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well I lost another pound this week

my home scale weight is

147, only 12 lbs to go.


That is Awesome Suzque!!! Keep it up and soon it will only be single digits until you reach your goal!

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Well, it is official! I am now down to 169.8!!! I have not seen that number on the scale in over 13 years! :D


I quit Curves on Monday. The owner was just so MEAN to me. She would constantly make comments that I would always be fat; that my arms would always be flabby; that I should not sweat when I workout, etc. It was really getting to me and I just couldn't take it anymore. I have been working out HARD at home and since quitting Curves; I have lost over 2 pounds in 4 days. I think the stress was really getting to me!!!:o


Keep it up everyone! This is no longer the "battle of the bulge"; but the "battle for our lives"!!!




SW: 207.2

CW: 169.8

GW: ???? Still deciding; but would love to be around 125-130

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That is Awesome Suzque!!! Keep it up and soon it will only be single digits until you reach your goal!


That is awesome and hey Crystal, good for you that you stopped going to Curves. :cool: Why should we take abuse from someone when we are trying our darndest to make our lives better. No one should tell anyone "you will always be fat or you will always have flabby arms". Even if it might be true, we can still hope and dream.


We all just have to keep going, work hard, watch our food consumption. I know my biggest hazard is the sweets; I just love chocolate or any thing that is sweet. My scales hasn't done much lately but bounce up and down between 165 and 161; I just want it to go down to below the 160 mark. But for someone to be so close to "single digits"....wow that is truly awesome! Mighty proud of you Suzque49...and Crystal "way to go girl", don't let any of us let anyone push us around because we are too heavy.:p We can do this, we just have to keep that goal in mind, if we have one, and yes, it's truly all about living a healthier life for the rest of our lives!!


Crystal, I just re-read your post and had to make another comment on your weight loss. It is wonderful you've come so far and you should hold your head high and not let this "witch" bring you down one little bit. She is at fault, she should be encouraging you not belittling you. Keep it up!!!!

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I am up another .4lbs. :mad: Hopefully it is just from the stress of a very long weekend. On a good note though...I started the Couch to 5K running program this morning. It did a number on me; but I am pretty proud of running 2.75 miles in 30 minutes! :D


Babs, you are the best! You keep at it so well and rarely get down about things. I love that about you! Keep it up! Especially on here!!!! Everytime I think about having a little piece of chocolate, I think about you. ;)



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I am up another .4lbs. Hopefully it is just from the stress of a very long weekend. On a good note though...I started the Couch to 5K running program this morning. It did a number on me; but I am pretty proud of running 2.75 miles in 30 minutes! :D


Babs, you are the best! You keep at it so well and rarely get down about things. I love that about you! Keep it up! Especially on here!!!! Everytime I think about having a little piece of chocolate, I think about you.




Hey Crystal, thanks so much and I hope you are thinking of chocolate right now. We just got back from helping our son move into his apartment and I am exhausted. I'd almost kill for a bar of chocolate right now!!;)

I didn't weigh this morning so no idea what the scales would be reading right now, but I'm so tired I don't even care. The guys did all the heavy lifting, I did some cleaning and lined cabinets, unpacked...that sort of thing. Right now my head is pounding and I think I need a chocolate fix but darn the only thing in the house that is chocolate would be chocolate chips. (Yes, I've been known to eat them too.) I try hard to keep focused but lately I've really let things slide. I haven't written in my journal, I haven't weighed or anything. So maybe tomorrow I can get back in gear. Even when I don't do the right things I'm trying hard to make good choices.:rolleyes:


That is wonderful that you ran that distance in 30 minutes!!!!:):D


Thanks again and that is what we all need....encouragement and validation that we are doing our best. Have a wonderful evening. Hugs to everyone.

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Happy Thursday everyone! I just wanted to share something with all of you. I copied and pasted it here from my blog that I wrote yesterday and thought you all might enjoy reading it.


Football Players


So today my team challenge was to complete 40 up and downs/burpies. First of all...there is a reason that football players do those, second...there is a reason I was never a football player. But needless to say, I sucked it up and completed them for my team. Go WMR!!!


As soon as I am done with them, breathing heavy, sweat trickling into my eyes; my husband calls on his work break. We talk about each other’s day and so on. I explain to him what up and downs/burpies were and how to do them. When I am all done, he repeats back to me exactly what I said...okay; maybe he just needed to clarify.


But nope! He then proceeded to ask me if I realized what I had just done. Well DUH! I just did them and explained them to you! Of course I know what I had just done. I just completed the most horrible exercise created! (in my opinion of course)


He then repeated back to me again what I had just said and done! So now I am thinking that he has really lost it, needs hearing aids, or maybe just a slap upside the head.


So being the intuitive husband that he is...he realizes that I am quickly becoming angry. So he asks me again if I realize what I had just done! Okay that’s it...we are headed for some rough times buddy. You are definitely sleeping on the couch tonight and probably for the rest of the week too!!!


I gave up. I finally asked him since I was obviously to dumb to figure it out and he is such a genius. (Can you hear the sarcasm, yet?) He explains that amidst those horrible up and downs, I completed 40 REGULAR pushups. Okay now imagine the phone going quiet and me just sitting there dumbfounded; all the while the husband is yelling hello, are you still there, hello.


I could not believe it.


For the first time in my entire life I was able to do regular pushups. I could not even do those as a kid!!! I actually can do a boy-pushup. No more girl-pushups for me!!!


That’s not to say that I am a football player now a days or will become one in the future and it is safe to say that I have a new-founded respect for the football players today too.


Because without them, I never would have known that today is the day that I could finally do a regular pushup. Oh and for those of you worried about my husband sleeping on the couch... Needless to say that he will be sleeping somewhere else. I mean, I have to properly thank him for explaining to me my achievement, right?


Talk to you all soon!!!


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Crystal, You just made my day. I was laughing out loud at your post. I've no idea what kind of exercise you were doing but I promise I will check it out. So you did all of this and didn't even know what you were doing?:confused:

That is hilarious!;) I love it.


Just finished working in the yard. It's been so hot the grass has just turned brown in some places. It does look nice now but if we don't get some rain soon I'm not sure what will happen to all the plants and trees.

We've watered so our lawn looks better than a lot of others but still doesn't please us.


Our son has moved, sort of, but has decided he needed a little trip so instead of unpacking etc...which is what he should be doing...he's on his way to Knoxville, TN to visit someone. I could brain that kid! Why didn't we just raise puppies???:eek:


Have a great weekend everyone. On my weight, no change, just still bouncing up and down right where I was...although the other day it did look like I might be down about 1/2 lb. Nope, I found it this a.m. :p Hang in there everybody.

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Good Morning!!! I am happy to report that I am down 2.8lbs. Must have been all those "boy-pushups" I did!!! ;) Hope everyone is doing great!!! I will talk to you all soon!


SW: 207.2

CW: 167

GW: 120



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Good Morning!!! I am happy to report that I am down 2.8lbs. Must have been all those "boy-pushups" I did!!! ;) Hope everyone is doing great!!! I will talk to you all soon!


SW: 207.2

CW: 167

GW: 120




You are doing great! I keep thinking I might try those pushups but then decide at my age I might hurt myself.:p I did get back on the South Beach diet yesterday though, as I want so much to drop a few more pounds before the October cruise. So for the next two weeks, I'm going to try really hard to be very good. Keep it up girl! You rock!!!!;):D:)

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Not too much good news, but I just hopped on the scales, just for the heck of it, and it appears my weight is down a lb! Now to many of you that is not much but I've been hovering right between 163 and 161 for weeks and weeks. Just now the scales was just BELOW 160...so maybe a pound or a pound and a half?????:eek: I am so pumped! I could just scream. Started South Beach again and it must be working. Nothing much different than I've been doing but trying hard to follow the diet plan closer. I want very much to drop at least five to ten pounds before we leave in September; not sure if I can do it or not but I'm sure going to try.

We will leave home on or about the 20th of September so I have right at six weeks to lose some more. I'm going to try so hard!:p Thanks to everyone for all of your support. :)

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Crappy Week, Crappy Day.


Hello everyone! I am disappointed to anounce that I have gained this week. My body just cannot get on the same program with me. Oh well...maybe it is all that muscle I am getting now a days.


However, depsite my crappy gain I do have good news to share. I started doing the Couch to 5k program a couple of weeks ago and I can honeslty say that last Friday I ran 2 miles in 19 minutes. Which is pretty good considering even when I was a teenager I never ran at all!


I hope everyone is doing well. Babs, is it just you and I now days? Oh well, hopefully they will all come back.


How is the South Diet going again Babs? I still am thinking about you everytime I want chocolate! Opps that reminds me...I have some int he cupboard calling my name! :D



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Crappy Week, Crappy Day.


Hello everyone! I am disappointed to anounce that I have gained this week. My body just cannot get on the same program with me. Oh well...maybe it is all that muscle I am getting now a days.


However, depsite my crappy gain I do have good news to share. I started doing the Couch to 5k program a couple of weeks ago and I can honeslty say that last Friday I ran 2 miles in 19 minutes. Which is pretty good considering even when I was a teenager I never ran at all!


I hope everyone is doing well. Babs, is it just you and I now days? Oh well, hopefully they will all come back.


How is the South Diet going again Babs? I still am thinking about you everytime I want chocolate! Opps that reminds me...I have some int he cupboard calling my name! :D




Hi Crystal, who knows, it may just be the two of us now! I notice not many are posting. Maybe they've all reached their goals or else they've decided to give it up?:confused:


I'm sorry you had a bad week; actually mine has been pretty good. The weather cooled off and I managed to get a lot of gardening done. That made me feel really great. Today, however, I decided I wanted to try a new recipe and Don wanted his usual sausage gravy and biscuits so I was "bad, bad, bad"!:o Tomorrow I will let you know how much damage I did, but anyhow, it was my own choice and I just went for it. Over 135 days on this new diet/lifestyle change and now and then a person just wants to let go. I am not going to beat myself up over this, tomorrow I will get back on this horse and continue on the way I know I have to do. I've found out that bread/rolls, etc. are really bad for me and yes, I ate some today so know the scales will register that. I wasn't totally out of control but I did eat things I should not have eaten.


Tomorrow is another day and tomorrow I will be better!!!:p


That running is great girl! Keep it up!! Now that it's cooled off maybe we can get back into taking our usual morning walk. I will see how Don feels about it in the a.m.

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Well confession time today. Yep I blew it big time. :o I've just simply got to get it through my thick head that I can not eat bread, biscuits, etc. The scales was up over that 160 mark that I hoped I'd never have to see again. Oh well, I took the risk, knew I could do damage but all I can do is get back on the diet again...so today I will do just that. It does appear we've lost a lot of people or else I'm just too much of a jabber box. No one but Crystal and I have been posting lately. Hope you are all doing great and keep up the good work. :p

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I so miss breads--Actually I miss carbs altogether! :( I have not cut them out of my life; but I have cut them down by a lot.


I have not weighed myself in a couple of days. To often it is more depressing to me then anything. So I have forced myself to hold off until every Sunday.


I am still running 3x a week, plus doing other workouts for an hour at home everyday. Even if the weight isn't coming off; I know that I am getting stronger! I actually have biceps and can see my leg muscles under all the fluff! :D


Hope all is well with you! Keep it up--together we can do this!!!


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I so miss breads--Actually I miss carbs altogether! :( I have not cut them out of my life; but I have cut them down by a lot.


I have not weighed myself in a couple of days. To often it is more depressing to me then anything. So I have forced myself to hold off until every Sunday.


I am still running 3x a week, plus doing other workouts for an hour at home everyday. Even if the weight isn't coming off; I know that I am getting stronger! I actually have biceps and can see my leg muscles under all the fluff! :D


Hope all is well with you! Keep it up--together we can do this!!!



Hi Crystal,

Well for lunch today I allowed myself one slice of whole wheat bread. Seldom do I eat bread anymore and on Sunday I really goofed up big time...so I won't do that again.:mad: I tried to walk this a.m. but for some reason I just wasn't feeling good. I don't know exactly, my chest hurt and I just didn't feel up to it...so I only did one lap around the block.:( My husband had gone off to the dentist so I was walking alone. I'm still not feeling great but have decided I'll just take the day to rest and see what gives. My scales was down a bit today, but still not back to where it was before my "mess up on Sunday". I don't miss bread all that much but sometimes (today I just wanted a half sandwich of meatloaf) you just have to go for it so I did. I will eat a good dinner and I'm ready now to go drink some more water. I may go try to do some weights but nothing strenuous as I'm not taking any chances here. I'm not a young person after all! I want to lose some blubber for sure but I also want to be alive so slow and easy wins the race. Have a good day everyone!;)

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Just a quick update today to let you all know I am finally back down to 158. Gosh did I learn a good lesson about how I should eat by doing what I did last Sunday. Not gonna do that again. :( It's taken me five days to get to where I was before my splurge and the splurge wasn't really all that bad (by normal standards). I've tried really hard since Sunday to behave myself and I think now I've finally gotten the "message". I just can't allow myself to eat certain things at least while I am trying to lose weight.


I hope everyone is doing great. Keep up the good work! We can do this!!;)

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Looks like we've lost a lot of you over time. Where did everyone go? Seems it is just Crystal and me who are posting anymore.:confused:


Haven't weighed myself yet this a.m. but have been up for hours already.

Seeing my doctor today for new prescriptions for the coming year, get some blood work done on my thyroid cancer situation and I may ask him

if he has any good suggestions on how to "jump start" this weight loss thing. I'd love to lose at least 8 more lbs before we leave home and not quite sure if I can do that without some kind of shake up.


Hope you are all doing great and wish more of you would post.:confused:

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I have been lurking lately, still maintaining but not losing much anymore.

It's ok, as long as I don't gain anything before our cruise in about 2 1/2 weeks


Went to the doctor this a.m., got my yearly flu shot, and new RX's so I can mail them off soon. I have always really dreaded being weighed at the doctor, but today even with all my clothes on the scale didn't go much above 160...so I smiled!;) On my home scales I'm down another pound...so really pleased. If I can just drop 7 more before we leave in four weeks I will be overjoyed!


Yes, even if you don't lose, just maintaining is important too. I've found I can even let myself have a little snack now and then as long as I've been really good all day long. For instance last night, I had a small brownie sundae(remember I love chocolate) and it tasted so darned good!;) Sometimes just allowing myself a bite of something chocolate just makes life worth living. I think I need someone to hypnotize me and tell me I hate chocolate!:o But I doubt even that would work with a "true chocoholic"!


Have a good week everyone.

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I usually weigh twice a week on Sat and Tue. But this weighed on Sunday. We went out to dinner on Sat night for my sons BD to a chinese buffett. On Sun morning I was up 3 lbs to 149!!! I reaally watched it the past couple days and this morning I was back down the three lbs. to 146. Boy what a scare. I'm sure the 3 lbs was due to the salty soy sauce and "enjoying" the food too much LOL


Babs, Congratulations on the weight loss.

I love chocolate too. I have a WW brownie or ice cream every day and it helps to curb the chocolate binge I would otherwise indulge in. And I have lost 23 lbs so far.

You can eat anything you want as long as it's in moderation.

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I usually weigh twice a week on Sat and Tue. But this weighed on Sunday. We went out to dinner on Sat night for my sons BD to a chinese buffett. On Sun morning I was up 3 lbs to 149!!! I reaally watched it the past couple days and this morning I was back down the three lbs. to 146. Boy what a scare. I'm sure the 3 lbs was due to the salty soy sauce and "enjoying" the food too much LOL


Babs, Congratulations on the weight loss.

I love chocolate too. I have a WW brownie or ice cream every day and it helps to curb the chocolate binge I would otherwise indulge in. And I have lost 23 lbs so far.

You can eat anything you want as long as it's in moderation.


I'm not getting any notifications again! Darn it. Glad I checked both on here and on the thread for our October cruise.:(


Suzque, I allow myself just a bite or so of chocolate...not often but sometimes it's just so hard to resist. So if a bite or so gets me over the "desire", I think it's okay too! It's strange but on the ship I seldom bother with desset. If I do anything I may take just a bite of my hubby's dessert. I just want to be down enough that I don't have to deny myself everything, especially the cocktails!:o I do agree 100% with you about "moderation"! I'm down 23 lbs too! That is a lot of sticks of butter!!!!


Hope you are all having a terrific day. Four weeks from today we will be on the road to TX!

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I am done .6lbs. Despite it deing a small number, I am extatic! I finally broke my 2 1/2 week plateau! Praise the Lord!


I have been really busy the last week. The kids all started school again, so we are working real hard on getting on a schedule again.


I did participate in our towns' parade this last weekend. I did Zumba all the way through it...boy was I beat afterwards. I figured it out that I had actually did Zumba for a total of 95 minutes and 1.3 miles. Then went home and hit the bed!


Suzque...if I don't talk to you before you leave--have fun on the cruise!


Babs...I was so happy to read that you finally lost after your little indulgence (spelling???).


Talk to you all soon!



SW: 207.2

CW: 166.4

GW: no friggin idea, but around the 130's

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Well for a couple days I was sweating it out. All I know I ate not really on my diet was some popcorn, but it sure shot up the scales. Today it was a bit better but not down where it was. :confused:


You are doing fine Crystal, slow and steady is the way to go.


Just heard from our TA about a drop in the fare on one of our cruises. Read on CC about the drop, we emailed hiim and within minutes he sent us back a revised confirmation receipt. Life is good today and yep I had a healthy dinner as well!;)

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