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Posts posted by Belle

  1. So the question is---During this months' time are you UP or Down or Stayed the Same.


    If had Holiday weight gain, is if off now or still trying?


    OK Holidays are over--now the time to start losing weight for Summer. (5 months)


    So say at least TWO pounds a month=TEN pounds gone. (of course, hoping for more)


    Still on cruise enjoying myself, not eating to much and can you believe not eating very

    many desserts or ice cream



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  2. This month gives us a start in our weight loss

    To start new or here again to say who's boss


    We can do it I know

    Just have to learn the word NO


    No I don't want to eat that because---

    To many calories

    To much sugar

    To much salt

    To many carbs

    Want to eat healthy

    It really doesn't taste good (that's a hard one, ice cream doesn't taste good)😄

    I have to weigh-in on Thursday  


    Hope to see you all in here and hope new people would read and join--Take care







    • Like 1
  3. Hello All


    Mary we have talked about how we lose time off and on.

    Everyone follows their own plans, Low carb, count cals, some have used

    paid plans.


    One main goal here to have a place to come to, to say if you lost, gained or stay

    the same for the week to keep yourself accountable. To talk, to vent because if having a hard time, helps you keep aware and help you not gain more,

    We love it when people come in and say how their losing weight at home and on cruises.  We like more people to come on and stay.


    Right now as you can see people getting back on track after the Holiday.


    Congrats on your loss with the holidays and cruising. Hope you join us

    and keep giving is tips, All are welcome.


    I hope everyone is having a good week.




    • Like 2
  4. Hello Jan, Izena, Ribin and Terri. Glad your all here to start the New Year,  

    Here's to losing weight and feeling better in 2024.


    Thank you, I am enjoying my cruise. Last day of 1st cruise then begin the 2nd.

    Have to change cabin. Which is always fun--not!


    Wishing everyone a good week.

    • Like 1
  5. Hello on this third day of 2024. Time flies by!


    When I've been writing I've been using my laptop that I won last cruise.

    Wanted one  but wasn't going to buy one, really didn't need one--but free

    is another thing. Nice to use in room and not have to be dressed to go

    to the computer room.


    Hope your all having a good week. To the people that are just reading, Please come join us.

    • Like 1
  6. Nice to see you two.


    Izena I hope your feeling better. You had a right to feel sorry, you were going through so

    much illness. Glad you want to start fresh. Know you can do it. Look how well you did before.


    Jan you and Izena have a cruise in March, so do I. I wish I could lose some by then but

    still cruising, trying to be semi good. Will do better next cruise. Cruising with friends that

    I met on cruises years again. Eating with them most time and the two specialty places.

    Love being with them but eating more than usual. They leave next cruise and I stay on.


    Hope you have a good start in the new year in Everything. Health, weight, family, friends

    also if the new year gave us more money too. Wouldn't that be nice?😀


    I'm having a nice time, good New Year on the ship. In the 70's in Hawaii. The people who come from snow and very cold weather were really enjoying it. No luck in the casino. Remember lucky in

    2023.  Had that one big win which never expected. See what the New Year brings.


    I'm glad you two are still coming in and people will be coming in, old & new now that a new year starts 

    and cruises are being booked and they want to lose weight for them plus for health.


    PS Jan would be lost if you didn't come in week to week. We're the "old timers" of this site.

    • Like 1
  7. Hello Jan and to others who will be coming in.

    I hope you all had a good Christmas with friends and family.

    Had a nice one on the ship.

    Jan great job of staying the same.


    New Tears is next. Can you believe 2024?

    Enjoy but take care.


    Remember everyone come in to keep you aware of what your eating

    even if not doing as well as you want. Pretty soon you'll be ready to lose and come in

    for weigh-ins and to be accountable.


    Happy New Year!🍷🍺🥂 Pick your choice--CHEERS

  8. Good to see you Jan and Terri.


    Nice you stay the same you thought you might have gained. That's a small gain for the month.

    You'll get it off.


    Terri Even if a gain, your even for the month. You'll get if off in the new year.


    Yes, happy stayed the same, I did eat a little too much. But had a loss for the month.

    Now a cruise, really need to stay the same and not come back with a gain.


    I'm doing two Hawaii cruises and a Mexico. Be back Feb. 2nd. Will have internet

    and will try to come on often--


    Wishing you ALL a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year for 2024🎅🎶🥂

    You to Cruise42.


    Take care all--Stay safe--Stay healthy

  9. Do you hear

    2024 is near


    This weigh-in and next week

    Last weeks will you be strong or weak


    Food and drinks calling your name

    You tell "them" no-- I'm staying the same


    Then a new year to start off eating better each day

    Going to lose in your way


    Hope you all come back in 2024 to help yourself with your weight

    Also wish that new or old members come join us and not wait


    A New Year for us All


    Merry Christmas or Holiday for All---Happy New Year 2024


    PS Remember in the movies and books about 2024 was going to be the Space Age.

    All things were going happen. Yes, a lot of things have happened, good and bad

    BUT not what they thought. No flying cars?😁



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  10. Good afternoon, ladies.


    {zena glad your feeling better buy sorry BP still giving trouble.

    Glad Jazzper is doing well. 


    Terri glad you have been staying the same. Holidays are hard.

    Good job on ONE cookie. Sorry about your leg.


    Jan how are you this weekend?


    I'm doing alright just not doing the things I should be doing. Rainy day slept late.

    Only done a few of the things I need to do. Do you think I should get off the


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