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Why so much Alcohol???


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So what. Most bars have over a 100% mark-up on liquor. It is their company and they can make what ever rules and prices that they want. But comprimising your integrity by ageeing to their rules and then reneging on it isn't very ethical although it does make for a good politician.


you're the new G'ma, you got anything else to hate on?:rolleyes: (sound of soapbox crashing in the background from excessive use)

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Greetings and a warm hello from cold Canada.


Smuggling booze...hmmm...right up there with hogging deck chairs. Always a very pointed discussion.


So my 1.5 cents worth, (Canadian remember), is this.


All of you that book your cabin knowing the rules and assuming that since you don't agree with them that they do not apply to you are simply wrong.


To those that feel you paid for your cruise and will do what you want...again wrong.


For the cruisers who think that it is nobody's business and doesn't affect anyone else...once more wrong.


All companies are in business to make money. And Carnival has a bottom line.


Alcohol is a large profit generator for the company as are photos, the casino, gift shops etc. These contribute to that bottom line.


Every ounce of smuggled booze you pour down your throat is money out of your fellow cruiser's pockets. That's right folks, you are stealing from your fellow cruisers. Those that understand that they are not exempt from the rules of passage.


Every dollar off the bottom line must be made up elsewhere. Increased drink prices. Higher fares.


I don't make any value judgment on your choice to smuggle. But the fact that you are stealing money from my pocket ticks me off.


Hmmm. Maybe you can start making your own casino chips as well. And why can't you just photocopy the pictures you want?


Have a lovely day.


first, the smuggled alcohol leaves me with enough cash to buy the overpriced photos.


secondly, you are hallucinating if you think smugglers are stealing from your pocket, that is the second worst analogy i have seen in this thread.


third, we dont bring wine, we bring a bottle of something else, so explain to me the difference. i don't drink wine, period. give me a better reason than, "uh it's in the contract that you can only bring wine", sorry brother, that doesn't fly with me. try and stop me, you can't.:cool:

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Why so much alcohol? Because people like to drink...a lot..when they're on vacation, apparently, and indeed the prices in the bars on a cruise ship are pretty high, compared to what they can find at home.


My husband and I like to drink, too -- in public, at a social gathering, at a bar or in a restaurant, with friends, at dinner. We don't consider it a solitary activity. We have a full liquor cabinet at home that we don't use unless friends come over, at which time we have a drink or two with them. I can count on one hand..maybe now after 42 years, both hands..the number of times that we've actually opened the liquor cabinet and had a drink at home, alone.


We do go to our local pub. In fact, we go several times a week, and have a couple of drinks with friends, catch up on the local gossip, have a burger. And at $2 for a rail drink or a beer, we could, if we wanted to, drink a lot. 2 drinks each is probably more than we usually have.


We would never think about drinking in the cabin..or in one of those "fancy hotel rooms" people talk about. When we get to the cabin..or the fancy room...the refrigerator is emptied out (with the help of the hotel staff) so we have room in there for an occasional soda, which we've bought at the fancy hotel from one of their over-priced soda machines.


We don't need a drink or two while we dress for dinner. We don't need a nightcap. We don't need a bloody mary to start our morning. We don't need a froo-froo drink to get us through lunch. We don't need to "get a buzz on" to have fun on the cruise ship. We don't need to get drunk to prove..I don't know why folks feel the need to get drunk......


We DO go to one (or sometimes more) of the bars on a cruise ship for a drink before dinner..after we're dressed, and out and about the ship. And perhaps a couple after dinner. Very occasionally we'll order a glass of wine with dinner, usually if we're eating in a specialty restaurant. Very occasionally my husband will get into a conversation with someone at one of the bars on the ship and stay longer. But that's it.


We don't NEED alcohol to have fun on a cruise. We don't cruise so we can get drunk, or cruise so we can be gluttons (that's another thread). Apparently a lot of other people do. So they smuggle it, rather than pay for it.

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You may not feel the need to drink like others may choose to, but you sure do seem to feel the need to sound incredibly self righteous in your particular manner of drinking - while at your local pub several times a week. While you're on your high horse, you may be amused to know that others may find that drinking and driving of any alcoholic intake is reckless and a sign of drinking problems. Who neeeeds to drink and drive several times each week? Safer and more responsible while on a cruise, no?

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It's actually worse than that for me. I roast my own coffee and take care in how I grind and brew it. I'm very particular about my vices. :o


I'm just older now and I really enjoy good quality vices in moderation. If I was drinking buckets of water tasting beer, then I wouldn't bother. But neither would I care if others smuggled that on board either.


I would love to drop by and have a cup of your coffee! I crave a good cup of coffee!


Aboard ship, I do get the room service 'coffee' just to wake up. My first stop as we are going to breakfast, is the specialty coffee kiosk on the Lido deck.


My coffee bill is larger than my booze bill!



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DW and my bar bill was $2,100.00 on our last ten day cruise. We are not drunks but we drink Pinot Noir and Crown Royal and it just adds up when you have a couple dozen drinks a day. We don't even try to smuggle booze on board, it's not worth the hassle and would only make a small dent in our budget. However I am going to try and smuggle in my own slot machine on our next cruise.:D

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This is a very good point...when we have wine, we like very good wine. Even the "premium" wines on a cruise are very poor quality. I can only guess that other ports, scotches, etc. are very cheap quality. As you point out, the coffee is of embarrassing quality, and even non-alcoholic drinks are extremely limited...even if you are willing to pay for them.


I also agree with you. I like certain brands of vodka, ex. Belvedere. However, they do not sell these on the cruise ship. Anyone who will reply that Grey Goose and Belvedere is the same, they are not to me. I really wish that Carnival would improve their liquor selection. I think the mixed drinks prices are ok but the beer is outrageous. I don't even think the domestic beers at Morton's are that high.

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HAHAHA. You're an arrogant fool aren't you? We happen to live IN A RESORT TOWN in northern Michigan and even at most of out most upscale resorts beer prices are nothing like the prices on board. Also, mixed drink prices are cheaper. If I wanted to order a strawberry daquari at the resort's restaurant, I would probably pay about 4 dollars for house liquor and 6 for top shelf liquor. If I bought those same drinks at our favorite local establishment (Which you would probably consider a "dive") it would be about the same, but because we tip our bartender very well, they'd be twice as strong. Beer is considerably cheaper. It's a little hard for me to compare because typically the boys will get a pitcher of draft beer for between 6 and 8 dollars. That usually about 3.5 pints. So while mixed drinks aren't astronomical on ships (a little high, but I think that's within reason) the beer is REDICULOUS. Trying to charge 6 dollars or more for 16 oz of beer is a huge ripoff. Like my DH said in a different thread. Because of those prices he won't be drinking carnival's beer on the upcoming cruise in April. (I won't be drinking Carnival's booze because I'll be 21 weeks pregnant by then. )


Have you been to Disney and paid their prices for alcohol (in Epcot)/soft drinks/food :eek: Talk about high priced, makes CCL look like a bargain! But like Disney your paying for the "atmosphere" I have seen the bar menus for CCL and they don't seem that outrageous, but then again dh and I only drink about 2 drinks a day and thats while on vacation.

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Unbelievable. Of course, by not following the rules that you have agreed to when you entered into a contract is UNETHICAL. They are providing you with a product for your enjoyment in order to make a profit for their company. So according to your last statement it is ok to eat the grapes at the grocery store because you will be buying a lot of them. Totally stupid reasoning to me.


Lay off the booze. That is a horrible analogy.

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It never ceases to amaze, but should, how unethical people can find so many reasons to justify their behaviour. It's too expensive, not the brand I want etc. Tough boobies. There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses you use.


You simply do not understand right vs. wrong. If if conflicts with what you think the rules should be you just choose to ignore them. Would it be ok to bring your own booze into a land based bar or nightclub? Well I guess for many of you it would.


A sad bunch of entitled tripe.

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So what. Most bars have over a 100% mark-up on liquor. It is their company and they can make what ever rules and prices that they want. But comprimising your integrity by ageeing to their rules and then reneging on it isn't very ethical although it does make for a good politician.


By you own figures, the cruise line has a 300% markup om their beer. Tell us again it isn't way over priced.


Maybe you can explain to us how, using your logic how the friends of Bill W would be allowed on the ship as they do not buy booze on the ship. They as a group are surely costing the cruise industry countless millions of lost dollars in booze sales. Or the long list of people that never pull a handle on a slot machine, how about the slim balls that never buy pictures or shore trips. theses dead beats are all costing the cruise line big bucks.


Makes me wonder why and how the cruise company's keep building new ships if they are being so badly ripped off by all the dead beat passengers.


Very good points, so all you non-drinkers need to pop a top when on cruises.


It never ceases to amaze, but should, how unethical people can find so many reasons to justify their behaviour. It's too expensive, not the brand I want etc. Tough boobies. There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses you use.


You simply do not understand right vs. wrong. If if conflicts with what you think the rules should be you just choose to ignore them. Would it be ok to bring your own booze into a land based bar or nightclub? Well I guess for many of you it would.


A sad bunch of entitled tripe.


I would say the average cruiser is as ethical as the cruise line. Not excusing it, but sure not going to judge anyone. Just remember, the same yard stick you measure others with will measure you.

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It never ceases to amaze, but should, how unethical people can find so many reasons to justify their behaviour. It's too expensive, not the brand I want etc. Tough boobies. There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses you use.


You simply do not understand right vs. wrong. If if conflicts with what you think the rules should be you just choose to ignore them. Would it be ok to bring your own booze into a land based bar or nightclub? Well I guess for many of you it would.


A sad bunch of entitled tripe.


Please forgive us O' Holy One.

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It never ceases to amaze, but should, how unethical people can find so many reasons to justify their behaviour. It's too expensive, not the brand I want etc. Tough boobies. There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses you use.


You simply do not understand right vs. wrong. If if conflicts with what you think the rules should be you just choose to ignore them. Would it be ok to bring your own booze into a land based bar or nightclub? Well I guess for many of you it would.


A sad bunch of entitled tripe.


I suppose you could not bring your own booze but you could choose not to frequent the place should they not have what you want. You can not say the same about a cruise ship. You are there for the duration of your trip so why shouldn't you have what you personally prefer.

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I suppose you could not bring your own booze but you could choose not to frequent the place should they not have what you want. You can not say the same about a cruise ship. You are there for the duration of your trip so why shouldn't you have what you personally prefer.


Ummmm... because you signed a contract? Quite honestly I don't give a damn what people do. But instead of trying to justify the behaviour with nonsensical reasoning, please just say "Yes, I signed a contract that said I could not do this but I choose to ignore it, my word means nothing, and do as I please".

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Ummmm... because you signed a contract? Quite honestly I don't give a damn what people do. But instead of trying to justify the behaviour with nonsensical reasoning, please just say "Yes, I signed a contract that said I could not do this but I choose to ignore it, my word means nothing, and do as I please".


You say you are not bothered by what others do when evidently you are or you wouldn't have posted that. I have never smuggled booze however I understand why someone would, I just don't have room in my suitcase for alcohol. I also wish Carnival had a better variety of liquor, but you can't win them all.

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Am I self-righteous? I suppose so. Do I drink and drive? Our local pub is about a half-mile from our house, and after spending 3 hours there with two drinks and dinner, I really don't think I'm all that much of a risk.


Folks, you want to smuggle booze, go ahead. Just don't justify it by lame excuses like "it costs too much", or "they don't have the brand(s) I like", or "it's too hard to carry a drink from the bar to my cabin while I'm dressing" or whatever else.


The cruise lines are clear about their "rules". We all break rules. Even me. If you want to break the rules, then by all means, do so. Just don't come back complaining that you got caught, or bragging about how well you do it. Just do it.

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Yeah we all live in caves, hang out in dive bars and are just plain cheap..........and while we are at it......we bring our own cots so we have a place to crash in the bars.......because the nice hotel rooms with the comfy beds in which we can bring our own booze is way too dang expensive:D



LMAO that was funny but I totally agree:D that was great I needed a laugh.

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It never ceases to amaze, but should, how unethical people can find so many reasons to justify their behaviour. It's too expensive, not the brand I want etc. Tough boobies. There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses you use.


You simply do not understand right vs. wrong. If if conflicts with what you think the rules should be you just choose to ignore them. Would it be ok to bring your own booze into a land based bar or nightclub? Well I guess for many of you it would.


A sad bunch of entitled tripe.


jesus already died for my sins, so it's all good.;)

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Yeah we all live in caves, hang out in dive bars and are just plain cheap..........and while we are at it......we bring our own cots so we have a place to crash in the bars.......because the nice hotel rooms with the comfy beds in which we can bring our own booze is way too dang expensive:D


Actually, I just fold up my cardboard box and pack it into my suitcase.

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It takes a number of drink before I am where I want to be so:

If I had to pay bar prices to catch a buzz I'd spend more on alcohol than on cruise fare.


This is me too. I like to drink on vacation and it takes alot to get me even the smallest buzz. The prices are a little expensive on the ship,but I pay them. I didn't bring booze because I needed a drink for dinner/night cap and Carnival does have what I like to drink on the boat and I order that from them the bars too. The reason I brought my own stuff is because I wanted too!!! My cruise,my booze! It's as simple as that. It's a win-win situation for me. I mind my own business and I am not hurting anyone by drinking any booze I bring from home. Hey and if I got caught,you wouldn't hear me complaining about it either.


I don't get why this is always an intense topic. I am not bothered at all with others bringing booze or not bringing booze. Happy cruising to all!!!!:D

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