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Everything posted by marinaro44

  1. Not a statistically significant response but on our two recent Pride cruises there was a long line at Amphora waiting for it to open at 7 and Jean-Pierre finally started seating people at 6:45-6:50 so they didn't have to stand.
  2. Thanks for the thorough explanation. I can't imagine booking flights if I have to accept the routing they give me. Flying is unpleasant enough when you can choose your flight routing.
  3. I'm trying to understand how Nippy Sweetie, who complained about the short flight layover in Paris, was given that flight routing by Azamara. He or she is from Scotland, so I was asking if Azamara offers cruise plus flight packages in the UK. I'm quite sure Azamara doesn't do that in the US and ChoiceAir is not offered outside the US and Canada. It just seemed strange to me that Azamara would give anyone a mandated flight routing unless a cruise/flight package was booked through them.
  4. Are Azamara cruises with packaged flights an EU or UK thing? I've never seen that offered in the US with more than ten years cruising Azamara. We've often booked air through CruiseAir, but they don't dictate your flight arrangements. They offer choices, and you decide on the flight plan you want..
  5. It was $14.50 for our September 6 and 20 Pride cruises. When is your cruise? Maybe it goes up at a future date.
  6. So you complain here to us, who can do nothing to correct your issues, but not to the officers onboard who can. I've got the picture now. Tuning you out.
  7. When you spoke to the ship's restaurant manager or hotel director about this person's poor service, how was it handled?
  8. Maybe the reason dining is late is there's little to do after dinner.
  9. Agree with you. Worst was in Cozumel when the VIP section of tables was separated with red velvet ropes on stanchions. Most VIP tables were half-empty yet some were seated far away from the performers. Just poor form. Hope we never see reserved section in Cabaret. Don't have a problem with canapes or other treats in suites. It's having some part of the ship where some, but not others, are allowed that irks me. The spa deck would now fall into that category if day or whole-cruise passes are not available to others for a fee.
  10. It's the principle. I fear what may be next.
  11. Why do you feel compelled to keep telling us how much you prefer Viking? We've now got the picture. Honestly.
  12. Dryer sheets clog the lintel filter screen. Leave them home.
  13. Frankly, I'm not keen on having a special breakfast venue for suite passengers. Smacks of elitism and two-class cruising, therefore very unAzamara-like. Still prefer my breakfast on the sunset (or, more apropos at breakfast, sunrise) veranda.
  14. Agree on the dining times. On Pride, Candles opened at 6:45 and Cuadro 44 at 6, so somewhat better.
  15. Try doing an internet search on "tipping in Italy" (or whichever country you're visiting).
  16. Strange. TA OBC is real money, refundable to you if not spent.
  17. Much of Panama is a rainforest. Be prepared for that, too.
  18. We had someone wearing a hat in Amphora on the just finished Pride cruise. Also in the lounge during enrichment talks, hindering the sightlines of those seated behind.
  19. It is one man's opinion that the main dining room is "very average." It is , in my opinion, very good, and much better than the dining rooms on mass market cruise lines.
  20. Several on each of the two Pride cruises we just finished. Quarantined. Crew masked. But few passengers masked.
  21. Don't care one whit how "modern-looking" a glass shower door is. If it's glass it's hard, and my elbows don't want hard if they're moving about in a small shower.
  22. Some think it doesn't look comfortable.
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