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Posts posted by Belle

  1. Jan glad you had a loss. One more weigh-in before your cruise.  You're doing a b2b,

    I think there the best. Like you I'm doing more cruises in last few years then I

    ever thought I would do,


    Yes, your weather has been crazy. You've had a lot of rain and hot weather.

    When I was gone saw your weather and was hoping that none of it came by you.

    Different here too. Last 4 days in the 90's and on Monday rain and in the low 60's.

    Every state seems to have different weather this year. If people don't believe in

    climate change, they need to look at the weather the last few years.


    Stay safe with the rain and wind. Good weekend to stay indoors.

    • Like 1
  2. Good Afternoon all, how's your Friday going.

    Mine started good, still had weight loss even after food shopping yesterday.

    (you know what I mean) Now have to be good for the weekend.


    Hope to see you ALL writing in here today. Let' keep this going over the weekend.

    Think will help us eat the right way, keep us aware to be good. Maybe help us

    to say no to something, we shouldn't eat.

  3. hello Everyone


    Solo--Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday!  Glad you're seeing the Doc as our bodies 

    change with weight loss. Since they notice before just thinking it will be the same. I know

    it's so hard waiting for results. They need to make things faster for people. Yes,

    any loss is a good thing. Wishing at least you stay the same with all the birthday and all things

    going on.


    Jan--Hope the scale is good to you tomorrow. Just remember weighing comes before

    eating on Thursdays. Get a calendar😁  How's your weather up there? Seems like

    you've had all different kinds each week. You're going on a cruise soon, aren't you?


    Izena--Hope you get back on track. No, it's so hard when you're not feeling. Know you can

    do it. You've done so well.  Know you'll love your cruise in new pants or not.


    Terri--Bon Voyage. Staying the same before a cruise is good too. You have done good losing and buying smaller size clothes. Yes, you can cruise and stay the same or gain little and still

    enjoy the food. Walking on ship and in ports help and less desserts. (said less not none)


    Me--The scale kept going between 1 or 2 pounds lost. So will take 1 1/2. lost this week.

    Two weeks in a row. Yea!❤️  I need to get my act together; I haven't been doing much.

    Need to clean house. Get to get clothes and things together, want to take ect.

    Doing California coastal and Hawaii.

    Went food shopping today, tried to be good in my buying. Got couple of things for

    the cruise. I need to go look for some new clothes too. Wearing same things all the time.

    Getting less places to buy clothes. Places have closed. Do you notice that in your towns?

    I know because of online shopping but I like to try on the clothes first. As you know

    sizes are so off. Can take five of something into room, same size and they fit differently.


    Weekend is coming and hope you all enjoy.  Come in here and talk to help us

    to not eat snacks we shouldn't. Keeps us aware. Cruises coming up.🛳️🍷





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  4. You'll have a good time as long as you don't compare it to the Royal.

    The Crown an older ship, Royal newer and bigger.


    Two things the Crown has and not the Royal, is Skywalkers. All windows, great views.

    Also, on 7th deck you can walk outside around the ship.


    I think it's better to call and make arrangements for wheelchairs. If you go to

    Princess.com someplace there is a phone number to request one.


    • Thanks 1
  5. Was on Enchanted in June B2B.  In Europe you don't have to leave ship to do transit.

    You can stay on the ship or get off to sight see. Medallion is good for both cruises

    and room.


    All you have to do to change rooms. Leave your clothes hanging. Pack everything up.

    They will send someone to help you move with a cart. Tell the room steward of new cabin 

    to clean your room first if he can so you can move.

    Seeing your rooms are close you might have the same room steward for both. Plus being so 

    close you could move your things yourself if you wanted.


    Enjoy your cruise.


    Was writing as Sky was posting. If have same room steward he should let

    you stay in old cabin (even if passed 8 am) till your new cabin is ready. 

    Just ask him.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. Jan a doctor told me once, just what you said. You can pick a goal but can you

    maintain that goal? Like if you pick a goal of 150, can you maintain if. Pick a goal

    10 or 15 lbs higher. something you can maintain. (you can always lose more but

    if yo yo not as a bad of a thing. you're in your weight range) Depends on your body, family 

    genes and age. You know what's best weight for you.

    • Like 1
  7. Good afternoon Izena and Jan


    Izena I can't believe your son hasn't said anything. The wife yes because of what you

    said before about her. But your son not right.  You've come so far. They say keeping the 

    weight off his harder than losing it.


    Jan you're doing good with your weight loss. Aren't you close to your goal weight.

    See you lost more than you thought. Your gains are always low and you lose the next week.

    You leave in 15 days bet you can lose a pound. Why is snacking so hard for us all.


    I weighed today, pounds still off. Need to lose more. I leave on my cruises in 23 days.

    I'm nowhere near my goal as you are Jan. Hope to lose more and this wasn't a "miracle." 😇


    Take care and have a good weekend.

  8. Was going to write sooner but got sidetracked and now it's late evening.


    Jan main thing you keep trying and your gains are always small. and you lose it.

    Know yo yo-ing is a problem for us all.


    Iena sorry still having problems and not making the Doc to understand. Since you

    like sweets (like most of us) can you just plan to have a small amount each day and still lose.

    If you know you can have a little each day maybe won't crave it.


    Solo it's great you've lost that much weight and your pain has gone away in your knees and

    hips. Good loss today too. I know it's terrible when you worked hard to lose and no one says anything.

    Guess they're afraid to these days to say anything about one's weight. Yes. your Holidays

    start first. You have Thanksgiving soon.


    JustUs A loss is a loss. Think night snacking is a problem for all of us too. We need to

    figure out how to do it with calories left over from the day. Plus eat less carb, calorie snacks.

    I know easier said than done but we can do it.


    Now me, I was trying to eat less but grazing to much, I thought. Got on the scale a few times,  

    keep saying the same thing. Lost 3 lbs. Hope it stays and I lose more. Going to keep at it.

    Happy even if pounds I lost before--I/we can never give up.


    Wish more people would come in. Know they want to lose weight and sometimes give up.

    They don't understand coming here you might not lose weight for a while but if coming in here

    helps you just stay the same and not gain more or just a little--Staying with it loss's will come

    that's a Win in my book.


  9. This week the date I know is right

    Did you eat this week very light


    Can you believe October is Sunday

    Before you know it will be the Holidays


    So many dinners, parties, sweets and drinks for all

    What are your plans to get through it without a stall


    Some ideas---

    Don't buy Halloween and Christmas candy months ahead

    Just sitting there for you to eat, sure most of LOVE sweets


    Dinners eat salads, proteins just skip the bread and desserts


    Drink the drinks that have the least calories


    When you know you're going out, eat less that day at home


    Having a walk each day would be nice, know depends on your weather


    What is your plan, your goal?

    Mine is to try eating less and not have a gain. Staying the same will be fine but

    of course, would like to lose. Will be home more this winter.  Do better on cruises,

    at home seem to "graze" more.


    Please don't stay away if you do gain during the Holidays, being on here will keep

    you aware and bet you'll gain less or just stay the same each week.


    Come one come all. Join us to get through the Holidays, reading, talking and weighing

    once a week will help you.




  10. Thanks Jan finding the post. I swear it said 9-21-23 too.

    Glad it turned around and you had a loss.


    After my 5 lb loss day after cruise, was dehydrated I know.

    So, after eating and drinking more at home. I lost 2 lbs. I don't

    think that's bad for 40 days on a cruise and a week at home.


    Hope to lose more and not gain this week but so many things going

    wrong/broken ect-- hope the stress doesn't get to me. You know what we 

    do or at least I do sometimes. Eat. 


    Everyone have a good weekend. Come in and talk.


    • Like 1
  11. Know many have cruises coming up soon

    Siting on the deck watching the moon


    Three months (More or less) will be Christmas Day

    What will you weigh


    Less or more than today or just be happy to stay the same

    Getting thru the holidays and cruises are like a game


    We eat less calories while at home we try and hope

    But eat more at parties and dinner's, don't go overboard and be a dope


    If we gain at these events we have to lose the same pounds again you know

    So better to be good at home and when we're not at home, have to learn to use the word No (Thank You)


    PS   NO is a good word to say to ourselves at home too--when we reach for the chips, cookies, ice cream, ect






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  12. Ombud Enchanted Princess doesn't have a library.  Was on her in June.


    What they have.  You go to the front desk and ask if they have any books.

    Passengers bring on books, read them and leave them there so other passengers

    can read. them.  So, I took a couple of books, read them turned them in and took two.

    At that time they only had about ten books.


    I miss the library's. on the new ships. What is nice the Royal Princess had a small one

    with lots of books. Think that ship was the last one made with one.

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