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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. He says thank you! 🙂 Lenda then you and I are both odd balls. That's exactly how I like my eggs too. And my DH likes his eggs like your DH likes his.
  2. Henry started on Paxlovid last night, his doctor approved it. If I get Covid, I doubt I could take it between my kidney function and meds I'm on. But yes, I'm very pleased with the lab report! I went from 2 points away from Stage 4 to 1 point away from Stage 3a (still in 3b). Moving up! I like my eggs "medium" meaning the yolks can't be hard but not running all over the place. And never, ever, like an egg plopped on top of my food, runny or hard. 🤣
  3. Good morning all! Well the last 2 days have been a roller coaster for DH and me. He wasn't feeling well yesterday morning so called in to let them know he wouldn't be working the Mariner game yesterday. Later he took a Covid test....and it was positive. 😞 He's not doing too badly, a headache and minor cold symptoms. Thankful for that. We went for 3 years without getting it. I'm sure he got it on public transit going to/from the games. He wears a mask faithfully but since it isn't required on public transit anymore...nobody else wears one. Now the good news. I went for my kidney labs yesterday and everything is moving in the right direction! All the water I'm drinking, hardly any salt, and getting rid of and tweaking some meds seem to be doing the trick. I'm not out of the woods yet, but definitely a big improvement from 2 months ago. SO thankful for that. Waiting for my nephrologist's comments, but I got the results early this morning. I was afraid to look, seriously. Sandi @StLouisCruisers Great photos and congratulations to Ren! Terry @smitty34877 Wonderful that your DH won't need surgery right now. Keeping good thoughts for the interview tomorrow with the private aide! Welcome to the Daily @MisterMatthew! Nancy @ottahand7 The planters look great! Maureen @RMLincolnThank you for the great photos of Haugesund. Dixie @summer slope Prayers that the tumor has shrunk.
  4. Oh yes it can. I miss her every day, we were very close. Thank you so much!!
  5. Aw, thank you Brenda. But it wasn't recently, she passed 13 years ago. But I do appreciate your thoughts!
  6. Good morning all! I love rainbows and they have a special meaning for me especially since a double rainbow appeared in front of me just as I was feeling really down a few days after the death of my dear sister. ❤️ I think I had some fun at all my jobs, all but one -- and that one I had no fun at all. 😅 Not a fan of the fabric tweed, the quote is good, will pass on the drink but the wine sounds good. I'd like the 4th recipe today. We've been to Boston several times and done pretty much all the touristy things. After doing all that we even went to Salem one day. The last time there we spent the day with Debbie @dfish who graciously waited for me as I got a much-needed haircut 😉 Then we had a fun day. Today I'll finish the laundry I started yesterday, and catch up on some housework. The weather is still cold and cloudy (no rainbows today) but at least there's no "frozen mix" coming down like yesterday. Gerry @ger_77I love your stories about the Ukrainian family and this latest one was especially heart-warming. Bless you! @Overhead FredBon Voyage! @superoma What gorgeous Hellebores. The dark ones are my favorite. Here's a rainbow photo from Yellowstone.
  7. Oh no, always something! Let us know what you find out tomorrow. I'm so sorry to hear this, Laura. I hope you and your DH get over this quickly and don't miss many ports. We got our grocery shopping done just in time. The "frozen mix" came down in a torrent, hail was bouncing off the roof and covered the ground. Of course my Daffodils are all blooming and the tulips are coming up. Winter can leave any time!
  8. Good morning all! We have a lot of children's books here. Sadly the boys have outgrown a lot of them. They're (almost) 8 and 10 now, hard to believe. One of their favorites was "Pajama Time" -- that one had to be read over and over. We usually made a song out of it and they sang along with me. I still have some of my own books from childhood too, "Mary Poppins" is one. I love a good PBJ but the "J" is never jelly, it's always jam. I've just never liked jelly. We've been to Normandy but not Cherbourg. We rented a car and drove to the D Day Beaches. Photos would be too much like Lenda's @Quartzsite Cruiser so I won't repost them. I would like the wine but it's out of my budget, the drink sounds great (for dessert!) and I would like the cod but without the coconut. Seems like we've had a lot of coconut lately?? Tonight we're having halibut, most likely will make "Heavenly Halibut" with the parmesan/mayo topping with lemon juice and hot sauce. Not a lot on the agenda today, other than going to the Commissary to restock on produce mainly. And more cruise planning. Gerry @ger_77 I am so impressed by all the help you organized for the young Ukrainian family. I know they are grateful! We also have a large Ukrainian population here, some have been here for years, some more recently. I've mentioned before about the young family across the street from us and how much we enjoy them. In their case the husband/father has his own company and is doing well. We had a Ukrainian company do our siding a few years back and we'd never seen such hard workers!! Maureen @RMLincolnI'm so sorry to hear that your friend's DH is dying. It's no wonder you had trouble sleeping. Prayers for him, your friend, and you. Karen @luvteaching Good to hear about your DH's improvement!!
  9. Sharon we've never had to change cabins, but I've read here that the stewards help you. Apparently they take whole drawers of things to the new cabin which would sure make it go faster.
  10. Oh how adorable Sharon! And she's so good -- our boys would have been gobbling up the m&ms more than decorating. 😄
  11. Good morning all! I've never used a bunsen burner, don't care for clams, but have lots of crayons here for the grandsons. Although the older they get (7 and 9) the less they're interested in art projects and would rather do something else. Will pass on the meal (coconut and clam sauce), the quote is good, and will pass on the drink and red wine. Have never been to the port. Today will be another day of getting housework done and cruise planning -- like most of my days. 😉 Not a good night's sleep last night. For some strange reason my left eye was itching and it still is. It looks fine, so I have no idea what's going on, and don't have allergies. Drops aren't helping. Hope it stops soon. @seagarsmokerOh my gosh your story about the milk and cookies had me laughing out loud! I know it had to be frustrating though -- surprising that the concierge couldn't get it straightened out for you! Joy @Seasick SailorI'm sorry you came home sick and also that your luggage was damaged. I hope you feel better soon. Charlene @cunnorlHappy Birthday to your son today! Our son's due date was April 1 and I remember thinking I hope he wouldn't be born on April Fool's Day. He wasn't, he came 11 days later! Annie @marshhawkYour story about the medical forms brought back a recent memory. I had a thick pile of forms to fill out before seeing the Nephrologist. It took me days to fill it out, all the while thinking why don't they just look at my record to get this information??? And then when I went to my appointment, they told me "oh, you don't have to fill them out unless there's been a change". ??? Debbie @dfishI'm sorry Sue has a migraine. What did you do to entertain River? @senorjimWelcome to the Daily! @cruzn single Enjoy Key West!
  12. Sorry to miss you too! As Debbie @dfish knows, she and I had several near-misses over the years and finally got to meet in Seattle and then were on a cruise together. So hopefully we can meet some day whether on a BHB or on land!
  13. Good morning all! We're having another nice day here but it will dip back down to the mid 30's F for the lows for a few days before warming up again. Even the dreaded "frozen mix" in the forecast. So I wait to put my seedlings out. This weather really reminds me that I'm not in control 😉 We've had some wonderful doctors over the years. Sadly our last long-time doctor retired a year ago. We really hated to see her go. I've seen her replacement only twice so far and like her -- fingers crossed she can live up to our last doctor. I'd love to take a walk in the park today, but will have to settle for the treadmill. DH will be working the game for the Mariners today as he will be for many days this month. The quote is a good one, I'd prefer the Asparagus and Ham Rolls but do try to avoid ham because of the salt. Will pass on the red wine and drink. We've been to Olympia, photos to follow. Happy Birthday Susan @Suslorand Mary Kay @cruzn single! Happy Anniversary Ray and Sarah @USN59-79, enjoy your cruise! Sandi @StLouisCruisersThank you for posting your DD's spring/Easter celebration tree. Always a treat to see. It reminds me that I need to change my St. Patrick's Day windsock to a spring windsock. Susan @SuslorI'm sorry that both you and your DH have had medical issues since your cruise. Glad though that the issues seem to be resolved. Wishing you good health! We were in Katakolon in the fall of 2019. We went to Olympia and then a wine tasting. Olive trees Bowl where the flame sat Footprint of the 9-foot statue that had been on this pedestal
  14. Good morning all! Interesting collection of days. I'll pass on the drink, but would probably like the wine. Not real fond of ham but if someone else made it I'd have it once... We've been to Honolulu twice. The first time was on DH's R&R from Viet Nam in 1970 (thank you Bruce @aliaschieffor mentioning Viet Nam Veterans' Day. He left for Viet Nam in November of 1969 after we'd been married only 2 months. We didn't see each other again for 11 months when he had R&R in Hawaii. The second time there was in 2010 on a Hawaii Cruise on the Zaandam. That day we climbed Diamond Head. We'll be there again next January on the Grand Australia and this time we have a tour to Pearl Harbor. For some reason it wasn't open to tours the last time we were there. Yesterday was a beautiful day and today promises to be more of the same. I planted a new rose bush that is supposed to have a strong citrus scent -- can't wait for that! @seagarsmokerThank you for the great photos of your PS! We've never had one, but have been in one before when a good friend had one. I'm not surprised you had a hard time finding things, I have that problem in a regular cabin! I've always said that the only reason I'd want one would be for the private hot tub -- not that we'll ever have one! Ann @Vict0riann Bon Voyage! I hope Pat's nosebleeds stop soon. Mary Kay @cruzn single Bon Voyage! Tony @sailingdutchyBon Voyage! Gerry @ger_77What gorgeous blankets! Our view of Honolulu from the top of Diamond Head.
  15. Ha, we'll be in Vancouver on the 6th too! Disembarking the Koningsdam that day. Would love to see you and Annie if possible...even if just to meet for coffee. We'll just be driving home that day (leaving our car in Vancouver). Wish we could show you around Seattle Sharon!! But we'll be leaving right away for Yellowstone after the cruise. Have you been to Seattle before?
  16. Good morning all! Like several here, the only thing I want to eat on a stick would be chocolate covered ice cream or maybe a toasted marshmallow (to put in chocolate and a graham cracker). No appreciation of weeds here, it's a constant battle to keep the weeds out of the lawn, and that's probably one thing I'll be doing today. I respect every cat every day. Will pass on the drink and red wine, but the meal sounds very good. Last night I made the 2nd recipe for Sweet and Sour Meatballs. DH said it was a keeper -- I did have to add a LOT more cornstarch to thicken it up though. Either it called for too much pineapple juice, not enough thickener, or both. Very good though once I got it thick enough. We will be in Moorea next year on the Grand Australia. We have a private tour booked. Speaking of private tours, we're blessed to have someone on our roll call who has been great at arranging tours -- and I've booked several with her so far. Unfortunately another tour I booked with someone else has caused some concern. I just hope I still have a tour!...too long to go into here, but just say I appreciate those who are organized at arranging tours and keep up with their emails. @lvhh Very sorry to hear about your fridge problem! Sandy @StLouisCruisersOh no, sorry to hear your roof problem continues. Maureen @RMLincolnpositive thoughts for your DH as he has eye surgery today. Terry @smitty34877I'm so sorry to hear that your aide has left! Prayers that you find someone (a good someone) soon. Debbie @dfish$125 isn't bad -- I'd be happy with that too! @sunviking90Welcome to the Daily! I hope we see more of you. 🙂 Sandi @StLouisCruisersThank you for posting the maps showing where the Koningsdam will have drydock. The K is our next ship in just a month. I don't think we've ever had a cruise so soon after a drydock. 😄
  17. What a shame, especially in Koper. We took a HAL tour to Lake Bled one time, and a Viator tour another time. I would have been disappointed too.
  18. I don't wear lanyards, but that's just because I don't like anything around my neck. Also don't carry a purse around. I keep my ship card in a pocket and the few times I don't have a pocket (at dinner usually) DH puts it in his pocket.
  19. Good morning all! It was 32F this morning when I got up but headed for the high 50's this afternoon and sunny. I plan to set my seedlings out a few hours so they can get some sunlight, and do general gardening. We're supposed to have sunshine and up to 60F for the next few days, yay! Then the rain will be back... I haven't known many Joe's, but DH does have one cousin named Joe. I had nice handwriting at one time, but arthritis has ruined it. I'll pass on the red wine and the drink (coconut) but love sweet and sour meatballs. I've printed out the 2nd recipe for future use. We've been to Quebec City 4 times on BHBs and done a few out-of-town excursions to Saint Anne Canyon, Montmerency Falls, Sainte Anne de Beaupre and other times just wandered around the town. I never got here yesterday, we were out most of the day -- visiting the grand-kitties again and also a trek to Total Wine to replenish the wine rack. Debbie @dfishI hope your drain problem is an easy fix and not too costly. Sandi @StLouisCruisersCongratulations to Ren's team! Tina @0106We have used Shore Excursions Group several times in Europe and just yesterday I booked a tour with them for the South Pacific. I thought they were affiliated with the Big Box store -- in the past their website had a link to get to their excursions. Maybe they've changed to AAA as @Cruise Suzysaid. In any case, we've been very happy with them. My photos are a compilation of the 4 different times in/near Quebec City. Of course the 3-D mural in La Place Royale I love the street music every visit. The funicular Evening view from our ship of Hotel du Frontenac One visit we walked to the Chocolate Museum. A few items inside, all made of chocolate: Another time we went to Montmerency Falls Saint Anne Canyon Zip lining across Saint Anne Canyon (not me) lol The Shrine of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre A couple photos from inside
  20. Fred has the right answer here, Annie. I think some posts have been referring to HAL gift cards, which unless they're offering a special bonus card, I don't see any reason to buy them. When they were offering the bonus cards, we did buy some. But AARP has 10% discounted gift cards all the time. So DH and I have each been buying 5/month (the maximum you can buy) and using them to pay for the Grand Australia next year.
  21. We're paying for most of our Grand Australia with the gift cards. DH also made the payments online. Remember that if you're a couple, each of you can buy $2500 per month, making it $5000 per couple. My DH also taught me. My dear Dad tried to teach me when I was 16 and we lived in California -- I think by mutual agreement we gave up on that! (and he was the most patient man I've ever known). 😅 When DH taught me, we lived in Montana --- lots and lots of wide open spaces, nothing for me to hit! No wonder you're so great at keeping up with everyone! I just have hand-written pages with CC names and first names.
  22. Good morning all! It's 38 degrees here now, heading for a whopping 45 today. Yesterday was crazy -- As Tony @HAL4NOW was getting all that snow, we got the "frozen mix" for awhile in the afternoon which this time was hail -- but at one point as a plane was flying overhead, there was a BOOM of one LOUD clap of thunder. DH thought the plane had exploded! I nearly jumped out of my chair. It was so loud! I don't care much for pecans, but do like waffles. Some of my in-laws in GA get quite testy about the pronunciation of pecan....needless to say I don't say it like they do. 😂 Oh my goodness the meal today looks so good! I printed off the 2nd recipe with the balsamic glaze. I wish I'd had this recipe when we had salmon a few days ago. I thought I'd like the wine, but then saw the words "bone dry". I like my Riesling in the middle range between sweet and dry. Will pass on the drink, it sounds way too sweet. Today DH is working with the Mariners, and I'm going to drive south to DD's house to play with the kittens. They're away this weekend on another ski trip and asked if I'd do that -- no problem! We'll also be doing that tomorrow when we drive that way to Total Wine to stock up. 😉 Lorraine @cruising sisterif you want to take advantage of the 3% savings by paying off the cruise by June 1 and use gift cards, you have March, April and May to buy a total of 15 gift cards. As I said on the roll call, we're limited to 5 per person per month. The highest gift card is for $500 (you pay $450) so you can buy 5 of those each time. Ann @cat shepardHappy Birthday to your dear sister! Terry @smitty34877Adorable photo of your DGS and puppy. I love how their hair matches. Karen @luvteachingPrayers for you and your DH. I hope things improve for him. Susan @durangoscotsI'm sure you have the same thing I had in December. It does take a long time to get over -- try not to overdo and take those naps if you want to. It will end, even though it seems like it will go on forever!
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