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Everything posted by Millieloulou

  1. Hi to you, We live a little way along the coast from Dover, and yes I would agree with about 3.5 hours.The problem could be road works; the M25 and the M20 are always having long delays.Some of them go on for months. We are driving down to Southampton next month, and I am already checking the route. Hope you are staying at The BestWestern hotel.Its really lovely.
  2. At least Saturday has turned out to be an amusing morning.😄
  3. No Victoria2 I didn’t wear my M@S dress on a gala night! Even I have enough decorum for that!
  4. Some time back, when we booked our first Cunard cruise, I was in a right “tiz” about how posh the ship would be. I drove my husband crazy with what to wear, I imagined all the ladies dresses in Dior and Gucci creations.I reworked my wardrobe, and shopped! Until I felt I would fit in.I also thought we would never get to meet anyone socially. How wrong could I have been!,,,From the first few moments we stepped on board ,we were chatting with people,and made some wonderful friendships with people we still cruise with who are Americans.We both love Cunard, and regret we had not come to cruising a lot earlier. Ps And I got to wear my M@S frock.
  5. Responding to 2 Oldpeople in love, I am still shocked that someone wrote asking” Was the grills terrace on Queen Anne being “ policed”, because interlopers were “ getting in”.I appreciate that with the ship being new, some things were not quite as they should be, but “ policed”.
  6. Would never book flights again through Cunard, when and if required.Could not book our seats to JFK , not until 12 weeks before sailing.We even settled our account early and then had to keep on phoning Cunard until they at last released the necessary reference.We had quite afew Avios points to use.All was sorted in the end,and I now understand the system.Book our own flights or sail from Southampton.
  7. The Pavilion Pool is a lovely area to relax in, and is warm enough to be in out of the pool/ hot tubs without getting chilled. Even when you look up and see it lashing down with rain.Only disappointment was no coffee available.
  8. You’s pays your moneys and you make your choice!
  9. And how long before “different strokes” changes the dress code on Cunard for ever? Are the changes coming or are they already here ?
  10. Have just watched Queen Anne sail pass the Kent Coast, she looks amazing with all her bright lights.Two other cruise ships for company, one to Le Harve the other to Southampton.Am counting the days to when we will be on board.
  11. I appreciate there are people who get on board a Cunard ship with no intention of adhearing to a dress code.My question is why choose Cunard?I still have the image in my mind of last Christmas night on board QM2 , it was red and gold theme, and not far from us was a group in Hawaiian shirts.Obviously the maitre de didn’t want to spoil their night.
  12. Please don’t miss sailing under the Verrazano Bridge, and seeing the Statue of Liberty.I know it’s early but it’s like a wonderful close to your voyage.Every time I always imagine what it must have been for the immigrants , at last knowing they had arrived after a horrendous journey.Now we arrive in 5 star luxury,well fed,and I’m sure most of us are looking forward to our next voyage.
  13. Even after several voyages on QM2 we have still yet to discover the glass elevator.Thankyou “Miss G”, we will certainly will be visiting the library.Perhaps it might be like “ The lion and the Wardrobe “
  14. After muster station,eating and unpacking, a smart run to the Library to get Simon Mayo’s Tik Tock.Was halfway through on our last voyage,and must finish.Hope no one else picks it up.!
  15. Looking just now at her voyage on to NY and see that she is travelling away from her original route.And down to 2knts.Not another emergency.?Anyone on board could help with why this is happening?
  16. Thankyou so much for your comments and kind thoughts.We took time out to watch as much as possible of the tv coverage on DDay, as we have visited Normandy some years back, stayed in Bayeaux and visited every beach.I cannot explain how moving every day turned out to be.Not ashamed to be moved to tears ,on so many times.We visit France often,and are so often driving down a lane and come across a small cemetery,so beautifully maintained.They are never forgotten.
  17. Can I just take this opportunity to say a big Thankyou to Megabear2 for all the wonderful comments and photos, so that we could share your voyage.We have looked forward everyday to reading where you have been, and what you enjoyed or perhaps didn’t. It was good to hear your honest oppions to not sailing in “grills”.Hope you will be able to write again on your next voyage.Until then , our very best wishes to you.
  18. The photos are really gorgeous.I am sitting here with tears running down my cheeks( I’m such a softie) at what a wonderful day is ahead of you all.Can imagine how excited everyone is.Enjoy 😘
  19. Thankyou so much for your reviews.We are going to be looking forward to hearing from you daily.We have laughed about the closets in the stateroom and the layout of the hangers.Hope all the “niggles” are soon going to be sorted.We do not travel in “grills” so your reviews are so welcomed.😘
  20. I would love the choice to be Princess Anne , as long as she is not called Princess Annie!
  21. Becareful NE John, when I mentioned some time ago that perhaps Liverpool would be a likely port for the naming ceremony,and Stephen Gerald to do the honours I was shouted down.At least I got part of it right! Ok Stephen was a bit silly !,
  22. Thankyou Will be looking forward to your reviews.We do not sail until August and will always make the choice of a Britannia balcony.Just love the atmosphere of the Britannia restaurant as well.
  23. Yes I would like to ask anyone in a Britannia stateroom if they could send a few photos.I’m sure there are a lot of us on CC that would appreciate that.
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