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Posts posted by gigianne

  1. 11 hours ago, ski ww said:

    Final payment is tomorrow and our TA told us that our flights were cancelled by HAL & we were using FlightEase. Our TA could not get through to HAL to find out what is going on, she's on hold for hours. She also said HAL's FlightEase is a mess, & told us to try booking our own. Not a happy cruiser. 

    Did you get your flights straightened out?


  2. We have been to HMC many times, our last in November 2019.  Our DD and DGS were with us and we decided to rent Pink #8 for the day.  One of the best decisions we have ever made while cruising.  Will we do it again - definitely!    

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  3. We never book guarantees as.  We booked the Med Zuiderdam cruise in a VB stern, when the Z was switched to the Volendam we ended up in a V cabin, aft.  When the Volendam was cancelled in the Med we were switched to a VC guarantee (and an itinerary change, not for the better).  Enough is enough, we opted to be switched to the Westerdam Med cruise 2022 and we were to hear what cabin we had within 2 weeks.  Now that the W is now the Oosterdam who knows what we will get.

  4. Good Sunday morning everyone and thanks Rich and Roy for your lists.  Love the quote and the days to celebrate, I hope the roses last a week!  The drink of the day is on my list for summer, we only have small watermelons 🍉 in the stores right now.  Another dusting of snow overnight, I don't mind it, but I sure dislike the cold.  DH usually shovels all the neighbour's sidewalks, today he was picky.  I will watch the Super Bowl, it doesn't matter much who wins as I was rooting for the Bills!  My best to those on Roy's lists and I hope one day to be on a HAL ship captained by Sabine.  May the best team win!🏈

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  5. Good morning all and happy Saturday, albeit a freezing one here.  Thanks Rich for your continued effort to keep us coming back each day to this thread.  A interesting trio of days to celebrate, the squirrels got the last really stale croissant that we had.  Our menu tonight features a different variation of chili, along with the normal ingredients the recipe calls for macaroni elbows.  I do like a well made Mojito, so it's been added to my “to drink list”.  No sign of the vaccine here except for LTC and health workers.  I am fearing that it will take quite a while before it reaches us.  All the best to those on both of Roy's lists.  

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  6. Good morning all and a thank you to Rich for his devotion to keeping this thread active.  A good collection of days, I heard that today was Blue Monday - I will be looking this up.  The menu is a good one for adding to my list as tonight it’s leftover meat pie.  We never had a Thesaurus but I do see our Webster's dictionary still taking up room on a shelf in the basement - it's almost an antique!   Every time I watch the news and see that something else has happened in Indonesia I can't help but wonder and worry about the wonderful crew we have met.  I wish them and all those on Roy's list my very best.  The picture I am posting is a gift from our neighbours, it has taken a while to grow and bloom, but boy has it been worth the wait.


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  7. Thanks Rich for the dailies and thanks Roy and the others for your contributions.  I just might celebrate the do nothing day today, there have been more then enough of those in the past year, so why not one more today.  I like seeing pictures of the Komodo dragons, not sure if I would want to be in one of them with only a forked pole for protection, I am not that brave.  What has kept me “sane” has been planning 2 cruises with friends.   I have all fingers crossed that planning becomes reality.   Of course we all know that one huge thing standing in our way is 2 shots in the arm for all of us.  Our supply of vaccines is almost dried up here and shipments are delayed now until sometime in March.  As always, my best to all, have a great do nothing day and keep an eye peeled for “Puff”!

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  8. Good morning all.  Interesting collection of days, I know that when I board  a ship in October my dream will have come true.  Now that the grands are grown we no longer have rubber duckies.  Ours used to flash lights!  The meal suggestion  sounds good, I put it on my “to cook” list.  Looking out the window - dreary!  We are expecting a polar vortex later this week - brrrrr!  Our province has been locked down even further and in some locations (ours being one of them), no in class learning until a month from now.   No word on when we can get the vaccine, there are still LTC residents who have not yet rolled up their sleeves.  Thanks to all who contribute to this thread.  

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  9. Good morning all and thanks to Roy for the dailies.  It sure is nice to see the NS in port, it gives me hope!  We skipped leftovers yesterday so that's what is on our plate for tonight.  I will definitely make the drink of the day as I have all the ingredients.  The last zoo we were at was in Hobart, Australia - Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. , the closest zoos to us would be Toronto or Buffalo.  My best to all on Rich's lists.  Happy Sunday everyone.





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  10. Good morning all.  I have never been one to rush out on the 26th to look for sales as I am usually too exhausted after Christmas Day.   Yesterday was unlike any other but we survived and I hope that you did too.  One thing DH and I know after preparing take out dinners for our DD and neighbours, we could never get into the restaurant business.  I must admit though, DH and I thoroughly enjoyed  the quiet of dinner for two.  Earlier in the afternoon our neighbours arrived bearing gifts (or were they buttering us up before picking up their take out).  I am not sure if I will make it to the virtual M&G or not at one, enjoy.  Sharing a picture of who rang our doorbell yesterday, the Grinch and Abominable Snowman, AKA our neighbours.  Have a great day everyone, my best to all.


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  11. Good morning all and Merry Christmas!  It's a white one, DH's gift to our neighbours was to clear the sidewalk for the whole block.  I am not sure if the noise from the snowblower woke anyone up as it was 6:45am😂.  The quote is oh so true!  We will be roasting a turkey and having all the trimmings and sharing with DD and our neighbours.  It's  pumpkin cheesecake with pralines for dessert.   My best to all those on Roy's lists.  Many thanks to Rich for keeping the flame burning on this thread, our numbers have grown once the word got out that this was the friendliest thread on CC.  Have a wonderful day everyone and BELIEVE that by this time next year (hopefully before) we will be cruising again!


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  12. Good morning all.  Thanks Rich for the daily.  No eggnog but I am kind of re-gifting - a wrapped  gift for someone who never got it, I unwrapped it and then wrapped it back up in nicer paper.  We are having a charcuterie board for dinner along with a bottle of wine. Looking forward to a nice quiet day and evening, all gifts delivered, nothing left under the tree.  On Wednesday I woke up with Vertigo and was unable to do anything, luckily yesterday was much better.  DH had a monumental birthday, lots of e's and phone calls and a surprise delivery of balloons by DD.  Our visit was outdoors as we are in lockdown.   Take care everyone, have a great day before Christmas.

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  13. Good morning all and thank you Rich for the daily.  I will choose humbug candy over bah humbug!  Not keen on the menu suggestion or the drink of the day.   Later today our Premier will announce a total lockdown of our province, he is calling it a circuit breaker, I sure hope it works but we need 100% cooperation which I don't think we will get.  DH is baking chocolate dipped biscottis today - I stay out of the kitchen!  My thoughts are with those in Roy's care list and I am shooting “yeah” for those celebrating.  Take care everyone and have a wonderful Monday.🎄

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