care list who I hope will see improvement in pain and general well being, good diagnosing, helpful treatments and less stress. There's certainly a lot going on among us! 🙏 Cheers to those celebrating and cruising!🥂 Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your lists each day and you are always in my prayers! Port of the day is Punta Arenas, Chile. This was the port before on Aug. 17, 2022 and March 23, 2023. We've been there three times and missed a fourth time due to weather along the Chilean coast delaying our ship. Here are the two links. Odd we have photos instead of maps again today. Same photo too! I hope everyone here keeps well and stays safe. I intend to stay far away from my mailbox today so that no one is tempted to sideswipe it or completely back over it while I'm standing next to it!📫😆 Photos of Punta Arenas, Chile coming up.
  20. She arrived at 6:15 am, just as I got to PTZ to watch.
  21. Two lucky gentlemen dining with four lovely ladies! The cake looks great as usual.🎂
  22. The neighbor across the street now has a temporary mailbox next to the original one. The second superintendent told him those 18 wheeler drivers don't drive that well and his wasn't the first one damaged. 😄 The super. has permission from the HOA to put the temporary one up until the original is repaired. Too bad Amazon isn't as thoughtful! That mailbox which was knocked down Saturday is still in the same condition with no temporary one in sight. 🤔 Since about 8 am this morning we've had a good inch of rain. Before that time I'd estimate we had a half inch. A chance of some showers later. Then a chance of rain tomorrow but I'll have to wait for an updated forecast to get a better idea of when. Things change so fast in weather forecasting! Thanks for your Seychelles photos today. Uh, no I wouldn't want to be a mailbox here either. We don't even have icy roads to blame for the careless driving. And thanks for the sunrise photo today. I love the pinky-purple ones. I'm relieved to hear this update and hope for the best after he's checked out. I'll keep checking for word later. Good luck Maurice! Karen, she has a separate clear storage container for each tree which is marked with the contents on the side. Then they are placed on large shelving units in her basement storage room/mechanical room. You have to really stay organized or you would forever be searching for things. Thank you for the compliment. I'll let her know you like it. We've been hit with the appliance gremlin unfortunately. The microwave turntable motor has stopped working. Since the microwave oven is built into the unit with the regular oven, it will entail another big production having two repair people to remove it from the cabinet and replace the motor. What a royal pain! We even tried turning power off to the unit for a half hour but it did not "reset" unfortunately. 😏I'm glad the washers you and Melisa @HAL Sailer have began working again after turning the power off for a bit. Melisa @HAL Sailer I'm also glad to hear your DH has an appointment tomorrow. I hope the injection really does the trick on his knee. Good luck to him, too!
  23. Thanks to Debbie @tupper10, Elizabeth (?) @Haljo1935, Jacqui @kazu, Melanie @puppycanducruise, and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the comments on the latest Celebration tree. I'll be sure to pass them on to her and I'm sure she will appreciate them.🙂 Gerry @ger_77 I hope something can be done today for Maurice and agree with everyone it seems urgent. Prayers for you both. 🙏 My goodness, it would be nice to have some peace on this street this week! This morning an 18 wheeler came by and unloaded huge piles of pine straw bales on the curb in several spots. They are going to replenish the common ground areas scattered through our Pod with it. Then next month they'll come by with pine straw for everyone's landscaping. Well, when the truck finished dropping off bales across the street from our house, he pulled away and lo and behold! The guy across the street now has his mailbox ripped off and lying on the grass! What is going on here? They just went on their way, and a supervisor in a white truck failed to report anything to the homeowner. Just went on up the street. After about 15 minutes, I decided he'd had enough time to 'fess up and called the man across the street to let him know who did it in case he was busy and didn't notice. The trucks would just leave and he wouldn't know what happened. I've never met him before since they've lived here a relatively short time and own their own business so don't spend much time outside. I left a phone message about the mailbox and the straw company 18 wheeler being the culprit. He returned my call minutes later and came outside to see what could be done. He had actually placed a letter in the mailbox earlier today to be mailed and it was fine then. He stopped the white pick up truck guy and demanded a phone number to call. Then a new supervisor showed up and I think they've come to an agreement on it. Justice will be served! 📫
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