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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. All the SD and Experiential dining has been increased to add 18% on top whereas it used to be baked into the price. Sneaky kind of way to do a price increase. Maybe they wanted to literally show guests a gratuity is involved in everything as many may not have realized. It is still a price increase no matter how you cut it.
  2. It is quite possible and often done. You need to submit a Route Deviation Request. Your TA or CVP can do it. If you booked directly, you can get the form from Princess. Try calling and asking, but you can also write Customer Relations (they are not the team processing the requests, but I don't have an email address for it).
  3. Don't bother wasting time on the above video. It is lifted from an earlier one and the fellow doesn't seem to know much. Other than a Cabana costs $500/day. Yikes!!
  4. He appears to have lifted his video from another. Whatever.
  5. Exactly. Only shade I have seen is in a lounge type area with scattered chair settings and some stand-up. Pretty bad IMO.
  6. Even if they come up with pads, those sun beds have no wheels and cannot move and you are crammed in with everyone. Just terrible and not worth the old $40, let alone $100!!
  7. Sorry, but that video doesn't provide any new info other than the $500 ticket for a Cabana (which was exactly my guess price when I heard $100 for an unpadded sun bed). The videographer doesn't seem to know anything too much.
  8. Pretty sad, isn't it? Now it's just chock-a-block plain old deck chairs in an adult-only zone. A hundred bucks for that??!! Who are they kidding?
  9. And I imagine those are free as FCFS. So, $99 is for ONE person for full day? Or a couple? (If one person, that is a 2.5X price increase - $40 to $100 essentially). Any info on half-days or cabanas? I am guessing a Cabana must run $500 now based on the $100 new lounger price.
  10. @HiramDylan, Any chance you can get us full Sanctuary pricing before you disembark? Full Day / Half Day / Full Voyage cost. "Regular Section". Same for Signature section. Cabana cost for Full / Half days. Whole voyage? Also, are there any padded loungers outside of the signature area - OTHER THAN the double-wide beds around the pool? Thanks. @rexdillinger, you took a video of Sun Sanctuary, but no mention of pricing. Any chance you can re-visit that to gather the above info? Hopefully someone on board can supply the info.
  11. Your thinking is correct. It is somewhat unpredictable as to when get unfettered access to cabins, but we can normally drop bags in and then leave for lunch. Suit yourself - less lines later after the initial rush is on board.
  12. On the varying opinions on price of the new Caymus, I am guessing the new price is the $149. It would have helped if those posting what they paid included the date.
  13. Mine had been Mondavi, but same idea.
  14. I read it that it was the whole restaurant for the old WMD. On Caymus, I guess I was thinking it was $149 like the other high-end experientials. I guess we should be quoting this as $165 now since old price included grats.
  15. Really? So soon? PS - I bet it's a carbon copy from what we guests will see as they have no time to see how Sun shakes out. If they build a third one, then you might see some tweaks (as in Royal Class).
  16. Not so fast because many of us like to have the same wait team for the full voyage.
  17. No reservations for any of the standing CD locations. I think they do take reservations for the pop-ups like Planks and Steamers? (Check me on that someone)
  18. There's a video on the main Sun thread about that.
  19. Sorry, duplicate post. It's on the main Sun thread.
  20. I know but how many grains are going in the same direction? Your second paragraph should be stricken due to the P word (notwithstanding whether I agree or not).
  21. I imagine they filled all the tables. Been at something similar in Sabi's some years back and they filled all the tables.
  22. Are you guys sure that old dinner is still $40? Seems hard to believe with EVERY OTHER dining situation up in price. I recently saw a $45 price point posted, but even that seems like it should be $49/$50 based on other increases.
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