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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. The form in the link requires our signature as well as parents. This is where the issue lies. Unless, as indicated in the above comment, we have two separate notarizations.
  2. My question is for you and @Ferry_Watcher. (I don’t want to be that family turned away at the port!). Does it have to be Royal’s consent form or can a free firm letter that’s notarized and contains all the required information and permissions be used? DH and I are cruising next month with two of our grandsons out of Port Canaveral on Independence of the Seas. Royal’s consent form presents a problem as it requires the signature of both a parent and the traveling companion (us). Our grandsons live in PA, we live in RI so don’t know how we’d get this form notarized. (We are flying separately and meeting at Orlando airport, their parents are flying with them but not going on the cruise). We planned to have our daughter do a free-form consent letter which includes all the required information and permissions. She and her husband sign and have it notarized.
  3. Eeeek, that is creepy! As much as I’d hate the sight of it, I think I’d be constantly checking to see if it was still there.
  4. Thank you so much for taking the time for this trip report! DH and I are doing this exact sailing September 30th. It’s our first cruise on Celebrity (we cruise mostly with RC) and our first trip to Europe. Needless to say, I’m happily reading along (and taking notes!)
  5. Andy and I went to last nights Red Sox vs Mets game. We met his sister, BIL and our niece there. They live near Albany and are big Mets fans. It was a beautiful night for a game! There was a pre-game ceremony honoring our military’s Special Forces. The Red Sox organization does such a nice job with these recognition ceremonies. As the proud daughter of a member of the US Army’s 82nd Airborne and a Green Beret in Vietnam, I was very moved.
  6. We do the same. Our September trip is both a belated 35th anniversary (Feb) and this year’s Christmas gift. Both beautiful homes. I love that wraparound porch and wide stairway. That looks nothing like any Sloppy Joe I’ve ever seen! Is it turkey?
  7. I can’t imagine it either Maryann! The only reason we’re considering it is having to manage our luggage. When we arrive in Venice we’ll take water transport into the city & walk to our hotel. Two days later we then have to get it to the train station to head to Rome. I think the alternative will be a backpack each, one carryon that I manage and one checked bag that Andy handles. It’ll give us a little more space.
  8. I’m just playing catch up, a common theme here. @Luckynana Happy 52nd to you and Jim! It sounds like you had a great celebration. @bobmacliberty I wish Micheline an easy recovery from her surgery. In no time she’ll be ready to dance the night away at your daughters wedding. @dani negreanu what an inspiration your friend is and a lovely picture of you all celebrating her. @h20skibum I’m enjoying your Summer of Fun (is this 3.0?). It’s nice that you’re able to have a mix of group/family activities as well as some one-on-one time. Hope Susan’s feeling better. @Sea Dog glad to hear Linda’s doing well after her surgery. Not a lot happening here. The last of my Amazon Prime Day purchases arrived today. I mostly ordered things for our trip in September-portable chargers for our phones, plug converters, a crossbody bag for me with RFID and security zippers. We also both got new backpacks with the intention of possibly going ’carry-on only’. So a carry-on suitcase each and a backpack each. I doubt it’ll actually happen LOL.
  9. Boooooo. She has the double whammy of Covid and Lyme disease. I hope she has a mild case and recovers quickly.
  10. Glad to hear the surgery went so well and I hope her recovery goes the same. Take good care of her, but don’t overdo it yourself!
  11. I’m with Micheline on this one. We’ve had a rabbit in our yard who really did a number on plantings this year 😡. For all he’s eaten, he should be too big to move. Then this past weekend we spotted this guy in the woods behind us. Haven’t seen the rabbit in days. I do feel a little bad for bunny.
  12. Wishing Linda the best of luck and a quick recovery from her surgery. As long as she can lift a glass by October….! I also hope you can get those extra injections to tide you over until then. If not and you’re still having problems you know you can count on us for whatever you need!
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