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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. No need really to call. I log into my account and look at the amount of money to spend listed in my planner. That's where I look anyway.
  2. I heard someone on CNBC say for debt, 1/3 of it has to be refinanced within the next 12 months for Ford. I wish rcl had that information where I could readily see it easily. When does their debt and % need to be refinanced at these higher rates. Imo their debt and concern about higher rates were what hit it yesterday. Yesterday all the sudden the fed higher rates for longer started to sink in. Could be we wouldn't see 86 again, I'm not as sure as you are of the range for rcl. I project anything under $90 is a buy. Bookings are very strong.
  3. There isnt a set time. 1 week, 2 week and a couple never had to resubmit.
  4. Idk about harmony, up next so curious any harmony experiences. I pre booked izumi who cancelled my prebooked and charged full price. Prebooked on allure wasnt allowed. I have izumi on 2 of 3 prebooked cheaper before the price increase.
  5. I think it's interesting that carnival raised its cheers drink pkg pricing on cruises 5 days and less. Already was $59 + 18%, but going up if it's a short cruise.
  6. We could make a whole thread of how we like our food. No ketchup on my fries, which is why I'm still a bit miffed they forgot the truffle seasoning. The only thing I eat ketchup on is fried fish.
  7. Sorry there is NOT a 5% convenience fee at slots, only at table games and I've done it many times. Fiction. People post what they read somewhere else. Yes a fee at a table game, no not a fee at a slot machine. ..
  8. I did get a picture of one, had it several times. It also came with lunch. Maybe not colossal but nice enough sized. 2 weeks ago allure. And my pork belly, crispy fat, no pork on it, maybe a thin sliver on a corner, not a fork full total, teensy amount, 99.9% fat.
  9. I did the chops lunch that I didnt mention in my review. No fillet. I got the hamburger. It was so thick I couldn't hardly get it into my mouth. A slice of tomato and lettuce on top. And cheese. I would rather a burger from carnivals guys burgers in all honesty. I had it booked for lunch on a future cruise and cancelled after I ate lunch in chops. Ok but nothing special.
  10. She doesnt like onion rings? Now that's seriously wrong. I did think asparagus was a bit wierd tbh. I love red pepper tempura fried I've seen in the DL. She can have my broccoli. I want it more cooked, not al dente. After this cruise add 150 to my list of approved eating places. Best food and service. I'd done lunch at Giovanni with friends and good but not my thing so much. Chops is a no.
  11. I just deleted a bunch of my izumi pictures. So much more than sushi which is only about 1/3 of the menu. I LOVE poke. Their poke bowl also had that green seaweed salad and sushi rice. It tasted perfect, like hawaii. I had the tempura veggies and shrimp. Wasnt my favorite but my friend helen suggested trying it. Sorry I took a bite of the fried onion ring and then said I should get a picture. I also had the 5 wontons lightly browned, fried. Pretty good. I had the wonton soup the week before which has mushrooms floating in it. Let me add for the fixed price meal, I got 4 sushi as you see in front of the poke bowl. Only 4 per order. If order ala carte you get 8 pieces per order. Lol tempura fried shrimp and veggies with a bite out of the onion ring but you can see this is a appetizer. Or get a larger meal sized. I would rate the poke bowl fabulous. I asked for a double order the next week, no picture.
  12. This was my fillet from chops ordered MW, I dont want barely any pink. No red. This was served red. 2 weeks ago in chops. Didnt have time to send it back and make it to the show mama mia. I told the guy 3 out of 4 things wrong, I'd rate chops food a 2 out of 10. My shrimp appetizer was perfect. Nothing else was right. .. this is not MW.
  13. Inflation is not under control. Obviously several unions are asking for higher wages playing out in public. We know whatever the outcome higher wages passed along as higher prices will result. I've already said 12 members of the fed believe another rate hike will be needed this year. I would count on it. They almost have no choice as mortgages are rising even faster. 30 year went from 7.08 late august to about 7.7%. And a member of a panel on CNBC said if it's not gotten under control we could see as high as 13% mortgages next spring. Who knows but the cost of money is going up, even if the fed skipped sept hike. A recession has been wrongly predicted for a year by certain factions. Now its pushed out to next year. Will we go into a recession? No one really knows, people havent quit spending. Axp, mc all the credit card issuers are hitting highs and so is their income. Housing they predicted forever will get severely hit and it hasnt. New home builders hit 52 week highs recently, though finally are selling off. Beat on top and bottom, but the average selling price is down. Wages are going to be a big problem going forward, workers want more $$ as prices of everything go up. Watch the JOLTS numbers and similar. The fed wants to see a tad higher unemployment. JOLTS was part of the panic yesterday. Friday more numbers. Too many numbers are going the wrong way for inflation to be under control. That being said looks like a nice pop on rcl this morning. My last buy was 87.45 or close, I couldnt wait for 86, I know I said but I got antsy. Just 200 to play for earnings, but now I can relax. Had it gone lower I was ready to buy again, but 200 shares enough to play for earnings. 83 would be my next buy if I get a chance before it takes off for earnings. As far as the question what normally happens during a recession. I think people have changed. They say I deserve this. I think times have changed too, what happened before might not happen this time. House prices are 40% higher since covid cramer was just saying. The 30% drop in home prices some predicted didnt hit and imo wouldnt. This time people havent stopped spending on travel. If anything bookings are way up for rcl, not down. Travel is up not down. Cant always use history as a predictor. People say buy now, price might be higher later and dont deny themselves. Charge it they say. Your question can they keep charging ever higher prices. Even if they are priced out at these prices they will make money even without raising for a while. More increases are icing on the cake for earnings. I'm still betting on very good earnings and forecast forward.
  14. I am not a fan of italian but I'd choose Giovanni because chops didnt get my meal very right. Undercooked steak, truffle fries no truffle and the pork belly app had no meat. At least Giovanni cooked my steak right. Actually I choose 150 the following week with izumi
  15. Yea and ourusualbeach beach knew you booked suites. So he answered accordingly. But the obc for refundable vs non refundable obc is different and deposit amounts.
  16. Analysts do forecast for a year in advance though often wrong I admit. I've seen a lot of stocks sell off based on beating top and bottom line but the forward guidance wasnt what people wanted to hear. And then we got NVDA in a class pretty much all by itself with everyone arguing about what a fair pe is for a stock growing like that. No one else has those advanced AI chips. Sure eventually but not now. Earnings grew qtr over qtr at 88%. Unheard of. Yes there are other aspects to AI, but nvidia has the chips cornered. No one has ever seen this before and doesnt know how to value MIT. That's why I said no one knows what the price of a stock will be in a year, but the PEG for instance which combines the pe and growth can tell you a lot. So I can have a good idea of earnings, but cant predict a price a year out. Charts are short term only. Tomorrow saudi oil meeting. Sit on your hands .. see what they decide.
  17. Just a FYI that list is specifically for nonrefundable deposits. When george asked about a suite and was answered it was for a suite which has a nonrefundable deposit. Suite deposits are now nonrefundable. For instance refundable for a balcony is 75.xx. for me they rounded down to $75. Another got $76. And refundable pays the full deposit. Be careful about assumptions.
  18. That's what I was thinking. Undo paying ahead if you changed your mind.
  19. Put another way, the fact that most of the funds I manage, I am rolling over in 6 month treasuries tells you I think the economy could get worse. All those credit card Bill's at some pt there could be more defaults ahead. Something else is going to break quit possibly, not just the 3 banks went belly up. Inflation isnt under control, it's just better. More pain ahead. This is a time for safety. Most of my own funds are in dividend stocks playing it somewhat safe, lots of oil stocks. I'm waiting to see tomorrow if this sell off stops or continues to break down. But today rcl capitulated. I'm 85% or more in safety.
  20. Nclh and ccl sell off every earnings. Rcl is finding ways to add revenue, like the adults area and has the ships families want to book. Imo ccl and nclh both struggling. I cant see a year ahead. My finance training says the more govt spends the higher inflation goes. Last cycle about 2008 the govt cut spending to get out of the inflation cycle. I see no such inclination that the govt is willing to cut spending. I have CNBC on and listening. There are people saying what if next spring we still are seeing inflation over 4%. And we have to raise rates even higher. Are the JOLTS numbers important or not. Tight job market doesnt help. Will be go into a recession? Politicians who think the answer is remove Powell, they dont know more govt spending equals higher inflation. Doesnt matter who votes yes. I personally am willing to dip my toe into rcl but not all in. Credit card spending goes ever higher. Those charging havent slowed down. Govt hasnt slowed down. .. inflation is not under control. Dont listen to those saying rates are high enough. They have been proven wrong over and over for the last year. Powell keeps saying rates higher for longer, and some dont think he means it or they can pressure him to quit. I'm buying but if it goes lower I'll buy more. I think rcl earnings nov 1 will be very good. I may sell if it pops, imma trader in my heart, though I also manage a large portfolio. I inherited even more, and rather than pick stocks, we started rolling over 6 month treasuries. 5.5% + for all that and keep it safe while the market is in turmoil. Another year of earnings will only solidify rcl stock, so I have no worries at 86, though it could go lower if we go into a recession. And I'll keep buying. At 100 I was a sell. Tomorrow I wouldnt be surprised by a dead cat bounce .. the big boys were shorting today and will cover at open tomorrow. Let it settle. The chart got broken today. Imo rcl has the ships people want. Ccl and nclh do not.
  21. Unless money changed hands, even $1, it's not legally binding.
  22. As my first post said this thread was for people who have a interest in buying or selling rcl. If you have no interest why post here other than to distract. Imo this break was big today. The market was about 3 minutes to open and my spiney stock sense was going off like crazy. So I tried to search for the old thread and gave up and opened a new thread for those who want to understand what the chart says, how to read a chart, whatever questions on buying and selling stocks. The computers read the charts, we should learn too. If you just want to talk about the olden days, I'll just skip over your posts, and leave it for those interested. This was a huge move, and I could feel it before open it was about to go into free fall. I posted when the stock was at 90 .. before it cracked. You could feel it, or I could. 50 years of experience talking. I'm trying to concentrate this just on rcl stock, or at least cruise stocks.
  23. I was counting since covid how many cruises I've had it applied to. Yes I remember there was a time it was not .. I think I said since since in my original post that its combinable. I sure dont remember 2014 with clarity lol and if I submitted that year or not. I do before and after covid. I started commenting on the other thread and started this one because if people are going to buy and sell rcl stock I wanted to provide some insight to reading a stock chart. Each call I've posted was correct ... if I wasnt sure I wouldnt post but the chart was speaking loudly. Most Americans dont seem to know how to read a stock chart. While you might not like it, computers and traders use charts. Charts trigger buying and selling. Ever since 100 rcl has been also hitting lower lows. I've meet very few stock guys as good as I am. The UBS guy I inherited with the trust meets me toe to toe with knowledge. Hes a keeper. That doesnt mean that I dont do my homework and see what the charts are saying. Charts have said "danger Will Robinson, danger" since earnings posted. My theory is it's great to have a great financial guy but also know what you are doing. No one will take as good care of your money as you yourself. Today is the first time rcl coming into buying range, so I posted it's starting to hit my range. I'm ready to buy more. 100 was overbought. Sell. Learn to chart. At least enough to have a opinion to discuss with your financial advisor. Here are treasuries. The 1 year dropped a test below 5.5% now .. tells you what people think rates will be going forward .. like oil futures. https://www.cnbc.com/bonds/
  24. Just for you I screen shot my obc for feb 2 2025 as its the only one i did next cruise. Refundable for next cruise is $75 obc, not $100 that's for nonrefundable. $100 from group/TA, and the last $100 was for owning 100 shares of rcl stock. = $275 obc. Combinable. I also got the group rate, and the balcony $250 discount and the solo DP340 on the price. All combinable. I have 9 more booked the same I could show... though the others I didnt use next cruise.
  25. I have never once had a issue combining it with next cruise obc, group rate, D+ balcony discount and DP340. Not once been turned down. @Ourusualbeachhas confirmed elsewhere it is combinable. I dont gamble so not speaking of casino rates but I've combined it over 20 times closer to 30 since covid and never had a issue.
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