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All things EARTH...

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Gosh, a 12 hour day...I really, really need some incentive to exercise. Instead I'm doing laundry. :rolleyes: I love doing laundry. My husband thinks I'm obsessed with it!


Seriously though, sometimes, there is just so much going on in my head that I really do feel very tired. I need to bounce back a little.


Anita, I love those shoes. I saw a pair not too long ago that I was in love with, but my feet are really difficult to fit. I keep thinking about them, and I was very tempted to check to see if they are still there. There is a strip mall up the street, and I go by it, twice a day. Sometimes more, if I'm going grocery shopping or running an errand! I can't justify them though. I can't wear them to work, and they'd probably be worn just a few times during the summer and then on cruises.


I checked their website, but they don't have them on there. I did find a link to a pair of shoes I bought before my last cruise, and I wear them all the time. I loved them on the cruise too. They are one of the first pairs of shoes in a long time that fit and feel fantastic. I got the beige toned pair. They have almost a shimmer to them, so they the feel a bit like an antique gold. They go with many, many things. I wish the coral was a bit toned done. That is a super tough color to match though.




Margaret, I love orange. It seems to be a bit of a favorite color lately. I love the more muted, darker orange like in Anita's shoes that she is going to buy. That is such a hard color to find.


Bathing suit wise, I have trouble envisioning myself in a bikini at some point. I think it is because even when I was thin enough to wear one, I couldn't get comfortable enough to wear one. The one you like has somewhat of an athletic look to me. I'm leaning towards the upper left one myself, but I'll bet the top has some padding. Even when I lose weight, I never need any padding up there, lol.


Mousey, I was skeptical about the peanut butter, but I didn't want to say anything! How funny that is. It's amazing what will work sometimes though. I just kept thinking, she's going to get stung by a bee outside if she does that! Or, she'll get peanut butter all over everything. That's just too funny.


I have some ideas for a necklace to go with that dress. I probably already have something, if I just look. I was thinking something metallic, but like a bronze or antique gold...not a pendant, but nothing dominant. I don't want the necklace to be the focus. A wooden necklace is a good idea, Sailor Sally. I want to wear this on the cruise in November, so I'm wondering if I can find one around here, before the cruise.




If you have one near you Cost Plus aka World Market near you check it out as they have great jewelry made out of exotic woods.


Still itching like crazy but I'm determined to have a great time this weekend anyway. I took an antihistamine yesterday morning and I was sick to my stomach all day so that didn't work out. Cortisone cream and Benadryl haven't worked much either. So, I was hoping that the peanut butter would work! LOL!


Can't wait to leave for the ship tomorrow!:D

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mousey, darn it. That is some mean reaction. OK. I promise you that this isn't a practical joke. Isn't it funny how we think of people we've never met IRL, but they become part of our thoughts when out and about? Yesterday, I was browsing through our library and there was a book about home remedies for various situations. I thought of you and looked to see if there was something for insect bites and/or extreme itching. And there was! So, since Margaret gave you a thought, I'll chime in.... oatmeal paste. Now, here's where the practical joke thought might rear its head. You're supposed to grind up the oatmeal into a powder, with a little baking soda. You add enough water to the mixture to form a paste and use it as a poultice. You smear the bite with the paste and put on some plastic wrap... the idea is to keep the poultice onto the bite and the plastic wrap helps with that. Leave on for about 15 minutes and just wash off. It's supposed to relieve the itching, which is (in theory) the skin being extremely dry from the effect of the bite. If you decide to try this, let us know if it worked. If it works for your extreme problem, then it'll probably work for anybody's "itch." :)

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I hope you have a great trip mousey! Looking forward to hearing all about it!


Laurie...I think you've mentioned the laundry thing before...and I only have one question for you? Want to take a laundry vacation to the Atlanta area? I personally know a house that produces A LOT of laundry...;)


My shoes shipped yesterday! Sent by mail so could take a bit to get here...I have to share though that this particular website...they have sent me an incentive to join their website (I don't know if there is a fee to join) with a $10 off offer if I do...and they just sent me a code for %15 off my next order (expires Monday). Interesting site. Oh. And if you refer anyone, then you get a $10 coupon for sharing. Linda...are you a member? You have my email. I haven't joined, but go ahead and do whatever you would need to do so that you could get that coupon.

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Mousey, Pam is right. I just remembered my daughter having a few allergic reactions where she had itchy hives all over, and I bought Aveeno oatmeal bath. With it just being your arm, it makes sense to create this little concoction Pam mentions. I know baking soda is considered to be quite good as well so if you put them together...voila!


We don't have that store around here, Mousey. I may very well have what I'm looking for already, but I would love a wooden necklace. That would set the dress right off, without competing for attention. We don't have any amazing jewelry stores around here. If we did, I'd be spending all my time there when I'm not doing laundry. (that was for you, Anita! ;))


I generally buy online from Sam Moon, and I also like Charming Charlie. The Charming Charlie website doesn't seem as nice as the actual store is though. When my daughter was in Albany for her internship, there was one at a mall there and I loved being able to see the jewelry in person.


Anita, if I had more vacation time....lol. My girls ask me all the time how I keep myself from doing their laundry for them. I told them it's because they need to responsible adults, and that is more important than my hobby. Truthfully though, it's hard. I am soooo tempted to run in and grab their laundry and do it for them.


I don't love ironing though. I don't hate it, but I have many other things farther up on the list.


Mousey, take lots of pictures, and have the girlfriend who's not a girlfriend show you how to post them. We'd love to see them!!


I hope your shoes come in quickly, Anita. I really love the orange on those. I just love that color. I really love that memory foam microsuede base too. I have trouble when I have a bare foot and wear sandals, but not so with the microsuede base.


I need to check out that site, and the one the rest of you mentioned.


My Style Statement book should be in any day! In the meantime, I'm reading a book called "How to Cope With Difficult People". Even when I'm not at work, I'm at work, lol. Really though, I'm only a few pages in and it dawned on me...I'm learning how to cope, not fix, change, strangle, etc. I'm kind of disappointed.

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Mousey, Have a fun cruise! Pictures- PLEASE :)


BTW, we've used Aveeno baths for years too, Laurie. Our Pediatrician suggested it when the kids had chicken pocks. It worked well for them. Give it a whirl, Mousey, doesn't sound like it would hurt anything.


We leave tomorrow too, don't have to ask me twice for a pictodiary :D Mine won't be much of my outfits (I'll look like the wrath of God!) but, will hopefully include lots of beautiful animals and scenery. I'll think about all of you when we're there.

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Yes, ladies, pictures please! Give me something to dream about while I don't have a single cruise in my future.


Not that this has anything to do with our conversation, but the PB catalog came today and I am lusting after this:




and this:




Can you believe I don't have any teal in my apartment? At all? Shocking, I know. :)

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If I never had to iron again I'd be happy as a clam.


Laurie, all I can think about is a wooden necklace to go with that dress. Such a great suggestion. My sister took me to a World Market in Seattle and boy is that a fun store. Oh, our XSRE in NJ closed last fall. That was disappointing.


Apparently we are getting a big Nordstrom in Manhattan. That will be a nice change from Macy's which is not what it used to be.

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Can you believe I don't have any teal in my apartment? At all? Shocking, I know. :)


*gasp* :eek:


There is a sweet store near me...one of those that has all different kinds of decorations, etc. One of my favorite signs in that store, the kind that is only words in a very graphic kind of way, reads:




And while I was looking for that...I found this...which pretty much sums it up for me:




Safe and happy travels for mousey and Kim!

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My Style Statement book arrived Friday. I've been quite obsessed with it. I find it interesting how I repeat certain words very often. Most answers have come to me readily while questions that should be easy are not. It took me forever to figure out what my dream career would be. Everyone always knows what they want to be, don't they?


The interesting thing is, I skipped the question because it was playing with my mind. Then, it just hit me a few pages later and I went back to it.


When going through the many sample people throughout the book, my mouth dropped a bit when I started reading the synopsis and a whole pile of my words showed up. It remains to be seen, but I think I already know what that 80% part is.


Did you just google the two words to find pictures? I am not reading ahead because I want to do this honestly. It really tests you.


In other news...I'm about 3 months away from my cruise! I hope Mousey posts pictures when she returns. Anita, I recall your trip is in September because your son has a school break? When do the kids go back to school there? Around here, it is usually the day after Labor Day, or two days after. They will get one day for a teacher's workshop combined with Columbus Day in October, then Veteran's Day...then Thanksgiving break which is 3 days. Then they don't get any time off until Christmas. I believe that in warmer climates, the kids start school earlier, right?


I'm going to look at Etsy to see if I can find a wood necklace. I love that site, but I sometimes get overwhelmed so I will think a bit about the search words. That site has sooooo many things, it's amazing. That is where I got one of my favorite necklaces that I wear with my long olive formal dress. It is so nice to get something unique and one of a kind.

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Laurie, I'm so glad that you are enjoying Style Statement...at least, it seems like you are enjoying it! It's odd, what is easy to answer and what isn't...for me, I found that I would analyze things way, way too much...and then I couldn't come to conclusions...I had to actually put some boundaries on things. For instance, I couldn't answer the dream career question until I decided that I wouldn't take into account anyone else but me...meaning, my family life...what I would do alone is totally different than what I would truly want to do if I take my family into account...and then, I realized that's why it's the "dream" and not the "goal" and then when I go back to things like this...my Style Statement actually takes into account this whole process!


And this...this was my major dilemma in answering the questions...not enough thinking of self alone...and too much thinking altogether. LOL.


You do just google the two words...then you click images across the top to get nothing but images and see what you see.


School starts August 4. We are less than 2 weeks away. :eek: It seems that they go back and forth around here regarding their idea of a balanced school year...interspersing more breaks throughout the year. This year, we get the extra week in the fall, "fall break"...next school year, we ALSO get an extra winter/spring break with a week of in February in addition to the April week that we had before. I'm very glad to have these weeks...it's nice to have the opportunity they give. There are also random 3 weekday weekends here and there...


I like Etsy too...I think that if you shop there, you need a very good idea of what exactly you want...because it is filled with what my family calls "the valley of distraction."


mousey! Glad you had a good trip! Very excited to hear all about it. Especially since you cruised Carnival, right? That's what I'm cruising for the first time in September.


My shoes should come today!! Our eating plan is going very well. DH and I are feeling pretty good...which is the short term goal. I could really see the difference in my face yesterday.


I'm not planning my own wardrobe too much at this point because of the whole hope for some body changes before the cruise...DH is the same...some shorts may be more comfortable for him...but I AM planning DS' wardrobe a bit. Carnival flat out says that you can wear dress shorts to the MDR so I'm excited by that! BUT...DS doesn't have any dress shorts...so I'm hopeful to find some for him. I think I'll hit the Goodwill again. I had great luck there getting both of my men pants for the last cruise...

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My shoes came!!!


One site called them orange, the other called them coral. I would call the color peach/apricot. It's that color in between orange and coral. Perfectly fabulous. I'm not a big heel wearer...I don't feel very secure in them...these are good. The wide strap across the top of the foot really holds your foot to the shoe so they feel very good. I don't think they are real leather...but whatever they are feels good on my foot.


Happy dance!!


Love me some color blocked shoes!

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So happy you like your new shoes!


So, the cruise exceeded our wildest expectations, which was great.


We knew we would have a good time as the five of us, the DH, DS, GF, male BFF, and I had vacationed together last year in Cabo at the SIL's condo. We had an awesome time then and again this time.


The best thing was that on Friday I woke up not itching. Yea! So that was done with just in time. Thursday was the last day of taking the antibiotics so it all timed-out just great.


I'm going to post a Member Review so you can go check it out later for details about the ship, port, and all that stuff.


Fashion-wise, this was probably the laziest I ever was regarding my outfits. I only ended up getting dressed up one night (Elegant Night). The other two nights, I was extremely casual. Friday night I did something I never do...I stayed in the same outfit I wore onboard!:eek: It was cute though. On the last night, I also just stayed in what I had worn all day. It just was such a laid back cruise that I just didn't feel the need to let my Fashionista self shine. I just kept it simple and comfortable.


The outfit that I boarded with consisted of a navy and white stripped, boat-neck top (a very French style), with skinny jeans that had gold zippers up the side of each leg, my white Puma sneakers (they're pristine white w/little black Pumas on the back), and a big straw tote. I wore gold studs and hoops and a necklace that had a thick double gold chain with a navy and white stripped anchor hanging from it, a straw fedora-type hat and my aviator sunglasses. Very cute and very comfortable. On Sat. night I wore a thick, black, cotton- knit, fitted-sweater that was shredded on both sides. It's hard to describe but it was really different. You could see my black and white, geometric print, skinny, cropped pants through the sides of it. I switched out the shoes I had planned to wear and ended up wearing a pair of black, very pointy toed, kitten heeled, Guess pumps, that I had thrown into my suitcase at the last second. They had a thin silver chain that went from side to side on the front part of the shoe. The GF loved them and I'll probably give them to her, as we wear the same size 7 shoe, after I've worn them a couple of more times (I'm planning to wear them again when we have dinner with my niece this coming Friday night). They were so much fun. I wore the outfit with a necklace that is made up of several plastic and metal chains of various long lengths, with a medium-sized, plain, black cross dangling from the longest of the plastic chains. It is one of my favorite pieces of costume jewelry and one I get lots of compliments on. The DS loved it and said, "Whoa Mom, you're really rock'n that outfit." I took that as a great compliment. LOL! So ladies, according to the DS...at least I "rocked it" on Sat. night.:D As for the last night...as I said, I wore what I had on all day...a pair of denim Capri pants, an oversized, white shirt that had a high/low hem and buttoned up the front, my straw hat, and a comfortable, hand-made pair of tan, leather, ankle tied, flat, espadrille sandals that I love. They were handmade by my Cuban homies in Key West on one of our long ago cruises there. Aside from my gold studs and hoops, the only other thing I wore (and I hope I don't lose my Fashionista status over this) was my Sail n Sign card on one of those spiral-type, necklace things you get from the Casino. You know that ugly thing that they punch a hole in your card and attach it to the end of. :eek::eek: Yes, I succumbed to that in lieu of carrying a purse of any kind.


That's about it other than on Sat. during the day, I wore my swimsuit under my Capri jeans with a peasant blouse as a cover-up, the Cuban espadrille sandals, the big straw tote, the straw hat, aviator sunglasses, gold studs and hoops, and a wrist full (5) of bamboo bangles (which I take on every cruise I go on...they are my favorite go-to accessory to wear in warm climates). I got off the ship wearing another pair of cropped jeans with a duplicate of the oversized, white shirt, a long scarf (sky blue with little white anchors all over it), and a clutch that I got at Old Navy (white with gold zippers and navy blue anchors all over it)). my straw tote and straw hat. The DS loved my anchor motif! That kid notices everything I wear...I just love it.



The DS got home from work at 12:30p and by the time he cleaned up and changed, it was 1p before we left the house. It was supposed to only take 1hr. 6 min. to get to the port at Long Beach but of course because of traffic on a Friday afternoon we didn't get to the port until 3p. While the DH parked the car the kids and I grabbed a Porter and checked our bags. After doing all the regular stuff, i.e., checking in, having our picture taken, going through security, etc. we were onboard and in our cabin by 4p. All our bags were waiting for us in our two cabins except for the GF's...she had put booze into 4 water bottles and put them in her suitcase. We thought for sure she would be called to the "Naughty Room"...but no, her luggage arrived about 1 hr. after ours with no problems! Guess they don't check all that hard for smuggled booze after all. All 4 bottles made it right through. It was great because when we got our bill at the end of the cruise...there wasn't one charge for drinks other then for my soda card, two Cokes the DS had ordered., and a $15 corkage fee from the MDR (first time I've ever been so charged for my own bottle of wine brought from home). Next time I'll open it in the room and take it in glasses! So that saved lots of money as they had more than enough to see them through the cruise.


This is pretty long so I'll continue tomorrow. The GF is coming over on Thurs. to help me post pictures.

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One thing I forgot to mention...at the last minute, I accidently left behind a black/white, stripped maxi skirt that I thought I had thrown in at the last minute. I'm glad I left it behind because...and I'm not exaggerating...just about 8 out of ten women wore stripes of some kind every night and day of the cruise (mostly black/white stripes). They were vertical, horizontal, diagonal, you name it...every kind and style of stripped clothing. It was so off-putting to see so many women wearing stripes all at the same time. I hate when that happens so I'm glad I didn't have anything other than the first top I wore that was stripped. As it was, I hated having that top on at dinner in the MDR which is when I first noticed all the stripes come out. It was like a cult or something! LOL!:D This happens sometimes when something so obvious becomes the latest style! :eek:

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I know, I know, but I have to wear the stuff at least once before I donate it all.:D I still have lots more to get through. I figure I'll start buying my new Earth stuff when the new Fall fashions start appearing. But I do have a lot of black, navy, and white to get through before then. ;)


Still enjoying the high from having such a great time on the little 3-dayer. Such big fun for such a small amount of time and money! Can't beat it!:D


I'll post more later but have so much laundry and getting the DS ready to head back to college going on.

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mousey...so glad that you had such fun on your cruise! Your outfits sound fun and cruise themed...it will be interesting to see what happens to your wardrobe if you do graduate from your current colors into more (or all) EARTH colors.


I think that those of us that went through the whole picture taking process...and could eye beyond a shadow of doubt the difference in our appearance when we wear "our colors" v. not...are a little more, oh, shall we say motivated? to get rid of the "not" colors, regardless.


Some of the clothes can be hard to lose...but if you have that picture in your memory, really showing you the difference...the clothes lose a lot of their appeal...especially if the clothes are shirts...pants and other bottoms seem to survive the transition longer...but the shirts...gotta go.


This reminds me of a black shirt I owned. OMG. LOVED that shirt. One of my favorites in terms of style. It was a go to shirt for me...but it was black. I need to try to recreate that shirt. Now that I have a Style Statement, I understand my love for that shirt more...how funny.


Speaking of...glad you are having so much fun with that book Laurie. I think the thing that helped me the most with a bit of defining for myself is to help me give myself a break. That is...I can be really hard on myself...whether it's because I can't do something to the 100% best that I know is available and have a hard time settling for less and thus do 0%...or because I know something about something and thus, should be able to do better at it...but knowing and doing are different...and there are a lot of reasons why you can't do something at the top level...and so now...I feel like I have a better viewpoint for tackling a few issues in life...and it's helping me to feel a bit better about myself. As weird as that may seem...


Meanwhile...my eating plan is going very well. It's helping me get back into the cooking habit...and the cleaning habit (which I generally avoid)...and I am physically feeling healthier. My body is doing what it does...losing inches but not necessarily weight...and I'm happy with this...as I'm not counting calories at all but trying to eat a very specific diet aimed at certain nutritional goals...and trying to eat a lot to get my metabolism going again. Point being...I think I have a shot as some more wardrobe choices for the September cruise.


Margaret...I enjoy Nordstrom. I used to work at Nordstrom. That was my first high school job. They have a really good shoe department. It's been a while since I've lived anywhere near one...but I like to look when I visit Mom. There is one in Atlanta...but that's not really close...and you have to time it well with traffic to think about going there.


Meanwhile...I heard something along the lines of green being a fashionable eye shadow color now. I don't remember if it was part of the Project Runway episode that I was watching or a commercial or something else...anyone else seen evidence of this? I have a great olive green kind of color that is really good for shading...I originally thought that it would only be good for making "eye liner"...I worried that it would make me look bruised and be too dark...but I didn't give myself credit for how much coloring is in EARTH skin...it's a great color for a more dramatic eye.


I only wear make up on the somewhat rare occasion. Are ya'll regular make up people?

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Isn't this a stunningly beautiful eye? This is in Chanel's Fall 2014 collection. Beautiful green and copper; I can absolutely see this beautiful accent to all you gorgeous EARTH ladies. I have to admit... sometimes I get pretty tired of all the BRIGHT.. colors that are our palette and wish I could get wrapped up in some comfy, comfort colors that you gals get to wear. Sometimes...


Anyway, I thought of this after reading Anita's post. She knows what a makeup maven I am... tongue in cheek....

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Just a quick post here, as my husband and I celebrate our anniversary on Monday, and decided to use today as a day to celebrate! It's hard to do on a Monday. We are going to our favorite sandwich place near the lake for a sandwich, then downtown to the MOST (Museum of Science and Technology) to see Hubble in their Imax theater. Then we will wander a bit and get dinner!


Makeup...I desperately need help, lol. I wear a very think coat of foundation (Loreal Colormatch W3) and a little blush and mascara. My older daughter is fantastic with eye makeup, so I just purchased some colors she suggested and she is going to experiment to see what works for me. I have a little selection of 4 in on container that has lighter, warm beige/peachy shades. The other however, she says is going to be for a more dramatic eye. Ironically enough, it has this sparkly olive color. She says that the smoky eye look can be achieved with different colors, it's the technique and depth of color that make it smoky. So, she's going to try a brown one and then the olive one. Me. Scared.


I think tomorrow, I may spend a little time working on my cruise wardrobe. I know, it's only 4 days and not until November! I have most things picked out. My new max is going, my purple dress is going, then the new long dress. That means one more night of clothing needs to be finalized, and the daytime outfits. There is an extra day involved, as we are going to Kennedy Space Center. That place is really, really big, so comfy clothing is a must.


Style Statement update....I'm done. I decided to walk away, then go back to my answers. I'm amazed at what I learned about myself. I will post the results and some pictures tomorrow, or later tonight, hopefully. when you read the descriptions of each part, they are very spot on. I do feel like I missed one element. However, for those of you who have done this, I think it's safe to say that the results are about what makes up the majority of you, and what that other (creative) side is that influences your majority. It's never going to capture every single detail, and that is where the samples throughout the book come in. You see their underlying theme, you see the creative age that helps personalize them, but you get to see the little quirky things as well.


It makes it easier for me to embrace who am I am when I can look at things from a third party perspective. Maybe that is why I take pictures. I'm looking at a person in an outfit, instead of looking at me in the mirror. I'm not biased. Does that make sense? But choosing answers to those questions in the book, seeing my answers, and then categorizing them makes me see myself from a third party perspective. And I like who I am.


More later, my friends!

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We did Kennedy Space Center in March . It is large . Do not miss the free tour . It is not really advertised but it takes you to that actual shuttle sights and then you get to see an older control room . We really enjoyed the Space Center & the Imax movies .The weather in Florida in November is usually just perfect not too hot & not yet cold.

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Mousey it was fun to hear about your cruise clothes. My impression is that your style is clsssic with a twist, which I really enjoy. Your striped maxi story reminds me of when gladiator sandals first came out: I wanted some in the worst way but EVERYONE had them and I just couldn't bring myself to join the herd.


Laurie how exciting that you have your Style Statement! Anita mentioned giving herself a break about things, and last year I told her it felt like I had permission for my likes, so its interesting to hear you talk about embracing your self. For me that has been the real gift from going through the process. It opened me to a perspective of understanding rather than judgment.


So, with the disclaimer that my first word is NOT descriptive of me personally:




What this means to me is that I am inspired by and get energy from the beauty in life, and my concept of beauty is very broad and sometimes unconventiional. I can see how this is reflected not just in my fashion and design choices but also in my love of the arts, the activities I enjoy, my circle of friends, why I live where I live and what I love about my job. It is why I have difficulty with culling and curating and therefore have too much stuff, and why I sometimes feel like I dont have a clear sense of style.


I truly believe that embracing my EARTH self has helped me so much with that last bit. I look forward to having some time to apply what I've learned to my home. I'd say I probably got 75% there unconsciously but these insights will help me to refine. I really understand now why I hate my bathroom so much. :)

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Sailor Sally, I went to KSC once before, in 2011, I believe. We had such a good time, but we wished we had arrived earlier because there was so much to see and we didn't have enough time. We are looking forward to returning.


My husband always says to people "I like cruising. My wife loves it." For that reason, I often give extra thought to his likes and dislikes when I plan a cruise. I want him to love his vacation, not just like it. Lucky me, they are often things I love as well. He really loves having a balcony, so I decided to go one better and book an aft junior suite. The aft balconies are bigger, and have two loungers in addition to two chairs and a table. He doesn't know I did this, so it will be a surprised for him. We weren't planning an excursion in Nassau, so I suggested the All Access Tour onboard, so he can see the engine room and things like that.


So, I'm going to give you my Style Statement. It's harmonious elegance. Here is a partial description from the book regarding harmony/harmonious:


"Harmony is a jovial peacekeeper, the playful, dynamic cousin of grace and composure. Harmony fundamentally loves people and thrives on figuring out what makes them tick and how to get them to groove in concert. Consummate team players, Harmony goes where they are needed. A sense of place and ease is very important to Harmony. Simplified, balanced, clean, flowing, graceful, elegant, refined, comfort, peaceful, musical, rhythmical, steady, complementary; everything works well together."


"Elegant is a class act: poised, gracious, respectful. Presentation Matters to them. Elegant very much cares how it all comes together - outfits, business plans, and celebrations. They are direct without being forceful. Elegant prizes solutions and are driven to find the optimal way of achieving a goal, usually through a method ineffably simple and precise. Uncomplicated, sleek, refined, mature, attention to detail, great posture, gentle, poised, composed, graceful, put together, refreshed, tasteful opulence. Can be ornate but harmonious."


When I first read all this, I thought it was spot on. Then I decided it made me look like Queen Elizabeth or something. That is when I walked away from the book and came back. Throughout everything I was answering in the book, certain words popped up over and over and over. The main one was balance. I am constantly looking for balance, and I want things to be just right. That isn't so much about being a perfectionist, it's about wanting things to go together. I want simplicity, but not basic. I love my living room the best out of my whole house. I will post a picture of both my living room, and then one that comes up as an image on my google search of the style statement words. I tend to go for evening gowns (love the formality!) that are not blah or basic, but that are not fussy or overly detailed. Then what do I do? I add a necklace. It all makes sense to me.


I love my family room too, and it takes on a different feel. What I don't like about it is that it has too many things in it. If you take out that excess, you have a harmonious elegance left over, despite the orangy red walls and leather furniture. It just goes together.


Here are some photos I found that appeal to me greatly:





Now for a picture of my own living room. In this photo, the fireplace surround is not yet done, but it will give you an idea of the look that I like:





Edited by laurspag
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