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Posts posted by gigianne

  1. Good morning all on a beautiful morning in Southern Ontario.  Love the quotes today and I could celebrate Nachos, especially with my favourite salsa.  I will take a pass on the Black Russian as I do not like coffee and also the polenta dish.  My thanks to Roy for keeping this thread interesting and to all who contribute.  I haven't heard too much on the news lately about progress being made in a vaccine breakthrough.  Our hope to ever cruise again rests with us getting protection.  Take care everyone and look forward to better days - on a cruise ship.  

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  2. Good afternoon all.  DH is working on dinner right now and we have a red haired grandson, so a good day for us.  It's pork schnitzel for dinner tonight along with the last of our garden Swiss chard.  Love the sayings, the drink is not for me.  Yesterday I posted that we were going in an outing, it was well worth the drive to Niagara Falls.  The Poppy Project display was so beautiful and meaningful.  We also went by the falls- the Canadian falls was so misty it was hard to get a good picture, however I did get a clear picture of the US falls.  It was like a ghost town yesterday, never before have we seen it like that.  My best to all



















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  3. Good morning all.  Two of the days are spot on - and throw back a couple of bellinis (especially if they are peach).  Love the quote!  We are have an outing this morning - to Niagara Falls to see a poppy display.  Crocheted poppies from all over the world were sent to the museum in NF.  The ladies group sewed them on netting and with the help of the firefighters and their truck ladders hung them on the building.  I will share pictures later.  We are having a heat spell for the next week - around 65 F, but we will take it and soak up some of the rays.  My best to all.

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  4. Good morning all on a very important day for the USA.  An interesting assortment of days today, I'll celebrate by eating a sandwich.  Times have changed, how about Domestic Engineer instead of housewife?   DH made it to the dentist yesterday and the broken tooth has turned into major dental work that starts Nov 23.  I will wait to hear about the drink of the day before deciding if it's something I would like.  I read about HAL cancelling cruises up until December 31, sad but a safe decision.   It's coming up to one year since we last cruised and it will be another year before we cruise again.  We have to live with the memories till then.  Thanks to all for contributing to this thread.  My best to all.

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  5. @rafinmd  thanks Roy for thinking about my DH.  His broken tooth has turned into major dental work that will start on the 23rd.  Right now he is okay and you can take him off the care list.  It is a good thing that we don't have any cruises booked for a year from now$.  I did not post as I was working today, but I did take some to to read through some of the posts.   I am glad I got notice that you had commented, my final look before turning in.  

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  6. Good morning all.  A good grouping of days to celebrate.  The only time we burn candles is in a pumpkin.  We missed this year!  Hopefully next year will be better for trick or treaters - and all of us!  Chicken is on our menu tonight - Bella Braised Chicken, one of our favourite dishes, served with twice baked potatoes.  What a cold, windy and overall dreary day here.  Hopefully tomorrow DH can move from care list.  You would really have to like today’s drink selection to buy a bottle of pumpkin flavoured vodka.  My thanks to Rich and Roy and all the others who contribute.  Have a peaceful Sunday, my best to all.

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  7. Good morning and happy Halloween.  I heard that we have Ireland to thank for the tradition.  Thanks to Rich and Roy for the info and lists.  I was thinking I would cook the last of my pie pumpkins and make pumpkin bread, but sadly I wouldn't get enough purée for the recipe I found.  That drink recipe has too many ingredients - if anyone decides to try it let us know.  I see my DH is on the care list, he is doing okay so far, thanks Roy/Rich for thinking about him and the others too.  I put a sweater on this morning and if there were still children in the house they would probably have one on too.  



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  8. Good morning all.  Thanks for the daily Rich, a lot of celebrating today.  Should I give the last pie pumpkin to the squirrels or keep it and make pumpkin bread?  We used to call mischief night “soap night”, we don't see too much of that anymore, thank goodness.  Now, candy corn - love it and I usually buy some extra and save it for Christmas to put in  grand daughter's stocking.  The menu suggestion sounds good but it's a hamburger and salad night here.  I am not a fan of martinis so I will take a pass on that.  The saying is oh so true for all of us I bet.  DH has broken his tooth and our dentist is not open until Monday, no peanut brittle or toffee for him this weekend!   My best to all.



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  9. I think I am experiencing what it might be like to be a hermit.  Thank goodness for this site that I can “visit” to see what my CC friends are up to, eating, drinking etc.  We haven't had a beef roast in so long I am not sure I remember the taste.  Thanks Rich for the work you do on the thread and thanks also to Roy and the others who contribute.  Earlier this week I posted pictures of the squirrels eating the pie pumpkin.  I bought 3 as decorations for Thanksgiving, they have devoured the first one and are halfway through the second one.  I think we may be seeing orange squirrels by the time they eat number 3.  My best to all, I suspect we may get the tail end of Zeta.  My best to all. 

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  10. Good afternoon all.  Thanks Rich for your perseverance in posting on the thread this morning.  I am continually having to sign in to CC so who knows what is going on.  We too are affected by the Zuiderdam/Volendam switch and I don't like being at the mercy of HAL in their getting to choose our cabin.  I suspect it will be yet another 2020/2021 cruise disappointment.  Like others we will wait until we see the results of the switch.  
    So, back to the regularly scheduled thread.  The two sayings work for me, the dinner suggestion, maybe for another day and I will take a pass on the drink.  Chocolate is just okay for me, but is has to be milk chocolate.  My best to those on the care list and a shout out to those who are celebrating.  I am sharing a sunset picture my DIL took - it’s over the Napanee River from the front of their home.  Napanee is 30 miles west of Kingston, Ontario.


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  11. Good morning all and thanks Rich for the daily.  My appreciation for the Navy who keep our seas safe.  Our last cat Ziggy was black with a smidge of white on her chest.  We never chose her, she found us, liked what we offered and stuck around for the rest of her days.  Our grands love hearing stories from our “old days” so I guess we can celebrate story telling today too.  We do like spaghetti squash, not thinking that combo.  Thinking about those on Roy's care list and my best to those who on his shout-out list out.  Have a great Tuesday everyone.  

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  12. Good morning all.  We can certainly celebrate deployment day as our son is in the army who has been deployed many times.  In the late fall of 2011 he was deployed  to Afghanistan for 6 months.  It was very difficult for his wife and daughters 3 and 6 to say goodbye.  The 6 year old in tears said “please Santa, bring my daddy home for Christmas”.   I have a fruit mincemeat recipe that is so good, in fact I have some leftovers frozen that I could use in a cookie recipe that I found.  I think I will pass on the Rusty Nail and the macaroni dish.  Thanks to all those who contribute.  Sharing a few more fall pictures, this might be it for the season, bare trees depress me. One of the pictures is of our son on deployment.

















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  13. Good morning all, happy Sunday.   Thanks Rich for sharing interesting information with us each day.  I will look up a recipe for chicken and add it to my list, the drink gets a pass.  Punk for a day could be celebrated on the 31st. Sharing a few pictures I just took through the window.  Guess what’s on the menu for this beastie.  DH decided to put one of our pie pumpkins out, the squirrels and birds are enjoying it - and so are we by watching them.  




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  14. Good afternoon all.  Our Canadian dime would come up short for the bagel purchase!  Lots of celebrating today, those mentioned by Rich and to those celebrating birthdays and anniversarie 🎈🦋💐🥂🎉🥳🎂🍾🎈.  Having never drank a cup of coffee, I will definitely pass on today’s drink suggestion.  The dish sounds good but it's leftovers from yesterday.  We had very warm temperatures yesterday, followed by storms with tornado warnings.  Today it is about 25 degrees cooler then yesterday.  We put a pie pumpkin out for the beasties, needless to say it is a feast for them and we are enjoying watching the antics.  Have a great day everyone, my best to all.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Dismomx5 said:

    Thank you Rich. What an interesting group of days. Right now, I'd say every day in National Nut Day. 🙃  Thumbs up for the quote. I did a job I've pushed and forgotten about for 6 months today, and I do feel good because it is done!  We had pork chops for dinner.

    @gigianne, do you mind saying where those sculptures are located? It might be worth a day trip. They are fascinating.

    Roy, those are a couple of good leaders-caring about the people first.

    On the vaccine conversation. We will take a vaccine that is approved by the health experts (not the politicians). But we will get one as soon as I am convinced it is a good one! 👍

    Happy Birthday, @Ichiban Nekko. I  was 29 for a lot of years. When the kids caught up, I needed to push the birthday to 39

    @sailingdutchy, that is a looonnng driveway.

    @rafinmd, please take care of yourself!

    Be well. Stay safe. Be kind. Wear a mask. 😷



    The pictures were taken at Crawford Lake Conservation area on Guelph Line, North Burlington.  

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  16. Thanks for the daily Rich.  A good choice of what to celebrate today, if I have time it will be all three.  The earth needs cleaning up in a lot of ways.  Love the saying, pass on the cocktail and the dinner selection.  Sharing some fall colours and sculptures in Southern Ontario.  Have a great day everyone.








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  17. Good evening.  I had to log in to CC, it would take my name or password and I had to ask for a reset.  I am not sure what is going on but it was a bit frustrating.  It was a good day in spite of it all.  Thanks to everyone who posted pictures, recipes, lists, maps etc.  I will definitely put the drink of the day on my list.  Good night!

  18. Good morning all.   I have made so many friends while cruising and I owe that to CC.  I would have made more had the pandemic not interrupted our lives.  On the bright side, I have got to know a lot of you on this thread and hopefully at some point in the not too distant future we get to meet in person on the high seas.  We hare having leftovers for dinner, pork tenderloin, not pulled.  I like the quote and will take a pass on the drink.  Lots of work still to be done in the garden but today is a stay indoors kind of a day, there is always tomorrow!  Have a wonderful day everyone, and again my thanks for this friendly thread and to those who make it a place to come back to everyday.  

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  19. Good morning all.  I don’t think we will see the sun for most of the week unfortunately.  Today’s quote is oh so true.  We could definitely celebrate meatloaf day as DH makes an awesome one, but it’s pork tenderloin on the menu today.  I will take a pass on the drink of the day.  Thanks to all who make this thread interesting.  
    After I posted here I went to take a look at the other HAL threads and in doing so I noticed how many cruisers took a look at the daily for yesterday - amazing, over 1000.  “We” have a lot of followers!

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  20. Good morning all.  Very interesting celebrations today, one of which I will definitely be celebrating - Macaroni and cheese with butternut squash and honey garlic sausage.  Will definitely add today’s meal suggestion to the list.  Love the quote about the phone - so true.  I wonder how many of us have dropped the phone in the bath water?   Martini's are not my thing, but I know they are very popular.    Thanks Rich for coming up with the most interesting things to post every day.  The quotes get me thinking as do the meal suggestions.  Next, a thank you to Roy for keeping up the lists.  Other then the 3 pots  of mums we have  and one hibiscus plant that we are waiting to see the final bloom from, the garden is closed for this year.  It has been an extra joy this year as we cocooned ourselves against the virus.  Over the winter I will immerse myself in seed catalogues and online nursery websites and hopefully by next spring I will have chosen some newbies for the garden.   My best to all, enjoy your day.

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  21. Good afternoon all.  I was here earlier reading the posts and forgot to post.  We have always had a cat or two, but once we retired and started travelling we decided, no more feline friends.   We get our rubs in when we visit our DD.  Here are Vader and Chai Latte

    i will save the menu suggestion for another day.  Thanks as always for Rich and Roy’s lists and to others who continue posting to make the thread one of the best on CC.  



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