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Everything posted by aliaschief

  1. Roy did the folks of Saguenay have their famous welcoming greeters for your ship? Wave at Roy! Live Saguenay Web Cam. https://www.webcamtaxi.com/en/canada/quebec/saguenay-la-baie.html
  2. Good morning! Always a challenge to post right after our resident Red Neck. First things first. @JazzyVVanessa Happy Birthday and thank for your loyal contributions to the Daily. @Cruzin Terri Happy Anniversary. @Kazu Jacqui I do hope your travels went well. Our baths are coming along though we added to the workload by removing the existing large mirrors and we also will be removing the old lights that were over the mirrors. Received our flu shots yesterday and so far not even a sore arm. Today our house cleaner arrives and one side of house will be off limits due to bath projects. Maybe she can find a special project to compensate. Yesterday pest control today semi annual AC/Heat service and checkup. Lot’s going on this week. It will probably remain so as we prepare for the big cruise. Taxes, mail, meds, car re-registration. All things that would be done next year we need to do before we leave. Beautiful morning for a walk as it’s currently 68 degrees. Future forecast call for some lows in high fifties this coming weekend. Thanks Rich and to all who make the Daily a morning habit. Have a great day. Bruce
  3. I remember and miss hands on cooking classes followed by a special lunch in Pinnacle Grill with the menu of what you learned to cook in class. Our first suite appreciation get together reception in 2007 on Volendam with unlimited caviar offered. The Piano Bar and Jimmy Maddox, Diane and Sir Stryker. Pool side BBQ’s? When we take Azamara’s cruises they always have two Weber charcoal grills cooking up ribs, sausages, lamb chops etc. Mussels and Poutine on Canadian cruises. Held around pool and other themed lunches. Sterling beef display cart in Pinnacle and flaming kabobs and Steak Diane. I miss some of our first very interactive cruise directors from 70’s and early eighties. Yum Yum man was probably a company waste of manpower but it was a wonderful sailing tradition. Miss the variety of entertainment and utilization of the Main Stage and most of all my all time favorite Famous Flaming Spanish Coffee. I could go on…
  4. Some good memories on this post. What I learned the most is that many of us really are old.😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  5. Good morning. Lot’s going on with the painting, quarterly pesticide treatment of house this morning and I have an appointment for flu shot at noon. Somewhere I would like to get a walk in. Great walking weather as it’s currently 64 degrees. @Cruzin Terri Happy Anniversary. Way too many medical issues amongst our group. Do hope they get treated and resolved. Time to get moving. Thanks for the Fleet Report. Looks like Alaska season is finally winding down. Seems to extend later every year. It’s now repo season and soon will be Caribbean. @JazzyV You put a lot of work in keeping up the Care and Celebration list. Thanks. Have a great day. Bruce
  6. Good morning. Slept well and woke up to 68 degree temperatures. Our painter arrives at nine so we have emptied both baths in preparation. He thought it would take three days so that will pretty much dictate our week. We took the leftover chicken and made a favorite mango chutney curry chicken dish. So good. So we start our 22 day countdown for our first Seabourn cruise from Montreal to Miami beginning October 23 for 14 days. We have no excursions planned as we have done this itinerary many times. Who needs an excursion when lots of lobsters are available? Time for another cup of coffee and then will get the laundry started. Thanks for the Fleet Report, travel pics and telling us all what’s going on in your lives. Many will be enjoying another cruise. 🛳 We all share a common bond. We love to cruise. Have a great week. Bruce
  7. Thanks for sharing your Onward experience. Great review.
  8. Good morning! My kind neighbor installed the new patio ceiling fan and I watched some NASCAR racing in afternoon and then we cooked on the grill a spatchcock chicken. Watched an old Sean Connery movie Russia House then off to early bed. Our painter called and we accepted his price for repainting two of our three full baths. The wall paper goes as well as popcorn ceilings. He starts Monday. Enjoying my coffee then will get ready for Sunday services. Getting elderly is a great gift that I’m very thankful for. Though I’m not ready to utilize the local Senior Center or senior activities at church. Hard to believe it’s already October. Glad the government did not have to shut down but we should vote all of them on both party’s out and start anew. They had a year to get this done without all the drama and panic they put their constituents through. Enjoy your Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Day and thanks for the report, list and recipes. Bruce
  9. Good morning. Currently 70 degrees and will reach 91 later on. Our front door and entryway looks so much better. We found a gem in this painter and have already asked him to do some other projects around the house. A neighbor is coming over at 9:00 AM to help put a new outdoor fan on our patio. So we are doing some sprucing up around here The houses in the neighborhood that go on sale usually sell within 48 hours. Hard to comprehend that our house would sell now for three to four times more than what we paid in 1995. Florida gets approximately 1,200 new residents per day so housing is in demand. In our area they are running out of land to build as so much land is military bases. It’s getting nearer to our Seabourn cruise and we are excited for a new cruising experience. Trying something new has really enhanced our cruising experience. Last night we enjoyed two small grilled fillets and we split a baked potato along with a salad. Oh did I mention a fine bottle of red. Thanks for the Fleet report. I feel the need for a cruise. Have a great weekend everyone. Bruce
  10. I think the biggest reason officers stopped attending Meet & Greets was sometimes Roll Call members used the get together to complain or vent frustrations. We used to host some really large Roll Calls and Meet and Greets and used to remind our Roll Call members this was the wrong place to vent. Our front door is beautiful again.
  11. It’s been over 24 hours since we received our Covid booster and other then arm being slightly sore at injection area no other symptoms. Pretty much stuck at home with front entry door open and primer drying. It’s a beautiful day and temperature was great for walking.
  12. Bingo! The button on far right was a starter button.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  13. Good morning! Whether the 65 degrees morning or super moon last night I had another long wonderful sleep last night. Probably would have slept longer but the painter is coming this morning to paint our front door entrance. Great night with our small group bible study last night and today with the painter not much planned. Do know tonight is steak night and I’m looking forward to that. @HAL Sailer Sad to hear about DH and I do pray that the medical team can get him stabilized on a path to recovery. So many of us are in the “zone” and one never knows about tomorrow. @rafinmdRoy I was glad to hear your travels went well. Enjoy your cruise. Great pictures of Anchorage which brought back memories of our first cruise together on the MS Volendam. Thanks for the reports and post. Enjoy the day and wishes for a great weekend. Bruce
  14. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda I was happy to hear your Steve did well. On another note. Our AC is back and running. Loose breaker wire.
  15. Received our booster shot’s and so far no issues. We do have one issue. Upon returning home our AC is not working. Repairman will be here between 2-6 to look at it. House is still comfortable and we are fortunate it’s an overcast day and only 76. Tomorrow a painter will start painting our front door which probably will have to be left open often so hoping for another cool day. Time to catch up on Daily. @Quartzsite Cruiser Do hope all is going well today.
  16. Wow! Slept in and now in a rush. Have appointments for our Covid boosters this morning. We have been to Bergen enough times that we have no strong desire to return. @rafinmdHave a safe trip and wonderful cruise. I believe it’s just what the doctor ordered. Bon Voyage! Thanks for the reports and list. Off to CVS. Bruce
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