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Everything posted by Paulinda

  1. Wondering if the CO is worth it. Also I was trying to find it on the HAL website under 'Manage my Cruise' and nothing pops up. How would I add it? I never thought about it on our other cruises but maybe would try it now.
  2. I made a big mistake on my next cruise...... I booked it online. Originally I called my PCC to book it but it seems he was out on vacation. Since the online cost looked tempting, I called his number again and got through to another PCC. Unfortunately, I had a hard time understanding this agent and misunderstood what she said. Ergo, I decided to book it myself online. Shortly after he got back from vacation he did get back to me but said I would have to work with the online system for any assistance. Usually he will guarantee me a cabin but now I have to wait until the system generates a cabin. I will always use a PCC in the future.
  3. I know Heart of the Nation (and other Catholic organizations) have masses on TV. These are recorded much earlier in advance. Couldn't HAL somehow schedule one of these masses to be broadcast on the daily lineup of TV programming? I don't know what technical issues would have to be worked out but it seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to make it work. This is the 21st Century.
  4. Fortunately my PCC is long term, professional and efficient. I receive offers from him every so often. I did notice that calling him now requires that I set up an appointment date and time. He will schedule a call back. I'm pretty sure that HA let go a lot of the PCC's during the pandemic.
  5. We've cruised 4 times so far on HA and will be doing another in the near future. We've never had the HIA plan and always opted for a better cabin. This next cruise we did purchase the HIA plan because we are rec. $400 in excursions, 2 specialty dinners, WI-FI and 15 drinks/day each. We are not big drinkers of alcohol but will probably have 1 or 2 per day with the package. Also my wife like to drink pepsi/coke and I like a good cup of coffee now and then. If my math is correct we are in the ball park of what the package cost so it made sense to us. BTW does anybody know if they serve pepsi or coke?
  6. there is a charge on certain items. We loved the pea soup they served and some of the delicious bakery at no charge. I believe the items they charge were for drinks, perhaps even the coffee. The cost was nominal. Have a wonderful cruise!
  7. I have a future cruise and I have a 'Have it All package'. Do I have to wait till I board to reserve dining times or can I request a reservation before I board? Same with the excursions. Thanks in advance for your responses.
  8. I recently scheduled a call with my PCC and he called me promptly on time. Originally I tried calling him direct but he was not available. If it's a new system it worked well
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