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Everything posted by TLG40

  1. We went on The Edge in 2020 and LOVED the entertainment! We tried the enhanced Balcony concept (idk what they are calling it) and it was ok- I think we used it about as much as we would the regular balcony-lol. But times have definitely changed everything- look forward to going on Celebrity again in October on Equinox.
  2. I have cruised on the MSC Meraviglia from FL - beautiful ship! My words of wisdom - Check your bill at the end -- I assumed it was a charge and it was a credit on my account idk how -- but they wouldn't let me disembark -- It was less than $10 -- having an early flight to catch I had to sign a paper waving the cash -- BUT it did hold up the line and it was very annoying & totally my fault for not reading the final account correctly. I will be following along:) Enjoy your trip!!!
  3. I am booked for end of Jan this year Rhine river cruise with Viking. Excited to be going to new places instead of another island again for our early winter vacation. I am okay being outside in the cold weather and have winter gear. I do think it would be very interesting to take the same trip again once the weather warms up- it would be a totally different experience. Looking forward to the adventure:) ~Tracy
  4. I have a cruise booked for mid Jan 23 and just received air booking information with Viking yesterday - direct flight from Newark to Zurich on United - my flight information was on the United site and I was able to do an upgrade to economy plus for $139 and change my seat - I know it's just 6 inches more leg room but to me it was worth the price:) Enjoy your trip!
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