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What's causing bad behavior on cruise ships?

What's your opinion of the upswing in bad behavior on ships? (Choose all that apply.)  

1,367 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your opinion of the upswing in bad behavior on ships? (Choose all that apply.)

    • Low fares are definitely attracting different or untraditional types of travelers to cruising
    • It's simple math; the more people cruise, the more troublemakers there will be onboard
    • I believe most outlandish conduct is the result of excessive drinking or carrying on
    • It's all media hype -- incidents are few when you consider how many cruises sail each year
    • It depends. Some passengers are justified in their "rebellions," others are downright rude
    • This poll makes me want to pick a fight (just kidding ... maybe)!
    • None of the above
    • Something else (which I'll post)

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I feel the poor behavior of passengers is caused by; the new attitude of, folks feeling somehow they are entitled to anything they want, when they want it and a basic lack of manners, along with parents never saying NO and giving their children too much with out teaching them a work ethic or to behave.


Somehow my generation and those younger feel they are owed something and don’t care about others around them. It’s a selfish entitlement attitude that has become pervasive in our society.


Have seen some wealthy folks act poorly too, so I do not feel its caused by the lower fairs, its caused by a degradation of society.

Few today believe in the Golden Rule and behaving honorably.

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I'm sure alcohol played a part here:



Oh, no doubt. But this thread is about rude behavior by cruise ship passengers. That video clip is about cruise ship passengers that are dumber than a bag of wet hair.

A totally different issue.

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"Road Rage" is not confined to our streets and highways. It also occurs on cruise ships. There are people in todays society that truly believe that the rules and policies do not apply to them. Other people are totally obsessed with the ME syndrome. They provoke incidents by their rude and/or obnoxious behavior. Some of these people are taught these bad behavior examples at home as it a custom of the whole family to act this way. To them, it is normal. They get upset if called on their rude actions. Some people in society have a "chip" on their shoulder and just invite somebody to try and knock it off. No doubt 'loud mouth soup" AKA alcohol can be a major contributing factor and an accelerant to this type of behavior. I have learned to just ignore it and don't challenge the beligerant. That is like trying to wrestle a pig in the mud. You will never win and the pig enjoys it.


countdown.pl?name=Pilotearl&date=11-28-2009&image=Beach-2&text=Cruise #62 and still loving it&ship=Carnival Miracle

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"Road Rage" is not confined to our streets and highways. It also occurs on cruise ships. There are people in todays society that truly believe that the rules and policies do not apply to them. Other people are totally obsessed with the ME syndrome. They provoke incidents by their rude and/or obnoxious behavior. Some of these people are taught these bad behavior examples at home as it a custom of the whole family to act this way. To them, it is normal. They get upset if called on their rude actions. Some people in society have a "chip" on their shoulder and just invite somebody to try and knock it off. No doubt 'loud mouth soup" AKA alcohol can be a major contributing factor and an accelerant to this type of behavior. I have learned to just ignore it and don't challenge the beligerant. That is like trying to wrestle a pig in the mud. You will never win and the pig enjoys it.


I LOVE that phrase.... never heard it before, and it's so true. I'm definitely going to refer to that analogy for similar circumstances/situations - where you're in conflict with somebody, you know you'll never win, and they actually enjoy the fight...


- Rick

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I voted for something else.


It used to be, like it or not, when cruises were more luxurious and more expensive they attracted a different group of people that were more refined and had social skills.


Now, it's like taking the city bus. Like it or not, most of the time when people come from certain backgrounds they have better manners and social skills.


It's hard for me to believe that a gen-xer covered in tattoos and piercings who is boistrous and can't wait for the next party would act civil on a ship. The same with the gal with pink hair dressed in black smoking black and milds. People don't dress well anymore, act like slobs, are rude, etc. I also think to myself, "Yes, that person voted too", meaning that's the next generation that will run the country.


You rarely see the appropriately groomed, mild mannered person doing something stupid anywhere, ship or no ship.


If someone fell into these categories I described above, and you are offended, it must be tough to be you. My day will go on.


My opinion and I stand by it.

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Then you wonder, who raised these people??


Gathina - I believe you have correctly answered the original question.


Self-absorbed people who have never learned to say "no" to themselves simply believe that the world is their playpen.

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It seems to me that manners/courtesy are no longer important to the general population on or off ships. Many people are so self-absorbed they think rules don't apply to them anywhere. I see so much rude behavior that courtesy stands out more because it's so rare.


I agree with you 100%. It seems that manners are mostly non-existent these days and one can witness rudeness just about everywhere. Like anything else one learns, it all begins at home.

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:mad:I see at least a handful of rude passengers on every cruise - no doubt they are rude at home as well making it very difficult to reeducate them. On the recent Transatlantic crossing of the Emerald Princess there were several passengers who were having their own loud conversations filled with laughter during a speech by the Captain and again a different group during the speech of a guest lecturer - it seems they are ignorant as to what is going on around them and are content to live in their own little worlds - apparently they do not realize how rude and obnoxious they are being to their fellow passengers as well as the speaker. In both instances I spoke politely to the groups and they all became irate - simply said very rude people who care very little for others - how shameful. One night in anytime dining beside my wife and I at a table for two were a couple who were not properly dressed - the man had few manners when eating and actually held his meat with his hand while he carved it - I was amazed - I finally observed enough ignorant and rude table manners and told my wife I was leaving - as I departed I whispered to the lady at the table that her male friend was a pig and had no manners - I also reported this incident to the hostess of the Michelangelo Dining Room. Passenger rudeness/violence hit a new low on embarkation day when many passengers on the walkoff program became absolutely irate at the slow procedure and then when Customs/Immigration stopped the line all hell near broke loose. One very large man was going to bully his way through and show them what he thought - my goodness he only lived 10 miles down the road so why get excited - I understand another small group who were not in my immediate area began shouting, screaming and physically pushing - then there were the non-walkoffs butting in line to get off and find there luggage not yet available - many passengers want to blame the ship for this situation, however, that is not the case - they must learn to relax and understand what is going on - everyone of the 3100 passengers cannot be 1st in line and when there is only one disembarkation point for the ship, it will take some time to get all passengers off. When Customs/Immigration stop the line for whatever reason, it is not the Ship's fault and just to remember it is their Port and Country and they are in control. Perhaps many of these problems come from green travellers - I reside in Canada on the American border so am very familiar with border crossings and issues. With the number of irrate passengers, the situation only becomes more complicated and is generally caused by those in the group who have little patience, are ignorant of others and simply said live in their own little worlds. They are the World's complainers who have never matured and never will. Why would a man who lives only a few miles from Port Everglades be so fired up over a short delay in disembarkation - unfortunatley this is not the fault of Ship Personnel, but it most certainly places a fair bit of stress on other passengers who are trying to act in a cordial manner. All these rude and obnoxious folks are probably the same ones who do not know how to behave during the playing of their Country's National Anthem. I really feel for the ship personnel who man the disembarkation point as they take the vast brunt of the abuse - I am sure this happens every cruise so they get used to it and hopefully are wearing earplugs - how can that person who has been so nice for the past 10 days or whatever have changed so much on disembarkation day. We all have a responsibility to try and act like polite human beings when out in public or at least I think we do. Too Bad the Cruise Lines were not in a position to say "stay at home and don't sail with us again". Perhaps instead of flu notices on embarkation there should be a little notice about showing care and grace to your fellow shipmates and the ships crew. After all we are all on vacation with no where to go!! Happy Sailing.

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Dr. Benjamin Spock, among other advocates of permissive child-rearing, comes to mind.


Dr. Spock was the book my mother raised me by and I am 63! If you are on my next cruise, please observe me and let me know if I am RUDE, because I certainly try to be civil and mannerly. You are probably older than me by a generation or so, am I right?

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I have only been on two cruises but I have to admit I haven't encountered the rude, obnoxious behaviour that a lot of you have. And even though I didn't cruise in the era where cruising was more upper class, I still feel I fit in quite well.


I was raised to be polite. I have seen some cruisers who push a little bit more on elevators, buffet lines etc., but it doesn't really bother me. I'm on a cruise, I have no deadlines, if they are in more of a rush than I, so be it. I'm not going to let it affect my cruise.


Maybe we should all be a little more tolerant of each other. If you encounter rudeness, let it go. Just decide to have a nice and relaxed vacation.



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Dr. Spock also publicly apologized for teaching a generation of people that it is ok to not soothe your infant and let them cry themselves to sleep.


Get over it. She isn't talking about you specifically.


Dr. Spock was the book my mother raised me by and I am 63! If you are on my next cruise, please observe me and let me know if I am RUDE, because I certainly try to be civil and mannerly. You are probably older than me by a generation or so, am I right?
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We tolerate it.

We don't hold people individually accountable.

We don't insist that the cruise lines protect our rights to an appropriate atmosphere.


In short we allow this to occur. We are the problem, and those that are willing to be part of the solution are vastly outnumbered.

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Dr. Spock was the book my mother raised me by and I am 63! If you are on my next cruise, please observe me and let me know if I am RUDE, because I certainly try to be civil and mannerly. You are probably older than me by a generation or so, am I right?


Sorry, you are incorrect. I am much less than 10 years older than you.

Your mother must have gotten the original edition - published in 1946.

Why did you feel it necessary to use upper case letters in "rude"?

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I hope she accepts Dr. Spock's apology! :eek:



Sorry, you are incorrect. I am much less than 10 years older than you.

Your mother must have gotten the original edition - published in 1946.

Why did you feel it necessary to use upper case letters in "rude"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Children, and Folks, in general, rise to the level of behavior, expected of them.

IMHO, bad behavior gets out of hand, on a cruise ship, because it is tolerated. Crew Members have their hands tied.

I do think a higher level of expectation, from the CruiseLine, for responsible behavior (including clothing attire), is most appropriate, and long overdue.

If I were in charge, I would start with Alcohol Patrol - drunks would not be served! I'd expand The Brig.

Passengers NEED TO KNOW who is TheLaw and HowItWillBeEnforced.

I think passengers think they CanDoAnything & GetAwayWithIt ...too often, they do.

A few can spoil it for the rest.


Carnival may be the fun ship, but one reaps what one sows.


Time for a Campaign to return Cruising to what it was, when I got hooked!:D Back in "those days", cruisers were a kindler, gentler group.

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I do think a higher level of expectation' date=' from the CruiseLine, for responsible behavior (including clothing attire), is most appropriate, and long overdue.

If I were in charge, I would start with Alcohol Patrol - drunks would not be served! I'd expand The Brig.

Passengers NEED TO KNOW who is TheLaw and HowItWillBeEnforced.

I think passengers think they CanDoAnything & GetAwayWithIt ...too often, they do.



My question is, what do you define as drunk? What you think is drunk and what I think is drunk may be totally different. Any cruiseline that decided to use same tests used for driving (blood alcohol level over 0.08) would not get my business as one reason we like to cruise is enjoying a few or even several drinks without worrying about driving.


The heavy-handed cruiseline you describe sounds like no fun at all. Sounds more like a police state to me! Ooops ... guess I'm forgetting that that's the way we're heading in this country.

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It's a combination of some or all of the reasons in the Poll. People generally no longer know how to conduct themselves in social situations (and a cruise is one Big Social Situation) and manners, courtesy and consideration for others seem to be left at home. People seem to think that being on vacation gives them a free pass to behave badly and adding alcohol into the mix usually spells trouble. I have seen the most rude, abusive and thuggish behaviour - and yes, it does seem to be more prevalent on "value" cruises - and frankly I don't know why the Captain and crew tolerate it. I know that they are running a business as well as a ship and that the customer is king but things have most definitely deteriorated to the point where I am now very wary of planning any future trips without a LOT of research beforehand on the kind of people I'm going to be stuck on a boat with. Call me a snob but this kind of thing ruins a trip more thoroughly then any amount of bad weather, poor service, mediocre food or even, shock, the dreaded novovirus.


Pirates used to make troublemakers walk the plank..... now there's an idea.

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It's hard for me to believe that a gen-xer covered in tattoos and piercings who is boistrous and can't wait for the next party would act civil on a ship. The same with the gal with pink hair dressed in black smoking black and milds. People don't dress well anymore, act like slobs, are rude, etc. I also think to myself, "Yes, that person voted too", meaning that's the next generation that will run the country.

The GenX label came out pretty late (or at least, I'd not heard it until I was 25 or so), and it was supposed to apply to me.


I'm 44 and consider myself Really Late Baby Boomer because I have always been around those older than me, not younger. Having been the youngest in the family and extended family, I was a "seen but not heard" child, defer to elders, Mr/Mrs, please, thank you, entertain yourself, do as you're told, etc. Friends my age that were the oldest in their families certainly were raised by parents far younger than mine.


Damn few people my age are the tattooed/pierced people. They showed up in the generation behind me (my stepdaughter+bf at the time were the first pierced people I knew, and he was a tattoo artist - she is now 33 and mother of 2, and teaching manners to her children - YAY)


I'm not sure GenX'ers will be the problem just due to their being slightly older than who I think might be the more problematic demographic - 21 - 30, but, I'm not exactly sure what their "Generation Label" is.


In any case, I think we all agree that not everyone in any given generation behaves the same way. People are a sum of their parts, whether they are 80 yo and rude or 12 or 35. Some things know no age boundaries, and inappropriate behavior is one of them.

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