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Posts posted by gigianne

  1. Good Sunday morning all.  Thanks Rich for the dailies and thanks Roy for keeping the lists.  Lots if traditions have gone by the wayside and carolling seems to be one of them.  We'll take a pass on the dinner, the drink looks festive, I think I will just have a plain Moscow Mule without the extras.  Seventeen years ago today we were at our son's wedding in beautiful Kingston Ontario.  Today, it will be a FT greeting to them.  Our city moves into lockdown tomorrow so our Christmas plans have been shelved and it will be just us two and take out for the others.   I only hope that others in our city abide by the new rules.  We have a lot to be thankful for and I have added this thread and all you posters to my list.  Take care, keep safe and think positively - we will get through this, better days are coming.


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  2. Good morning good all.  If I don't visit this thread in the am I am likely to fill my day with work and then it is late in the day.  I do not have an ugly Christmas sweater, but I am baking today - cookies and tarts.  The mincemeat filling is simmering right now - the aromas are wonderful.  I will definitely pass on the drink suggestion as I do not drink coffee - however, I will make it with hot chocolate as I did last Christmas.  My thoughts are with those on Roy's care list.  I am also thinking of all those affected by the Pandemic.  A big shout out to those celebrating.  Happy anniversary @Rowsbytake care everyone, happy Friday.

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  3. I did not make it before noon so good afternoon all!  I am sitting here looking at a bag of chocolate covered sponge toffee that DD gave me two weeks ago and I have not opened it yet.  I guess I am testing my resistance We are having stir fry with rice for dinner, no pineapple though.  I agree with others about the drink, it is beautiful to look at.  No snow here yet but we are in weather watch.  I am not sure that DH and I want to wear a mask on a cruise ship, if those are the regulations we may just have to wait it out.  Thanks to Rich and Roy for your lists, my best to all.  Have a wonderful Wednesday.

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  4. Good morning all on a dreary day here in Southern Ontario.  Green Monday - looking out my window it is indeed green ! Prefer that to a white Monday.  I think I am done with shopping, what isn't here isn't going to be, I am sure our area is in line for a total lock down.   Thanks Rich for the daily and also to Roy for his lists, alternate meal suggestions and sunrise pictures.  A zoom book club meeting is on the agenda for today as well as a call to give a reference.  We are preparing the creamy shrimp linguine dish for dinner, so another thanks to Roy for the “tip”.  My thoughts are with those on the care list and a shout out to those celebrating.  My best to all ‘till next time!


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  5. Good morning all and thank you Rich for the daily.  Interesting days to celebrate and I do like the meal suggestion, it sounds yummy.  I will have to take a pass on the drink of the day, not only is it beyond my mixing capabilities, it is beyond my drinking tolerance!  Today’s plans, make mincemeat and nuts and bolts.  It is not very bright outside, wet not white, thank goodness.   Good news for those on Roy's celebration list and know that I am thinking of those on his care list.  Happy Saturday!

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  6. Good Thursday morning all.  Thanks Roy for your daily researching.  It's chicken soup for us today, the third meal we will have from our Costco rotisserie chicken.  I envy those with warmer weather then we have, today it is overcast and cold. I will take a pass on the drink of the day, Inam running out of room on my list - “to drink on the next cruise”.  Putting out the last of the decorations and then I am going to pick a good book to read and relax.  Take care everyone, my best to all.

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  7. Good Wednesday morning all and thanks Ruch for the daily.  Good group of days to think about and or celebrate.  I was a bit early for pastry day on Sunday and my cards were all in the mail last Friday.  I dislike corruption and hope that anyone who is gets the book thrown at them.  The drink sounds delicious as long as someone else makes it and I get to drink it.  DH and I watched the Koningsdam’s cruise to Norway (for the second time) but this time I took a few pictures and because I see Sabine's name on Roy’s list I will share this with you.  (Not the best iPad pictures for sure) We recognized a lot of the crew as well.  Have a great day everyone.




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  8. Good morning all and thanks to Rich for the daily.  The quote is spot on and I will definitely celebrate Christmas tree day as I still have to finish decorating the 2nd one.  I could go for the drink - kind of like a Sangria.  We are having rotisserie chicken from Costco for dinner.  Went to that big box store early and left a pile of $$$.  My best to all who are on the care list and a shout out to those celebrating.  Thanks to Roy for keeping that list and sharing his sunrises.  Have a great day everyone.

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  9. Good afternoon all.  Thanks for the dailies Rich, it’s leftovers for supper but I will look up the recipe for another day.  The drink of the day has too many ingredients and as soon as I see chocolate I back off.   I used to like cotton candy but now realize it's just too sweet.  Do you remember getting a plate of cc in the Canaletto?   DH and I took time this morning to talk about Pearl Harbour.  The Christmas decorating continues, almost done.  It is certainly going to be different, we are not used to it being just the 2 of us and we will miss our family dearly.  My best to those on the  care list.

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  10. Good morning all.  A good group of days and even the meal sounds good, we just happen to have a hot pot that is collecting dust.  I remember how intimidated we were when we got our first microwave, we would be lost without it now.  I good even go for the drink of the day right about now, brunch time.   The Christmas tree was hauled down yesterday and my fun began.  Why or why do I keep struggling with lights when it would be rather inexpensive to buy a new tree.  I do worry though - how to get rid of what I have now.   So, let the decorating begin, but first I have to prepare the filling for the steak pie.  My best to those on Roy's list and my thanks to all who keep coming back to this thread every day and contribute to making it the happiest one on CC.

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  11. Good morning all.  A busy Saturday  as I hope to get a tree decorated.  We were out at 8 getting the ingredients for the steak and potatoes pie I will make tomorrow for dinner.  I will celebrate blue jeans and volunteer day and pass on the dinner suggestion and the drink of the day, it got me at kook aid too!  My best to all.

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  12. Good morning all and thank you Rich for the daily updates.  A good group of days to celebrate and the quote is spot on, happens here occasionally.  I will have to pas on tge meal suggestion and Roy's alternate.  The drink, I could go for one of those and will keep the recipe handy.  Just came back from the post office having mailed the cards that I have been working on for 3 weeks.  Now, the decorating can begin!  It's a dreary looking day, the snow we had on Tuesday is a memory, back to green grass.  My best to all, have a wonderful Friday.

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  13. Good morning all.  Definitely good days to celebrate.  I will have to pass on the menu and drink.   @StLouis Cruiserthose stockings are amazing and I hope they will be treasured.  I made felt stockings for DH and I when we were first married, nothing in comparison to yours but I can't throw them out!  Off to the hair stylist and then home to finish addressing cards.  My best to those n Roy's lists and thanks again to the contributors to our thread.  

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  14. Good morning, yesterday’s snow will melt today!  Interesting group of days, love the quote and the drink of the day, any way, but frozen is my fav.  Finally finishing making my cards, now for the addressing and mailing and cleaning up.  We have one cruise on the reservation book, maybe it's time to look ahead to 2022.  My best to those on Roy's care list and a shout out to those celebrating.  Have a great Wednesday my cc friends.

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  15. Good morning all on a snowy day in Southern Ontario.  DH is shovelling for the second time already and it's still snowing.   Love the quote and the meal suggestion.   I would order the drink, not make it as it has too many ingredients.  My thoughts are with all those on Roy’s list and a shout out to those on the celebration list.  As always, thanks to Rich.   A memory popped up on FB this morning.  Quite the opposite of today, we took our family on a Disney cruise.  I am sharing a beautiful Caribbean sunset.


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  16. Good Afternoon on a sunny day in Southern  Ontario,  I do like the meal suggestion, we are having a relative of that - roasted pork loin with Lima beans.  The drink sounds interesting but too potent for me.  I would be schnapped if I drank one of those.  Is it a relative of Wang Wang?  
    What sad news durangoscots has shared with us.  No family should have to go through this. My condolences to your family.  A sad day here on the thread.

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  17. 3 hours ago, bennybear said:

    Late to the party but thanks as always Rich, Roy et al.  We had French toast with strawberries for breakfast, lol.  Psychic?  

    @Hflors  I am so sorry about the pup,  but sounds like you may be far better off dealing with a more ethical breeder.    Glad your kids are ok!  

    I’ve finished five stockings now!  We’re getting gorgeous sunsets!  





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  18. Good morning all and happy Saturday.  It's nice to see the  sun and blue sky.  I freak that this coming week we will see our first significant snowfall so I am inhaling as much of the nice weather as I can.  The menu for today sounds yummy, the drink does too, I have never had a hot toddy.  Thanks to  Rich for the information he imparts to us each day.  I don't think I have ever tried the French toast on board, but hopefully I can next October.  By the time we set sail we will have had a 2 year hiatus from the high seas.   Thanks to all who contribute to making this a “place” that we want to visit each day.


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  19. Good morning all. Good group of days, Black Friday is alive and well frequented in Ontario.  I suspect the shoppers from locked down Toronto will spread east and west of the city.  We have decided to sit tight.  The menu and tge drink are worth looking into.  I suspect that most will be having their second round of turkey today.  Thanks to all who contribute to and frequent this friendly post.  The Covid numbers for today just announced - our province - 1600+, highest one day total so far.  We are going in the wrong direction😢

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  20. Good afternoon and happy Thanksgiving.  I really think the meal of the day should include turkey or stuffing or sweet potato pie, not spaghetti squash, yikes!  The drink might be something I would try.    Love the saying and the days to celebrate are interesting.  I am sending my thanks to Rich, Roy and the wine and drink ladies, this certainly is one interesting thread and I hope it continues on.  My best to all, please take time to stop and think of all the things we have to be thankful for.  My list is long.


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  21. Good morning all.   Great days to celebrate!  Love the quote and the drink of the day, best one ever on one of HALs ships.  Even DH loved the drink as well.  It was never repeated.   We were out this morning buying baking supplies so DH could make Irish fruit bread.  The fruits soaks overnight in whiskey.  Chicken is on todays menu but in a stir fry.  My best to all, stay safe.  A very happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating tomorrow.   We have a lot to be thankful for!

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