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Everything posted by Eddie99

  1. I hope things don’t get too bad with the ravages of Storm Isha Kids in West Country & South London have reported in that the worst has passed with no damage 🤞 for everyone
  2. We just have calls at Cadiz and Lisbon to come. No overnights Thinking further going Epicurean - there were other factors which marred my enjoyment, sadly they were fellow guests. One woman who was obviously unwell - in the throes of the worst part of a cold, or with a nice active case of the you-know-whats. Definitely not an asthmatic or medicine induced cough - she was unwell, looked feverish and was coughing constantly, or holding a tissue to her mouth. The other was The Loud Man. Near us, on a table of four. Should I say leading a table of four? He was extraordinarily loud and dominated the group. The atmosphere changed completely when they left - calm and quiet Our first visit to Epicurean, years ago, was marred by a large table of noisy folk. Sad to say there were some uniformed officers among them. That put us off returning for quite some time, and when we did finally book we were apprehensive as to whether we would enjoy Large v small? There are plenty of pluses and minuses. We went up the Amazon on Adonia as she then was, possibly the Azamara ship you are now on. I appreciate all your points about her - she was lovely.
  3. I was going to apologise for putting you off, but if Iona is not for you then I suppose it’s a good thing We thought we might not cope with the size but there are so many facilities it’s great i have spoken to some older people who are finding the size a problem though. It’s quite a walk from one end of the ship to the other - or from deck 3 disembarkation to decks 16/17 pools etc
  4. I used annexe semi-ironically It is that part of the restaurant furthest from the greeting podium. You walk through the nicely spaced part and the tables we were on are in 2 lines there, beside the windows
  5. So, I think I need to post about dinner at Epicurean after our day in Lanzarote It was a bit curate’s egg, with all the bad bits connected to table location. IMO one of the main positives about Epicurean is the relaxed ambience and feeling of space and leisure. There is space between tables in the main part of the restaurant but we (and lots of others) we seated in a sort of wing, which is akin to a wide corridor, with the tables set out either side. Probably a dozen tables in all, with a “filigree” screen each side, making 4 areas of 3 or 4 tables. Big tables (nice) but little space between them. Not as close as the banquette tables in the MDR but too close for my liking. It meant that it was easier for me to hear the people sitting either side of me than to hear my husband speaking from the other side of the large table. And, to add great insult to major injury (not really, but it annoyed me) the size and layout of our “dining corridor” meant that there could be no table side performances - we had the carved ham as starter but it was prepared elsewhere and brought to the table ready-plated. And, of course, no crepes Suzette. Boo! The guy was preparing some as we walked through to be seated. I smiled at him and said something like Yum. See you later. Well that didn’t work out - no crepes for me 😕 As for the food - pretty damn good, as usual. As I said, carved ham starter, steak for OH, cod & lobster tail for me. I think mine was a bit below par - the lobster was chewy and it was presented with a little bowl of eccentric, undressed, salad. Frisée, sliced and shredded carrot, radish. Nah! The baked chocolate cheesecake for pudding made amends. OH had the crepes but, of course, they just appeared ready plated - someone else got to see them being made So, a mixed bag. Sufficient to say we cancelled the booking we had for Thursday. I think a £30 supplement requires the event to be 100% and there’s no way we would be happy to be seated in the dining annexe again. I can forgive a small blip with the food I should say that the service was impeccable, as ever … and on we go Fuertaventura next
  6. We enjoyed our day in Fuertaventura yesterday and the weather was just about perfect We, too, saw a gaggle of collared doves - pretty little things. No hoopoes for us though Now, a question I seem to ask every time we’re on holiday - why do we have so many seagulls all around our coast and at resorts, yet there are never any when we go abroad?
  7. Those Miami views are almost enough to justify the whole cruise! And you still have the Caribbean & your South (Central?) America phases to come. Enjoy!
  8. Morning from Fuerteventura. I haven’t seen Yorkshire Phil yet but I’ll keep a look out 🙂 Gran Canaria yesterday was very pleasant, though thronged with people. MSC Euribia was docked with us. She’s a bit of a beast; I suspect she’s bigger than Iona There is work ongoing, building a new terminal, so we exited the ship straight onto a building site, complete with piledriver, which kinda scuppered the plans to sit on the shady side reading for the end of the afternoon As you will have gathered by now, this is very much a “rehabilitation” cruise, where we get back into the swing of things and relearn how to enjoy all that cruises offer. So, in ports we stay in the open air and that’s exactly how we enjoyed ourselves yesterday, with plenty of walking and sitting and sitting and walking on the long long esplanade. Disappointed that we’ve never seen a repeat of the dancing on a temporary wooden floor on the beach which we watched on our first visit here. There was plenty of beach sport though - tennis, volleyball, handball and basketball I think. Plus a nice, more sedate, pastime something like bowls or pétanque, but played with a circle of wooden pegs/skittles at which participants threw another skittle. Well, that’s all appetite stimulating, so we made a beeline to our favourite beachside restaurant for our favourite type of food, plus a small white wine for me and a pint for Monsieur. Grilled sole, sardines, Canadian potatoes with a nice fiery mojo sauce and bread. Pretty reasonable for €35, considering the location Time for a break, I think I need to get my Wordle done!
  9. We’ll be in Fuertaventura tomorrow Phil - will give you a wave!
  10. This one is further from Southampton - an hour and a half I suppose - but I think it’s one Zapp has stayed at in the last couple of years, so could give you a recommendation or otherwise https://www.watersideholidaygroup.co.uk/our-holiday-parks/dorset/osmington-mills/
  11. We stayed here for a few days whilst we were wondering if a static caravan would suit us There are some very nice lodges on the site, and it is well kept. Didn’t use any of the restaurants and the like (if they were even open - it was very much in early you-know-what time) so can’t comment on those https://www.shorefield.co.uk/holidays/locations/shorefield-country-park
  12. Hello from sunny Gran Canaria! But … back to completing my account, such as it is, of yesterday’s visit to Tenerife. I forgot to mention that the overnight trip from Madeira to Tenerife was really noisy. There was a bit of movement but we heard a lot of moaning and groaning. I suppose being low to the water accentuates that? The captain did say that he would be taking a slightly amended course, to avoid the worst of the expected sea conditions, so it sounds like a good thing he did Here’s a nice shady bar from yesterday morning when it was scorchio at 26°. It could’ve over in the afternoon I think it’s only Limelight which I’ve got to tell you about. Well, we enjoyed the whole experience. The performer - Rob Howden or some such - was very personable and could certainly sing. He played Marius in Les Mis in the West End between 2016 and 2019. The food and service was good. Beef fillet, cooked beautifully medium for me, and crusted lamb cutlets for himself, also nicely pink and well presented. The whole experience was nice - something I’ve not done before. I suppose it’s similar in price and, err, ambience to Epicurean, in that the standard of food is comparable and in one you get the whole 6* service thing, in the other you get a good hour’s show The Limelight band & our lady compare did a short set before Rob. All good. The band is just keyboard, two guitars & drums, but they could belt it out Turned out we were sitting next to a very good friend of a very good friend. Small world! Lovely day in Gran Canaria today, but more on that, and our trip to Epicurean tonight, in tomorrow’s thrilling episode 🙂
  13. It might be worth asking on board if the road is open again? P&Os port agent should be able to tell them ahead of time, or the morning you dock We had an officer at the bottom of the gangplank pointing shuttle buses that way, 10 minutes; walk that way 20 minutes, but no mention of the barriers btw - we came through Tenerife cruise terminal this afternoon, for security etc. I was a bit amazed to see P&O have 50, yes 50, check in desks in the terminal! Doesn’t mean they’ll use them all, of course, but it looks hopeful that it won’t take long to complete the processing and get you on board
  14. I think he’s called Rob Howchen. Something like that. I haven’t heard of him and Google didn’t help much Doesn’t mean he can’t put on a good act though Watch this space
  15. The tourist restaurant we have often used in the past was closed for 3 days for the staff Xmas party (some party!) so we took the line of least resistance and went to the one opposite. Scabard fish & banana for him (it’s a sort of tradition. It’s surprisingly good). Squid on a hanging skewer for me (as previously pictured). Lots of assorted vegetables (no green beans) and a beer for him, white wine for me. We admired the “caller-in”s people skills, swapping languages, gauging whether people were up for a meal or just a drink etc The afternoon seemed to fly by after that. It was All Aboard by 4pm, so no real opportunity to linger So that was our first port call and it went well wrt affording 5000 plus passengers the opportunity to disembark and reembark. No crowding, no long queues, no being marooned halfway up the gangplank We tried the Marabelle gin in Anderson’s before dining. They serve with fever tree tonic, garnished with a slice of green apple and sprig of mint. It goes down very well. A nice clean taste and more towards the “traditional” gin taste than many newcomers We are in The Olive Grove for the first time. I wasn’t overly impressed - service was friendly but slow, and it wasn’t very full at all. Greek mezze sharing plate was ok, lasagne and lamb tagine (£4.50 supplement), crema Catalana. All ok but nothing special. Perhaps I was expecting too much We find that the theatre, showbars etc are not appealing to us. I think that’s us and our having got used to the quiet life. I’ll do a para on the acts which have been on offer, tomorrow. Plus,we’re venturing to Limelight tonight, so I’m sure that will be a worthy subject Tenerife calls. See you
  16. Stick squid? Tasty, whatever So, we were promised a warm but showery day in Funchal and that’s how it panned out. Plenty of short, sharp, scats and a couple of longer, more drenching, showers - the final one as we were walking the length of the ship, to get to the terminal and security, before doubling back inside the compound to get to the gangway. At times like those you wish Iona was a smaller ship! She dwarfed the Marella ship beside us. I think Captain Dunlop was a bit nonplussed that she had berthed directly in front of us, so he needed to do a *sideways shimmy*, as he put it, to leave port before Marella. I think we left before 5, so it was quite a short visit to Funchal The main road - past Cristiano Ronaldo’s place was taped off, so the first initiative test for walkers was to find an alternative. We took the high road, through the elevated park on the left going in, others used a tunnel. It all helped towards 16,000steps yesterday! 😳 Oh - anyone due to visit & using the shuttle bus - it now drops and picks up at the general bus terminus, near the cable car We hadn’t planned anything other than mooching around and lunching - which is what we did. There is still a lot of construction going on wrt the marina redevelopment, so that meant a lot of shuttering, reduction in the pedestrian walkway, and loss of sea view for a while. However,the chestnut sellers are still there, plus the bicycle tuk-tuks, coffee carts and other familiar sights. tbc
  17. Mmm I thought port days might prove difficult to keep up to date So, a couple of pics from a showery Madeira and I’ll try to catch up tomorrow Marella Explorer (iirc) and Iona. Spot the difference The old town of Funchal is so pretty My lunch - a skewer of squid!
  18. Hooray! Landfall! We’ve arrived in Madeira. Hoping for good weather. Forecast is max 22C with possibility of a shower or two. We’ll take that Early pic, through a salty window. Breakfast calls 🙂
  19. I hope you get your table move Selbourne. Fingers crossed it can be done swiftly. The catering faction seem a bit better at speedy resolution We had a minor thing yesterday, when our invitations to the loyalty lunch hadn’t arrived. I went to reception to find out where and when it was, and we got to Coral restaurant and a very short queue at ten to 12, 10 minutes early. The obliging chap with the hand sanitiser pump heard my tale of woe, trotted off to find someone with the list and Presto! (wonder how they’re doing) our table number was found and we were escorted there. Name cards in attendance, just to prove we had been invited The invitations were in our pigeonhole when we returned from supper last night btw 🙄 Sorry - that’s a lot of My Story in Your Story. Good luck with the move!
  20. Sigh i didn’t have 2 portions of smoked salmon! can’t edit properly
  21. I must make my apologies - it was just Baltic & Ligurian. Maybe half or just over of Coral restaurant
  22. @TigerB Yep - you wrote at greater length but it sounds pretty similar. I wonder why they do it? I thought Iona had sufficient space in the MDRs should everyone decide to do “formal”? Anyway, thunder & lightening has abated, the sun is battling the clouds, the sea is a little more lively than yesterday, I think. Loyalty lunch is at 12. Oh my - more food and drink Just checked out the Marabelle gin at the duty free. £42 a bottle (not litre). Phew! Will check out how the OBC holds out as time goes on. It would be a very acceptable momento
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