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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. Terri, I have had a front loader for several years and have never had a problem. I know people have mentioned this but no one I know has this problem. Charlene
  2. Good Morning from a warm and soon to be sunny day at the beach I know quite a few " Joes", a few in my family. Havent been to Quebec in many years bit I remember it being a very beautiful and unique city. It is hard to listen to the news between all the tornadoes and that terrible explosion. Just goes to show you take nothing for granted and be grateful for every day. Yes my pool temperature is 89 also. I think summer has arrived. One of my golf buddies is heading back to Michigan next weekend and she wants to get a few rounds in before she leaves. So of course I will oblige! We use to see a change in the crowds after Easter. But now with the Port having such big numbers it is busy all the time. The Snowbirds will start flying north next weekend. A lot of them rent places for Jan, Feb and March. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  3. Have a wonderful cruise! We were on the Noordam in the fall taking the ship from San Diego to Sydney, then the circumnavigation of Australia and then we stayed on for New Zealand. Great trip! Ship is great with a wonderful crew. We sent a lot of time in the Crows nest, the pictures brought back many happy memories.
  4. Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach A very Happy Anniversary to 3 years for this thread! I dont post every day but I do read it. I think this post helped keep my sanity during those dark days of the pandemic. Even though I have never met any of you, I feel like you are all my friends. Been very busy the last few days and several appointments in the next week. That time of year! We had 15 for dinner last night, so today will be leftovers. @luvteaching Sorry to hear about DH, I will keep you both in my prayers. Take care of yourself . Have to go finish cleaning up. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  5. Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach Who doesnt love puppies? Although it has been awhile since we had one. No chip and dips here, I like them too much LOL Todays port is on our booked trip for October. Thanks for the pictures. I have booked an excursion out to see the penguins. @seagarsmoker a very Happy Birthday to you! May you have many more @dfish Glad you are feeling better. Rest and give yourself time to heal. THe rocket went off last night after a brief delay. They said it exceeded expectations,. It is just amazing to me how far technology has come that this thing was built from a 3D printer! It was much quieter than the usually rockets. Taking DD to the doctors today for her 6 month check up. The doctor is really kind to her but she gets real nervous. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  6. I purchase the gift cards from AARP every month. They show up within minutes. I would call them if you havent received them yet.
  7. Good Morning from a warm but cloudy day at the beach Have not been to todays port, thank you for the pictures. Young as you feel? Depends on thr day. lol I forget sometimes how old I am although I am still very active and try to keep myself fit. @mamaofami Good Luck with the surgery tomorrow. You will be fine. I had mine done 2 years ago. I was so nervous but it is really ok. I also had the no bending rule . I found the worst part of the whole thing was the drops. @cruising sister Thinking of you on what would have been your DS birthday. Hugs to you on this day. Rocket launch scheduled for tonite. It is a new company that made the rocket from a 3d printer. Just amazing! Hope they are successful. Going to lunch with a few friends today. Have not done this in a long time. Will be fun to get together. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  8. Debbie @dfish Best of Luck tomorrow. Hope everything goes smoothly and you are soon on the road to recovery. Will be sending strong thoughts and prayers your way.
  9. @Cruising-along There is a shuttle that goes to the War Memorial. It is a very steep walk up. DS and I did it along with many others. But the shuttle was available. The roof of the Memorial (hard to see in the pictures) is made of bird sculptures. One bird for every seaman that lost their lives defending the city. It is a remarkable story and there are citizen volunteers that show you around and explain all the sculptures. Free admission.
  10. Good Afternoon from a sunny but cool day at the beach Very late today. DH had an eye appointment regarding scheduling his cataract surgery. So he is all set but not until May. We were in Geraldton on our last trip. Nice little town. We walked everywhere. The street leading up to the War Memorial was very steep so DD and DH went to a nearby museum while we walked up. You could see the Memorial from all over. I wanted a close up. Just beautiful and very moving.
  11. Good Afternoon from a very cool and cloudy day at the beach We were in Port Douglas on our last trip. We actually docked in Cairns but even though we were docked there were only steps to get off the ship so DD could not get off. The port only had one ramp and that was given to the Princess Ship. No one on our ship with mobility issues could get off. DS and myself took the shuttle to Port Douglas. Great day. Beautiful drive . We were walking along the beach when we saw the sign, we quickly left!
  12. Top of the morning to all of you! It is a ccol but sunny day at the beach Suppose to warm up and then a cool and rainy weekend. We have our annual fundraiser for the library scheduled for Sunday. It is a nice family event and it helps to raise money for programs. We will see, nothing to be done about weather. I was a Camp Fire Girl. It is a great organization very similar to Girl Scouts. One of the pledges was " I will always finish when I begin". It has always stuck with me and I use it often. Today we will cook corn beef and cabbage. We all enjoy it. I have a few friends coming over to join us. My brother always came down over St Patricks Day so it is a little sad. I still miss him. We will raise a toast to him and all our other departed friends and relatives. Stay safe and enjoy this St Patricks Day Charlene
  13. I forgot to mention that the train ticket is for all day. Trains were clean and comfortable and totally accessible. Yeah!
  14. @Cruising-along this is the view from my balcony to the train station. Very easy. Just across the parking lot.
  15. Pictures from downtown Adelaide. They had statues everywhere. Loved the pigs!
  16. Good Morning from a cool and rainy day at the beach Buzzards Day? I am sure they are useful but they are ugly. Although I do like Buzzards Bay in Massachusetts! We were in Adelaide on our last trip. We took the train from the port into Adelaide. I think it was $10 We walked all around, had a really great day I will post some pictures from my phone. I was originally going to play golf there but it didnt work out. @StLouisCruisers Sandi. A big congratulations to your GS. He obviously has a very supportive family that is encouraging hm to follow his dream. Best of luck to him. @ottahand7 So sorry to hear about the crewmember. How devasting for his family and friends. I will put him in my prayers today. Quiet day here today Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  17. Some pictures from Kangaroo Island. We actually did see some kangaroos under some trees.
  18. Good Morning from a sunny but cool day at the beach I love watching Butterflies. They are so pretty and peaceful. We went to Kangaroo Island on our last trip. Unfortunately, didnt turn out as expected. I had booked a great ( and expensive) tour thru HAL that was cancelled the day before. I was really looking forward to it. But I am by nature a very positive person so not to be deterred I found something else. Wasnt exactly what I wanted but at least I would see the island. Well the seas were rough and our Captain finally decided we could tender, it was after 1pm. It was a red hot mess. People missed excursions. Coming back to the ship was worse. But we made it to the island and had a great afternoon. I will post some pictures from my phone. We stopped at a Winery that was beautiful. There was a driving range at the back. So son and I had to hit a bucket of balls! LOL. @bennybear A very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  19. Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach Not cool enough for earmuffs , I don’t even own any! We were in Port Chalmers back in December. It was a cold and rainy day. We took the shuttle into Dunedin. Great town, we enjoyed it. Maybe some day we can go back! @grapau27a very Happy Birthdsy to Pauline. Hope she enjoys her special day stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  20. Good Morning from a sunny but cool day at the beach Girl Scouts was not an organization around me growing up. We were all " Campfire Girls". The younger girls were called "Bluebirds" and then you flew up to be a full fledged Camp Fire Girl. My cousin is very much into Genealogy and has discovered some amazing facts. I do like Goulash but tend toward the "American " version. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda A very Happy Birthday to you. May you have many more! I wish Day Light saving time would stay all year. I like longer days. I hope everyone is doing OK. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  21. No quonset huts anymore! Port Canaveral along with the Space Center is growing all the time. PC has overtaken Miami as the busiest cruiseport. It is crazy up there.
  22. Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach Not a fan of fanny packs but saw quite a few on our last cruise. I prefer a cross body bag. I do like vegetarian lasagna. @Lady Hudson this would be a good week to skip Port Canaveral. Weather predictions are cool and rainy plus it is spring break for Florida kids. So everywhere would be very crowded. @RMLincoln Hope you are feeling better soon and your DH does not catch it @cat shepard Ann, with all the bikers in town, better to stay home. We have a lot here also but no where near the numbers in Daytona Beach. We had our annual golf tournament yesterday. It was a lot of fun and all had a great time. I did not win but I did get a few side awards. My son won the same award for the Mens division. Everyone was giving us a hard time ( jokingly) We then had a big barbeque dinner and the non golf playing family members joined us. All worked out well. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  23. We used it for the first time this past fall. It was a great service and worked perfectly. We were expecting a hurricane the day it was scheduled to be picked up, they called us and moved up our pick up time. I thought they were very responsive and will use it again.
  24. Good Morning from a cool and windy day at the beach Going to be cooler the next few days which is ok by me. Maybe some rain over the weekend. I never had a Barbie. I had a " Ginny doll". My sister had a Barbie and our family doctor took it away from her. Scolded my mother for giving it to her. How things have changed. I try very hard not to panic and I tend to get over things rather quickly. Tomorrow is our annual tournament. They made a new rule that last years winners could not play together. So my foursome has been broken up. My group won last year and I won the Womens division. So right now I do not know who I will be playing with, trying not to panic! LOL. Hope everyone is doing OK. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  25. Great idea! Sounds like it was a great party. Thanks for sharing with us.
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