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Eeeekkk, poor Toby. Stones can be a major problem for male cats and a killer if not caught early! Good job, Anita, on recognizing Toby's problem :) I worked for a Vet for 7 years and did all of her lab work:)


Mousey, I will think of you when we leave for our trip. Have a good one!

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Poor Toby, I hope he's feeling better soon. It's so scary when our fur babies are sick, they can't tell us what's going on.


Kim, I'm so excited for you! Please post more pictures when you get back from Africa. That is #1 on our list of most wanted vacation spots now. I would really like to go in the next 2-3 years. I will pick your brain mercilessly when I finally start planning. :)


Here are my two latest shopping pet peeves. First, why do they make tank tops out of super-thin fabric? If it's that hot, why would I want to wear two of them to provide enough cover? And second, what's with those stupid plastic things in the armhole to hold things on hangers? Nobody ever puts them back on the hanger, and we just have to pull them off when we get home. What a waste of oil resources.


Ok, anyone else got a complaint?


Laurie, I think your red dress is going to look fab!

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I hope you have an awesome vacation!:D




Sorry to hear about Toby. One of my BFF's cat is recuperating from have gallbladder surgery and needs extensive home care. It took such a toll of my BFF that she ended up getting sick (from having to commute 90 miles round trip every day) and had to be hospitalized for 4 days. She was supposed to come out to CA and stay with me for 4 days the first week of July but isn't able to now. My point is, please take good care of yourself what with all the stress of moving and now Toby being ill so that you too don't become sick.




I've never heard of that designer but I love his collection. I would and have worn similar looks so the clothing is right up my alley taste-wise. I agree, I love all the colors. Looks 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 24, 33, and 36 are all variations of similar outfits I've worn in the past and/or still wear. I love the way the fabric flow. The jumpsuit (Look #22) is amazing. Unfortunately, it's not something I can wear today. I just don't have the body for it anymore. But I did use to wear similar ones back in the 80s. I had a black cotton knit one that had dolman sleeves. I use to wear it with a wide belt and high-heeled pumps. I must say I rocked that look! LOL!:D


Well, I spent all day yesterday putting outfits together...head to toe. And I've got all seven (4 days & 3 nights) almost finished. I mainly have to decide on purses and sunglasses. I know it's a lot of time to spend on just a 3-dayer but I love doing it...it's almost therapeutic. LOL! I could have easily thrown some stuff in a suitcase and been done with it...but this is just more fun for me. Also, I don't often get to get dressed up in the evenings for dinner so the DH gets to see me dressed up and I can show him I still have my "Mojo". LOL! ;)The DS loves that I dress up also and so does the girlfriend that is going with us (she's not really his girlfriend...right...they aren't committed while they are in college...but they've pretty much been BFFs for years. The DS, BFF, and I are going shopping on Friday after the DS gets out of work. I need to get some new camisoles and I'm buying the DS new shoes and a new golf shirt. I'll probably end up buying the BFF a new top for the cruise. I always buy her something when we go shopping together. I do the same with my niece. I just love buying clothes for the girls and I don't have one.

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Poor Toby! I had a wonderful cat once named Pumpkin. He suffered from the same ailment. The first time it happened, I kept saying that something seemed wrong, and my now ex-husband told me that he was fine. I went to work one day and called my mom, telling her that he didn't seem right. She and my brother went to check on him, and found him unconscious. They rushed him to the vet, who told me to put him down. I told her to give him another day.


To make a long story short, he went through this again two more times and lived until age 16. He was the best cat I have ever, ever had. I loved that little guy to pieces and was so happy he recovered.


My dog is only four, and I'm unbelievably attached. We have to take him in on Monday to be sedated so they can clean his teeth and pull one. He's pretty good about letting us brush, but I can't believe it...my friend said she never, ever brushed her dog's teeth in 16 years and he never had any dental issues. Personally, I think his tooth is loose because he got hit in the mouth playing fetch.


But, I'm digressing, sorry. I feel chatty today!


So, this is the dress I'm wearing to the wedding ceremony at the church:




I have since hemmed it up a bit.


For the reception, I am going to wear my favorite red dress:


Well, okay, I may have to come back to that. I'm getting pop ups galore on Photobucket. I can't figure out what the issue is, but the website isn't working well at the moment.

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Margaret, I love to see the pictures you post. These are not anything that would do me favors, but I love to look at them. I have one daughter who is rather lanky - long legs, somewhat straighter figure - and these are the kind of thing that would look good on her.


What is really fun is seeing the colors. I love the rust tone in the second picture.


And Photobucket is still giving me a rough time. I am having all sorts of issues with pop ups lately too. I've run my virus scan, checked my programs to see if something unwanted came along with an update or download....nothing.


Anyway, you all know about the red dress, except maybe Mousey and Joby. It's a favorite dress of mine. The red changes a bit with the lighting, but I really love it. It's a satin dress and it just has a really nice, elegant feel to it.

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Margaret!! I LOVE it when you take the time to post fashion. LOVE IT!


Okay...Look 26. I'm back on my exercise cover up idea...I'm tellin' you, one track mind...but I'm lovin' the idea of this high slit maxi skirt over leggings! The skirt almost looks like a faux wrap...printed front panel and solid rear panel. You see...I hang out for most of the day in my exercise clothes and then I want to look just a bit nicer...and I'm thinking that if I had a couple of key pieces to throw on over these everyday clothes...I could elevate them...


My fav bottoms right now are a pair of just under the knee length semi fitted exercise pants. They look like yoga pants in the waist, etc., but they are short and more stream lined. If I had a similar length high slit over skirt...I'm thinking that would be super cute with any tank...


There are several looks that are over tights or leggings in that lookbook...this was the one that stood out to me as something I could actually sew and wear.


Hey Margaret...don't feel too bad about the weight. Your life is stressful enough...don't add to the stress. My guess is that it isn't that kind of permanent weight gain, but one of those temporary stress, sodium, hormone, etc., induced weight gain. Do something to get your mind off whatever is stressful...and don't condemn yourself...that only makes a wicked circular thing with weight. This too shall pass.


Kim...do you have anything more to add about stones? Specifically bladder stones? Please share if you do.


Laurie...do you know why the stones were recurring for Pumpkin? We have a new recommended diet for Toby that might help. We didn't have the stones analyzed...I needed to draw the line somewhere and that additional cost, OMG...and the vet said that the results really wouldn't affect her recommendation. Just wondering if you have any insight to help me in the future...Toby is very special to me. On my side of the family, my grandma had a cat that lived to 18 or more, IDK exactly, but I have always thought that Toby had that possibility...he's just a great cat...Mom would say he's so special because he's a dog cat...he's a cat that acts like a dog. LOL.


And, Laurie? I've never changed clothes between the wedding and the reception. How is that going to work? Are they not right after one another? Is that an East coast thing? In my experience, I go to the wedding and then either the reception is right there at the same place (if not a church wedding) OR you drive straight over to the reception. There wouldn't be time to change clothes.


mousey...that's so funny, your comment about mojo. During the weekends, sometimes, I will actually try to wear something a bit nicer, and DH will feel bad because he will be SO casual...like junky clothes, work around the house clothes...but it's just opposite world...because his work week is spent in dress slacks and long sleeved dress shirts. I totally relate to the idea of...hey...I may wear whatever I do the majority of the time...BUT...I'm still HOT. :cool:


DH is staying home tomorrow from work to watch the USA World Cup match against Germany. Anyone else watching the World Cup?


I DO find those plastic straps ANNOYING. I admit that I haven't removed them though...and sometimes...I DO use them to hang the dress up again!:o I agree about anything with super thin fabric. I don't understand the burn out fabric? That fabric that is basically see through? It's splotchy and see through? What do you wear under that? Are you SUPPOSED to show off your bra? AND your belly!?:eek: Otherwise...like any other thin fabric...double up and add extra heat. YUCK.


My big complaint right now is the RISE of bottoms. The fit of most isn't working for me right now. I don't want to look like Urkel but I need the rise to be a bit longer than what seems to be standard. I'm having to size up on the few things I am buying and this is giving me a seriously baggy butt because I don't REALLY need all that extra fabric all over...

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Anita, the vet had told me that some cats are prone to getting the stones and crystals, some are not. One of the factors is diet, as many cat foods contain a high volume of ash and that leads to the formation of stones. After the first bout, we switched to Dad's Low Ash Formula since we could find it in our local store. Other brands have urinary tract health formulas out now.


I will say that there were large gaps of times between the re-occurances, so I think the food did help.


As to the wedding, there is usually a gap between wedding and receptions around here, and they are not held in the same place. This is a black tie optional reception, which would be over the top for the church. The wedding is at 3:00 and cocktail hour doesn't start until 7:00. So, if the wedding is about an hour, there is a three hour gap between the two.


Many times, the receptions are nice events where you can wear the same thing to both, but I don't feel that way with this one. The church is really a standard, low key church. The reception is in Oheka Castle. This is a picture from their website:




I am going with the theory that since the black tie is optional, most men will wear a nice suit, and most women will wear a cocktail style formal dress. We need to check in to the hotel between the wedding and reception, so it works well for us to change.


I recall my own wedding, and a few people changed between the wedding and reception, even though they were the same level of formality.

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Oh, and I'm not a big fan of the burnout stuff and thin fabrics. Layering really doesn't add any style to an outfit, but that is my opinion. I know it's big with the younger age group, but it just doesn't work for me. You are absolutely right about the warmth it adds.


I usually keep the clear plastic straps on dresses for hanging, but I have so much trouble keeping them tucked in when wearing them! If I have the type of hanger where I don't need them, I take them off. Otherwise, I get stuck tucking them back in all the time.

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Every so often, I realize that I haven't received email updates about our FIRE and EARTH threads. I just checked in to see what's going on, and low and behold, LOTS of convo!!!


I've enjoyed reading about upcoming trips and wanted to chime in about the supportive and positive comments everyone makes on both threads. Such a warm and friendly community and yet, I know if I or anyone else posts a question that we get honest feedback. I just love you all!


Anita, our first traumatic cat story occurred in 2000 during DD's wedding week. Because DSIL and family lived out of town and the church was two doors from our house, we hosted the rehearsal dinner, a backyard BBQ. Easy, peasy, right? Mitch, our black-gray tiger-stripe kitty was an outdoor cat with access to a litter box in the garage. He found us Thursday morning after being severely mauled overnight. We rushed him to the vet for stitches; picked him up on Thursday with instructions to keep him in-house until after the weekend. Yep, you guessed it. Cat and litter box in the house for the duration of the wedding festivities. He was such a good kitty and adapted well, but it wasn't an ideal situation for that week. I still remember and definitely understand how you feel about Toby. A good kitty makes you feel warm and soft inside. I've had a kitty since my earliest memories, but it didn't seem right to find his replacement. Mitch was our last kitty, I think.


Our move-in story was an ER visit and a broken arm for the same DD but she was a 1st grader at the time. During our second full day of our five-mile move, 12 year old DS and DD were playing a fun game of "I'll pitch you up in the air from the big bed over to the twin mattress on the floor." I knew the game was in progress. I was directing four family members with boxes and trying to keep a 12 month old pacified, so two smaller people upstairs with a fun activity seemed like a good idea. At the time. Hours later, after the ER attending had gone home at shift change and we had been lost in the shuffle, my youngish mom brain went commando up on some folks and we got DD some pain meds and her arm attended. Just thought of this--maybe that's why I've never moved since 1986. It will just be easier to light a match to it and sell the property someday!


Margaret, I love the EARTH pictures you post for us. Love the flowy look and remember them well from back in the day. It also keeps my eye trained for what's FIRE and what's not. That is still so hard for me.


Mousey, you like black and white. I LOVE me some EARTH. But I look like I died last week when I wear it.


Everyone's got a cruise planned except me. Guess I need to check on changing that. I'm off to see if there are any specials for January cruises yet. --Debbie

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The DH and I are watching the World Cup as I type this. The U.S. isn't playing that well right now and are lucky that Germany hasn't scored on them. I hope they pick up their game really quick!


Hope Toby is doing better.



Love the red dress and I agree with Anita...you'll lose those 4 lbs. quick enough once you get back to your regular eating habits and get out of "vacation mode".




Yeah, I love black and white and navy and white. I just can't seem to break away from it. It's like I'm addicted. LOL!


Yeah, I too hate those plastic and fabric loops attached to clothing. Most of the time I just cut them off but every once in awhile I'll keep them.


I'm taking the DS and BFF shopping when the DS gets off from work. We're looking forward to it. We'll be eating at the Red Robin and scarfing down some burgers and fries afterwards. The kids love eating there.:D Yeah, like I don't!:D


Keep your fingers crossed for the U.S. to win!

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I'm so glad you all -- wait, I mean all y'all (learned that in Texas) -- are enjoying the pictures I post. Sometimes I feel a little self-indulgent filling up the thread with them since they are my choices and therefore must be filtered through my own taste. And because I could never afford nor wear most of them. I guess I find it's still educational for me so I hope it is for you too, and a little bit fun as well.


Anita, it's funny you picked that slit skirt idea, because I pulled this photo thinking of you:




I can totally see you rockin' a slit skirt with some wedge sneakers while you're running your errands. :)


Lately I've been pondering shorts. Since I got some old clothes out of storage and most of the shorts went in the Goodwill pile, I've realized that the best length for me is just above the knee, with a shirt that hits at the hipbone. Then I heard Tim Gunn talk about dividing your body in thirds, and realized that that's why it works for me. Come to think of it, I've always liked skirts that length as well. Duh.


Every now and then I still check out The Vivienne Files. Today there's a lovely selection in green, turquoise, and that champagne neutral that Laurie and I both like. Very pretty.


I know she likes her white blouse, but really I'm getting very tired of it. :)

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I LOVE that dress/tunic!


I have a tank dress pattern that I can alter and adjust. I bought a big roll of pattern paper a while back so that I could copy some store bought clothes. I'm going to have so much fun working on these projects!


Had to take Toby back to the vet yesterday. We knew there was one small stone that didn't get taken out with the surgery...and my furry man still hadn't watered the litter box, so I took him back. Turns out there were 3 more stones... So Toby is going to have surgery again this morning. :(


Workers are here today to fix up somethings that need fixing at the new house. And I'm waiting for the air conditioning people to show up...


We are getting so close to being out of the old house. Got the pantry and the vast majority of the kitchen yesterday...there are a few odds and end on one counter still. Moving is a piece of work, I tell you what...I'll be so glad when we are done.

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Hang in there Anita...it'll all be done soon and you'll finally be settled down for a while. Sorry to hear about Toby having to have more surgery...poor little guy.




Please, please, please...do not stop posting pictures. We share the same taste and I enjoy seeing the things you post as I get ideas from them same as Anita. I too love that tunic over pants look but I would need a tunic with 3/4 length sleeves as you know I don't do short, sleeveless, or strapless. Those days are over for me. And same for me, I can't always wear or afford those clothes but they do give me ideas of how to use what I have to get a similar look. So, please do not stop posting your fabulous pics!;):D


Getting ready to head out to do a little looking around at the mall. I need a couple of new camisoles...the kind with the built-in bra (I wear these very often under tops that are a little sheer...I can get away with it because I have small...well you get the picture...LOL!):eek: I'm also off to World Market (also known as Cost Plus) to pick up a brass bangle that I want to wear with one of my outfits on the cruise. I had one for years and as usually happens, right when I want to wear it...I can't find the darn thing!


I have been successful in one area of wearing earth items...I've been wearing more of my gold jewelry. I still mostly wear my silver...but I'm trying!;)

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I'm back! That was quite a wedding. We had a great time. I have a few pictures I will post, but I'm disappointed, as my batteries died in the camera. We did get a few pictures overall though.


The Oheka Castle is an amazing place, and wonderfully restored. I absolutely adore historical buildings, so this was a lot of fun to see.


Here is a not so good picture outside, but you get the overall look of things:




Here is one from the wedding. I didn't think to ask my daughter to make sure it was a full view picture, sorry:




I really like this dress - it is so comfortable! It doesn't wrinkle either, so it is really effortless.


Here are a few random pictures before the batteries gave out:






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By the way, there were long dresses worn there. Definitely more than I expected. I would guess there was about 200-250 in attendance outside of the wedding party. If we were to say 100 were female, I would say I saw about 20 long dresses. However, they were fairly subdued. Most women wore formal short dresses like mine and my daughters. There were only a few that chose to wear things that were more casual


Oh, and I found a necklace I want to order for my green dress. It will go with a bunch of other things I have as well, which I always look for. Sam Moon is great for jewelry - I don't feel guilty, it is only $6.99. :-)

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Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures. You look beautiful! Love the dresses!:D Those flower arrangements on the tables are out-of-this-world beautiful! I'm glad you had a great time with your familly.:D

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That looks like a beautiful wedding Laurie! You and your family look lovely...but OMG...the heels your daughter wore! Wow! It made me wonder if my new shoes look quite that high from the back...I know platforms make a difference...


I'm so tired. Today was a big day and tomorrow will finally finish off the moving sequence. We are to the cleaning part. There's a lot to clean. One bathroom is totally done. The master is about halfway... The kitchen really isn't that bad... It shouldn't be that bad tomorrow. I did the worst today...the master shower. Stupid 4 x 4 white tiles. Who is their right mind would EVER put 4 x 4 WHITE tiles ALL OVER a shower? It's an absolute NIGHTMARE to clean that much grout...and the whole master bath is COVERED in those stupid things...


Toby is home and using the bathroom. YAY! Unfortunately, he isn't eating. He IS drinking but the food...


Yesterday, I organized my dresser drawers and my side of the closet. I have some good clothes! If only I could wear them! It got me thinking about the Style Statement book again... And my thoughts are all over the sewing I want to do...


Laurie...I have some house project sewing to do too. This house doesn't have window coverings. I have some curtains that I purchased for the last house, enough to give us the privacy we need but not enough to cover all the windows to help with the upcoming winter...so that is definitely one thing I'll be doing too.

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Laurie, what a beautiful wedding that must have been! The shoes -- OMG what Anita said. :)


How is Mr. Toby? I hope he's feeling better. IKWYM about the white tiles, Anita. One of the reasons I want to rip my bathroom out is those tiny white 50-year-old mosaic tiles on the floor with grout that can't be cleaned no matter what I try. We have pale gray 4" tiles on the walls and they are a total pain too. The wall behind them is bad from an old leak and they keep popping off and cracking.


I selfishly wish you would continue the Style Statement book so we can talk about it!


I have some pics for June, so I'll get to 'em.

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This made me think of Anita because she was talking about wearing earrings recently. Apparently at the fall shows for Celine and Vuitton, they were featuring one statement earring. The article says you should wear a small stud in the other ear so you don't look like you just forgot one:




Without fail, there have been some pretty red dresses for us EARTH girls lately:




This cute skirt from Prada is part of a collection that benefits AIDS prevention in Africa:




I wish I could wear belts, because I really like this look from Gucci:




I love this orange color, I wish it was easier to find more orange. The same boots again:




The summer fashion issues are a bit lackluster, I think. The business is already looking forward to fall. I was at DSW today and they are already running out of sandals! This is why I have to buy bathing suits in February. :) I saw my designer friend last week and she is working on Spring 2015 right now.

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Just a quick post here. I love those colors,Margaret. The texture of that red tank style dress is fabulous. I just love all of those colors! It is great to see hold too.


Our stores around here are similar in that I am already seeing them

Run out of summer things.


I guess I have my own pet story now too, Anita. Last week our dog had his checkup and the vet noticed a loose tooth. Well, you have to sedate a dog to pull a tooth, and they found a bunch of problems. They believe it is all hereditary but they pulled 7 teeth. I feel awful!!



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Wasn't wearing one earring a trend a while back? I remember Mom had a friend that did that. I think it's a good look with the right hair cut...but maybe I'm thinking of the old trend. It seemed to go well with someone with one of the asymmetrical cuts.


I like earrings but they can't be too heavy...my holes are already a little slit like because of too heavy earrings in the past. Now the weight bugs me...hoops are my fav, but I don't have too many...but there's something about hoops.


Well. The move is done. Whew. I am exhausted. Today was the walk through and it went very well. My former landlord was thrilled with the condition of the house. He had so much trouble with the previous tenants. So, that is to say that all our stuff in now in the new house...all over the new house...and the precious house was spotless. And I'm taking a break from dealing with stuff for a bit...not going to spend the rest of summer with this.


I have to figure out what, if anything, I want to do for our anniversary on Saturday. I'm not feeling up for much...but I would like to do something.


I was looking at the Style Statement book and wishing that I had an electronic version of it. That is...a workbook. I think that I am very tied to my keyboard as a means of writing...and I wonder if I would have an easier time getting through the exercises if I could type my answers.

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Hang in there, it will all get done and you're smart to take a break so you don't burn out. What style workbook are you talking about? Did I miss something?


Yep, my cruise is two weeks from Friday! I'm pretty much done with everything and just counting the days! LOL! The kids are so excited and I know the DH is looking forward to this short break too.


I'm having a 4th of July party (but on the 5th) on Sat. so I'm getting ready to clean up the house and do some decorating. Our group of friends (been BFFS for some 30+ years since we moved to CA) aka the "Farkals" are all bringing something, we are going to have so much food and drink it's ridiculous. I love getting together with my friends we have so many shared memories and we are all so supportive of each other. Lots of love going on!:D


I just shelled out $750 for my gum surgery and now I got some more bad news...I have a tooth that if I don't fix it I'll end up losing it. It's not a cavity, it's two cracks in the tooth. I have to have an inlay done to the tune of $409 smackers! Ugh! It's never ending with this dental work, which I hate with a passion. :(


Otherwise, things are looking good and I'm just so excited to go on this cruise. I'll see if the girlfriend-that's-not-a-girlfriend ;) can help me post pictures when I return as I still haven't figured out how to do it...I'm so bad with technology...I still send handwritten cards instead of texting or e-mailing them. But's that's really a personal choice.


Who's next after me for a cruise or trip and where are ya going!:D

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I forgot to share something good that happened to me today...


I popped into the salon where I've been getting my hair cut and colored by the same woman for at least 10 years (she's been doing the DS's haircuts too) and I said I wanted to make an appointment for next week to have my roots done and get a little trim. I asked her how much that would be and she said...even though you can't qualify for it, I'm going to give you the new senior citizen discount we're offering. I'm like, "How old is your requirement for being a senior citizen?" She says, "65." So I said, "Suko, I'm 67!" She freaked out...she couldn't believe I was 67. She thought I was in my late 50s! So yeah, that made my day! :DLOL!

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