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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. I do try to get responses in writing that I can save in a file, whether a “chat” thread or preferably email. Answers do vary…widely sometimes. I find if O have a record of THEIR answers, I can get to a manager who will finally offer to stick to their written responses. True of most cruise lines. Only time I found a cruise line who wouldn’t honor their written responses was with MSC. They quoted me a fare and then tried charge a higher fare after I put a deposit down. They would not honor the quoted fare, nor would they refund my deposit. Had to get AMEX involved for a charge back against MSC. MSC was pretty sleazy about the whole thing. Be careful with them. They really don’t seem to care about some dishonest business practices.
  2. Amen! I started cruising in the 80s. Wanted to try something different so we did a few “all inclusive” resorts”. Cruise companies started expanding their ports, built nicer ships, more to do. So went back to cruising. Still the best vacation value for the buck!
  3. Always found the lettuce and veggies to be fresh. I make a mean Chef’s Salad from the Garden Cafe!
  4. Arranged one this past Fall for the Bliss Alaska Cruise! Just arranged one for the Mediterranean October Cruise in October. NCL will acknowledge receipt of the email you send. They’ll clear it with ship management and get back to you. They’ll ask for a final count a few weeks before sailing. If you’re within 2-3 weeks before sailing, email them again.
  5. Same. Find them helpful and friendly. Nothing in it for them given I book through a TA. Truly Customer Support personnel! I’m thinking they’re working out of NCL HQ in FL. Don’t know that for a fact, though!
  6. I’ve gone both ways. Still down overall! Same cruise…hot on craps table in the afternoon…cold the same night. Black Jack the same! Never seen dice suspiciously turn! I mostly play Hold’Em cash games, though. Every big loser in any casino I’ve observed always blames crooked dealers, crooked cards, crooked dice, crooked players! Or, they get really drunk and really stupid when they play!
  7. True. I tried them when I sailed the Encore. I had a really good time on them.
  8. It's still a quickly shrinking market....and is falling off a cliff. If you're selling to a shrinking market, raising prices will shrink your market even more quickly until it disappears. The more you raise the prices, the quicker the market goes away. Tobacco companies know this all too well. They have been trying to diversify. First, it was into vaping. That presented its own health risks. And, it has come under scrutiny as a result. Brown Williamson has gone out of business. Phillip Morris has stated they are moving away from "heated tobacco products" (their words, not mine). As you point out, gov't is taxing tobacco products to the point where they're too expensive to use. Bottom line, cruise lines will continue to shrink the areas where smoking is allowed, and like in casinos, restrict those who can smoke there (like, if the casino isn't open or you're not gambling, you can not smoke there). NCL in particular is moving to smaller and smaller areas, even enclosed areas, where smoking is allowed. I'm betting in the next 5 years, smoking will be prohibited indoors. And, the places smoking is allowed outdoors will be fewer and smaller.
  9. If you're on the ship now, try the go carts. They are a lot of fun. Amazing actually, while you're sailing at sea to be able to drive the go carts seeing the water.
  10. I get that. But, I've also seen people smoking "weed" where there are kids in close proximity. Report it or let it slide? I've been known to politely let the offenders know there are kids around and they might want to rethink their activity. Most take it to heart. A few have given me the "stink eye" and moved...allegedly to somewhere else. That said, I have seen some puffing away in a smoking area with their kids in tow. Nothing I can do about that, but talk about irresponsible. You see all kinds on a cruise ship. Some cruise lines are worse than others. And, I see some are really starting to "crack down" on all the buffoons who think the ship is all theirs to do as they wish.
  11. I don't even think KY or TN (alleged tobacco states) are doing any long term planning on tobacco taxes....or, at least they shouldn't be. That's a very rapidly declining tax base. Depending on it is a fool's exercise.
  12. Probably net you a date with security and spending the rest of your cruise in their "special accomodations". But, go for it.
  13. My TA will do the same. Sometimes, I just need a quick answer that I won't bother my TA with, though. She works on commission, so I try not to take time away from her ability to book more cruises. I find NCL Customer Service folks to be great.
  14. Cool. I’ve seen MDQ 3 times. Loved it each and every time. Seen Choir twice. Would see it again in a heart beat.
  15. It is part of the show. The highlight is the show itself and the performers. The show takes place in a tavern, and the performers inviting people up to the stage for a beer is part of the show. Rare that audience is allowed on stage to become part of the show. It’s fun. That’s all.
  16. Actually, if you order something not on the menu and has ingredients over the $15 limit, the bartender will let you know.
  17. I have to say Choir of Man performers were outstanding. I know they change, but found them to be very talented. Again, same for Million Dollar Quartet. During a behind the scenes tour, the productions have to be overseen by the production company NCL licenses the shows from….right down to costume inspection and final show performances. They are all very well done.
  18. American Diner has been through a few iterations. At one point, you could actually get breakfast there for free. I just think they can’t quite nail down a concept that works. Personally, I think remove the “specialty dining” moniker and serve nothing but Nachos, Hot dogs, Burgers and fries there. Could be the same as they serve in the garden cafe. But, it’s close proximity to the arcade might make it work.
  19. I have no dog in the hunt regarding marijuana usage. But, it seems the ship security teams are focused on those who are smoking weed on board. Why guests do that, given the proliferation of gummies is confusing. Foreign ports take marijuana pretty serious as well.
  20. I think all of those reasons are valid. Investing into smoke remediation equipment for a relatively small number of cruisers that will become fewer and fewer is probblay the biggest reason.
  21. Choir of Man is up there. I also loved the Million Dollar Quartet. Jersey Boys is always a good time. Burn the Floor is fun. But, I've seen it way too many times. LOL! Six? Not my cup of tea but I could see the appeal.
  22. Smokers want more smoking spaces...non-smokers want less (or eliminated entirely). I'm not an anti-smoking zealot. If smoking/vaping/"dipping" is your thing, it's your body. Every ex-smoker I know says quitting was the hardest thing they've ever done. I don't know of any smokers who DO NOT WANT TO QUIT! So, I empathize. That said, from strictly a demographic perspective, those who smoke/vape/dip, etc has dropped dramatically in the last 5 years, and continues to drop. It stands to reason that cruise lines restrict it more and more as fewer and fewer people are doing any of that. It saves them from providing spaces for such a small guest count. And, it allows them to have less clean up crew to accommodate that small guest count. Personally, I think in the near future, you're going to see cruise lines restrict smoking even further. Cruise lines don't want to police their guests for smoking infractions. And, as much has cruise lines like fees, they don't want to clean and sanitize areas where they charge hefty fees for the infractions. There will come a point where it costs more for the cruise lines to allow smoking than losing any customers who insist on smoking.
  23. Good plan! That way you can take turns getting drink refills at the bar while in line.
  24. Wondered the same. You lost your items and you're blaming the venue for your carelessness. Strange keeps getting stranger on CC.
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