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Everything posted by pinotlover

  1. I believe you changed stories midstream. I always book my Specialty dining reservations at 12:01 EST on the first day allowed, and recommend others do the same. That is a completely different situation than advising people, on some cruises, that first night extra reservations will “ always “ be available. There are situations where they indeed will be, and situations where they will not be. My advice is to analyze your specific cruise and attempt to decide what the best options are for you and proceed accordingly. I always board the ship with a positive attitude and reasonable expectations based on past experiences. I therefore enjoy my cruises immensely. 🥂
  2. Stop saying always!!! 🤬 Do a little analysis on your specific cruise, if you’re interested in that additional first night Specialty. Is your cruise still showing availability? Is your cruise in essence a repeat of the prior cruise, and out of a major port where 90+% of the passengers are embarking with you? Then yes, most often one can get that first night extra reservation. However, is your cruise sitting in the middle, or back end, of a listed Extended Journey that is sold out? Are you boarding in a minor port? Is your segment short (7-10 days) or a longer one? Do a little analysis. If you’re in this latter group, everyone on board has had the opportunity to book that night before you step aboard. I’ve been on multiple segment cruises where only 25-30% of the passengers are newly boarded. Trust me, there are no additional tables for those newly embarked. If Embarkment Day is a special one for you; Anniversary, Birthday,etc., and you really want that Specialty, then book it early. Pay zero attention to people who tell you that you can always do something. Truth is, you can’t.
  3. Talk is cheap. The proof will be in the pudding, or actually the authenticity of those meals they’re touting. We’ll see if they stray far from the NoNos. Is this announcement an indication they realize they have a NoNo problem?
  4. One can make incremental payments as they choose, but must make complete payment by Final Payment date. If a cruise is booked after Final Payment date, full payment must be made at booking.
  5. Wide range of experiences reported. Comes down to how lucky the OP feels. It’s like a dice game. If money is no issue, then bet on someone making the 12 or 2. If money is an issue, and they want improved odds on spending their funds and not coming up with craps (a 7), this cruise is very late in the season. Read the historical weather charts for where you are visiting. Your money, your bet. How lucky do you feel? A lot more ways for rolling a 7 than a 12 that late in the season.
  6. Very much the shoulder period. You may have nice weather, really crappy weather, or probably a combination of both. Crowds are typically small then so that’s an upside. Expect it to be dark by 4:30-5:00 in the afternoon, so a lot of the sail in/out of ports is in the dark. All in all, a bit late for us.
  7. Are you offended when the airlines allow those with mobility issues to have extra time and board first? We believe arriving later than 6:30 and allowing all those with such issues a matter of courtesy. Same with those that choose to go to bed early. We let them have plenty of time before we arrive to achieve their wishes. If you’re offended by any of this, you’re just easily offended. Absolutely no reason to be. Enjoy your cruises. 🥂
  8. Marina is an “ O” ship, with an elevated stage. Nope, they don’t do music in the Lounge early. See post #4. We have found 7:15-7:30 to be a lovely time to dine for dinner. All those starving souls aboard ship, people requiring extra time or assistance in getting seated, are adamant about being at a special table, air wanting to be in bed by 8:30 are all taken care of before we get there. We can then leisurely enter, eat, and be finished in plenty of time to hit the head and go directly to the show. For those inclined, the ships often do trivia in Martinis starting around 8:00 that lasts to near showtime. Sometimes, it’s “ name that tune” with the piano player which we find more fund than regular trivia. It’s harder for those that typically cheat by googling answers.
  9. Another thread where people use TA interchangeably. Is the Agent or Agency making this offer? 2. We have zero knowledge of the commissionable amount of the mystery cruise. 3. Are the numbers quoted for each individual or for the couple combined? We’ve been over this before, not all Travel Agents work on commission. While some do, others are hourly employees of an Agency, and others work on an arranged flat fee amount for each assigned account.. I’ll tell you that if your getting 9-10% rebates, it’s coming from the Agency not the Agent.
  10. In that this is the first time that Travel Agency has been used, I might be a bit more conservative and request the refundable OBC. Use what I want aboard ship, take the rest home. Then, if all happens accordingly, the next cruise I’d take the Visa card. Once you take the card, you will forever be on that bank’s mailing list. Be careful to understand use restrictions on the card.
  11. As one that doesn’t need Mother Oceania to hold my hand at every move in every port, my recommendation is to find a private tour that interests you and doesn’t require pre payment. Then enjoy the day.
  12. One would hope that if a port is intentionally eliminated or replaced, you’d be notified by final Payment. That would give you plenty of time to make arrangements. Of course, that may be wishful thinking.
  13. Or, if they merely limit or eliminate the port shuttle buses, the cruise ships will stop going there. Problem solved. Still isn’t the cruise lines providing the shuttle services. I do expect a zealous attack, by some locales, on over tourism. The number of ports allowing the 4000-6000 passenger floating cities to dock will probably be limited in the near future. This is especially the case for those lines noted for seagulls as passengers. All those “ cruising for the ship” , may well be pleased with more sea days in the future. Some of the river ports inland Europe are already limiting the number of river boats they allow to dock. That one infamous company known to raft up to three boats in a single port, with its fleet of tour buses following along, has worn out its welcome in some areas.
  14. One small correction to all of this. I have never known of Oceania providing a shuttle service in any port that I have visited while cruising with them. The shuttle service has always been provided by the port and/or tourist center. The times of services, quality of services, and drop off destinations are governed by those entities. In some ports, shuttle buses aren’t required because the city has ran subway systems to the port. All of this in no way defrays from the convenience of the shuttle service, it just accurately describes who’s providing the service. If the service is great, mediocre, or poor, it’s not Oceania’s doing. Thank the port and/or City that actually provides the service to better attract the cruise ships.
  15. To be a little more specific on this issue. The Lounge on the O and A ships don’t really have a dance floor other than up on the stage. Therefore, I have never witnessed the band playing pre-show and dancing on those ships. However, the the Lounge on the older R ships are different. Part of the “ stage “ is actually at floor level. On some cruises, on certain nights, on the R ships the band has indeed played pre-show there and people were up dancing. Sometimes most every night, others more occasionally. Best to confer with your CD, after you board, to get details for your cruise. As with many questions posted here, the answer is not one size fits all. As to the O and A ships, I doubt Oceania wants many of those more senior cruisers climbing up and down off the Lounge stage! 😇. Horizons will probably continue to be the best you get.
  16. Actually quite typical after final payment date. Some people book everything two years out, while others do so 3-5 months pre cruise. Except for the rare cruise, both typically make the cruise.
  17. I’ve met other O cruisers with those feelings. Thing is, they mostly consider anyone under 60 a kid. 😂
  18. I don’t believe that insignificant cancellation charge will slow them down in the least. Some people book multiple cruises every year, thus having thousands of dollars out in deposits, only to then cancel all but one or two. Maybe losing their entire deposit might slow them down, but not O’s meager charges.
  19. I have always been able to fill my private tours via CC. Most often end up having to turn people away. This is my personal experience, fwiw. I book tours and advertise them on CC Roll Calls. The 3 cruises booked to every cruise taken rule lives and breathes. After Final Payment date, I’m always scrambling to fill my tours, but always do. Notice all the Oceania constant sales, a lot of folks don’t book until six months prior to sailing and are eager to sign up for private tours. One very good fellow Oceania cruiser doesn’t even advertise his tours until after FPDate. He claims he bypasses all the lookie loos and still fills his private tours with fewer problems . I wouldn’t worry about the status of tours 9+ months out. Come final payment and the lookie loos bail, availability often follows. Also, unless you’re one of those that really needs Oceania to hold your hand if/when you leave the ship, try browsing your Roll Call right here on Cruise Critic. Opportunity awaits! 🥂
  20. A totally personal decision. Some cruise ships give a very local immersion experience on their various cruises, while others take a Unitarian approach. Paul Gauguin in the FP verses other lines for example. Some travelers live to feel like they never left Omaha, while others want something different. Some love ships where the menu is the same in Italian waters as in Vietnamese waters. Others find that contrary to international travel. People have choices.
  21. In Bora Bora, we did the private jet ski tour @$150 each. Part of our contingency that day were four (4) passengers from the ship paying Oceania $450 each to do the exact same tour and eat the exact same food. This scenario has happened several times with us, being in the same van with those on OE ship tour, doing exactly as we at a multiple of our costs. Remember, you’re only promised a group of 16 or less, not who those other participants may be. 😂. Destination Services and the ship tours are a profit center for the ship, not a cost center. No one is forced or obligated to take the ship tours. One can do as many of us do and primarily take private ones. Is the price of a hot dog and beer at the foot ball stadium in any way related to the cost of materials? Your only choice there is to neither eat nor drink, or pay the price . Oceania allows one to choose, but for those that choose the ship tour, it can be a very expensive hot dog! 🙄 But, it’s your choice.
  22. It has been my experience that most of those wearing the lanyards are in a defined group such as a GoNext group or a F&WT group. The lanyard is there to identify you, allow entrance into group only events, and eliminate the need to make name tags for every event. It’s a rarity for an independent traveler to wear a lanyard.
  23. We all view Simply More differently. To us, it was merely a price increase. That’s all, just a price increase. I don’t understand all the anxiety people are expressing. Every day aboard ship we have three meals ( at a minimum) paid for along with the Afternoon Tea. I pay for all those meals as part of my cruise fare. When in port, we always eat the local fare ashore. We don’t rush back to the ship to eat that included meal. It’s what we choose to do. Those SM tour credits are the same for us. If We find a ship tour we really want, we’ll use the included tour credit. If we don’t, they’ll be just like those included meals we miss.It’s all just part of the fare, just like the evening shows. I wonder, do people feel compelled to eat three meals a day, with all the offered courses, because it’s part of the fare? If not, why all the hand wrangling over SM tour credits? 🤔
  24. You have one guaranteed sitting in each of the Specialty restaurants. If you don’t choose a reservation before boarding go to the dining reservation desk and they will get you one. If you ask nicely maybe even a two top.
  25. There was a recent thread on this. As of yet Oceania hasn’t made any statements or commitments. Several WAGs have been advanced ranging from Sep/Oct to next March/April. All WAGs, so take them as such.
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