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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Today and tomorrow are heating up from the 70's to the 80's then will cool off again on Friday. Fine with me! On Friday we'll be going to the zoo with the youngest grandson, then after picking up the other DGS from camp we'll be with them late into the evening while DD and DSIL have a night Interesting days -- instead of raspberry cake, I would choose chocolate cake with raspberry filling -- yum. I'd like the drink but pass on the red wine. And yay on the meal, one of our favorites. I printed off the 2nd recipe and would just add some feta. Hope to make it soon! Have never been to the port, thanks for the excellent photos Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Today I need to get my hair cut (seems a lot of us are doing that this week!) Last week I had a scare at the ATM machine, one I've used many times. When I inserted my card it kept saying "cannot read card" but it wouldn't go in further and wouldn't come out. I could see it, but no amount of pulling on it worked. Hitting "cancel" didn't help either. It just stayed there, stuck. Thankfully the credit union was open another few minutes so I dashed over there and they canceled that card (whew) and gave me a new one. Now I'm nervous about using that machine again. Have a great day everyone. Prayers for all on the care list and big cheers for everyone on the celebration list.
  2. Good morning all! I'm later than usual, another poor night of sleeping. Strangely I slept better finally after 4:30 am and then until 8:30 (very late for me). Another beautiful sunny day and mid 70's here. I won't see any of my kids today to hug, but was able to hug some of them a couple days ago. Not a fan of sour candy, and listening is an art we all need to perfect. The quote isn't true for anyone I know, will pass on the drink and red wine. We'll be in New Caledonia on the Grand Australia, but not this port. I would like the meal but would have to cut the spice and the salt. Otherwise it sounds very good. Last night I made the Penne Pasta with Pesto, it was a hit! I added some peas, tomatoes, fresh basil and chicken. Not sure yet what will be for dinner tonight. Today we'll hopefully be making a trip to the dump (garage clean-out) and DH will be making a visit to Comcast....big billing mistake. Oddly our next-door neighbor also had a billing mistake this week. You'd think with what they charge us they could afford to hire better people...šŸ™„ @Nickelpenny I loved hearing about your swimming experiences. Our son was a swimmer (not the caliber you were, but he did get 2nd in State in the 100-yard backstroke. He missed 1st by 3 one hundredths of a second). His main event was the 50-free. One of his competitors in that event went on to the Olympic Trials. It was always a thrill watching that boy swim!
  3. Another local here and another vote for the aquarium and/or zoo. Our 8-year-old grandson loves both.
  4. Good morning all! We woke up to some drizzle this morning and we really need it. Hopefully it will be enough to help. The lawn has gotten really dry. After today there's no rain in the forecast. Neither DH or I have any tattoos and don't plan to get any šŸ˜‰ DS has one small one on his shoulder blade, a piranha chasing smaller fish. He got it when he was on the Naval Academy swim team. DD has a "thing" about needles so I know she won't ever get a tattoo! Not sure why we celebrate someone who -- either pulled a fast one, or made a big mistake -- I like emojis as long as the message isn't cluttered with them. Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds refreshing. I think I'll make the penne with pesto tonight, maybe add a little chicken. Last night I made the salmon burgers -- it was ok but not a favorite so I think it was a once and done for us. We've been to Norway but not to Molde. Strange quote, at least the first half. @Crazy For Cats Jake Happy 19th Anniversary! @summer slope Dixie sending hugs today as you pick up Bailey's ashes. @kazu Jacqui gorgeous flowers -- is that a Jackmanii Clematis? I love mine! @ottahand7 Nancy WOW on the fish! And beautiful flowers šŸ™‚ @ger_77 Sending my condolences on the passing of your friend.
  5. Good morning all! I'm not a big fan of Barbershop music but it's ok in small doses. I'm definitely not a geek, but our DS is, and DD is to a smaller degree. Don't think I live in a fool's paradise. Funny quote! We'll be in Moorea on the Grand Australia and have a private tour planned. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos. I'll pass on the drink and wine, but have printed out the first recipe and will make it later in the week. Tonight we're having tacos and DH will be working the following 2 days so that means no big meal planning. Maybe we'll have the salmon on Sunday. As I thought, I'm still aching all over from my work in the "jungle" behind our house. Thankfully it's cool enough here and I can have a heating pad on my back. Our high today will just get to the low 70's, but it will heat up to the high 70's this weekend. @kazu Jacqui I'm sorry you and Ivan both felt unwell yesterday. I hope today will be better for both of you. @StLouisCruisers Sandi thank you for sharing the photos of your darling grand-pups. Very cute! @marshhawk Annie I agree with others and hope your DH goes to visit his DM now. When my DM wasn't doing well and was on hospice, the hospice nurse told me nothing would happen soon. So I didn't go up to see her that day -- then I was sorry I didn't go, of course, and she passed before I could see her. His chemo treatments complicate things further too.
  6. Good afternoon, I did get back into the "jungle" behind the fence and got those pesky Cottonwood shoots all cut off. The area is full of blackberry vines too, so it wasn't very pleasant and the depressing thing is they will just grow back again into big nuisances. We've tried putting "stuff" on the stumps to stop them, but nothing has worked. So, I'm aching all over but still glad I did it. At least I slowed them down until next year and I had a good work out. šŸ¤£ Lorraine @cruising sister Wonderful news about sweet baby Murphy! Edi @NextOne Cheering for you that all the polyps were non-cancerous! Yippee!
  7. Good morning all! Good collection of days, I'll pass on the drink, would like the Riesling but it may be a bit sweet. I'll pass on the meal -- love salmon with lemon and garlic, but not all that butter....I know, just not a butter person! šŸ˜… I think the Hitchcock quote is being taken way too seriously...he had quite a sense of humor and this was an example of it. His shows always had a moral and the "bad guys" never got away with their bad deeds. Nobody approves of murder. We still watch his shows from the 50's. We'll be at this port in 2025, thanks for the wonderful photos! @Denise T I'm glad your doctor took you off Metformin. I was on it for years and it was NOT good for my kidneys. That and Omeprazole (heart burn) were the worst for kidneys, so glad I'm not on either one anymore. Today I hope to get back behind my neighbor's fence and cut off the sprouts coming up out of the Cottonwood stumps. The trees were cut down but they're sprouting now, ugh. Wish we could eradicate them altogether. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  8. Good morning all! I'll celebrate cheering up the lonely and blueberry muffins, but won't celebrate censorship. The drink looks good as does the champagne, and I would like the meal as a side dish (minus the dill). I don't think I've been to Cabo San Lucas. Thanks for the great photos! Today will be more cruise planning and gardening. We have pretty much the same weather that @Vict0riann has, no rain in the forecast. I need to do some watering today. Sure enjoying this weather! I hope everyone has a great day!
  9. Whatā€™s blooming here today. šŸŒøšŸŒ»šŸŒ¼ Fuchsia Sweet Peas Hydrangea The Liatris is just starting Jackmani Clematis
  10. Good morning all! I didn't make it here yesterday, just too busy with the DGS. We took him home last night and now it's back to my usual quiet life. šŸ˜‰ After 3 days of taking him swimming, museum, inflatable bouncing venue, movies etc. etc., I'm tired! But we had a wonderful time, he's such a great kid. Next month we'll be doing more of the same with his little brother. I adore kittens and have had many in my life. The only reason I don't have any now is because we're taking longer cruises and I hate leaving my fur babies. So I get my kitten fix from my grand-kitties. Pina Coladas are good, and so are teddy bear picnics. DD has my teddy bear from when I was 6 -- he's very fragile as you can imagine and "lives" at the top of the boys' closet where he's safe. šŸ˜‰ I like the quote, will pass on the red wine and drink. I'd like the meal but only with some changes in some of the ingredients and less spice. We were in Edinburgh in 2018 on the VOV. I wanted to go inside the castle but they were having several festivals that day and the lines were hours' long. Some photos of the day: Street performers Home of Robert Louis Sevenson Some exterior shots at the castle. Some day I'd like to get inside! View of Edinburgh The Balmoral Love this corner scene
  11. Hi Brenda, sorry I missed this question yesterday. We were on the Koningsdam and the Nieuw Statendam for our anniversary cruises. (NS Sept. 8-Oct. 17) and (Koningsdam Oct. 18-Nov. 13). Do those dates match up? I'm VERY glad to hear about your good pathology report!!
  12. Good morning all! A quick hello before we get started on our day. We're loving having the DGS here with us all weekend. The older they get (Foster just turned 10) the less we see the boys, they're so busy with school, scouts, camps etc. A big change from when we had them 2-3 days/week before they were in school. Last night the aquatic center was a big hit. Foster played in the water for 2 hours with my neighbor's granddaughter while she and I chatted poolside. Today's plans haven't been set yet, other than dinner out. We may spend some hours at the Children's Museum. Tomorrow will be a movie and Jump, Rattle, Roll (huge inflatables) before we take him home. Then on Monday I will rest! I think I'll pass on everything except the blueberries today. Good quote, have not been to this port. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good morning all! First, continued fervent prayers for Baby Murphy @cruising sister! She's a fighter! We're heading into a cooling trend, which is fine with me. Mid 70's instead of mid 80's. Since we'll have our DGS with us all weekend it makes it a little easier. We'll be picking him up in a few hours, we have reservations for him and a friend at the great local aquatic center for tonight. Then the weekend will be filled with other activities and more swimming if he wants (he would live in the water if he could)! Every day is chocolate day for me, even if it's just one square of chocolate. If only global forgiveness could happen, and I would love to be able to walk with my dear Dad again. He loved to take long walks. Love the quote, will pass on the meal (coconut) and drink (grape) but the Chardonnay sounds good. We have been to Civitavecchia and Rome many times. My photos of Rome would be like those posted already, but I have a few of the port since we've embarked, disembarked, and had turn-around days there. @mamaofami Carol I'm sorry to hear that your dear long-time friend is in hospice. Prayers for a peaceful passing and comfort for you and her family. @smitty34877 Terry great news about the good pathology report! @kazu Jacqui I hope these new meds will help Ivan feel better -- good to hear that his health is otherwise very good. It sounds like you have a great vet. I did find some photos of Civitavecchia from 2019, our long 50th anniversary cruise. We were there 4 times, and that day we walked to the market, bought flowers, and some wine in a little shop as we were browsing around. My flowers being wrapped Sailing from Civitavecchia We have stayed at this hotel a few times, and enjoyed it. Borgo del Mare.
  14. Good morning all! We sure are enjoying our beautiful weather lately. Today will be another high of low-mid 80's (and low humidity) and then will dip down to the 70's for a week or so. No rain in the forecast. Tomorrow we'll be picking up our oldest DGS and have him with us until Sunday night. It will be a busy and fun time! We have lots of things planned so the days will be full. I'm all for kissing and fried chicken, but other than on a patio umbrella, I've never even heard of covers for small umbrellas. But we rarely use umbrellas here even though we get a lot of rain. I live by that quote too, attitude is everything. I might like the drink, but wonder if it would be too sweet...and yay on a white wine finally, a NZ wine! Will pass on the meal, it sounds a bit heavy. I've never been to Valencia. @Denise T I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with your Diabetes after having Covid. I hope your doctor can help you get that under control. When I was so sick with the flu last fall and then when I had Covid this spring, my numbers went up even though I wasn't eating much of anything. Illness can do strange things to blood sugar. Because of both illnesses I lost about 13 pounds and now my numbers are much better. It sure wasn't from anything I did, I wasn't trying to lose weight. šŸ˜• @cruising sister Lorraine sending up prayers for Baby Murphy and her surgeons today. @smitty34877 Terry great news that Lou was able to come home yesterday. And I'm happy to hear about how everyone is pitching in to help! @kazu Sorry to hear that the pill pockets aren't working so well šŸ˜ž All the ups and downs has to be so hard. @sterling2 Welcome to the Daily! @luvteaching The obituary is lovely, thank you for sharing. I wonder if he went to grade school in Bellingham -- if so he would have been in school with one of my sisters. He sounds like he was a wonderful person. I just have to share some photos of DD's poppies -- I'm in love with them!
  15. Good morning all! I thought I smelled smoke this morning, and then heard that we have wildfires in WA. Apparently the closest this morning is 60 miles away. Last night the fireworks were louder than ever. I put in earplugs, turned up the sound machine and fan and took a pill! I slept well! LOL. But DH said it went on until at least 2am and was louder than ever. I love apple turnovers and long ago we would buy the Pepperidge Farm ones. I've worn 2-piece swim suits in the past but never a bikini, and like Jacquie @kazu I'm more of a cruise plan-a-holic than work-a-holic. Funny quote, will pass on the meatless chili and the red wine. The drink would be nice, especially on a BHB. We were in Vigo in September 2019. We took an excursion to archeological ruins from the 4th century B.C. (Castro de Santa) If we had known it would be so foggy we would have stayed closer to Vigo, but we had a nice day in spite of the heavy fog. @summer slope Dixie sending lots of ((hugs)) to you today as Bailey goes over the Rainbow bridge. I know how hard today is for you. @smitty34877Terry great news that Lou may get to come home today. @kazu Jacqui good to hear that Ivan is accepting the pills in the steak -- and I hope the pill pockets will be a big success! @horseymike Welcome to the Daily! Photos from our excursion out of Vigo --- View of Vigo from our balcony -- it wasn't pre-dawn, it was dark from fog. On our way out of Vigo for our excursion The ancient ruins were blanketed in fog We could see a little of the church interior through a window A monastery in the fog Castello De Monterreal A glimpse of the shoreline! This is a photo our guide passed around showing us what it *should* have looked like. We stopped at this hotel for pastries and drinks And we walked the grounds enjoying the beautiful views. There was even a field of Amaryllis Have a great day everyone!
  16. More Lilies and Astilbe (Iā€™m procrastinating making the potato salad). Also our boys led their parade today. Their Dad, our SIL, is behind them.
  17. Not dumb at all! I always thought it was for Power of Attorney! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
  18. Good morning all and Happy 4th of July! We'll be having a quiet day at home today, probably will do some gardening and more cruise planning. . We try to stay off the roads this holiday, as much as possible anyway. The fireworks around here have been going all week, as usual. Tonight it will really get loud, but I'm prepared to turn up all the sound machines so we can sleep -- kind of anyway! šŸ¤£ Fireworks are illegal here, but that doesn't stop them. They were going last night well after I went to bed, and if this is a normal 4th, it will be 2 or 3 in the morning before they stop. The same thing happens on NYE. We'll be having BBQ tonight (ribs), potato salad, and maybe a fruit salad. I'm not a fan of most country music, but do like some. It won't be hot enough here to fry an egg on the sidewalk, I think it will get up to the low 80's F today. Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good, and so does the meal (without cilantro). Last night I made the shrimp cakes w/the lemon aioli sauce and they were good. I think I still prefer the crab cakes I make (I got HAL's recipe on a cruise and have tweaked it over the years). But the aioli sauce was great!! Because we lived in Southern CA and our DS and DDIL lived in the Los Angeles area for years before moving up here, we've been to Los Angeles many, many times. The only times we've cruised there (San Pedro) was on Celebrity Pacific Coastal cruises. We've been to all the usual touristy spots and Disneyland many times (DDIL was an Imagineer at Disney before moving here). Not sure where all my photos are... Sandi @StLouisCruisers Thinking of you on the anniversary of your dear Dad's passing. Lorraine @cruising sister Condolences on the passing of your aunt. I hope things go as smoothly as possible in making arrangements for your other aunt and their home. Terry @smitty34877 It was good to hear that Lou has improved, and can possibly come home soon. Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry Ivan has to take both meds now and especially that he's started to balk at taking them. @Cruzin Terri Thank you for the photos of Haugesund, a Norway port we haven't visited. Paul @kochleffel Thank you for the update on the kitties. I think Susan @durangoscots has an excellent idea, to sit quietly and lure them out with treats. Sounds like they're especially shy and just need some encouragement possibly. Good luck!
  19. Good morning all! Interesting collection of days. I'll pass on the sweet drink and red wine, but the recipes are all so good it's hard to pick one. I think I'll make the one with the lemon aioli, and add some red peppers and chives. Hopefully that will be dinner tonight if I find shrimp today on our grocery run. We've been to Norway a few times but never to Stravenger -- thank you to all who post photos today! Joy @Seasick Sailor Ouch about your poor toe! I'm sure it's extremely painful, hope you're doing ok. Jacqui @kazu I'm sorry to hear that Ivan is not doing well yet today. Hopefully the meds are the main reason he's drowsy and no appetite since that is a side effect -- in any case I hope he feels better soon. Terry @smitty34877 I was very sorry to hear that your DH had some setbacks yesterday. I'm hoping today will be better. Paul @kochleffel Did I miss it or have your kitties come out of hiding? We would love some photos! Jake @Crazy For Cats I hope the cutbacks at work are done. Have a great day everyone!
  20. Sharon it was a fun day (and cruise!) Apparently I had no problem finding some wine to buy šŸ˜‰ This is a SV and apple wine blend. I do remember a lot of it was on the sweet side, but this one wasn't bad. Thank you so much Sandi! Our back yard is fenced, not where these flowers are -- but we don't have a problem with rabbits and deer where we live -- but a huge problem with slugs. That's an on-going battle. šŸ˜ž
  21. Good morning all! I'm late this morning, I got side-tracked doing cruise research and you know how that goes! Our beautiful weather continues and slowly heating up to the mid 80's by Wednesday. I seem to be forgetting way too much lately. Funny, just last night I read that WA state has the second most UFO sightings in the US. No, I haven't ever seen a UFO but would like to. @Nickelpenny thanks for sharing your experience, that must have been something to see! Disabled Recreation Day is a worthy and important cause. I'll pass on the meal (mushrooms and risotto), drink (coconut) and the red wine. We haven't been to the port of the day. Yesterday I spent hours potting and re-potting and got all the annuals planted that I bought the day before. Today we're going down to see DS and DDIL and see their progress -- they got new doors for the "barn" (storage building etc.) and he's starting a fence around the area DDIL has her vegetable garden. It has been demolished by marauding rabbits and deer. šŸ˜ž Debbie @dfish Sorry to hear about your sinus issues, hope you feel better soon! Lorraine @cruising sister How sad about your aunt and sad about the hoarding too. It makes it so hard for family trying to help. Here are some photos of what's the latest to bloom in my yard. I'm loving the Lilies and Astilbe especially. Lots more Lilies coming too. The Sweet Peas are just starting to bloom now. You can see white flowers at the top right.
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