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Everything posted by topnole

  1. When our kids were test onboard last month we watch closely for the email they send you. It took less than an hour for the results to come back. They obviously offer the courtesy of not holding everyone until results come in, but I just assumed we were supposed to keep an eye for the results and act accordingly if they were positive. I certainly wouldn’t have gone hours without looking. If anything I would want to know asap so I could start packing and preparing for quarantine.
  2. I think that yellow couch would like to remind you what mama always says. 😂😂
  3. Where I live PCR at cvs is always back the next day. This is based on doing 10+ times among my immediate family over the past couple years.
  4. Well. Since Covid it is almost entirely external factors impacting the industry in the same way. So this chart is a good reflection of that.
  5. The synergy doesn’t seem very good for any of these companies. The airline aircraft are way more like commodities than the uniqueness of varying ships on varying cruise lines. So the airline mergers made sense and bigger is better when you use a hub and spoke system. But no so for cruise lines. Sure, there are arguably some geographical gaps that help it make some sense, but the product synergy or operational synergy isn’t as valuable in my opinion. The ships are just so different it would be hard. None of this even gets at the massive debt these companies all have making them less desirable targets. An acquisition would either be a risky pure growth move or something insanely opportunistic (like literally pennies on the dollar which I’m not sure we ever see). That is my two cents.
  6. Well if is truly leaked info that would cause actionable behavior (as you said it would for you) it sounds like any one leaking would be subjecting themselves to some serious risk.
  7. Yeah. I wouldn’t call 2B in net income as minting money. Good performance? Yes. Below a 20% profit margin isn’t exactly minting money.
  8. But for people who can’t walk or stand up, is there enough room to transfer to a walker or a wheel chair?
  9. And that is why you probably won’t have that inside information. I’m sure those in the know are not wishing to do jail tIme for leaking inside info.
  10. When did these companies ever mint money? Am I missing some history here?
  11. Quantum isn’t that much bigger than Freedom in length or gross tonnage. Whereas quantum is 11kGT bigger than Freedom, Oasis is near 60k bigger than Quantum in GT.
  12. Of course not. But in general we know it happens. You also can’t judge one specific chair hog scenario. Maybe an emergency popped up. Maybe they got sidetracked and were gone for a while unintentionally. Maybe lunch or breakfast took much longer than expected. But we all know a lot of people intentionally hold chairs for hours before using them just for their own convenience. Most or all of these situations are chair hogs pure and simple. Some folks definitely push the boundaries on cabin type because they selfishly want the extra space. It is despicable behavior. And I’m not talking about them assigning one because it is close to cruise time and it is still available. That is totally different. I’ve read posts on CC here from self described overweight, but otherwise able body people asking if they should book an accessible cabin because at their size it is harder to shower in the stall. And many encourage them to do it. I don’t know the right and wrong on that, but it would seem accessible cabins for those who can’t walk or can’t step over even the smallest threshold shouldn’t be used for those who find the small shower uncomfortable. There are other options, albeit more expensive. But for someone needing an accessible shower and the other varying differences associated with an accessible cabin, even a grand suite doesn’t work. They need an accessible cabin wether it is a regular cabin or suite. Is what it is. We live in a soft country where few are held accountable for their actions. People just walk out of stores with shopping carts full of stolen goods as security just watches helplessly. Varying companies face frivolous law suits every day. There are seemingly zero repercussions for so much bad behavior nowadays. The list goes on and on. That is our culture unfortunately.
  13. I have a family member in the same situation as your wife. My experiences resemble yours.
  14. That is a different category and even the regular ones are often priced similar to Junior suites. The accessible cabins are pretty much the same price as their counterparts from my experience. So accessible OV balcony without the bunk beds is priced like the other OV cabins of the similar category.
  15. Boldness of line is irrelevant fyi. Could be sick as a dog and still have only a faint line. Don’t judge anything by the color of the line.
  16. Yep. Everyone has their preferences. I’m just reporting on my experience. I’ve done the tags at check in a lot (probably 50+ times) and never had a bag not show up. Again, takes about 30 seconds to write my name on the tags. Easy breezy. I affix two per bag (one on top handle and one on side handle). For those that don’t have time to do it ahead or forget, don’t stress. It is very easy to do at the curb with the porters.
  17. I write the info in myself. Name and cabin number. If your have 2-4 checked bags it takes almost no time. Takes way longer to print tags and out them in luggage tag holders. Now if I had 10 bags I’d prepare ahead. But usually I’m too busy wrapping up lose ends before leaving to worry about luggage tags. I have a job that usually requires a lot of attention before I can leave, but if I was retired maybe I’d spend days ahead getting packed and prepared like some I know.
  18. Or they sell the cabin. Or it generates Royal up money. Or they assume x% of no shows that keep them at the capacity levels they aim for. Who knows. It also reduces variable expenses so there is that too.
  19. Yea. I’m saying if they didn’t have that policy. I’m explaining why it exists.
  20. Do you mean like traveling with a friend and splitting the cost and they just go regardless of your test? Yea, trust would need to be involved.
  21. Correct. It makes sense if you think through how it impacts Royal. For example two in a cabin and one gets full refund. Now the other gets to sails for half the normal price if they go.
  22. Hmmm. I wonder if that was accurate. Maybe the chef just told us it had eggs to keep the secret or he just had no idea hedged on the safe side.
  23. It was self serve in early May on Allure. Maybe reducing self serve due to increase in illnesses onboard or each ship is a bit different.
  24. I never print out tags. I just have the porter out two of their tags on each and write my name and cabin number. Takes about 30 seconds to do all of that. No worries. Never lost a bag over many many cruises.
  25. Never really been one to eat this stuff. Is it really fake ice cream because not all soft serve is fake as far as I know. In fact, I’m quite certain it has eggs in it because we asked when my daughter had an egg allergy as a baby/toddler. I think it was a chef who ended up coming out to talk to us. My recollection is we asked at the wipeout cafe on one of the oasis class ships before heading over to possibly get our daughter a cone.
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