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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Will pass on being nasty. Don't we have too much of that every day? I just sent happy Women's Day messages to our DD and DDIL. Proofreading....probably my biggest pet peeve (besides nasty people). It's so easy to proofread before hitting "send" but more and more don't bother to do that. Ok, off my soap box! 🙂 The quote is a good one, will pass on the meal, drink and red wine. I would like the last recipe IF I omitted the mushrooms...is that allowed since it's a main ingredient?? 🤣 We went to St. John's on the VOV in 2018 and had a very nice day. Photos below. Terry @smitty34877What wonderful news about the aide starting on Monday and also the encouraging visit with the 2nd specialist! Sending gentle hugs to Jacqui @kazu We were in St. John's in 2018 on the Voyage of the Vikings. We took an all-day tour that day. This is a photograph I bought while there. And my photo of Fort Amherst, a similar view minus the iceberg! We went to Cape Spear, the easternmost point in North America. The oldest surviving lighthouse in Newfoundland We went to Petit Harbor, a fishing village Petit Harbor And Cabot Tower Looking down on our ship (the old Rotterdam) from the tower And the city of St. John's A friendly Newfie we saw in St. John's Mallard Cottage, oldest house in Newfoundland now a restaurant We visited Quidi Vidi And had lunch at the Shamrock City Pub where we had fish & chips and beer made from the water of icebergs
  2. Yes, HAL will charge the full price to your credit card and you will get 50% back as OBC onboard. But make sure you watch your statement to be sure you get it. We usually have no problem, but it does happen. Enjoy your 4-star perks!
  3. Or you can sign up for it before your cruise. Here's some more information. Scroll down a little and you'll see the section about Luggage Direct. https://maketraveleasier.com/holland/services
  4. Back from my Diabetic eye exam, and happy that everything looked very good. (finally a doctor's appointment with no bad news) 😅 No glaucoma, and the cataracts are no worse than last year and not bad enough for surgery yet. Eyes are still dilated but inside the house it isn't bad. Brenda @bennybearWelcome home and thank you for the lovely photos over the past few weeks. Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI would love to emulate my dear Dad too but so far I seem to be following in my Mother's footsteps with the Diabetes and high blood pressure. Dad's sister also lived to 100, amazing! Sharon @Sharon in AZYour Mom is another one who doesn't look her age. I love it how she takes great interest in her shopping!
  5. We have used it a few times and will again. It's a great service.
  6. Good morning all! Well after 3 good nights, it caught up with me and last night I was a member of the 3am club and many other hours too. I knew it would come, but those good nights were wonderful! I have my yearly eye exam this morning, and of course my eyes are tired. 😉 We like cereal here, especially Cheerios with fruit and Raisin Nut Bran (so much yummier than Raisin Bran)! Crown Roast Pork sounds yummy too, but if someone else makes it. A big salute to the Peace Corps! My Dear Dad is a perfect example of quality of life and longevity. Today is the 5th anniversary of his passing at the young age of 101. He looked and acted more like an 80-year-old, even his doctors couldn't believe his age. We miss him dearly. I'll pass on the drink and wine. The meal looks good but wouldn't be good for me (too much sodium, even with low sodium soy sauce). We've been to Norway but never Ulvik. Terry @smitty34877I hope your DH's consultation with the cardiologist goes well today and also that you find a new aide for Tana soon. Dixie @summer slopeGreat news that Bailey is doing well!! @RedneckBobHappy Birthday to you! It was a good day when you decided to join us, regaling us with your humor. Debbie @dfishSo glad you slept better last night. Hope your CT scan goes well today. @Cruzin Terri Hope you feel better soon. I agree, all that work would most likely be the cause of the pain. Annie @marshhawkDarn it about your employers not taking out the proper taxes! Have a great day everyone! I'll try to check back when my eyes become undilated. 😄
  7. Good morning all! We have bright sunshine this morning and 33 degrees F. The forecast is still saying a week of snow/frozen mix/rain for the week, but none of that looks likely this morning. I'm a week late for dentist day, my 6-month checkup is next week. I like our dentist, he's always joking around and also very interested in hearing about our cruises 🙂 Trouble is, someone always says something really funny when I have my mouth full of dental gadgets and it's hard not to laugh! We have a freezer full, so I guess you could say we do eat frozen food but I try to use fresh vegetables and fruit. Love Oreos but can't have them in the house for the same reason as Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser. I like George Burns, but thought the quote was kind of sad. After having our son live across the country for so many years, it's great to have him nearby. And having our DD and the grandchildren close is priceless. Will pass on the drink, but the wine sounds wonderful. I do love a good white blend. I see that our local Total Wine has it for $37. Also love fried rice, but it isn't good for me. When I do make it, I use bacon, eggs, green onions, maybe peas, but have most of the veggies on the side. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Roy @rafinmdand Bruce @aliaschieffor the photos of Auckland today. We're looking forward to seeing it ourselves on the Grand Australia. I think I'll pass on going to the top of the Sky Tower. 😳 Debbie @dfishI'm sorry you had a rough night last night! Sure hope tonight will be better. Sandi @StLouisCruisersWonderful news about your blood tests! @Mtn2SeaNO way! But good for you!! The birds are singing here and flowers are emerging. Can't wait for spring! Here's some of the Hellebore after being covered by snow last week.
  8. Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI have also been worried about @St. Louis Saland always admired her too. I hope she's ok. Sharon @Sharon in AZ I also had a grandmother named Helen! But my other grandmother and my mother's names were worse! Sandi @StLouisCruisersI have a cousin who married a Charlene too, and my next door neighbor's daughter's name is Charlene. Both wonderful women! Laura @kpladyhow exciting to be leaving soon for your Australia-NZ cruise! Will you be posting here while you're gone? Several of us are booked on the Grand Australia in January and would love to hear about the ports and cruise. 🙂 Well it's about time to gather up the kittens, all their things, and head to DD's house. They've worn themselves out and are sound asleep now, of course!
  9. Good morning all! I'm sure that these kittens have multiple personalities. 🤣 Lots of interruptions this morning because of their shenanigans. It will be very quiet here after we return them to DD this afternoon. 😉 DH was named after his maternal grandfather, and his middle name is his mother's maiden name. I wasn't named after anyone, but 2 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild were named after my Dad. The drink and wine sound good, and the meal sounds very good but I would have to do it in the crock pot. Tonight we'll be having the glazed pork chops in the crock pot that was the meal a few days ago. We've never been to the port today. @ger_77Gerry how sweet what your DGS Parker said to his Dad. Just makes your heart melt, doesn't it? Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserHappy Birthday to your DH!
  10. Good morning all! We're getting some of that "frozen mix" this morning, 36 degrees F. Great collection of days today! I'll give my GI a hug (DH was in the Army when we got married) then went on to retire from the Navy. I'll pass on the drink but would like the wine and meal. Unfortunately for now anyway, chili is on my no-no list (too much sodium) but I do love it and it sounds so good right now. We've been to San Juan twice, the last time was just 4-5 months ago. Yesterday we picked up the kittens from DD's house and will have them for the weekend while DD and family are skiing. Now they both are on antibiotics, but thankfully it's been easy to administer because they both love their can food and lick their bowls clean. It seems that several of us have kids who love their skiing. DD and DSIL are thrilled that both boys love it as much as they do, and are getting quite good at it. Here's a photo from their last ski trip. I appreciate the photos today of Jupiter and Venus because with our cloudy skies we can't see them. Safe travels and bon voyage Todd @TAW1963! Dixie @summer slopeprayers that the prednisone can help your kitty. Lorraine @cruising sisterwhat a wonderful tribute the snare drum line did at your DS' Celebration of Life. The first time we went to San Juan was in January of 2017 on the Koningsdam. It must not have been as hot as it was this past October on the Nieuw Statendam, because that day we walked about 5 miles to two forts, San Cristobal and Del Morro. We couldn't have done that this last trip, much too hot and humid that day. It was much cooler at the El Yunque Rain Forest, so glad we took that tour last October.
  11. Very nice, I love it! I'm thinking DD would like to have that bee-keeping operation, she raises mason bees. 😄
  12. Good morning all! Our forecast shows a week of "frozen mix". I think it's our weatherman's latest favorite description. It covers it all, sleet, hail, you name it. A big salute to all caregivers, and we have many on the Daily. I want everyone to be happy too, and oh my what if pets had thumbs. Our first cat was so long he could stand on his hind feet and open doors, but none of our other pets could. That cat also played "fetch", so he was a bit unusual. I'll pass on the drink and meal. Tonight will be leftovers from the cheesy tortellini we had last night. Debbie @dfishit was a big hit and DH gave it 2 thumbs up. Cheesy it is, yum. I may be in the minority, but I prefer a little bit of oak in my chardonnay. So I think I'd like the wine today. We've been to Charlottetown twice, in 2012 and 2016. It's a pleasant town and easily walkable. The first time we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables, and the 2nd time we just wandered around town and spent some time in Beaconsfield House. I was awake last night from midnight until at least 2 (isn't it something to wake up, thinking it has to be at least 5am, to find out you've been asleep only a couple hours??) Dixie @summer slopeI'm so sorry your kitty is having problems. Prayers that it will be easily treatable. Terry @smitty34877I'm so glad the CT showed good news. Charlene @cunnorlYour daughter is lovely, thanks for sharing the photo. Vanessa @JazzyVthat must have been so scary when you couldn't breathe last night. I hope it never happens again. Ann @Vict0riannI'm so sorry your DD and DH both are having health problems. Glad you had a good time in Bellingham. Here are my photos from our 2 visits to Charlottetown. In 2012 we rented a car and drove to Anne of Green Gables. Anne's bedroom Dining room Pantry/kitchen We took a long walk around the grounds and through the woods. The second visit was in 2016 and we stayed in town, walked around, and visited the Beaconsfield House. It was erected in 1877, presented to PEI by the government of Canada in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of its joining the Canadian Confederation. Original hardware View of the Veendam We had excellent lobster rolls for lunch
  13. Thank you! Please don't go to any trouble, I was just curious if they went so far as biopsies but it doesn't sound like it. The only scan I've had so far is an ultrasound, and the kidneys looked ok on that. I agree about the diet. I can't eat a lot of meat at a time anyway so that's no hardship. Again, thank you for sharing your experience.
  14. Wow, thank you so much. I'm really glad to hear that you're doing well. It's kind of scary not knowing what's happening, and stories like yours are so helpful. I'm not out of the woods, but at least feeling more hopeful. If you don't mind my asking, what battery of tests did you have?
  15. Thanks Debbie. It was a positive visit. She said that the illness I had in December for 2-3 weeks definitely caused the acute injury to my kidneys since before that I was doing ok. Of course she can't make any promises, but she said it's possible to get back on track. I'm to continue doing what I'm doing (drink 64 oz water/day, exercise and avoid salt). I was happy to hear that other than salt, I don't have to change my diet drastically. We're tweaking another one of my blood pressure meds and will test in a month to see if that helps. If not, we'll try other things. So another month before I see if my labs have improved...
  16. Good morning all! It's 38 F and raining here, all the snow has washed away. We have a lot of "old stuff" here, including us! Like others, I have treasured items that belonged to my grandparents (desks, a china cabinet, needlepoint chairs, paintings my grandmother did) that I cannot ever part with. I have moved them around the country for 40+ years. Yesterday DH took 2 large bags of clothing and several boxes of glassware to "Helping Hands", a donation center here. All but 1 of our many cats over the years have been rescue cats, and as I've posted, DD has 2 new kittens who are rescue too. One of mine was a rescue of only 10 days old (abandoned in a field). I raised her with a bottle and she lived 17 years. All my cats have been special, but that one was especially close to me. I'll pass on the meal, wine and drink. Tonight I'm going to make one of the cheesy tortellini recipes that Debbie @dfishprovided the other day. We've been to Norway but never to Trondheim. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the great photos. I'd love to go there some day. This afternoon I'll see the Nephrologist for the first time. I'm anxious to get answers and a plan, but also nervous. Yesterday I decided to see where the building is, since it's outside of our clinic. I was dismayed to find out that it's right downtown Everett, an area I try to avoid. There's basically no parking either. It's a nice new building, I just don't like that area. My wonderful DH has offered to drive me there and drop me off. I'll call him when I'm done. Much better! Even he doesn't want me parking in that area (if I could find a spot). Sandi @StLouisCruisersI'm so very sorry to hear about your brother's pulmonary fibrosis. Sending hugs and prayers to the family in this trying time. Terry @smitty34877Prayers that your DH's coronary issues can be easily dealt with. You certainly don't need more to worry about, I know it's hard not to. (((hugs))) Your DD's cats are all gorgeous, thanks for sharing that photo. 🙂 Vanessa @JazzyVI'm glad that your eye seems better today. Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserSo happy to hear that your DH got a good report from the surgeon. 🙂 Jacqui @kazuGo easy on that elbow 🙂 Terri @Cruzin TerriGreat news that the contractor and tilers will be out tomorrow.
  17. So very, very sad. Is the Captain Noel O'Driscoll? If so, he's a class act, one of the best so I wouldn't be surprised he would do this.
  18. The Orange Party is for everyone. Each cruise seems to do it differently. One cruise we were on it was very low key, just some special drinks in the BB King Lounge. Then our last cruise they had contests for who had the best "orange" costume, and it was a big party. And no, you don't have to pack orange, we never have. They have tons of orange things you can buy in the shops for it if you change your mind. Formal, or "dressy" as it's called now, can be anything from a collared shirt for the men to a tux -- coat and tie are no longer required.
  19. Good morning all! Seems that last night was better for a lot of us. I slept right past 3 am, didn't wake up until 4 am. And then I wasn't awake too terribly long, and slept another couple hours -- so a very good night! The drink and meal both look really good. I'm just trying to decide which recipe Debbie @dfishposted looks the best. Will pass on the red wine, and we've been to Saguenay many times on a BHB. Not a lot on the agenda today, other than a hair cut and getting some things to a donation center. Our snow is still here, but the roads look good. We'll see if the garbage trucks come...they rarely make it out when we have snow. Bruce @aliaschiefHappy Birthday! @cl8ssy ch8ssisWelcome to CC and the Daily. Prayers for all who are ailing and cheers for those celebrating. Have a good day everyone! Some photos from 2012 and 2016. Love their old-time costumed greeting! And their generous helpings of blueberry pie 🙂 I also didn't turn down their gifts of chocolates as we returned to the ship later that day. One visit we rented a car and drove to the National Park. An uphill hike but beautiful. Aluminum bridge A few churches And even costumed locals in a gift shop.
  20. Thank you! Yes, (at least for now) our itinerary shows Akaroa on March 9 (as we all know though, things can change) 😉
  21. Maxine thank you, very much appreciated! I've added your link to my spreadsheet. 😄
  22. Good morning all! We woke up to a couple inches of snow and it's coming down heavily -- Karen @luvteachingwe're getting it here in Lake Stevens too. We could leave our neighborhood and cross the trestle and they may have none -- so I know what you mean. We're in a convergent zone here. I've gone to the floral arranging demos on BHBs and enjoyed them. Chili sounds really good, especially on this snowy day. No thanks to public sleeping. I will go so far as to doze on a plane if it's a night time flight, but that's about it. The quote can be true, the meal sounds very yummy. I printed out the first recipe (lower carbs as Debbie @dfishsaid). Tonight we'll be having chicken salad in pita bread and salad though. That will finish up the rotisserie chicken from a few days ago. Four meals from a chicken, not bad. We'll be in Christchurch next year on the Grand Australia. Maxine @AncientWandererI'm intrigued by your mention of the Botanic Gardens. You said you took a city bus from Akaroa and it takes an hour each way? Any other info would be greatly appreciated. 🙂 Is it easy to find where to catch the bus in Akaroa? February and March seem to be my months to catch up on medical/dental appointments. After having basically no medical appointments for a year, now I have my eye exam, dental exam, bone density scan, and the Nephrologist appointment all coming up within a couple weeks. My colonoscopy is due in June, but my doctor agreed with me that the prep is NOT kidney friendly so I declined and chose Cologuard instead. Now I'm realizing that if something is found, I don't want the dehydrating colonoscopy -- oh my. The Cologuard has been ordered, I didn't think about all this until after I got home yesterday. Sandi @StLouisCruisersI was asleep around 9:30, and woke up a few minutes after 11!! Was awake until about 2.... So I missed the 3am club last night. But at least I did get back to sleep. Kudos to you for exercising today anyway! I would probably just be a lump all day. 🙂 @superomaHappy 53rd Anniversary!
  23. Thank you both. DH did see a doctor about the cough, and they did a chest x-ray and flonase etc. When I returned home today from my Medicare Wellness Visit, he had heard back from the doctor and now has a prescription for antibiotics too. I think that's what he needed, we shall see... Sandi @StLouisCruiserswe were typing at the same time. That's cute what your 5th grade teacher said about you and your twin. I'm sure you really weren't trouble! 😄 Lenda, it's very quiet around here 🙂 DD told us she hasn't gotten much work done today (she works from home). She sent a photo to us of both kittens on her, one draped around her shoulders, the other on her lap. My appointment went well, next up will be the Nephrologist on Thursday. I have lots of questions for her. @Safety SquirrelWelcome to the Daily!
  24. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your Jerry. You did the right thing, hard as it is (from one of many who has had to do the same thing). Sending hugs.
  25. Good morning all! Wow, 3 full pages already! But then I'm slightly later than usual. I slept pretty well except poor DH was up coughing a lot of the night (Covid test negative) and so we were both awake a lot. Luckily for me I was always able to get back to sleep except for the time between 2 and 4... and he wasn't coughing then! 😄 I think I've convinced him to call the doctor today because her suggestions (after chest x-ray etc. were all fine) aren't helping. If anything his cough seems worse. It was diagnosed as post nasal drip, but this seems much worse to me (but what do I know)? I like all bears, but have only seen polar bears in the zoo. Also like most retro and I guess most of my days are no brainer days lol. I would like the meal without the bun, especially the first recipe. But tonight we'll be having the rest of the big chicken pot pie I made last night. I would like the wine, I think, and the drink without the chili powder. Have not been to this port in Norway, thanks for any and all photos! Last night DD and family came and picked up the kittens to take them home. Oh those boys were happy to see their kittens! My heart about burst when each boy told me that their Nana is the best person to take care of their kitties when they're away. 🙂 I guess they got 15 inches of snow (there was none the day before) when they woke up yesterday morning at their place outside of Whistler. I wondered if they would get out of there! But DSIL had the car cleared off and it probably only delayed them by an hour or so. Sandi @StLouisCruisersthose puppies are both SO cute! Speaking as someone who recently took care of 2 sibling kittens, having 2 makes it fun to watch them play together but it also can make double the trouble as each one follows the other into places they shouldn't. These 2 play tag team it seems. 😅 Terry @smitty34877I don't know which thread you had a post removed, but sometimes if you respond to a post that was removed, all posts responding to it are removed too. It could just be something like that. I can't imagine any other reason you would have a post removed.
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