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Posts posted by Belle

  1. Sorry, this is late. Remember any one can start this post.


    Thank you, Hopeful, for talking more after I ask and then I didn't come on much.

    Some problems here, medical and such. Will try to do better in talking here.

    Nice to hear how everyone is doing and read the tips you give.


    Still trying to eat one meal and snack, working lost 2 pounds. Little sad, was suppose

    to be on a cruise this week. Had to cancel.


    Hope to see you all in here. Enjoy your weekend.


  2. it was nice the 2 takeouts didn't make me gain, think because only the meal of the day.

    In fact almost all week had one meal a day, sometimes a snack,

    Down 2 pounds!


    Terri and hopeful sound you two are doing good, doing the right things. Keep it up.


    Hopefull have you thought of renting electric chair for Europe? Parts of

    Portugal is hilly, other European city's too.


    Jan glad you're having a good time on vacation.


    Izena hope you're doing better and feeling better each day.


    Everyone enjoy your Holiday weekend.

  3. Sorry I haven't been in much when telling you need to come

    in more. I'm having some medical issues. Taking meds that

    are good but can have side effects---guess who had/have them

    I'm special. Boo


    Still eating good most of the time. Few days didn't do as well.

    Had takeout two days in a row. Not good especially being Tues.

    and Wed. Day before weigh int. Bad and stupid!


    Go for a Mri next Wed. Will try to come in more, you too!

    • Like 1
  4. At one time this sight was busy, we talked a lot. Not just Thursday. Did challenges. Recipes.

    Of course, more people came.in then.


    We need to make this site more interesting. Give tips or is it too late?

    Do you want to keep this going. I don't mine starting each week    But if no one comes in and talks.     


    The question is do want to try to get this site get better for weight loss or just give it up this site.                  

  5. Hello Ladies, another weekend for us to enjoy but try to be good too.


    Jan I'm sorry you're going through so much. Is the BP gone? Hope

    you can get everything you need for your knee. Sorry you had a gain,

    that's why we're supposed to weigh each week, so gains don't get ahead of us.

    Your July cruise will be here before you know it.


    Izena so glad your numbers are good. Are you feeling better each day? Hope so.

    Sorry you're missing your cruise. I know you'll get back to eating right an you'll do great.


    Hopefull sorry your having problems too. Hope you find the cause of it all. Not enough

    food or water before exercising maybe. Yes I like the summer food the best to. Love

    my ice cream and I could not make ice cream and not eat any. Power to you. When is your cruise? A few days ago didn't you say you lost 6 lbs. Congrats.


    JustUs where are you? Doing ok?


    I to am joining you all with medical problems. Went to another doc today, didn't have to 

    weigh and have scale not matching mine again. But my scale has me losing a pound.

    this week, which is nice.

    Haven't ate much this week but Sat. food shopping, have to not buy stuff I don't need.


    Take care all

    • Like 1
  6. Does the warmer weather make you want to lose weight

    Want to wear summer clothes and get them straight


    Do find it easier to lose in summer or winter weeks

    What season foods that come out and you go weak


    If we could learn to take a taste instead of eating it all

    Only us can make that call


    Know it seems like should be easy by now

    Some weeks so good other weeks wow


    Did you watch what you ate

    Meat and salads and not cookies by eight


    So, hope this week was good to you on the scale

    Tomorrow morning will tell the tale


  7. Thanks Dance


    Went to the Doc today. His scale had me 5 lbs higher than mine.

    Had clothes on versus being nude but know they didn't weigh 5 lbs.

    Good was that I lost weight since seeing him last. Still lost the 10 lbs

    just different number on my scale. Still know if lost or gained.


    Where is everyone? Doing anything special to try to lose this week?

  8. Hello you two and whoever else is reading. Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

    Mexico food today?  5th of May. Cinco De Mayo


    Jan--- is the BP gone and now sciatica? Hope it's better with PT. I'm having some

    different problems now too. Hope to see Dr next week. I am one of those people

    who put off going to the Dr. I know bad. Just hope your better each day.


    Hope--- I hope your feeling alright. Nice your Medicare offers to help with Gym costs.


    Izena and Just how are you two doing today. Hope you both come in and say Hi.


    Very happy with my weigh-in kept the 10 lbs OFF. Hoping I would lose more but think ate to 

    many carbs later in the week. Wish could lose at home like I did on cruise.

  9. thanks Jan. Hope you didn't get tired reading all that.😁

    One part made me laugh. Saying I got 6 bottles of wine----

    Didn't drink them, gave 4 away and brought 2 home. to drink with the

    "kids" or just give them the bottles. Didn't want you to think I drank

    6 bottles by myself.


    I'm happy the 10 lbs is still off being home eating. Trying to be good.

    Don't want it to come back. Don't want to have to lose it again. Which

    I did in the past.


    You know what gets me. You're at a lower weight you've be at before

    but your body changes--(drops, sags, you name it) and the clothes don't fit

    the same they did before at that weight. Plus there not making clothes as well 

    as they did before. A size isn't the same anymore.

    Do any of you feel this way or just me?


    Hope everyone enjoying their Sunday.

  10. Thought I might put down a few things I do that helps me to lose weight on cruises.

    . Maybe might be something that could help you. I am writing this because some have asked what/how I do eating wise and drinking.. I know somethings I do you might not be able to do.

    or don't want to do.


    First off, I think what helps me the most--I sail solo most of the time. I don't have a schedule.

    for eating. Don't make reservations. Just eat or not eat when I want. Know might not work for

    you when traveling with someone. (They want to eat their 3 meals and snacks certain times)

    (know my way of cruising will change in July when cruising with son and daughter)


    Food--first I eat everything I want. Just not 3 meals a day. Mostly 2.

    I don't usually have breakfast. but sometimes get room service breakfast then dining room.

    at night. No lunch.

    Mostly like to eat my main meal a late lunch., usually don't want dinner at night those.

    nights, if hungry get a snack from, IC. Sometimes meals planned by the menu or show.

    See no schedule. Whether Buffet or dining room you don't have to eat everything. Don't have to take one of everything. Don't have to have bread every day. 


    Food again--Most cruises are sail with more fish dishes on the menu. They have salads, 

    dining room small ones but in buffet you can make big ones, lots of toppings.

    soups, lean meats, pork and chicken. You can find healthy food to eat.


    Desserts--I eat desserts. usually after a meal, servings small. Also ate a few

    chocolates (brought leftovers home) and ate chocolate covered strawberries.

    Given to me from the casino or most traveled (3rd twice) Plus have ice cream but

    not every day.


    Drinks--. As elite I get a bar set up and I trade in for diet coke and water.

    I don't drink much and don't buy them, don't need them but these cruises (3)

    were VIP so all drinks in casino were free. Last cruise was PP all drinks were free all over the ship. You can have 15 drinks a day. Would have to say had 1 or 2 a day if had them

    but most days didn't have any. During cruises receive 6 bottles of wine.

    If want to drink wine less calories I think. Did have other drinks plus wine.

    Exercise--Don't go to the gym but do a lot of walking on the ship. Probably more 

    steps then at home. If go to gym everyday would help better, not me on ships anymore.


    Sailings days--Remember I was on for 58 days, could take my time trying a dish or drink.

    could have it once and be happy. It's hard if on for 7 days and you want to try everything.

    Too much a one time.



    Weight loss tips that help me


    Know sailing solo really helps me. No one saying lets go eat something.


    No 3 meals a day, less food and drink, you really want something, have it but

    Not Everyday.


    Don't be afraid to leave food on plate if to full or don't like it. Anyplace you eat.

    Had 2 steak dinners and 2 steak lunches for most traveled. I left food because to full.

    Why gain weight my eating it when to full.


    Walking is the best for me.


    Don't have a schedule. Eat when you want. Just because a cruise you don't

    have to follow what you always do or think you should do. It's your vacation.

    Know hard if have husband, family or friends cruising with you but maybe some of 

    the tips might help.


    Here I am rambling along. Just trying to think what I did to help me to lose the

    10 lbs. Couple of things, remember I had 58 days, was somedays I slept later, enjoyed the balcony and other times read up in Skywalkers. When doing that not around food or drink.

    Can't eat or drink if not around.


    Ok I'll stop. Hope this will be of some help to the ones here and to all the ones who.

    come in and read.












    • Like 1
  11. Hello Jan, Terri and Teri. Right?  Just is Terri and Hopeful is Teri     

    I hope Izena and others are reading too. Izena hope you're feeling better. 


    Jan glad the BP is getting better and you're enjoying a week at Bar Harbor 

    Wishing that your knee pain, cold went away fast.


    Teri glad that hold over lb from Easter is gone, now a new start. for other lbs.

    Hope the bite is gone now and you're feeling better. Did you check your room

    so, it's not still around. Wonder if cat brought in.


    Terri least you didn't gain. Have a loss next week. You and Teri are right.

    the weight use to come off faster eating more. But think we were more active.


    For me as getting older losing more weight on cruises then home now. More active

    on ship? What's funny I do eat on the ships more than home. If you remember on my

    last b2b's, (+40's days) each of them I lost 5 lbs. This time was gone 58 days--lost 10 lbs. 

    That's right! 

    1st thought didn't drink enough but since been eating and drinking and it's stayed off.

    Not complaining but what a surprise Now to keep it off and lose more.



  12. Hope we all did good this week

    as next week is May!


    Four months will be gone and

    starting on our 5th month.


    We are going to do better as the months go by.


    I'm home and will be talking more and hope to see more

    people talking in here us "old timers" and new people joining 

    us for weight loss to get ready for cruises, vacations, ect

    • Like 1
  13. Are we working hard at losing

    Or is the weather bringing us down

    Know it's spring but weather like winter

    Does it want you/us to cozy down and eat more


    What suggestions do you have to eat better and lose weight

    Plan meals ahead, when cooking make double batches or more to have food on hand

     to have healthy snacks, have no snacks, Have veggies or jello in the fridge for an

    easy grab instead of cookies or candy


    What are your ideas. Ones you do or ideas you think would be good to try


    Hope to see you all weighing, I'm still on the cruise but coming to an end to fast.



    • Like 1
  14. Since no one started weighing this morning

    I will do it now just after I got Chocolate and wine delivered. (Jealous) LOL

    I am third most traveled this cruise, and this is a perk. (last cruise too) Who would of thought

    NOT ME!


    I will be good, only 8 pieces of chocolate, 1 piece. every 2 days. 16 day cruise.

    I've been eating pretty well, don't think I 've gained. Harder this cruise because have more perks foodwise.

    But have come with a loss before want to this time too.🚢


    Hope to more people here tomorrow.  Jan and Izena thinking of you.♥️


    • Like 2
  15. Jan I'm so sorry this has happen to you, the good thing (know this isn't a good thing)

    but it is something that does go away. Just takes time. Couple I know had it, went away

    and to never to return.


    Know this age thing a few things on me has gotten worse to the doc when I get home.

    The Golden Age--health wise--boloney--probably money and anything else boloney🙁


    Colonmelgal Please join us every Thursday for weigh-in and during the week for talking.

    I'm cruising now and others at different times So different number of people each week

    but we keep at it. Go on a cruise then come back. Or talk from a cruise if you can.


    Wish all the view us would come in. Get us all ready for summer.


    Still trying my best to eat and drink less. Of course my last cruise have PP so can have

    everything I want.  Good or Bad thing?😊

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