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Everything posted by pete14

  1. You are absolutely correct in saying singing about the ‘ownership’ of Gibraltar was inappropriate and wrong. As a football fan, attending 20+ matches a season, I condemn it completely. However, a small minority of English fans (as far as we know not players) also bring disgrace to the game and whoever they represent by, for example, singing the theme from Dambusters aimed at German teams or making reference to tragedies such as Hillsborough. Only a small number, most football fans condemn it, but sadly we are as guilty as others.
  2. Do you think it would have been any different in the unlikely event that England had won? England were poor throughout the tournament and were lucky to reach the final. They won just two of their seven games within the scheduled 90 minutes, scored two last minute goals and a very dodgy penalty in the semi final.
  3. They give no claims discount which you can pay a bit extra to protect but not loyalty. As Megabear stated, introductory discounts to get new customers are now illegal.
  4. Another LV customer. Car insurance rose by more than I liked but a quick phone call knocked about £50 off the premium that made it OK. Home insurance renewed a few days ago went up by less than 5% which I didn’t feel was too bad.
  5. I suppose it depends on what you most want to do, party or cruise. I have no idea where you live but the thought of leaving it to the last minute fills me with dread. No-one can accurately predict arrival time, no matter how you travel to Southampton docks. If your boarding time is 13:30, I would not want to arrive much later than that.
  6. Thanks for that Kalos. I usually use an Ipad which would be great if it gave a rotate function. Still now I know you can sort it, I won’t need to bother. 😇
  7. Thanks for rotating it. How did you manage to do that? No need to go to Australia again if I find out how to do it.
  8. I wish. Probably the only way to get them the right way up.
  9. Same title, different location. Shame it is upside down 😠😤
  10. Don’t forget that booking select means you can choose actual cabins (dependent on availability) so you should be able to get adjacent cabins if you wish.
  11. There is no reason I can think of why you should not be able to use the free parking for one cabin and the OBC for the other. My choice would be to phone P&O direct, choose the two cabins you want and ask them to link the bookings together. Or you could use a reputable cruise agent to handle the booking for you.
  12. So the answer to my question is that he is an ex Spanish teacher who now makes his money through ‘clicks’ on YouTube using the experiences of other people and has been invited onto cruises to give what no doubt is an impartial review.
  13. Who is this blogger? Does he have any legal qualifications? Has he held a senior position in the travel industry? How does anybody know that his blogs are accurate and truthful? Does he pay for all his cruises and if so, how does he afford so many? Is he based in UK rather than in a country with a different legal system from ours? A lot of people seem to be putting a lot of their faith in his words and I can’t understand why. Maybe the answers to the questions above, should anybody care to provide them, will help me to understand why his words are held in such high esteem. I am also not sure whether the One Show is particularly authoritative. From looking at the background of some of the presenters, I very much doubt it. It seems completely obvious that using Maleth turned out badly. We don’t know the ins and outs of the contract which may determine liability. Something needs to be done about ensuring compensation for delays is paid according to the industry scheme in place but I would be astonished if P&Os legal team are not working on a resolution but Maleth cannot or will not pay. Speculation, rumour and guesswork are not helpful. Without the full facts, even friends and colleagues with some legal background are unlikely to give a definitive answer. I rest my case m’lud.
  14. A sad day indeed for those of us who like football. Scotland’s defeat last night pales into insignificance with the tragic loss of Matija Sarkic a 26 year old goalkeeper for Millwall and Montenegro and previously other English clubs and ex Arsenal and Everton striker Kevin Campbell who also played for England. Both taken far too soon.
  15. Yet when I bought my new car 2 years ago, red was the standard colour and any other colour was at least £500 more. Guess what colour my car is.
  16. It is possibly the ones moving in that you need to be concerned about, not those leaving🥴
  17. Do spectators get lemon drizzle tray bake too? If I wasn’t in Wales at the moment, it would be worth coming along just for that, and watching the game too of course, but mainly the cake. 😊
  18. That explains it. Thanks. Last minute cramming can be helpful, especially if it is reinforcing what they have to do in the exam, rather than what they know, which as you say is a little pointless. I hope they all get the results they deserve to get - hopefully high grades.
  19. I am sure the school would be quieter but officially, according to JCQ who are in charge of public examinations, morning exams should start at 9:00 with 30 minutes leeway either side. Obviously papers have to remain confidential but if one school starts a 60 minute examination at say 8:00 when it is quieter, in theory students in a different school where it starts at 9:30 may have mates who can tell them the questions having already taken the exam, or more likely put them on social media. In this hypothetical case, if the school has permission to start at 8:00, students have to remain in close supervision until 9:30, even if the exam finishes at 9:00, to maintain confidentiality and the integrity of the exam. Every day is a school day. 🥴
  20. 8:15 seems awfully early for an exam to start. I guess there must be a reason.🤔
  21. Which is why I always book early, especially as suites seem to sell out before other cabin grades, probably due to the limited numbers available.
  22. Just to add, the price of the latest batch of cruises in summer 2026 increased overnight due to the 10% introductory discount being removed. The August 2026 cruise to Iceland that we booked on the day bookings opened has gone up by around 15% so fluid pricing seems to have kicked in as well.
  23. My redundant stickers are stuck onto the outside of my kindle case along with Covid injection ones. Don’t ask me why but it seemed a good idea at the time.
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