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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Thanks, everyone. @Sharon in AZ yes, I have antibiotic eyedrops. Ofloxacin. I had two doctors look at it yesterday along with a PA and they all said the same thing. Sharon's right. It is better than it was and the pain is gone. I'm sure the Aleve helped with that. I'm going to give it a week and if it is still bad I'll call my PCP. I learned that they have late afternoon appointments available everyday for emergencies. Sharon, congrats on treating yourself to first class. Sue and I do that on occasion, like long haul flights. I hear you about the Dallas to Waco flight. That's like Detroit to Saginaw. All of 20 minutes in the air. @cat shepard I'm glad your sister is doing better.
  2. Hi all, I debated, but decided I would share the beauty of my eye with you. Yes, I am using warm compresses, but I have warmed it up in the microwave. I then wrap the warm cloth in a clean towel and layer it so it isn't too hot. But, it stays hot longer and I unwrap as I go. The warm compresses are helping. This looks better than it did.
  3. Good morning, everyone. It is another gloomy, rainy day here in mid-Michigan. The eye is pretty much the same as yesterday. They did say it might take a few days to see improvement. Aleve helps the pain it was causing. The whole left side of my face hurt. I have my last PT appointment today. This is one for the road and to do an official discharge from PT since we are moving on to the ablation. While I have enjoyed my conversations with Chad, the therapist, I think I can achieve just as much, if not more, with my regular gym routine. I think the drink sounds like something I should try on a BHB. I have been to Galway, but have no pictures as it was a rainy, windy day. It was a land trip and I spent the evening listening to Irish traditional music. There are many Gaelic speakers in Galway. Today's meal has a story behind it. When I was preparing the meals for this week I came upon Thursday and the meal was Leah Goggins. Turns out Leah Goggins is a freelance writer and has contributed to the Eating Well website, where we get many of our recipes. I didn't think we'd want to go down the cannibalism path so I asked Jacqui to change it to leftovers. We are concentrating on leftover ham. I'm sure many of you have some. To start, Ree Drummond is going to share some recipes with us. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/g35533617/leftover-ham-recipes/ If that isn't enough, here are a few more ideas. https://www.delish.com/holiday-recipes/christmas/g3094/leftover-ham/ If lamb is what is left over, here are some ideas for that! https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/leftover-lamb-recipes I am thankful that @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda and Steve made it home safely and that all Dailyites and family members in Taiwan have checked in and are safe. Also, it is good news that Mike, @summer slope Dixie's friend is showing signs of improvement and is out of the ICU and in rehab. I'm hoping that @smitty34877 Terry and Tana had a restful night. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  4. Edge in private and Chrome Incognito didn't work for me.
  5. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda said it so well and I echo her thoughts. Tana is lucky to have such a wonderful family to help her out. Hug the teenager a little tighter. This is hardest on him. I am so glad you will be getting some night time help.
  6. Just back from the doctor visit for my eye. I was surprised at how quickly I was seen. The problem is a large stye. She ordered antibiotic drops and I'm supposed to use warm compresses on it to help it drain. I'm glad I went as it suddenly got so much worse this morning. At the Pain and Spine Clinic we are proceeding with the nerve ablation. We have to do a test injection first and that is scheduled for May 2nd. I'm off to pick up my prescription and buy something for dinner.
  7. Glad to hear that, but you shouldn't have to do that! I can't bring up the itinerary for one of my cruises. For two weeks I've been getting a 404 error screen saying they would have it fixed as soon as possible. I can't switch between cruises, must leave the site and come back. HAL should be ashamed! I tried contacting them using the form to contact them and when I submitted it I got, surprise!, an error message. So, then I tried chat and asked for an email to report problems with the website and was told there was no email for that. The person I was chatting with said they would report the problems, but it probably just goes to the circular file in the sky.
  8. @smitty34877 My prayer for Tana is that she can be comfortable and at peace. I think it is a good idea to get this eye looked at. I will stop at Urgent Care after my Spine and Pain Clinic appointment. I'm sure Spine and Pain won't be able to help me.
  9. Good morning, everyone! It is a gloomy day out today, but there is no rain in the forecast until tomorrow. Last night the rain was torrential. My eye seems a slight bit better this morning. Last night I iced it and put hydrocortisone cream on the lid, taking care not to get any in the eye itself. The lid is dark red, swollen, and has a bump in the middle. If you look carefully, you can see the puncture, leading me to believe this is a bite of some sort. I'll continue to ice. This morning I'm doing the weight room at the gym. As much as I love the water classes, I do want to mix things up. This afternoon is my appointment at the Pain and Spine Clinic. Hopefully we'll be able to move on to do the nerve ablation in my back. That would work wonders. As I told the physical therapist yesterday, my goal is to be able to walk around the block without my cane or hiking poles. I'm resigned to the hiking poles for long hikes, but a neighborhood stroll shouldn't require them. Today's meal looks good to me! I could go for a steak after having one of today's Salted Caramel Concoctions. The meal is easy to prepare and promises lots of flavor and satisfaction. You can substitute the vegetable of your choice. I'll stick with the green beans. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/7896459/lemon-garlic-steak-green-beans/ This is a one pan meal. That makes it even better as there is less clean up afterwards. Most meals in this house are one pan meals. I like the marinade for the steak in this one. https://www.eatwell101.com/garlic-butter-steak-and-green-beans-recipe I'm not sure you can get much simpler than this next recipe. Notice we're going from a full steak to steak strips and now, to steak cubes. https://fettysfoodblog.com/garlic-butter-steak-bites-with-green-beans/ Safe travels to all our Dailyites who are on the road, in the air, or on a ship. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  10. Greetings, everyone! It is a rainy day here so I have gotten a lot of work done and now I find extra time on my hands. Sue and I went to our favorite shop this morning and bought the place out. Well, not quite, but it felt like it. I got a couple pairs of fun slacks and a really fun dress. The dress will be great for summer. Then we went and loaded up on coffee at our favorite coffee place. That is one indulgence we allow ourselves on a regular basis. We came home and made a pot of Cherry Bomb. My favorite is the Hawaiian Macadamia Nut. @AncientWanderer Sue suffers from migraines as well and was hoping with increasing age and certain changes in hormones that they would go away, but no such luck. She takes some meds to reduce the number of headache days, but still manages about one a week. Being on a BHB must be helpful as we were there for 18 days and she only had one. @JazzyV Oh my, Vanessa. I think I would have sat down and cried when I saw the elevator out of order. I don't think this is pink eye as the eye itself is fine. The problem is the eyelid. It looks bruised and swollen. I wonder if something bit me. @summer slope Healing thoughts for your friend Mike and comfort for his wife. @RMLincoln Great news about DH Richard's eye! We need to hear more like this. @smitty34877 Hugs to you and warm thoughts for Tana. I hope it is something that can be handled easily. @StLouisCruisers I love your stocking! That takes a great amount of patience. Ren is quite the athlete and the picture could be a poster! @Nickelpenny I hear you about the knee. Mine were really holding me back and injections only work so long. I had both replaced and I am glad I did. My mobility is much greater now with the "new" knees. One friend waited too long and they had to rebuild part of the bone. Don't get to that point. @tupper10 Glad to see that you are comfortable posting here. I fear too many may think that we are a close knit clique. While we are close, we do like newcomers! @erewhon Thanks for your comments about Noordam. The rain on the roof is very soothing and can easily lull one to sleep. Sue is out!
  11. Good morning, everyone! Today's forecast is cold and rainy. I'm hoping that it helps bring the pollen down to a reasonable level. My left eye is scratchy and itchy. Actually, not the eye, but the eyelid. This morning it is all swollen up and hurts. I don't know what happened to it. Last night we attended a performance of Come From Away at the Center for the Arts. It was a wonderful performance and ended with a standing ovation by the audience. I got a chuckle out of the name of today's meal. Healthy? Seriously, all those carbs buttered up and then doused with liquid sugar? It appears in this first recipe the healthy title is claimed by the use of oat milk instead of regular milk and the addition of berries. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/healthy-french-toast-casserole/ This one claims the healthy title with almond milk. https://ifoodreal.com/french-toast-casserole/ And this one may be the healthiest of them all as it showcases blueberries, almond milk, and a sugar replacement. Be careful of those sugar alcohols. They can make a mess of your digestive system! https://theskinnyishdish.com/blueberry-french-toast-casserole/ We won't be having french toast casserole here. More likely tonight's dinner will be fish and vegetables. Wishing you all a wonderful day! Here's hoping this only posts once!
  12. Bless you, Gerry @ger_77. I am sure your brought great comfort to Ollie at the hospital and will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks.
  13. @ottahand7 Nancy, hugs to you and warm thoughts to help you through this difficult memory. @Hogladyrider Glad you made it home safely! @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels, Lenda and Steve! @RMLincoln Hugs to you and your family with your recent losses. I hope SIL is comfortable. @kazu I'm so glad you found someone who will be good with Ivan. Now you can relax and enjoy your cruise. Water fitness was great this morning. I feel energized and refreshed. Time to enjoy the beautiful day even if it is chilly. The sun is wonderful!
  14. I was lucky to get some tips from my DB the chef.
  15. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good morning, everyone! We are looking at partly sunny skies and mid 40s today. So a pretty day, but on the chilly side. Could be worse! I have an early water fitness class today and a Zoom meeting this afternoon. Otherwise, a free day. Today's meal is what I have for lunch sometimes. I don't bother with the presentation, just get the ingredients out of the fridge and dig in. I'm not sure there is a "good" recipe for this. But I guess we want it to be appetizing, not unappetizing, so there are some suggestions. https://hipfoodiemom.com/2019/10/14/how-to-make-the-perfect-cheese-board/ I look at these as suggestions or ideas of what can be done. https://www.skinnytaste.com/how-to-make-an-epic-charcuterie-and-cheese-board/ The arrangement of the meats, cheeses, and fruits is a large part of how appetizing it looks. https://www.thegrumpyolive.com/how-to-10-minutes-spring-charcuterie-board/ Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  16. This one was a learning experience. I learned that I put to thick a layer of duxelles down and it made it hard to handle the meat. While the presentation wasn't as pretty as I would have liked, the flavors were out of this world.
  17. Welcome home @lazey1 Jane! Glad you enjoyed your cruise and that all went well.
  18. Good morning, everyone! Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Not much on our agenda today. I am looking forward to a day of rest. We took DB Jeff out to eat last night for his birthday. That was pleasant. DB Bill and DSIL Lauren have gone to their daughter's for the weekend. Jeff will not be pulled away from the basketball tournament. I was surprised he went to dinner yesterday! Today's meal sounds like a good entry to the Easter Brunch. Dad used to make special breakfasts for us on Easter in an attempt to lure us away from all the candy. He was semi successful. My favorite was chicken livers marsala over toast. The spinach and egg bake is nutritious as the eggs provide protein and the spinach is just full of good nutrients. The dish is also low carb and great for those watching their blood sugar. Morning is sometimes difficult and some people react more strongly to carbs in the morning. https://kalynskitchen.com/recipe-for-spinach-and-mozzarella-egg/ This one is a little more savory with the smoked paprika and sharp white cheddar cheese. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/spinach-egg-bake/ I like the addition of tomatoes in this one. While all these recipes stick to the healthy side, you can add in some bacon or sausage if you like that! https://www.skinnytaste.com/breakfast-casserole-with-spinach-and-feta/ As for us, we are having Beef Wellington. I've always wanted to try making it and DB Chef Jeff says it isn't hard. Wishing you all a wonderful day with no falls, accidents, or bruises.
  19. Good morning, everyone! Somehow the Easter Bunny made an early visit to our house. There was a nice basket on the table this morning for River. River will be going home today and I'll bet the Easter bunny will leave her something there tomorrow as well. @Suslor and @cruzn single @USN59-79 Today's meal is a quick and easy one. It is also low carb and great for those of with diabetes. This first recipe uses chicken thighs, but use what ever part of the chicken you prefer. I prefer white meat. https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/280169/easy-sesame-chicken-with-green-beans/ This next version is a stir fry and uses ground chicken. You could use chicken that has been cubed or cut into small pieces. https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/chicken-green-bean-stir-fry/ This next recipe uses cubed chicken breast that is dredged in cornstarch for a crispy coating. I like that there is no sweetener in the sauce. If you wanted a stir fry with this one, add in other veggies besides the green beans. https://werefarfromnormal.com/easy-sesame-chicken Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  20. Jump in as often as you like! Glad to have you as a part of the community. I think the ones on deck 6 that you are talking about are considered large insides. They can stick you anywhere they want. The one time I did a guarantee it was for an ocean view cabin. I ended up in an aft verandah. Sometimes it works out!
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