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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. This was our go to Italian Restaurant in NJ. The owner used to walk around the restaurant singing songs in Italian, Really miss this place. The Food was amazing! Half the dishes if you bring up the menu I couldn't even pronounce the name of them. The portions were crazy large. Take out dinners came in an aluminum tray like you see party food comes in, each dinner had almost a pound of pasta. https://tarantellaitalianrestaurant.com/ Lot's of pictures of the dishes here. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x89c136ea39f1922d%3A0xd8580ffa930f0a8b!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO-x1fMezNtCYfaSCZf5kBx7DsjNZRhAU2EgiiA%3Dw213-h160-k-no!5starantellas medford - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipO-x1fMezNtCYfaSCZf5kBx7DsjNZRhAU2EgiiA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiqhZDr1e74AhVMD1kFHYzcAUwQoip6BAhZEAM This is the closest we have here in Virginia taste wise to it, by the restaurant doesn't have the style or flair of the place in NJ. http://www.salsradford.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/NEW-MENU-SalsRadfordMenu_website.pdf
  2. Has anyone have a symptom , of dizziness. Have heard that can sometimes happen too, Anyone have that?
  3. Was only talking about the 2 options the poster talked about having..or his third option stay on the ship. I guess you gave him another option.. thanks
  4. Some people actually stay on the ship and say it's super nice at a cost of $ 0.00
  5. Maybe all the weight you have gained and wow am I going to have any clothes that fit me to get off this ship when this cruise ends? 😲🤣
  6. It's even more awesome in person. You can actually climb to the top of the falls, but it is very steep trail to the top. Some people do it, we only made it up to that bridge you see in the picture. Really amazing!
  7. Don't forget Voodoo Donuts in Portland either. https://www.voodoodoughnut.com/location-new/ https://www.voodoodoughnut.com/doughnuts/
  8. The meat is raw, stuff the pepper, little bit of oil in the pan. Cook at a pretty high heat, continue turning them all different ways. Probably a good 25-35 minutes. The peppers will get brownish markings on them, all sides. Then add one 28 oz Crushed Tomatoes and one can of Tomatoe Paste and about another 30 oz of water, mix up sauce good. Pour into pan and continue to just cook to a low simmer for another 35 to 45 minutes , turning peppers and stirring and spooning sauce over peppers every 10 minutes. We just put grated cheese on the peppers and sauce over white rice. Yes, All the bridges are beautiful. You can travel back and forth from Oregon and State of Washington all day if you want. Lots of bridges over the Columbia River........ Lot's of Water Falls too, you don't want to miss those either. Just amazing, who needs to cruise when all this is right in your back yard. My wife has been wanting to go back to Portland, Oregon ever since we got back from there. So much to see and do. This is the falls that was seen in the back ground during the baseball game in "Twilight" We went to the falls and tried to get to the baseball field but the baseball field area was fenced in, we tried climbing the fence but were chased off the property by some college students. Seems the land is now own by the University Of Oregon. After they chased it off they said sometimes they do tours out there but you have to reserve the tour well in advance. Some day we will get to that baseball field, I promised my wife we will get there ! Multonomah Falls
  9. Times are a changing, anything is possible.
  10. Maybe try a power washer if you have one..............might get it off, also might make you power wash the entire patio. 🤣
  11. Why can't you go in the pool? Go in with a life jacket if you have to? How tall are you and how deep is the pool? You could just go in and walk around on the shallow end.
  12. Future prevention: is find a pool with a salt generator that produces chlorine gases to keep the pool clean. Much safer, also doesn't bleach out your hair or swim suits and doesn't burn your eyes.
  13. Don't try to figure out what Royal is doing, they are unsure themselves from one day to the next. There have been reports of Covid ramping up again in some places, but no telling if that is true either. Just go with the flow and have aback up plan on the ready.
  14. 22,000 emails in your inbox? You work for the government?
  15. Everything is now slowed down because of the issue, payments, drink orders, requests, service, etc. All goes hand and hand.
  16. Totally understand, it is not great paying regular prices for a sub standard product.
  17. Thank you for your honest review of the current conditions onboard. That is why we choose to wait it out a little longer. We are glad we aren't scheduled now to cruise again until October 2023. Hopefully by that time all things will return to normal and be up and running at 100% like we have be used to on our past cruises. In the mean time we will be extremely happy just doing land vacation where things are more back to normal.
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