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All things EARTH...

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I haven't heard anything on the news here about the spill. Maybe on the 11 o'clock news they'll report something. Oh gosh, I feel so badly for the people on the ship, especially for Margaret as I've been following her posts here and she was so excited for this cruise. What a major bummer if they can't sail at all.


I went to the site you shared, thanks for that, but now I'm a little confused (duh)...am I seeing black on those Autumn charts, or is that just wishful thinking? LOL! It's funny because on one of the charts they show Jessica Alba as an Autumn, who I've told you has the same coloring as me...so now it's 100% definite in my mind that Earth are my colors.


Another good thing that came from learning some about the color charts is that I'm going to dig out some of the gold jewelry that my beloved MIL passed on to me and some of my bronze jewelry that I haven't worn in ages. It will be interesting to compare wearing them to wearing my silver.:D


Thanks again Anita for all your help. This is fun!:D Please let me know when you hear more from Margaret.

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News on the boards is that the passengers are getting a 100% refund and a 25% credit towards a future cruise. They can choose to stay on board and if it's possible to set out at all, the ship will do whatever it can depending on when that happens if it does. I'm going to text Margaret later to see their plans.


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I don't know if we've ever had a conversation, yet, but let me introduce myself. I am Anita's Mom and in the arena of this color theory business I am a FIRE. The difference between Anita's EARTH and my FIRE is that (a) both of us need to dress in warm colors but (b) Anita needs to have muted color saturation and © I need to have bright, clear color hues. So, if you think of colors and textures, using orange as an example... Anita would dress in more of an orange, basketball-type color... orange that might look a bit rusty.. while I would dress in an orange that is more the bright, sunset type of orange... literally almost glowing.


It took a bunch of time and effort to figure out the differences.


I think that you and I are similar in our age. Just to have a really, blunt conversation with you. Are you experiencing any skin situations like hyper-pigmentation or darkening of the skin around the eyes? If you are, then dressing in your appropriate color(s) will help with evening out your skin tone and, actually, making you look younger. Have you stumbled onto the FIRE thread that is here on the board? That thread is where some FIRE ladies are discussing, basically, the same thing as the EARTH ladies... same, same but different only in that the colors we are striving for have a different nature to them. But, the effect of wearing the appropriate color is what we're discussing and striving for... and so you might find it helpful to zip over there and just take a quick look because we went through an exercise where we dressed in various hues and saturations of the same color (think, green or blue) and then studied the effect of the color on our skin. it was an interesting (although frustrating sometimes) exercise.


The important thing in thinking of dressing in your appropriate color is to assist with your overall look of skin health, skin glow, skin evenness of tone, etc. The accessories... the effect of the accessories like earrings and necklaces and rings and pins... those don't really have as much of an effect on our skin tone. The reason I know this is because I tried to make a muted top work for me by wearing a really bright bold gold necklace. It didn't help.. and it didn't override the graying effect that the muted top had on my facial skin. So, I would think the converse would be true as well. Those silver accessories that you love won't have an effect on your skin tone, which is the goal of dressing in the seasonal color(s).


I think that you would just maybe feel that a bronze or copper accessory would be more dynamic and look better with your outfit. BUT, if you love your pieces and have sentimental attachment to them, then you would love wearing them anyway. So, I don't think that you have to consider doing away with some of the accessories that you love so much. I think that it's just an added dimension that you can look at your MIL's pieces and perhaps enjoy the wearing of them, as well. Just my opinion.


When I found out that I wasn't supposed to dress in black... or white... or gray... my closet was FULL of black and white and gray. What a complete shock to my system and way of thinking! I've been doing this for about 5 years, and I'm still learning. So, give yourself some time to adjust. That would be my advice. Importantly... enjoy yourself along the way.




At least Margaret had the good fortune of being stuck at the pier. Can you imagine what the people felt who were stuck on the cruise ships outside the harbor area? Those people are going to have to deal with changed flights, disrupted work schedules, etc. Margaret has such a positive thought process that I know she is making the most of her situation. I'm still very sorry that her vacation got so disrupted. Hope we hear from her soon.

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Thanks so very much for you honest and direct post. I find it refreshing when people "cut to the chase" as it were.:D I'm 67 and don't mind people knowing my age as "it is what it is" and I've lived a wonderful and exciting life so far. That's why I'm always interested in trying new things. So when I read some of Anita's and other's posts about color theory, I was very intrigued.


Thank you especially for your opinion as to my jewelry conundrum. You took it a step farther than what I've read here. That was probably the one thing that might have kept me from investigating color theory more deeply. Thank you for sharing incite into your efforts in this field. You are very kind to take the time to post this response and sharing some of your experiences with color theory, it has made me feel better about trying this new way of dressing. I look forward to trying on some of the clothing I already have that are Earth colors and comparing how I look in them as opposed to some of my black, white, and gray garments. Anita has graciously shared a cite to a color chart that I've been looking over the last few days. It's been very interesting and I'm excited to get started putting new Earth-colored outfits together.


Thanks again to everyone on this thread for all your help and info. I'm truly enjoying learning something new.:D


I went onto the Princess cruise line board and read up on what's been happening with the cruise. I sure hope Margaret is having a good time in spite of all that's gong on. It will be interesting to hear some stories from her when she returns to the boards.

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I heard from Margaret earlier today. She says that they had decided to stay on board. They have a nice cabin, she says...but 300 PAX had decided to leave the ship. She said that if they had an interior cabin, they might have thought about leaving the ship also because it was somewhat difficult to find nice areas to hang out...the weather is pretty cool in Houston right now. And she said that the entertainment has been wonderful...they have the finalists for the 2013 entertainers of the year on board, so really good shows.


I'm reading on the boards that they think they are going to be able to visit Cozumel and Costa Maya (which was not an original port on the cruise). I'm not going to bother Margaret again...I'll just wait and hear all the talk after we get back from our cruise.


Speaking of...I'm trying to figure out how much exercise clothing I really need to bring. DH is enthusiastic about attending the early morning stretch and abs class. There is also Zumba in the mornings and afternoons. I have been reading about the therapeutic benefit of the thalassotherapy pool, so I'm feeling even more confident about taking all my swim suits. And now I am seriously wondering how to manage my clothing needs because I can see myself wearing exercise clothing and/or swimwear during the day...and changing for dinner...and I wonder what I'll really need in normal daywear.


I'll need normal daywear for our time in Fort Lauderdale and Key West. Travel clothing twice... MDR appropriate evening wear... I didn't get it all figured out this weekend! So I'm still planning...and thinking...

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Anita, my fingers are still crossed for Margaret. I was asking myself the other day what I would do if it were me. I often say that I love sea days, so even if I was disappointed in not seeing so many wonderful places, I would tell myself that I'm on a cruise to nowhere. I'd make the best of it, I think.


I shall post a picture shortly, but when I actually put my color cards next to that lilac colored shirt, it matched. I think there are a few colors of ours that I sometimes feel unsure about. Not that I don't think they are warm and muted, it's just that they don't seem to harmonize the way the other colors do. This is one of them. My daughter made a good point to me yesterday, and I think she was right. It does look great with chocolate brown.


Another thing too, is that depending on the person, you can sometimes feels more comfortable with certain colors going together compared to others. I'm not as good with color blocking as you are, Anita. I tend to look for a neutral, then put one of the stronger colors with it. I have dark purple shorts, and I can only seem to wear them with ivory or a similar shade of purple. I just can't put them with other earth colors, for some reason.


My JCP order came in. Much to my surprise, the shirts were great. They are all casual basics. One is an oatmeal color, one is a muted mid tone orange, an olive green, a green that matches my green skirt, and then there is another that is an oatmeal kind of background, with olive green and other shades of green. I will have to take pictures of those. The print one was $3.99 on clearance, another one was on clearance for $4.00. Then the others were $6.99, I think. The fun thing is that there was free shipping and an additional 15% off. I think it makes sense to keep them. I'm already putting them together in my mind with my shorts and skirts.

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Wow...that's weird. Your cards are different than mine! My cards do not have those same two colors under the purple and blue. And my purple and blue looks a bit different than what yours appears to be in the photograph.


Looks like a winner on the purple shirt. I also like the way that shirt looks with the brown and red tones in the fabric in the background.


I've been keeping tabs on the Princess boards because I am so curious about what is happening there...partly because of Margaret and partly because I still think of the Houston area as home and I am concerned for the bay...and the latest seems to be that they will not be leaving tonight because more oil was discovered.


I think the roughest thing about being stuck is the weather. I think it was a high in the 50s today in Houston. Most likely...the PAX aren't properly packed to deal with the weather...and I'm reading that it's too cold to enjoy the pools. :(

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Well ladies, I went shopping today and I was very disappointed. I couldn't seem to find any Earth colored clothes. Most of the colors were black, gray, navy and white. There were lots of pastels, but I'm just not a pastel person...well except for a light coral or rose pink. But all was not lost...I did find a pair of Roccawear sunglasses in Earth colors. They're ombre with brown cheetah print (brown with beige) on top and turquoise on the bottom. They're Jackie O big. Love them!:D My DH was with me because he was looking for a new pair of swim trunks. When he saw that I only had a pair of sunglasses in the cart he said that he was happy because, "This color thing you're into is going to save me money." But the joke's on him because I plan to keep looking! LOL!

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I have another color theory question...so, I've been pouring over fashion color charts today on the internet and I'm wondering...it is possible to be a mix of Warm Autumn and Winter Autumn or do you need to focus on one main category? In other words, can you choose colors from both to wear? Just curious because most of my clothing fits between the two and both of those color groups show all my favorite colors...the ones that I'm just naturally drawn to.

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Margaret IS still on board. She texted me when they were setting sail. So glad that they are getting out to sea at all. She is hopeful that they will still be able to get into Nochi Cocum in Cozumel.


Mousey...this fashion season's colors are not looking very good for EARTH:




I'm not surprised at all that you found so many pastels in the stores as this is the trend for spring. This year for fall looks promising with a few of the colors:




But it still looks to be a bit more AIRy than EARTHy to me... But in general, it seems like there are almost always certain colors more available during certain times of the year. For instance, EARTH colors are usually very easy to find in the Fall. Pastels can be offered around Spring/Easter. Brighter colors in the summer. A lot is dependent on trends.


I think that you are now understanding the challenge that faces those of us that do desire to wear our colors! It's a process over time to find our colors...and find our colors in clothing that fits us properly in a style that we want to wear...and if we do this over time...how to integrate new pieces into an existing wardrobe that isn't completely EARTH.


As to mixing the color palettes and pulling color from more than one palette...the short answer is that you always CAN...but anytime you choose to wear a color that is not from your BEST colors...the ONE palette...you will not look your BEST. Now we have gone through exercises where we have tried to determine what our BEST colors are and what looks second best...and what we have finally concluded is that when you wear a color from your personal best palette...it's good...and when you stray...there is no ranking...they all look not good. You can strategically try to do this...wear black bottoms for example...but there are issues that happen with this.


If your best colors in neutrals are chocolate brown, all other browns, army greens and dark forest greens, tans, caramels, camels, creams...etc...then generally your accessories and other clothing items will generally go with everything you own. It will be easier to pack a capsule wardrobe for vacation or other travel...it will be easier to integrate new clothing into your wardrobe...and generally, you can have a less is more approach because of the nature of dressing from one color palette.


The same holds true for all color palettes...but if you start mixing in other colors...black for instance. Then you might need some black shoes...belts, etc., and these will not be as friendly with ALL the colors in your palette and you will not be able to be as streamlined in your clothing.


It would probably be an interesting exercise for you to do some pictures where you will be able to clearly see the difference in your skin tone...how your eyes stand out or don't...how your hair blends, or doesn't...in response to the colors that you wear. One of my favorite shirts was a black shirt. So flattering. So cute. So comfortable. Such a packable material. And I had an opinion that EARTH's could more successful wear black than say ICE or AIR...but when I saw what I really looked like in the black compared to my lovely EARTH colors...well...I had no issues giving that away.

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Glad to hear that Margaret stayed with the ship. I think a little vacation is bettern than none. I hope she has a great time. She has a good attitude so I think she'll do fine.


Thanks for your response to my question. I'm learning something new every day. Because of my coloring..very dark brown eyes, being a brunette, and have a tan complextion...my next thing is to determine if I'm Earth Autumn or Winter Earth. I'm leaning more to thinking that I"m more Autumn than winter but I'm going to take some "selfies" and see how all these various colors look on me because I have a rainbow of colors in my wardrobe. Most of them do seem to be a combination of Earth Autumn and Winter. I've been looking at my clothes and remembering the various compliments that I've gottn from friends and family and the one thing that sticks out in my mind is that people have complimented me the most when I"ve worn rose pink, red, and mostly shades of coral to rust. And those are Earth Autumn colors. I'm not sure about the rose pink...I'll have to look at the chart again.


You're right, I have to have patience and can't think that I"m going to get this all right in a week or maybe even a month. But I'm really getting into researching and reading all about color theory. Thanks again for your help and it was sweet of your mom to help out too. :D

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Deep in the archives there is the old thread called What Season Are You? On that thread we talked a lot about how to figure out what colors are your best. Remember this...a color falls into one of four categories for our purposes:


1. Warm and Muted...EARTH (Autumn)

2. Warm and Clear...FIRE (Spring)

3. Cool and Muted...AIR (Summer)

4. Cool and Clear...ICE (Winter)


Just about every color can be found in each of these color palettes. Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof way to determine whether or not a color is cool or warm...muted or clear. When we look at color, we generally need to see a color in comparison to another color...then we can more accurately say...this color is warmer than that color...or this color is more muted than that color. Somewhere in that spectrum...the line is crossed to where a person that needs a muted color locates a color that is muted enough to complement their coloring. The same to be said for temperature...if you need a cooler or warmer color...somewhere along the line...watermelon/raspberry colors translate into salmon/coral colors...and you find that tone that is cool enough or warm enough to suit your coloring.


When you take your pictures...pull your hair back, don't wear make up, try to have natural light, do not use a flash, and show the shirt that you are wearing clearly in the photo. And if you can...find the most neutral background possible.


Since you seem to be torn between EARTH and ICE...I would contrast definitive colors in each palette. For EARTH, photos of rust-like colors, army-green colors, most oranges, mustardy yellow, most browns...these are the easiest to identify. For ICE...I would go for hot pink, sapphire blue, cherry red, emerald green...those clear jewel tones. Of course, you can pick black and white also...BUT...you may be too used to seeing yourself in those colors to really get a good contrast...hot pink is a really good identifying color, because you will either look great in EITHER hot pink or rust. And those two pictures alone will tell you if you are ICE or EARTH.


And I believe that if you don't gravitate toward colors like hot pink and other brighter, clearer colors...if the only ICE colors you own are black and white, then you are likely not ICE. Remember, many, many gray and navy colors are AIR...and if you gravitate toward those types of tones...which are often muted...then this is just in keeping with your need for muted colors.


Just taking a look at Jessica Alba since you feel that your coloring is similar to hers...take a look at the effect that colors have on her:


Here, Jessica is wearing Hot Pink...an ICE (Winter) color...




Jessica is a gorgeous woman but this color is doing nothing for her. When you look at the photo...you see the dress. Not her face...not her eyes...her hair doesn't go...she is LOST in this dress. That color is wearing her...now contrast that with Halle Berry wearing a hot pink dress:




Halle Berry is HOT. You look at the photo and zoom right into her face. Halle is wearing hot pink...not the other way around. Because Halle's coloring is complemented by hot pink. Halle IS an ICE and she wearing all those clear and cool colors. Think jewel tones...emerald green, sapphire blue, ruby red, cherry red, royal purple, and of course, black and white.


Here's Jessica in a rust color (GORGEOUS):








Here's Halle Berry in EARTH (not good):




She's GORGEOUS in black:




Jessica is just meh in black:




But she shines in army green:




in mustard:




in rusty orange:




and stunning in bronze:




These are more candids...but perhaps you can see how Jessica doesn't look great in gray:




This one is funny...Jessica looks totally washed out by the colors she is wearing...but the other woman in the photo looks awesome...the other woman is totally complemented by the colors she is wearing...her skin tone is wonderful, her hair blends into the colors...her face is the focus of what you look at when you look at her in the picture...with Jessica, you don't know where to look because she is lost in those clothes:




Who looks good in light gray? It doesn't wash everyone out...Jennifer Aniston, with her AIR coloring, looks brilliant in pale gray:








Well...that's a lot to look at. I hope that looking at some of these photos helps you to gain an appreciation for the effect of wearing a color that is suited for your coloring... When you are wearing your best colors...your skin tone is healthy and even looking (you need less makeup), your eyes pop, and your hair blends in also creating a lovely frame for your face...and your face is the focus of the photo.

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Yikes! I'm so sorry to hear about your cruise troubles, Margaret! I haven't been up on things as much as usual because I gave up all but 1 hour per day of Internet for Lent. So I spread my time around. Sure do miss my browsing time.


Laurie I love that shirt color and thinks it matches really well. It's funny, this past week I was at Ulta looking at nail polish colors and found the FIRE version of your periwinkle color in a polish. It is a great match and I've been wanting to find something in that color for ages. I have it on my nails now and it is soooo pretty.


Anita and Pam, Bon voyage a bit early. Pictodiaries?????


Mouses, just a hint---save yourself time and lots of effort and just contact CJW and he will get you in your correct colors in a jiffy. You will have the confidence that it is correct and you can then get your color cards and be off on the journey :)


Good to catch up with all the news!

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Oh my goodness. I think that you've stumbled onto some of the color theorists who have tried to modernize the color theory by expanding on the seasons... I don't think that Anita picked up the subtlety in your statement of Earth Autumn vs Winter Earth... or maybe she understood you and I'm the one who misunderstood? It seemed to me that you were more concerned about what degree of Earth you were than the thought of whether you were EITHER Earth or Winter? Am I mistaken? There is a whole "new" world of color theory if you start reading blogs....


I am going to provide you with some links below that will absolutely rob you of time. If you get to reading these posts, you will go into a virtual form of twilight zone and re-emerge hours and hours later, wondering how you could have become so involved. I'm not kidding.


But, first, let me introduce you to a bit of history about CJW, who used to frequent this board so much more than he does now. I think that CJW loved to cruise and stumbled onto this forum (well, I think he probably still loves to cruise but can't as much as he used to)... anyway, CJW works within the entertainment industry and is a professional to celebrities in preparing them for awards shows and red carpet appearances. Anyway, he is also a very generous warm-hearted person and he got involved with the ladies in the fashion area of this forum and spent a lot of time discussing color theory with us. At the time that I got involved with him (virtually), he was simply helping a lot of us with the generosity of his time and professional knowledge. Then, <drumroll>, he convinced a lovely lady that he has been in love with for ages and ages that their relationship needed to be "formalized," so he is now married and, as things often progress, has a beautiful daughter. As you can imagine, his "spare" time is now a bit less "spare."


At one point, CJW decided that he could help more people by having a blog... and that is this website: http://fireiceearthandair.wordpress.com

Anita has provided this link already. This is what is referenced when people advise to just go to CJW and find out what season you are. He isn't updating the site, regularly... but my understanding is that he will respond if you send him an email. He is lovely and wonderful to work with. However, he has stopped giving away his time and expertise and is now charging for his work. I just saw where he is also charging for a RETURN Client Consultation! That just confirms my own thoughts that there is nothing easy about this particular subject; even though I know (no doubts) what my color dressing should be... it's just not that easy to figure out what is actually best for me when it comes to actually shopping in those darn stores.... but I digress.


As promised, here are some links that you will enjoy reading.


The first post on this thread is November, 2006 and the last post is November, 2010. That's a LONG time! Many, many posts. AND, you have to be aware that some of the photos posted have long left those online photo albums. Some have been replaced with links for other photos AND the result of that can be quite funny (in a true, giggle out loud kind of way). The information is very helpful, though, and would be worth a quick skim or a good read, depending upon your mood.


Here's a link to a thread started by CJW that has a discussion on seasons.



And, finally, here's a link to a thread started by CJW about color theory and celebrity dressing. It gives you a good idea of his "voice" and whether you feel you'd like to get to know him better and have him help you, personally.


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Deep in the archives there is the old thread called What Season Are You? On that thread we talked a lot about how to figure out what colors are your best. Remember this...a color falls into one of four categories for our purposes:


1. Warm and Muted...EARTH (Autumn)

2. Warm and Clear...FIRE (Spring)

3. Cool and Muted...AIR (Summer)

4. Cool and Clear...ICE (Winter)


Just about every color can be found in each of these color palettes. Unfortunately, there is no fool-proof way to determine whether or not a color is cool or warm...muted or clear. When we look at color, we generally need to see a color in comparison to another color...then we can more accurately say...this color is warmer than that color...or this color is more muted than that color. Somewhere in that spectrum...the line is crossed to where a person that needs a muted color locates a color that is muted enough to complement their coloring. The same to be said for temperature...if you need a cooler or warmer color...somewhere along the line...watermelon/raspberry colors translate into salmon/coral colors...and you find that tone that is cool enough or warm enough to suit your coloring.


When you take your pictures...pull your hair back, don't wear make up, try to have natural light, do not use a flash, and show the shirt that you are wearing clearly in the photo. And if you can...find the most neutral background possible.


Since you seem to be torn between EARTH and ICE...I would contrast definitive colors in each palette. For EARTH, photos of rust-like colors, army-green colors, most oranges, mustardy yellow, most browns...these are the easiest to identify. For ICE...I would go for hot pink, sapphire blue, cherry red, emerald green...those clear jewel tones. Of course, you can pick black and white also...BUT...you may be too used to seeing yourself in those colors to really get a good contrast...hot pink is a really good identifying color, because you will either look great in EITHER hot pink or rust. And those two pictures alone will tell you if you are ICE or EARTH.


And I believe that if you don't gravitate toward colors like hot pink and other brighter, clearer colors...if the only ICE colors you own are black and white, then you are likely not ICE. Remember, many, many gray and navy colors are AIR...and if you gravitate toward those types of tones...which are often muted...then this is just in keeping with your need for muted colors.


Just taking a look at Jessica Alba since you feel that your coloring is similar to hers...take a look at the effect that colors have on her:


Here, Jessica is wearing Hot Pink...an ICE (Winter) color...




Jessica is a gorgeous woman but this color is doing nothing for her. When you look at the photo...you see the dress. Not her face...not her eyes...her hair doesn't go...she is LOST in this dress. That color is wearing her...now contrast that with Halle Berry wearing a hot pink dress:




Halle Berry is HOT. You look at the photo and zoom right into her face. Halle is wearing hot pink...not the other way around. Because Halle's coloring is complemented by hot pink. Halle IS an ICE and she wearing all those clear and cool colors. Think jewel tones...emerald green, sapphire blue, ruby red, cherry red, royal purple, and of course, black and white.


Here's Jessica in a rust color (GORGEOUS):








Here's Halle Berry in EARTH (not good):




She's GORGEOUS in black:




Jessica is just meh in black:




But she shines in army green:




in mustard:




in rusty orange:




and stunning in bronze:




These are more candids...but perhaps you can see how Jessica doesn't look great in gray:




This one is funny...Jessica looks totally washed out by the colors she is wearing...but the other woman in the photo looks awesome...the other woman is totally complemented by the colors she is wearing...her skin tone is wonderful, her hair blends into the colors...her face is the focus of what you look at when you look at her in the picture...with Jessica, you don't know where to look because she is lost in those clothes:




Who looks good in light gray? It doesn't wash everyone out...Jennifer Aniston, with her AIR coloring, looks brilliant in pale gray:








Well...that's a lot to look at. I hope that looking at some of these photos helps you to gain an appreciation for the effect of wearing a color that is suited for your coloring... When you are wearing your best colors...your skin tone is healthy and even looking (you need less makeup), your eyes pop, and your hair blends in also creating a lovely frame for your face...and your face is the focus of the photo.





Thank you so much for taking the time to find and post those pictures because it confirms that I'm Earth. That rust color and rusty orange colors are the colors I always (almost without fail) get compliments on when I wear them. I see what you mean now about the black against her skin and how it doesn't bring out her brightness. This has been more than helpful because now I've no doubt about where I fall in the color chart and I can move on. I'm going to pull out some of my Earth colors to wear on my trip to FL next week and see what kind of reactions I get as I'm going to be seeing a friend I haven't seen in a while and my family and life-long friends. It will be interesting to see what everyone says. Also, I'm going to take a few of my black, white, and navy items and see what reaction I get to them. I'll also discuss what I'm doing with my SIL because she will definitely give me her honest opinion about how these colors will look on me.


Anita, thanks again, you are truly a really generous person to take the time to help me so much. Please know it's deeply appreciated. The DH and I are having the "talk" of downsizing after the DS is done with college in the next three years and so I'll have to whittle down my wardrobe because right now there isn't a closet in the house or amoire that isn't filled with my clothing. So the fact that I just happened onto this tread and gotten such great advice is kismet!:D

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You are both correct in a way. I was mainly wondering to what degree I am Earth or was I an Earthy/Winter. But now that I've seen the pictures that Anita posted, I can see that I'm definitely Earth Autumn. And it seems I did stumble on to some "modern color theorists" because in their expanding the seasons I was thrown off by the idea as to am I a combination of Earth/Autumn and Earth/Winter or what. So, after having seen pictures of Jessica Alba (whose coloring is identical to mine) in those rust and rusty orange colors and how faded she looked in black...I finally realized that I'm definitely Earth/Autumn.


Thank you so much for your help and for sharing the sites you posted. I'm going to take a look at all of them. I'm going to take my time and be sure that I get the right shades that are best for me in the future and slowly start donating things that aren't the proper colors for me. As I mentioned in my post to Anita...the time is coming when we will be downsizing and I won't be able to keep all the clothes I have and will be donating many things. When I do, I want to make sure it's the things that aren't a good color for me. I'm fine with this change to come in our lives so finding this thread, and getting advice and information from everyone on here, has just been amazing and came at the perfect time in my life. As I said to Anita...it's Kismet!:D

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Mousey, I think that many people and companies out there know that people are slaves to fashion and trends. So, if a designer says "who doesn't look good in black?" People really think it's true. No, not everyone looks good in black. We all have a saturated, dark color that looks good on us. An air, like my husband, looks great in navy. For us it is dark chocolate brown, or we can consider an evergreen. Knowing what is meant by a color name matters too. I remember the first time I heard the description of evergreen, and until I got my cards, I had a different idea in my head. A color HAS to be muted.


Anita, how are you doing on the final clothing decisions? After I got my new shirts, I had all these outfits popping into my head. I'm pretty excited to at least have it panning out mentally.


Once we start getting near 40 degrees somewhat steadily, I can probably take my heaviest, warmest stuff out the closet and dresser and start the seasonal switchover. That will allow me to take time and toy with ideas. I just can't do that when I have to pull the under bed storage out right now.


I have often told my husband that someday, when we have a spare bedroom, I can at least put the storage bags in there so that if I want to get them out for a few days, I can without them being in the way.


Did I mention that the oatmeal shirt with the print I just got has green flowers? They are various shades of green including evergreen, olive, and lighter shades just like my favorite skirt!


What day do you leave, Anita?


Pam and Anita both, it is great that you provided so much good information for Mousey to look at. This is a fun process, and doesn't have to happen overnight. Definitely contact Curt for cards first. It is a wonderful learning tool.


Pam, Curt has two kids now. He works out of his home (the last I knew of) as a stay at home dad. He does a lot of internet consulting, and also works onsite with celebrities and so forth.

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We leave Saturday. Our flight leaves at 12:20 pm...so we'll have an easy morning. My SIL will take us to the airport...and thankfully, she will be able to pick us up also, so we don't have the expense of either parking our vehicle or having to take a shuttle to and from the airport.


Tomorrow is an off Friday for DH. He works what is called a 9/80. That is 80 hours in 9 days, so he has every other Friday off. We will do our yoga class tomorrow and then spend the day packing and generally taking care of all that last minute stuff to prepare to leave the house for a week.


I still haven't completely decided on everything that I am bringing, which is so funny...but I think this is more me, to contemplate and imagine and then not really have the decisions made until I am actually staging everything out on the bed. Yesterday, when we checked the weather before DH left for work...it was 27 degrees and felt like 22. I know that there is still major winter going on all over the country...this is like the winter that won't end...but the effect for me is major mental difficulty in accepting the idea that I WILL be warm in just a few days...I WILL want to wear something other than layers upon layers and socks and slippers!!


I'm doing laundry this morning. DH and I took care of toiletry shopping on my birthday. I just need to make those final decisions.

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mousey...I'm glad all those photos were helpful. The study of all of this is very interesting to me. I'm very interested in self improvement, I guess you could say...the learnings and doings and growing and changing in order to develop and become the best version of ourselves that we can be. And this is not to be in a constant state of self criticism...rather this is more an expression of care for ourselves...and how we can think positively about ourselves along the journey. Having an understanding of the effect of color on our appearance seems like such a simple concept...such an easy choice...and yet it has such an amazing impact. This whole concept of color theory applied to personal appearance was one way that I fueled my motivation to be healthier and more fit.

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mousey...I'm glad all those photos were helpful. The study of all of this is very interesting to me. I'm very interested in self improvement, I guess you could say...the learnings and doings and growing and changing in order to develop and become the best version of ourselves that we can be. And this is not to be in a constant state of self criticism...rather this is more an expression of care for ourselves...and how we can think positively about ourselves along the journey. Having an understanding of the effect of color on our appearance seems like such a simple concept...such an easy choice...and yet it has such an amazing impact. This whole concept of color theory applied to personal appearance was one way that I fueled my motivation to be healthier and more fit.





Thank you so much for thinking of me and helping me out with color theory while you have so much on your plate getting ready for your cruise. I hope you enjoy all the decisions you make.:D


So, I went shopping with one of my BFFs today. She likes to shop at Kohl's but it's not my favorite. However, she's awesome and so I went along with her and I scored!!!


Keeping Earth colors in mind and tips you gave me...here's what I ended up with.


I got a pair of skinny jeans w/gold trimming on the pockets and it has gold zippers up each side of the skinny pant legs. I know it sounds kind of "tacky" but believe me they aren't. They fit and look awesome (very unusual for me as I'm hard to fit when it comes to pants). I remember you saying that even though denim jeans are navy, they can be worn if they have some gold on them. So I kept that in mind when I saw these jeans. I know you probably weren't thinking of gold zippers down the side of pants when you suggested gold trim on denim...LOL! But, they're really cute and cost only $17 (they were $88). They're by Rock and Republic. I'll have to remember this brand as these jeans fit me so well and not having to pay additional cash to have them hemmed, is like icing on the cake.


I also got a pair of tomato-red, denim, capri-length jeans with a rolled cuff. Normally I wouldn't buy this color but my BFF said they looked great on me and again, they fit perfectly. They were $7.80 and came with a brown leather belt. I also got a multi-print, infinity scarf (it's long like I like them so they're not too short when you double wrap it) and when we went to cash out...I realized that one of the colors in the scarf perfectly matched the tomato-red capris. Yes!


I tried on several other items and asked my girlfriend what she thought of the colors on me (I purposely tried on some non-Earth colors as an experiment). And lo and behold...she did not like two of the blouses...one gray...the other white...she said, "They was you out." As for the tomato-red capri pants and the scarf with a splash of tomato-red in the print...she loved them! I never thought she would like such a bright color but she said she loved the color on me. I'm so excited!

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Once you see the difference, it is a great motivator, Mousey. I'm too the point now that no matter how gorgeous something may look to me, if it's not my right color, I can walk away.


We will all have some borderline colors here and there. I say borderline, because some colors there are different levels of warmth or mutedness. I make sure I stay away completely from cool colors, with the exception of one or two pairs of pants that I've had a while and only get worn once in a while. They have to be paired with something warm. I will not wear a cool shirt or jacket because it's near my face. Over time, these items will be gone and will be replaced with something warm. I haven't bought black in a very long time now!!


I'm so excited for you, Anita. I hope you have a fantastic cruise. What is your itinerary?

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Thanks for the encouragement.:D


This is probably the first time in a very long while that I haven't bought something black, white, navy (except for the jeans), or gray. These have been my go to colors for a long time. I absolutely love black and white and navy and white combinations. So, for me to get a pair of tomato-red, denim pants was way out of my comfort zone. However, when I tried them on...I just fell in love with them. I'm going to pair them with a tunic-length, cream-colored, collarless, button-front blouse with 3/4-length, rolled up sleeves, which are held up by a button tab, my new multi-printed, infinity scarf, gold ball-shaped ear studs and thin gold hoops (both my earlobes are double pierced), a gold bracelet and brown leather, Michael Kors watch. My bag is hobo style with brown leather straps and bottom trim with a rust and cream-colored, striped body. The fabric of the hobo bag has a texture similar to a carpet.


I'm really excited to see what my friends will say when they see me in this new style of colored outfit. I'm especially interested to hear what the DH has to say. When I showed him the tomato-red capri jeans...he said, "Whoa that's a pretty strong color." I'll get back and let you know what he thinks. I plan to wear this outfit on our plane trip to FL next week. The demin capris have some strech in them so they should be comfortable (at least they were when I tried them on at the store).:D

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Okay ladies, I have yet another question re color theory...so, what's the rule when you see (as I did tonight...took the DH to Kohl's so he could take advantage of ther big sale) a blouse or dress that has your earth colors as the major focus but also include some small splashes of black and white in the print. As I said the predominant colors are bigger splashes of earth colors such as mustard yellow, coral, and turquoise?


I think I'm going to go for it and do a consultations with Curt when I come back from my FL trip.:D Then maybe I won't be such a pest and ask so many questions!:p

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