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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good afternoon, DH and I are taking a lunch break, the arbor is almost done! It will be so nice to see my Clematis climbing again. While in the back yard, I started deadheading and pulling weeds, and found a weedy thing that smelled like....Cilantro. Anyone who knows me knows I detest the stuff, and whatever this is has to be related to Cilantro. Now my garden gloves smell like it and I'm itching all over and have a headache. People laugh that I hate Cilantro, but I really do think I have a mild allergy to it. Oh, and I also pulled out some of the False Hellebore. It spreads so fast this time of year. I thought of you Debbie @dfish. Annie @marshhawk I'm so sorry you came home with Covid. Did you hear if it was a big problem on the NA? I hope you have a mild case!
  2. Good morning all! Another partly cloudy day and will get to the mid 60's again. I spent all day yesterday buying and planting flowers -- a great day but my back was hurting a bit last night. Today DH isn't working and our goal is to finish building the arbor and get it up in the back yard. Then the plan is BBQ steak for dinner. The wine and drink both sound good, not sure about the meal. I'm not fond of couscous -- thank you Tina @0106 for letting us know how healthy it is. Especially since I'm diabetic (but I get lots of fiber in other ways). I should try it again. I've never been to Brazil. Sandi @StLouisCruisers Glad to hear you're feeling better today! Terry @smitty34877 I join others in hoping that Tana can get outside today. Debbie @dfish, glad to hear that you're doing so much better! As for your photo of the plant, my garden app says it's False Hellebore. I have tons of it coming up in my back yard, it's very invasive here. I pull it out when I see it. JMO, but it has no place in my garden. It's also poisonous. https://www.google.com/search?
  3. Thank you all! I'm adding these tips to my spreadsheet. No biggie if we can't get on and off the bus, I just thought it would be a good way to get to a beach plus see the area. 🙂
  4. I'm with you on the heat and humidity, no thanks! And I was done with the Caribbean after the first time. 😂
  5. Glad to hear that it's better than a few weeks ago.
  6. The Cottonwoods are a real menace around here (it was a Cottonwood that fell on my neighbor's house). So far today it doesn't seem as bad as usual, but it could just be taking its time. Even worse than the fluff are the seed pods that land on and stain the deck. 😞 I'm going to take the opportunity while it isn't too bad and get out to do the yardwork (also to plant the flowers I just got at the nursery). I've also had the Hogue Riesling and liked it too. I'll have to pay more attention, I thought the Chateau St. Michelle at Total Wine here has a screw top, but wouldn't swear to it.
  7. Good morning all! Partly cloudy today, heading to the mid 60's. I plan to make a visit to my favorite nursery and get more annuals to add to my pots. This week the Cottonwood fluff is blowing, making gardening not as pleasant. I'm not allergic (thankfully) like many are, but it's still annoying when it's flying in my face and up my nose. 🤣 We hope the fluff will be less this year since we had 4 Cottonwoods removed behind us. Also will get the lawn mowed, that will pick up some of the white fluff. My grandparents had an old time player piano -- lots of fun! We always have sunscreen on hand, and I'm not totally sure I know what cellophane tape is. Googling just said something about merchants using it to wrap food... The drink, meal and wine all sound great to me. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I also prefer the same Chateau St. Michelle Riesling. I love how they mark on the bottle how dry or sweet it is. Mid-range for me too. Tonight we'll be having the strawberry balsamic glazed salmon. Yum. Costco had the Copper River Salmon, our favorite. We'll be in Rarotonga on the Grand Australia next year. It looks like taking the bus 'round the island is the thing to do and I already had that on my trip spread sheet. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for your great photos. Is it kind of a HOHO? (would we be able to get off at a beach and back on the bus later?) Sandi @StLouisCruisers Yikes! I was holding my breath all through your post. How very scary for you not to mention your family. Is it possible you have an allergy to something in the BBQ? Debbie @dfish I'm glad you're taking it easy and know not to push yourself. They say the 3rd day is the hardest, so be easy on yourself. Jake @Crazy For Cats Welcome home! Brenda @bennybear Wow, how great is that?! I know here the President sends letters on your 100th birthday (my Dad got one) but nothing for a 50th anniversary.
  8. Thank you. I guess I should download the Celebrity app!
  9. Thank you for your fair review. The NS is my favorite ship, many wonderful days sailing her. We sail Celebrity too, but not in a few years. We have a cruise coming up in September on the Solstice. Just curious, can you see the MDR menu sooner on Celebrity? I don't recall that you can, but I may have missed that.
  10. Good morning all! It's going to be a beautiful day here, sunny and low 70's. Maybe I can catch up on the gardening. Good collection of days today. When I was younger I was a natural "strawberry blonde", that's as close to being a redhead as I got. Our DGS got a book at Christmas all about making different styles of paper airplanes, he's gotten quite good at it. I've always loved that quote from George Burns. Miss him! I'll pass on the drink, red wine and meal today and have never been to Petra but would love to go if I could take that heat. Sandi @StLouisCruisers it amazes me that you could walk so far in that stifling heat! Thanks for the amazing photos. I noticed that in @Nickelpenny's photos people were wearing jackets -- so it must have been cooler then -- I'm all for that! Thank you for your great photos too. @Denise T Safe travels! @Nickelpenny Congratulations on your retirement! @kochleffel Happy Shavout! @1ANGELCAT I'm so very sorry that your sweet Fluff has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Losing our fur babies is so hard. You gave her a good life and she felt your love up until the last minute. (((hugs)))
  11. It has been an interesting afternoon. Our new arbor arrived (the old one blew over last winter after 25 years). And of course it has to be assembled....DH is working at the Mariner games this week, today and Sunday are his only days off...so of course I thought I could get started on the arbor at least while he was doing some errands that had to be done today. I didn't get far. I'm really NOT good at this, and quickly remembered it took me weeks to put our DD's doll house together when DH was out to sea 40 years ago. Long story short, he came home to find me on the floor with pieces all around me and nothing put together. He got some put together before he has to leave again on another errand, but has promised we'll get it done on Sunday. The good thing is I think I'm going to love it!
  12. Good morning all! We have sunshine again this morning, heading for the low 70's. The daily weather app for today shows "chance of rain showers", and yet the hourly page shows 0% all day and night...it's been doing this a lot lately. 😉 My heart breaks for all missing children and their families. When I worked I brown bagged it most days. I haven't read the book so still don't really "get" Towel Day. Maybe I should read the book. I'll pass on the red wine and meal (not a fan of mushrooms in any form), but would try the drink. We were in Gibraltar twice on our anniversary cruise in September and October 2019. The first time we DIY to see the monkeys and the 2nd time we stayed in town and did a little shopping for in-cabin snacks etc. Yesterday we made our last payment on the Grand Australia coming up in January. By using AARP and HAL gift cards plus paying it off before June 1, we saved around $8400. I keep reminding myself of that fact when I think how much this is costing -- 😂 Happy "alternate birthday" Gerry @ger_77! What a great idea and enjoy your dinner tonight! Debbie @dfish I know you'll be so happy to get home. Glad it's all over and that the tumor didn't look suspicious. Isn't that always the way -- they say you'll be going home "in the morning" and then it takes hours and hours...I hope the doctor shows up pretty soon. Our first time to Gibraltar in September 2019 we had a gorgeous day. We walked to the funicular and spent hours watching the monkeys. Our ride to the top The views were spectacular. I loved seeing the mamas and babies. The second time there in October wasn't great weather.
  13. Good morning all! We have sunshine this morning! Today will get up to the mid 60's with some sun and clouds. Good gardening weather. Speaking of gardening, I have a lot of snails in my yard -- so anyone who loves escargot is welcome to them! I will take a hard pass and my flowers will thank you. 😉 🤣 I've never had a tiara or a brother. I do have 2 BIL's though, and DH had 2 brothers but they have both passed. Love George Carlin and the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and red wine, have never been to Morocco. Thank you for the photos -- not sure I'd be interested in visiting this port, it looks a bit bleak (?) Happy Birthday Jack @Heartgrove! I hope you have a wonderful day. Debbie @dfish Your surgery must be over with now, prayers you have a swift recovery! @57redbird Prayers for your dear cousin, you and the family. Thinking of you today Eva @superoma as you lay your dear father to rest.
  14. And this is the photo that told me I must meet these people!!
  15. Exactly. A pet peeve of mine. I tried making a dining reservation for the second half when we were onboard. I went to one of the reservation kiosks and was told it was impossible at that time. She was very apologetic about it but said it was impossible, the system wouldn't allow it.
  16. Good morning all! I woke up to bright sunshine, but now the clouds are rolling in. Hopefully the rain from yesterday is over with and I can get outside today to plant those veggie plants. Interesting collection of days. I'll pass on the red wine and drink, but may make my own variation of pork stir fry tonight. That sounds good. Like so many, we've been to HMC many times. In 2013 we rode the horses into the water (my favorite day there) and in 2017 we and friends rented the Grand Oasis (my second favorite day there). Other times we rented a cabana (once and done) or just found a shady spot far from the crowd and enjoyed the water. Debbie @dfish Thinking of you as you have your surgery tomorrow. Annie @marshhawk I'm glad you enjoyed HAL but so sorry to hear you got Noro and then bronchitis. Tina @0106 Thank you for the explanation of the quote. Laura @dobiemom I'm so sorry you had NO sleep and then had to go to work. Yesterday I was dragging around here after 5 hours' sleep and I didn't have anywhere or anything I had to do. I can't even imagine! Photo from my favorite day at HMC. It was a hoot, especially going into the water with my horse "Black Beauty". They change horses when you go from land riding to water -- this is "Bandero", my land horse.
  17. Good morning all! We had to turn the heat back on this morning -- and it rained during the night, so at least I won't have to water the pots and garden today. After the morning drizzle passes it should be a nice day. I won't be buying a musical instrument today, cheers for the Maritime Industry, and no Goth for me please. I'll pass on the meal and red wine, but the drink would be good. The quote is funny and I too have friends of both kinds. 😉 Last night I made homemade Gyros to use up the leftover Tzatziki sauce from the Tzatziki Chicken we had. They were yummy! We were in Geiranger in 2019 on the Nieuw Statendam -- photos below. The joint birthday party yesterday at the bouncy arena was fun, the kids all had a ball. And it wasn't too loud because the arena is huge. Their birthdays always seem to last a month, since the actual birthdays are 2 1/2 weeks apart and (so far anyway) they're agreeable to sharing the party. After the party we went to Flower World and I got my tomato and pepper plants that I'll hopefully plant today. Sandi @StLouisCruisers I was sorry to hear that your stomach is still giving you problems. Hoping it passes soon! Susan @durangoscots Yay on the Grand Australia final payment! I know you weren't sure if you'd go, glad to hear you will be! We'll be making our final payment this week. First DH will be calling HAL to clear up a problem (one of our gift cards wasn't applied with the others). It helps having an accountant for a spouse, he's caught 3 that didn't go through. That's $1500. We took an excursion up Eagle Road and Mt. Dalsnibba when we were in Geiranger a few years ago. As others have said, the scenery is breathtaking! It was mid September and very cold and wet but we had a great day! Eleven hairpin turns The Nieuw Statendam
  18. Thanks. Interesting about the warnings etc. I've never had any problem with communications and have had good experiences with them backing me if there are problems. Unlike when I had a problem with a local provider booked directly with our roll call... no response at all. I do book locally, but only when I've checked them out thoroughly myself and/or I know and trust the person who recommends them.
  19. Why? Just curious. We've used Viator (and Shore Excursions Group too) in Europe and always with good results.
  20. Good morning all! Woke up to clouds and much cooler. For the next few days it will only be around 60 and then will warm back up. Today is the grandsons' joint birthday party at a trampoline/amusement center. I imagine the noise will be loud! Afterwards DH and I will stop by Flower World and get my tomato and pepper plants. I'll take a look at the hanging baskets too. 😉 I didn't want to get them until now since we were gone the first half of May. A very good collection of days, will pass on the red wine and drink. Debbie @dfishthe first recipe sounds very good to me (if I cut back on the spice). I like spice, it just doesn't like me. Prayers for all on the Care list and cheers for all on the celebrations list. Have a good day everyone!
  21. Good morning all! Interesting collection of days. I'll pass on the drink and red wine, and would probably like the meal but prefer salmon prepared other ways more. I ordered a new arbor to replace the one we had 25 years. Last winter was too much for it and it fell over along with my Clematis. I just hope we can get the new one up in time to save the Clematis and that it lasts as long as the old one did. It should arrive in just a few days. Debbie @dfishlast night we had the Tzatziki Chicken and I agree, it was good! That recipe is a keeper. Again, Eva @superoma my deepest condolences on the death of your father. Finding him had to be so hard. My dear Dad also had all his final arrangements in place. It certainly helps those left behind at such a sad time. Gerry @ger_77 I'm glad your family is in the air and headed home! Today will be spent doing more (gentle) gardening. Yesterday I overdid again, but at least all the major stuff is done. That first big cleanup in the spring is always the hardest, and as DH says, I just can't help myself even though everything hurts! 🤣
  22. Thank you, good to know we have something locally! But they live 40 minutes south in Kenmore (I wish they did live here though!)
  23. LOL yes I will 😉 Sounds great (minus the dill) and I hope to make this tonight. Thanks!
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