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Everything posted by windsor26

  1. Thanks everyone for your replies I do not really care where we go as I may not be able to rush around in a port being post hip operation (I think) but needed to know really Just a thought The original price for the cruise obviously included port taxes when they cancel ports as they have to recently do we get those charges back as obc? It would not be much for each person but multiplied by 3000 passengers it can add up to a profit for Carnival
  2. The new itinery does not make sense it has changed to just 2 port stops Noumea and Mystery Island
  3. sorry muddled BUT the itinerary also has New Caledonia for 2 stops at present time? so now I still need advices if anyone knows what will happen
  4. I understood the whole area has been off the radar since the revolt between the islanders and the French Government which caused the closure and damage to the airport?? I was hoping that we would not get the extra 2 sea days without additional stops to replace those cancelled.
  5. Just wondering what we may have for ports during October on Carnival Splendor. Personally if we are not able to go to Vanuatu I would prefer to go along the Queensland coast nut we have not heard anything about the cruise from TA or Carnival
  6. If you do not get replies do not worry ASs with all cruise lines the matre d will come to you each evening and sort out your needs for the following day you will be ok specially cooked for you each time
  7. When you use the app to pre book your dining choice Choose your restaurant and it offers times which also say private table or sharing pick private and you will get a table for 2 which I believe you have done most of the time When you front up at your chosen time for those not confirmed just say table for 2
  8. I tried the app again this morning and was delighted to see all my bookings for January are still there (I will keep checking)
  9. Thats for adding and putting friends or relatives in a different cabin attach to you so you can have a large table etc I think this is what it means
  10. Yes I thought of that and tried and it asked for me to link my booking ref. which I did and it said this is already linked and then I could not go any further Very frustrating I will try again later on my phone which did work the first time I was just checking this time and still hope they have not changed things on me
  11. Yes after 7 years they are past their sell by date The couple of gentlemen are also from Newcastle and they are lovely to listen to and appreciate everything
  12. I had everything beautifully booked for the Boticcelli on my NZ cruise in January and was happy Just tried to get into the app to check they had not cancelled them (as they tend to do sometimes) and cannot get into the dates to see what is there it only shows this week Very frustrating
  13. Just gone into the app to see if they had cancelled things (as they tend to do) and canno0t get into the calendar to see or book anything !!!!!!! grrrrrrrr
  14. I (we) are minimalist Although medications and first aid are always taken and also MY shampoo I ask DH what he wants to take and (keep asking until the end date) and he still says he has left something behind he wanted?? Usually for a cruise it is 2 carry on cases (we need for wine and sodas mostly) and one large case For air flights we are as conservative as we can be and for Bali recently for 10 days we just took carry on and as it was resort with loads of swimming and good weather I actually brought home some clean clothes as we lived during the day in swimmers
  15. As a couple both 85 we say do it all the time you have the physical ability and can find the dollars. We have lost so many friends of our age and younger recently that it compels us to live life to the full (or fuller)
  16. As we lived near Kingston on Thames at the time we saw the last concorde fly past and a small bit of trivia The air traffic controller who saw off the first flight also did the last and it was not specially organised just coincidence
  17. Having now visited 98 countries - albeit some only as a port stop on a cruise - and some many times - I now thank heavens that we were able to go to so many countries that now you would be mad to visit they are so unsafe. I still have a bucket list but there is a hole in the bottom as $$$$ run out. So we have to revisit local beautiful places and count our blessings till "our boat comes in" lol
  18. Strange we found the deck 5 bar opposite the service desk FANTASTIC for every drink you could want (almost before you asked)
  19. as mother said a penny saved......... would you ignore a 2$ coin in the street??
  20. Always good to enjoy the Queensland coast and hope they can organise the tendering on all the ships
  21. Yes the 7 plus nights do have a different vibe but still happy and plenty to do (or not do) as you choose The only problem we have found on Splendor every time is the long wait for tenders I hate having to get up early to get a ticket for a reasonable time or face not getting off till lunchtime
  22. I looked at each restaurant and booked 6pm on the Botticelli as we could choose to go private or share and we are sharing There were loads of times available but or course most people have not started to book yet
  23. When last on the Coral we had a private table booked for the same time each night b ut if we went a little early or a little later (only 10 minutes or so) they w ere quite happy Also every night they asked if we would like to share an a few times we did and had a nice time but did not want to wait for a large table to fill - as happened one night when eventually we had to ask the waiter to take our orders and not wait for any others
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