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Posts posted by Belle

  1. Hello on this Sunday Afternoon.


    I knew I shouldn't of weighed when I came home. The 5 lb loss didn't stay.

    Was from being dehydrated. Gained a few back. See what happens Thursday.

    Should be a few pounds down or at least stay the same for the 40 days.


    Where's everyone? So many talking last weigh-in. Come back.


    Trying to get my house dust free. Impossible! Them putting floors in and

    other work plus me being gone 40 days. EVERYTHING is so DUSTY!

    Getting down on my hands and knees to dust hidden spots isn't as easy

    as it was before. Why? Couldn't be the birthdays I keep having each year?😁


    Hope to see more people talking soon. How did your eating go this weekend?

    Since almost end of summer do you eat more or less? Dreading the fall and winter?

    • Like 2
  2. On the back of your Princess Patter is a list of Dining Options for each day

    by the ones that Charge there is a-- Star like mark.


    So read each day and look by where you want to eat and see if they charge.

    Very easy.


     If you have Princess Plus or Princess Premium can get free dinners with

    them. You need to read about what you get with each of them, so you know.

    what you have before you go if you book one of them.


    Hope this helps with the people who wanted to know what places had a charge.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I'm Back (yesterday)

    Still have to Unpack (Big Mess)

    I was lucky to be Most Traveled Guess 2nd or 3rd on the cruises---Got Big Gifts, prizes.

    Had to find ways to carry them home. Glad I had a fold up bag and the Princess's.

    Old Blue Bag. --So, off the ship with--1 big bag, 1 carry on, 1 reg bag, 1 blue bag

    a 12 pack of diet coke (gift) and my purse that was as heavy as a suitcase.


    Then today, if it's right, probably not---my scale says I lost 5 lbs. I got on it several times.

    and it kept saying the same thing. Will see what it says during the week. Think might be

    I haven't drunk enough water but again I didn't overeat on the cruise. Hope it stays off.

    Will see.


    Izena--- thank you for starting the post each Thursday. I'm so sorry that you're having so

    much trouble with your health. Then on top of it 1/2 of the company you don't want to see.

    Least not staying with you.


    Last week it was nice to see more people coming on and talking and having cruises

    coming up. Hope everyone stays with us.


    Jan--- How are you doing? Feeling good I hope, know you did eating the kettle corn,

    it's so good.😊


    JustUs--- Have fun on your camping trip. Those brownies and rice treats would tempt

    me, you're lucky they don't.


    kids mamma--Thank you for trying to help Izena


    I hope everyone comes back from last week and that everyone has a good weekend.



    • Like 1
  4. DRYDOCK--

    On the Ruby now and have been for a few weeks. This is what I know for sure.

    From the Captains mouth to my ears----

    -2 weeks drydock in Portland--1 week wetdock in Victoria, after their Panama cruise,

    home base will be in Florida


    CASINO--From Hosts

    Talking out the extra gaming tables and adding more slot machines.

    All the tables will be in a row down the middle, blackjack most tables,

    other games 1 table each


    CABINS--From my room steward

    Said changing everything in cabins, mention new mattress for every cabin


    This is what I know.. What else their doing, I don't know. Didn't ask.

    Hope this helps those that want to know about the Ruby.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 5
  5. Sorry I've been missing in action. Been having fun. In 14 days I'll be home.

    The scale will tell the truth. Haven't been eating much but eating to much carbs.

    Also with drink package drinking more (drinks and coffee/teas) which I don't do

    at home. Trying my best most days but-----------------------

    Tomorrow is my Birthday so maybe eat or drink a little more, maybe not.


    Sorry Izena you haven't felt well but seems your really back on track now.

    Great loss! Thanks for starting the posts.


    Jan you had a loss not a gain, be happy but I know what you mean. Why is

    exercise so hard for us to do. Some it comes so easy, me never easy.


    Solo I'm so sorry your having trouble with your neck and then all the other

    problems on top of that. Nice you had a loss and now have Alaska to look forward to.

    It's as beautiful as ever. In rain or sunshine which we've had both of.


    TxNight Welcome. Glad you joined us Losing weight this week is a good start.

    Remember what ever you lose before your Nov. cruise will make you less then your

    are right now.  You'll be happy.


    Everyone take care, have a good week. Loss's for ALL, me too.




    • Like 1
  6. Sorry gave wrong information. (Blame the headache I was having)


    Yes, it was the Enchanted. I always want to say Enchantment for some reason.

    Yes a ship on another line has that name.


    When I said green lane, I meant the Elite lane. If you don't have the Medallion with you

    have to go to the blue lane. Blue lane is only line that carries your Medallion when you check in.


    . So lost perk of Elite line if don't want buy the Medallion..


    Sorry for the mistakes Forgive me?.☺️

  7. Was on the Enchantment the month of June. All card games had machines

    even the ones with just one deck. They said-ALL Princess ships will go to the machines.

    How soon this happens. who knows? Maybe Ruby will do it at dry dock when taking

     out the tables.  This was told to me by a higher up. So me it's true but as you know

    things can always change.


    As Cruise Raider says some things have changed, starting with this cruise.

    Different ships have different dates when they start the changes, Ruby was

    the 15th of Aug. If you don't have the Medallion with you go to blue line

    even if Elite. Losing another perk.


    Still like Princess, will still sail with them but so many changes in

    every thing, it's not the Princess we knew and loved.

    The crew is still very good and of course some better then others.


    • Like 2
  8. I've been on since 8-5 everything was normal except they started the blue line early for

    those who didn't have their medallion. didn't matter if Elite, blue line for you.


    Now 8-15 everything started

    . I'm Elite called room service to change out bar--no charge

    Room service if use phone to order even if have PP charge $5,  if use TV or App

    no charge but is that after the $14.99 charge, don't know. I used the phone, like

    to make changes so far no $5 charge (usually charges goes on in a minute) Have

    the plus package either she was wrong before or didn't charge me.


    New room service menu (old still on TV) no more Dip with chips, Chocolate chip cookies 

     Don't know what else they have taken off.


    Dry dock, one thing their doing is taking the double table games away and adding more

    slot machines, that's where they make their money.  All I heard was 2 weeks in Oregon.

    Can check by seeing when the next cruise starts. Panama Canal.


    Cruise Raider yes ship is moving differently then normal.  Doesn't bother me but can

    feel it. Now going faster to make up time from yesterday. We were getting in late to

    Juneau than normal already.  I hope the passenger is alright and getting better. 

    Hard going with rain and fog.


    The ship is fine even if older. Least has Skywalker and a deck to walk around unlike

    the new ships. Service is good as usual. I think who ever comes on will have a good time,

    plus who can beat the beauty of Alaska?


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  9. SF Pier 27 Aug. 5th


    I'm Elite, didn't have Medallion had to go in blue line, said Elite line doesn't have Medallions.

    If have Medallion can go in Elite line. We've earned Elite line but they want their $10.

    But does it really matter because if you have  PP and Medallion can go in Elite line.

    Also this was suppose to start Aug. 15th on the Ruby. Maybe only thing that was early.

    Didn't charge for room service.

  10. Thank you solo. Better not great. This isn't me but still getting packed.

    As you know when not feeling well (know you've all had your problems)

    it takes you longer to get things done, always sitting down to rest. But I will make it!


    Good weight loss especially being away for the weekend. Your cruise will be here

    before you know it. Think Susan leaves this weekend for her cruise.


    I'm glad you had a good time on your date and enjoyed each other's company.

    Another date soon?


    Well bye ladies will try to keep in contact some but just want to relax, enjoy the sights and sounds.

    Not that I'm in a hurry to come home but when I do. New Floors! Yea!


    Take care everyone

  11. Jan--So sorry you're still not feeling well. Still testing Positive. You must be bad--No Wine?

    I'm glad husband is feeling better and is going. Nice you had a loss should be more when

    you don't feel good and don't each much.


    Izena--Thank you for the sorry and the advice. Your right, getting old sucks. WE fall apart before our eyes. Next month a birthday and will be a year older. Yikes!!!!

    Nice you had a loss and went to the doc and got what you wanted.


    I thought I would have lost but no, stayed the same. Not fair when you don't eat much------

    I know who said life was fair.


    Hope to see everyone else in here soon. Take care.



    • Like 1
  12. Is August the last month of summer adding in Labor Day Weekend

    a good or bad month for you losing weight?


    Are you really going to try to lose weight or be happy to stay the same.

    because there's lots of things going on that have--summer food and drink.?


    Sorry late in posting I have not been feeling well, a cold then hurt shoulder...(really painful)

    Was in bed for day and a half and I am supposed to leave Sat. for 40 days. I'm not ready,

    moving slowly. (I was slow getting ready to begin with thinking had the extra days)

    Feel a little better today so hope it means each day better, and not more pain after doing things like

    typing, getting stuff ready and packing, of course is right shoulder. I'm right-handed.


    OK enough whining from me. As I said before leaving Sat. for 40 days. The 1st 10 days won't have internet.

    but next 30 I should. So, I will come in off and on. So, if Izena if you would like to start on Thursday posts.

    that would be nice but if she can't, will someone please start it.


    Please think good thoughts for me that I feel better soon and enjoy my cruises.

    Of course, I wish the same for all of you, that you feel fine and enjoy whatever you do.

    • Like 1
  13. Jan sorry you're still not feeling well. Better I hope just not 100% How's your

    husband doing? Know you want to go for the family but don't want to expose them.


     Different states have certain rules. In Ca. have to take vision and written test.

    . Think their stricter.  Think AZ they don't have to do anything, it was that way a few years back.       

    Well, I passed the tests. Can drive for another 5 years.                                                                                                

    • Like 1
  14. Tuesday is here in a few hours. Hope your Monday went well.


    Tomorrow (Tuesday)

    have to take written test to renew my driver's license. So, use to renewing by mail

    and have to go in this time after many, many years. Always worry will I get the questions.

    right. Sometimes trick you with how there worded.


    Did you have a good weekend? Have a Good day everyone.

  15. I wrote something last night--it's not here--floating in space?


    Izena--I'm glad you're feeling better. Yes, find a doc you like and cares.

    I know everything is about money no matter the job.

    Your special, you have a different look. If you think you look punk and

    others thought you did to--did it make for more fun. I hope it wasn't something.

    that made you sad.


    Solo--I love Alaska, I've gone so many times. It is beautiful. One of the places

    not getting ruined by building/people. (Well summer jewelry stores bu cruise lines

    but gone after summer) Back to normal. So much open space. Trees, waterfalls.


    Lucky you have thick hair (not the headaches) mine was but not as much now. Hair is funny,

    to me my hair is short because had it longer, someone else would say, your hair is long.

    Also, funny when we think we're having a bad hair day, that's when someone comes up

    out of the blue and says your hair looks so nice.😄


    Everyone have a good week.

  16. Hello to you this Sat. morning. Hope everyone is having a good day.


    Sol--o you had big loss, it's nice but not if you feel tired. Do what you think is best in eating.

    Know you'll look great in your dress. Alaska is so beautiful. Is this your 1st time or have been often?


    Jan--I hope you're feeling better and the med is helping> Your husband taking it to? Nice

    the kids are helping you. Nice you have a good ooss but to get it by being sick. Only thing

    it might come back when you eat and drink again. (Sorry had to say it)


    Susan-- Never be sorry you stayed the same means No Gains. Next Thursday my last

    weigh-in before I cruise too. Going to Alaska. Where are you going? Great you have

    pick of any clothes as they fit. Good Job!


    Izena--Hope you're feeling better. Hate it as we get older things can happen to us for no reason.

    You're not a nurse take your meds at least for a while. You want to feel good. 

    Yes, take it easy, sorry your having trouble with your eating. You know you can do it.

    You've done so well.


    Me--I lost a 1lb. I'll take it. I've lost weight this year but trouble is its weight I lost before.

    Least not gaining at this time. Any lost weight is a loss in my book.


    Got my hair cut shorter yesterday, still long but shorter so of course feels too short

    to m till I get use to it. Another thing about getting older is your hair gets thinner on top

    Could do without that.

    Have brown hair, just a few grey hairs, never had to color. Seems like my friends all color their hair.

    People don't believe I don't color my hair. How about you, do you color?


    Today my daughter picked up my flooring for me in another town. Was on sale there.

    Saves me money that can use on all the extra stuff you need. Especially when have to pay labor.

    So, fingers crossed get my floors installed in Aug. while I'm gone. Don't have put up with

    the mess. My son will oversee.


    Everyone has a good weekend. Hope you all come in during the weekend and say Hi

    and say what you're doing, how you're eating is going and if any exercising is going on.


  17. Then August weigh-ins begin

    Month after month we do it again


    But it's good for us we know and we won't do it with a frown

    Helps us to lose weight and keep our weight down


    Only thing I notice is that the months go faster and faster

    So really have to be good each week and be the master


    Seven months gone, before we know it will be next year

    So, have to get our minds and bodies in gear


    Know it's hard with cruises and holidays coming with lots of food

    But we're all smart in here and I know we all can be good


    So as your eating healthy--Smile

    And maybe some days walk a-- Mile.




  18. Hello Jan and Izena


    Jan, I hope you're not feeling to bad. Hope you get the meds, Isn't  it

    one your suppose to take in the first few days to help. I know that's not a

    of people getting sick (could be more you don't know about) for a big ship but

    to me it's still a lot. Know many don't wear masks or wash hands like they use to.

    Think it's over but guess what it will never be over. Like Noro will never be over.

    But at least people got shots and don't die like before. What's nice on a ship no

    one says anything if you wear one or if you don't wear one. Everyone can do

    what they want--hard part is deciding is-- do we want to wear one or not!


    Izena,I'm glad you got your friend moving, that was the best for her. Nice she has a scooter.

    Was so nice that you helped her with everything at the beginning and now. Yes. make

    sure your health comes first. All that smoke. Does the son get out of bed at all?

    Smoking in bed is not safe.

    Didn't know you cancelled cruises. I remember you were sick from the one cruise.

    I got sick on the May one, only 10 days, no mask but think it was a virus that was

    going around and people weren't doing the right things. Like washing hands, coughing

    the right way. Last cruise, flying cruising 21 days, was fine but wore a mask.


    Who knows what is right or wrong, know I won't stop cruising and just be careful day by day

    and enjoy myself.  You two do the same--Enjoy our cruises and wish for the best that we

    stay healthy. Plus, we lose weight before each cruise.😊😊😊


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