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Everything posted by NevadaCruiser2023

  1. For that matter, I doubt anyone would care. If you were smoking a joint outside the door, maybe someone would say something, but I've seen people shooting up on the streets and nobody does a thing. In the scheme of things, I'll take someone chewing on an edible vs. someone spiking themselves on a sidewalk.
  2. Family vacation paid for by my FIL. It made the choice easy.
  3. I find it interesting that Gummie Vitamins and gummy edibles are very similar in appearance. Almost like someone could by a bottle of vitamins and replace said gummies with edibles. Of course, I wouldn't know anything about that.
  4. I'll bet that most of those suites that are "booked up" will never survive to final payment. It'll be interesting to see the prices then.
  5. I suppose I should qualify that statement. If I'm sailing out of San Pedro, I usually do go "day of" as it's an hour flight and about that same ride from LAX to the pier. Spending a day or two extra in LA isn't my idea of a good time. (stated by someone who grew up less than 5 miles from LAX)
  6. It's amazing to watch and see how many cabins open up after the final payment date for a particular cruise.
  7. Just found the post again. It was posted by a passenger on the Eclipse and it was posted about 8 hours ago (around midnight PST). The ship is currently off the coast of Australia, so about 2000 hrs. local time yesterday.
  8. With all the, shall we say ineptness, shown by the airlines, I think "day of" arrivals for a cruise is in the past. We're going to San Juan in about 2 weeks - we're getting there 3 days early and will hang in OSJ.
  9. Bummer. We only usually buy those (dependent on how long we traveled to that point of course. Long trip = photo not worth buying). One time we had a photograph taken for chic night and the photographer was a photoshop genius. We ended up looking better than we do in real life. Love that photo. 😁
  10. Beats me. All it said was "some time ago".
  11. Just read in a post on a site that should not be named, that photographers have been removed from the ships, apparently Royal Caribbean did it some time ago. Anybody seen any truth to this?
  12. I'm not sure what people really expected. Non-refundable sounds pretty self-explanatory to me. If you think you might cancel, pay a bit more for a refundable deposit. The upfront cost may hurt a bit, but it'll definitely feel better if you had cancel due to say, declining health.
  13. It'll be the rocket/feather approach to pricing. The prices will shoot up like a rocket and then float down like a feather until it reaches equilibrium.
  14. Forgive me if this sounds callous, but a deck mounted slingshot would be pretty cool to accomplish this. I'd want to be shot into the sea that way.
  15. Yeah, that blizzard warning you guys are under should be interesting. We've got a little snow down here in Reno, but it's supposed to last until tonight. The good news is the wind has died down slightly. Good Luck up there.
  16. I know you're trying to be upbeat, but I've heard rumors....and please don't attack the messenger here..that the water the ship is sailing in, is WET! Yes, it's true.
  17. Well, technically, you don't really know that she hasn't reacted. That photo might have already been sent to the F&B head honcho with directions to correct the issue. I know that back in the day, when I was on an executive committee, we'd discuss customer issues together and responsibility to correct, would be given to the specific person in charge of that area. They'd also be responsible (if necessary) to reach out to the customer. I doubt the CEO has time or desire to respond personally to every email.
  18. We've brought back Rum from ports in Mexico and were never questioned, nor was the rum confiscated. We weren't hiding the bottles; they were in the shopping bag as it went through the xray machine.
  19. I resist your characterization of it being "nothing". I had to sit through a virtual presentation where one block of the presentation was "city or beach" questions to ship Captains. I should have gotten double PUP for that.
  20. Maybe Celebrity needs to rethink who sources their lobsters. The folks here, apparently, can get them for a buck and song. Perhaps they should ring up the CEO and offer their services.
  21. I had the lobster Risotto in HK Lake Tahoe and I don't recall it looking like that. Of course, I was few drinks in, so maybe it did.
  22. It does look kinda weird. And stop calling me Shirley.
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