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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. Nice toots. Zander was watching with me and the barking didn’t phase him.
  2. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. The kids let me sleep in until 5:30 and then Amelia decided that was late enough and started howling until I got out of bed. We are expecting rain later this morning, hopefully I can run my errands before it starts. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion and will roast a chicken for dinner. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  3. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. I do like a good cheesesteak, I prefer mine with some marinara sauce added. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good but DH would insist on adding meat. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  4. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion. Instead I’m making sausage from Shady Maple with Harvard beets that arrived yesterday. @mamaofami hope all goes well with your procedure. Yesterday’s goof off afternoon turned into yard work. I cleaned up all the leaves and twigs from the wisteria bush. It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside. This weekend is promising to be cold and wet. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  5. @dfish I’m glad that you are home and doing well. You deserve all the ice cream you want. I thought of you earlier when I saw some carrots you might try, Lindt chocolate carrots!
  6. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. Cruise Critic wouldn’t allow me in earlier too. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good and I look forward to pictures and recipes. I’m planning on making goulash today. @dfish hope all goes well today. I’ll celebrate goof off day, I’m using sick time this afternoon for mental health. Last night I took Mona to the vet. She has developed a sac that fill with fluid. First time was in the fall and tests came back all clear. It sounds like I’ll need to have this done every few months. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  7. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. Not sure what credit card reduction day is, I pay off the balance each month and try to maximize rewards they offer. Yesterday I cancelled my hotel credit card since it was getting switched to a bank that has a bad reputation. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion, instead we will have leftover pork roast. @dfish best wishes for tomorrow’s procedure. Happy first full day of spring.
  8. Good Afternoon, a quick walk outside between meetings and I found hints of spring.
  9. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. @0106 thank you for filling in for Debbie. I will pass on the meal suggestion, instead we will have chicken with rice and beans. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  10. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. The kids haven’t adapted to the time change, they let me sleep in until just before 6. I was up just in time to see the NA arrive. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good and look forward to pictures and recipes from @dfish. Only two things on today’s agenda, a haircut by DH and a trip to Aldi. I hope everyone has a good day today.
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