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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. Good morning - well almost afternoon here, Finally - a quiet day at home! It's been a revolving door, in a good way, the last few days. DH is home and doing well. We have a home health company working with us and Monday nursing was here to do their intake and we had friends stop in. Tuesday PT was here to do their intake and friends came for tea, Wednesday OT did their intake, friend came for tea, and nursing came again all in the space of 2 hours! Thursday friend was here for tea, Speech came to do their eval and the local appliance store delivered and installed our new dishwasher all before noon! Yesterday the last of Christmas got put away. Today DH is still asleep - he has those days every so often and I check to see that he's breathing and let him be. Sending thoughts and caring out to @kazu and @Scrapnana as they navigate their medical issues. Karen
  2. @kazu Jacqui you are in my thoughts. I hope that you get everything sorted out and headed home as soon as you medically can. We miss you on the Daily! Karen
  3. @rafinmd I'm not sure what happened with @kazu Jacqui. Her last post indicated her elbow was broken and it wasn't sepsis. I looked back through her posts for several days and didn't see anything indicating pain, fall, etc. She did excursions in a couple of ports. Hopefully she'll feel well enough to keep us updated. Karen
  4. @rafinmd. Don't know if you saw it but @kazu just posted on her live thread that the thread was dead because she was medically disembarked. I was medically disembarked In Puerto Vallarta because of the concern of 2 days at sea and sepsis. I may have a story to tell down the road on medical disembarkations when it is not so difficult to type.It’s especially hard pain wise and immobile arm wise with the angle in the hospital bed. Not sure I will ever travel solo again
  5. Lots of toots! Almost missed it as I was still on the old departure time. Good thing I sat down at the computer to peak. Karen
  6. Good morning! We're having a cloudy and mostly dry day today. DH is home and doing quite well overall. I've added "wound care" to my resume. My sole training was a printed list of the steps to take and a bag of supplies. Monday afternoon Home Health started up with the nurse coming to do intake and she did a dressing change and answered questions. Yesterday was a PT evaluation. DH will have PT once every 2 weeks until his heel heals and then weekly when he can put weight on it and walk again. Today it's OT eval and a nurse's visit to do the dressing change. I think nursing will go to once weekly. Friday is a speech eval. Our Christmas gift to each other is new appliances and our dishwasher is set to be installed on Thursday! I'm so ready for this. Range and refrigerator are a few weeks out which is fine. I'll also do a new range hood and sink and DS will install those for us. We watched the sailaway yesterday and plan to be there today. I can't go anywhere as DH can't get in a car so I may even get the house de-Christmased and things put away. Karen
  7. Checking in! Congratulations on the upgrade @richwmn Rich! Karen
  8. Looking forward to following along with your travels and wool shopping! Bon Voyage! Karen
  9. Bon Voyage! I enjoy your blog posts and am looking forward to following along on your adventures. Karen
  10. Bon Voyage! So looking forward to following your adventures. Karen
  11. Happy New Year! DH has been home since 2:00 PM yesterday and he's doing well. Yesterday we had a bit of a problem doing the first transfer from the wheelchair to the power recliner but no more - he's a pro at it. This morning we got him up, cleaned up, and in the kitchen for breakfast in 15 minutes. That's as good as we did before he had the issues! It's so easy for people to become "institutionalized" when they are in rehab/care facilities especially those that don't have company. That was a small part of the reason I was there daily. I wanted to be and it was good for him. I noticed he had the tendencies to this but he's come out of it quite nicely. He's talking away, carrying on a conversation as much as he can, and making his wishes known. We started 2022 with MRSA and doing infusions for a month. We're starting 2023 with deep tissue injuries and doing dressings. This has to be a pattern I want to stop! Thanks to all who listen to me and let me rant at times. Sometimes you were the only ones I could talk to. Happy New Year! Karen
  12. Thank you to @dfish, @Cruising-along, @smitty34877, @Crazy For Cats, @StLouisCruisers, and @Quartzsite Cruiser for the good wishes. DH is a great animal fan and loves any of the vet shows. This morning I got a follow-up video visit with our doctor arranged for January 10 and contacted the home health agency to see if they'd received the referral (they had but needed more info) and now the nurse will be here on Wednesday. I saw this posted by @Scrapnana on the World Cruise roll call: Thanks for the concern, chefestelle. I was just getting ready to post that I have to cancel the world cruise. I am in the hospital and will be for a few days while they decide what can be done. Off to the rehab facility for paperwork and claiming DH! Karen
  13. Good morning Dailyites! Big news today - DH is coming home! This will be a new adventure for us as he'll be in the wheelchair for at least a month as his heel wound heals but he'll be home. The care center has agreed to transport him for me which is saving me well over $100.00 for specialized transport. Once he's home I'll be staying home except Monday mornings when DS comes for "Dad time" and I can go to water aerobics and do errands. I got the news Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I signed quite a few papers. Today I have to be there at 11:00 AM for the rest of the discharge paperwork. DH can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, stand with bars to help, and has a good appetite especially for dessert. I tested the wheelchair and it can go pretty much everywhere in the house. We have two power lift chairs for him - one in the family room and one in the living room - and that will make tv watching more comfortable. Today I checked and The Incredible Doctor Pol is on all day so DH will be happy. Karen
  14. Good morning from the Pacific Northwest! It's pouring rain right now and the gutters are overflowing. It's better than the snow! I do hope it clears up before I have to drive south to Edmonds (north of Seattle) for a Christmas celebration with DH's side of the family. He'll miss out but I'll have his siblings up for lunch once he's home. We have a tradition I started probably 20 or more years ago when it was our turn to host Christmas. I picked up a tinned fruit cake and on the bottom noted our names and the date. Then I passed it on to the family who was hosting the next year's celebration. We've continued that tradition and the bottom of the tin is covered with dates and names. We've not opened up the plastic wrap on the fruitcake yet. Lots of snowflake cutting over the years. I taught 6th grade for 30+ years and "snow" was the theme in January. I had books of snowflake patterns we'd cut out as well as lots of free form ones. Today's plan is to be out of the house by 9:30 and head down to see DH for an hour or two then head to Edmonds for a 12:30 - 3:30 get-together. I'll also stop on the way back to see DH. DS and DDIL didn't come to finish opening gifts last night as DDIL had a migraine so they may come today or we'll wait for the weekend. Have a good day everyone! Karen
  15. Good evening, Well, my Christmas gift was a bust. It's been an emotional day but ended up being a good one. DH didn't get to come home because the company that was transporting him canceled and didn't let me know. The facility called at 9:45 to say that he hadn't been picked up. I called the dispatcher and she told me it had been canceled the same day I booked it. She said the notes said I had been called but I hadn't. I was home all day and had the phone right with me. No messages, no email, nothing. The dispatcher said she'd dispatch a ride for him and they'd be there in 45 minutes. I call the facility back. I get another call to say they can't transport because we're out in the county but their website says anywhere in the 3 counties (and we're in the middle of the three) and 24/7 and all weather. By then I was in tears. DS and DDIL headed in to see DH and I was about 5 minutes behind them. I took in his stocking and a couple of other gifts and we were able to have him open gifts and we were able to have a nice visit. His dinner was a PB&J sandwich and soup because it was too late to order his dinner but he likes that so it was ok. The day got better as DS and DDIL helped me set up for dinner, we got some gifts opened but we'll do part 2 tomorrow. I had 8 of us around the table and it was just what I needed. We had a great time with friends and all is well. I'm beat tonight but the tears stopped a long time ago. I tell people I was born with my bladder behind my eyes! Thanks for listening and Happy Boxing Day tomorrow! Karen
  16. Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday @ger_77! DS and DDIL will be here in about 30 minutes. I have the presents under the tree, dinner is ready, and I need to get the ingredients for the rolls in the bread machine. I'm going to put them to work putting the leaf in the table, finding another couple of chairs for the table, and loading up some boxes in the car for Christmas with my DH's side on Tuesday. My Christmas gift is getting DH home for the day! He'll be here around 10;00 AM and be picked up to go back at 6:30 PM. Our gift to ourselves is new appliances to update our tired kitchen - stove, refrigerator and dishwasher. I'm also doing a new sink and range hood but DS will install those. The appliances aren't in until late January which is fine. We're having spiral ham, cheesy scalloped potatoes, ginger carrots, rolls, and lemon bars for dessert. The rain has washed away the ice and snow and it's a balmy 40F outside. Have a wonderful day everyone!! Karen
  17. Good afternoon, First things first - I have water! I woke up yesterday morning to no water. My son's was frozen as well. He came over late morning and tried to get me going but there was a burst pipe at our pump house. I called the local place who has taken care of our well and they were out about 3 hours later which was much faster than I expected. They replaced the pipe but still no water. DS had a work event so couldn't come back over but I was fine (other than needing and wanting a shower). This morning DS came over and it only took a bit to thaw the one place it tends to freeze and I have water! I have flushed, run the water for quite a bit, made sure the hot water was good, and a shower may be in the near future as well as laundry. We are transitioning to rain. We got an inch or two of snow last night then freezing rain. We weren't as bad as Seattle from what I saw on the news but am glad I'm home. We're finally getting above freezing, it's raining and things are starting to thaw out. Hopefully I can get in to see DH tomorrow. Even with no water I baked a double batch of chocolate chip cookies yesterday and a batch of gingersnaps today.Next up are lemon bars and @ger_77's butter tart slice. DH is coming home for the day on Christmas! I have transportation arranged (a bit pricey but so worth it). He'll be picked up at 9:30 AM and brought here. He'll be picked up at 6:30 PM to be taken back. I'm so grateful for a company that offers this service on a holiday. Now, off to do laundry, clean up the kitchen, and maybe have a shower! Karen
  18. So glad to see you doing this Rich! There are many World Cruise blogs but you have a unique perspective as it's your first one! I love following everyone and living vicariously through you. Karen
  19. Good morning, It is 0F (yes zero) on the front porch thermometer and I got up to no water. We're on a well and the pipes or pump is down. Our son's water is out as well - he discovered it as he was getting ready to shower! He's going to go get some super heater and be here to help thaw me out. Then he'll thaw his place out. More later. Karen
  20. Good morning, It's a bright sunny COLD morning here in Sedro-Woolley. Think 8F on the thermometer. Our road was plowed yesterday but still hasn't been sanded and we got about another 1/2 inch of snow last night. I need to finish off shoveling out the driveway (75 feet) and then work on the ramp which is almost done. Talked to DH's rehab facility this morning and I've been assured a phone call after 10:30 (they are in meetings which I understand). I asked what the secret was to getting a call returned and, when asked, mentioned that I had called daily since Sunday. I was met with momentary silence and then told today. I want to find out if DH will be coming home, etc. The person in charge of arranging his discharge hasn't made it in the last few days (understandable) but I'd still like to talk to someone! Thanks for letting me rant. Now back to our regular scheduled programming! Karen
  21. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, Good morning from north of Seattle! We have about 6 inches of snow and it's snowing now. It's a light dry snow and we've had wind. My car, sitting in the carport, has snow on it! I haven't been able to get in to see DH since Saturday due to snow, roads, etc. Yesterday a dear friend stopped and saw him and they phoned me. He sounded great, wants to be home, and misses me. I miss him. I admit, I was teary off and on yesterday and out-of-sorts a bit as I wasn't with him for a second day in a row. The aide called me mid-morning and said he'd looked out the window and told her his wife wouldn't be coming when he saw the snow. She was going to have him call me but it didn't happen. I've left messages for two days asking for nursing/therapy, etc to call but so far nothing. It's totally frustrating! Oh well, will try again today. Have a good day everyone! Karen
  22. Good evening, We've had a somewhat snowy and cold day today so, for the first time since DH was hospitalized, I didn't go in to see him. I had prepped him for this and I knew he'd be ok. When I left him yesterday he told me to stay home and not get in a wreck! It's looking more and more like we'll get him home for Christmas. He'll be in a wheelchair as the deep tissue injury on his heel need healing time and that could be a month or two more. It will be a learning curve for both us to get him going and I'll have to learn how to change the dressings but it's doable. Our weather the next few days includes more snow and temps in the 20's (low 20's). DH may not see me for a few days as driving on snow and ice isn't high on my list! In honor of Cookie Baking Day I baked 48 candy cane cookies and 145 shortbread cookies. Later this week I'll get chocolate chip cookies and gingersnaps made and I may try @ger_77's butter tart slice. Karen
  23. Good morning, I'm sipping my Earl's Garden tea from Murchies. I really enjoy Murchies teas when I can get them. They deliver to the US and it's free if you order $50.00 which isn't hard if I wait a bit! My friend Wayne, who passed in September, did some subbing right after he retired. He subbed for our first grade teacher one time only and described the experience as herding cats! DH continues to slowly improve. I'm taking in our wheelchair today so they can use it to practice transfers. I had originally said I wanted him to be walking when he came home but that was before the deep tissue injury and before I knew the extent of the two spots. If we wait for those to heal he'd easily be in rehab for a couple of more months. So, I've indicated I'll be okay if he comes home with the wheelchair. He can transfer from the bed to the chair and back, is able to stand (but still needs to build a bit more stamina) when holding on to the bars or the pole, and I feel we'll be ok with him at home. We'd have a visiting nurse almost daily for wound care as well as PT and OT coming to the house. I'll have to have specialized transportation to get him here but we'll see how that works. Meanwhile Mother Nature is messing with us. We're having some cold mornings and clear days but it's supposed to change Saturday afternoon and that darn white stuff is predicted for about 5 days with accumulations of up to a foot. Then, by the 22nd, it's supposed to turn to rain. If we get that accumulation I'll be staying home as I'm not a snow driver if I don't have to be! @ger_77 Do you use white sugar or brown in the filling for the butter tart slice? I'm thinking of doing 1/2 raisins and 1/2 currants. I made my shortbread yesterday but I couldn't find any berry sugar (or extra-fine) down here so I'll have to stock up my next trip to Canada. Have a lovely day! Karen
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