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Capnpugwash is going to the Canaries again


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Update No 3


There are quite a number of CC members on board and I normally bump into most of them in the Commodore Club, they are all very nice people and we seem to be getting on very well together.


Dinner was very nice, at least mine was, once more bad luck struck the lady who had the cold beef last night, tonight the problem seemed to be with the Bananas Foster. I don’t know exactly what was wrong as she was totally ignoring me this evening, so it was a success really.


I went up to the bar after dinner and was joined by a very nice lady called Julia; she is Captain Rynd’s wife and is travelling with him. She has a vast knowledge of this ship and ships in general. She is a really interesting lady to talk to. The Captain is leaving QV after this trip and after a few weeks leave will be joining the QM2.


I had a couple of drinks with some friends in the bar and thought that I would have an early night, looking at my watch I am amazed to see that it is just after 1.30am. I don’t know where the time goes to.


The forecast for tonight is for the breeze to increase to a force 8 wind from astern so we might be in for a slightly bumpier ride than we have experienced thus far. At least it will rock me to sleep.


More later.

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Update No 3


There are quite a number of CC members on board and I normally bump into most of them in the Commodore Club, they are all very nice people and we seem to be getting on very well together.


Dinner was very nice, at least mine was, once more bad luck struck the lady who had the cold beef last night, tonight the problem seemed to be with the Bananas Foster. I don’t know exactly what was wrong as she was totally ignoring me this evening, so it was a success really.


I went up to the bar after dinner and was joined by a very nice lady called Julia; she is Captain Rynd’s wife and is travelling with him. She has a vast knowledge of this ship and ships in general. She is a really interesting lady to talk to. The Captain is leaving QV after this trip and after a few weeks leave will be joining the QM2.


I had a couple of drinks with some friends in the bar and thought that I would have an early night, looking at my watch I am amazed to see that it is just after 1.30am. I don’t know where the time goes to.


The forecast for tonight is for the breeze to increase to a force 8 wind from astern so we might be in for a slightly bumpier ride than we have experienced thus far. At least it will rock me to sleep.


More later.

Cap'n, When I was last aboard QE2 in January of 2006 for the New York to Los Angeles segment of the QE2's World Cruise,Captain Christopher Rynd was in command of the QE2.I was able to speak to him a few times.He is a nice guy.Now I am thinking if Captain Rynd be in command of the QM2 when I'm aboard the QM2 from August 22nd to September 5th? Regards,Jerry
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Update No 4


The forecasted wind actually materialized and overnight we were a little like a cork on the water, we spent the time bobbing around but it was very pleasant and, to me, soothing. The ocean motion has vastly reduced now and it is a stunningly beautiful morning, very light cloud and bright sunshine. It is 16/61 degrees and we are level with the top of Portugal, the Bay of Biscay is behind us as we head south southwest to Madeira. I am sure that the cruise advertised that we would be in Funchal for a day and a half but it transpires that we will arrive at 6pm on Sunday, and leave at 6pm on Monday. It isn’t really clear what the point of that late arrival is! We are not racing down to Madeira and I am sure that with just a little more speed we could arrive in the early afternoon, a degree in psychology isn’t needed to work out that it is probably to do with port fees. However, I can speculate as much as I like but we get there at 6, end of discussion.


More later

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I am sure that the cruise advertised that we would be in Funchal for a day and a half but it transpires that we will arrive at 6pm on Sunday, and leave at 6pm on Monday.


It might have been due to congestion in the port - which has caused odd departure/arrival times before now - but its not.


So I suspect that 17.30 arrival/17.30+1 departure = 1 days port fees, while 12.00 arrival, 17.30+1 departure = 2 days port fees....


Who is the Captain?

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It might have been due to congestion in the port - which has caused odd departure/arrival times before now - but its not.


So I suspect that 17.30 arrival/17.30+1 departure = 1 days port fees, while 12.00 arrival, 17.30+1 departure = 2 days port fees....


Who is the Captain?


Christopher Rynd

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He already has... ?! Read up ;)




Missed that one - I think her name is Julie.....but I may be mistaken.....both she and her husband are great assets to Cunard - and you should have read the abuse poured on him by the Cunardistas when he first joined the fleet - only knew how to sail 'Princess barges' - according to them!

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Just to add my two pennyworth to the thread ... on board QV along with the Cap'n and various other friendly CC devotees. Enjoying a fabulous sunny day at sea. A spa massage this am which on completion made my day when the masseur presented me with a complimentary massage for later in the voyage! Wow! That's never happened before. Food excellent, great table at dinner (sorry Jim!) and a boat mainly populated by the Brits this time - not heard a US accent thus far.


The CC doesn't have many of the same staff, so I can see where you're coming from Cap'n on that one, but having said that, the drinks and canapes keep coming, so can't complain.


Although ... overhead plenty of such complaints - why do people come on cruises to have a miserable time and complain all the time? We call them the 'Smacked Arse' brigade, their faces look like they've swallowed a lemon - whole. I despair.


And of the bad manners - but that's another thing. Is it so hard to say 'please' and 'thank you' to the staff? I think not. And boy do they appreciate it.


That aside, this is as good as it gets, and Mr Phoebecat and myself are having a wonderful time.

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Update No 5


I went to breakfast in the Britannia and it was very nice sitting near the stern windows looking at the long rolling waves, they are of no real size, perhaps 3 feet maximum but after all that is how the sea is supposed to look.


Back in the cabin, the sun is beating down and I have been sat on the balcony actually reading a book and listening to Carole King on an IPod. It is almost too hot for me to sit in the sun but it also an absolute delight to see it shining so warmly, what a dilemma to have to solve. I think that it might be time to head for the outdoor pool on deck 9, and then follow this with a spa visit.


The first thing that I did was to go to the gym; I did some rowing, not much really and a little cycling. Feeling self righteous I went to the pool and because the ship is pitching fore and aft, the water was rushing from one end to the other. It was quite an interesting ride. Unfortunately the pool is just a little too short to swim lengths so I jumped around a bit until I got bored and then climbed up the ladder to leave, big mistake, the slight breeze that I could feel in the pool was a lot stronger and colder than I thought, so I leapt under my spa issue robe and wrapped a towel around me. Thus clad it was quite pleasant sitting in the sun, however not being a sun worshipper I went inside to the warmth of the spa pool, a steam, a sauna and a relaxing lie down. It was fantastic, I had a little fresh fruit for lunch which I realise makes me sound holier than thou, but I do this as it enables me to abuse myself in the evening with vodka and other mixed martinis with a slightly clearer conscience.


It is almost 1pm and I am back in the cabin, our position is just North West of Lisbon and we have travelled 820 nautical miles since Southampton, it is only 62 degrees but feels much warmer, we have a 21 knot breeze from astern. I would estimate that we are three quarters of the way to Madeira which roughly leaves 275 miles to run and 29 hours to do it in!


I spent a restful afternoon in the cabin, not doing very much at all and thoroughly enjoyed the inactivity. The sea is now almost calm with very few white horses making an appearance. It has changed colour and now a green blue tinge to it.


Tonight we have another formal night and we are invited to the Captain’s cocktail party which will be held in the Queen’s Room, I am normally reticent to go to these events but I might just go along tonight and see how it is.


More later.

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Enjoying reading your posts Capn, glad you have got some sunshine.


Just 2 weeks until I'm aboard QE, wishing my time away. Will have to try to be as good as you in regard to the gym. Keep telling myself I will go and then never get round to it.


I will still pack my gym gear just in case.



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After my post from the last QV cruise home to Southampton, I was wondering how your scientific research was progressing on the state of the martinis in the Commodore club.

Very much missing the ship, even if the Atlantic did show us that it has attitude with 27-30ft waves on occasions!

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The exploration of the martinis continues apace.


Update No 6


This sounds like a moan, but I really believe that it is merely an observation; a lot of people on board have commented to me about the absence of the familiar guide to the TV programmes that used to be in the cabin when you boarded so that you could see what upcoming films and documentaries were on and when they were scheduled to be shown.

This document comprised a page a day so for a 10 day cruise there would be the same number of sheets. This is all in the past now as the schedule for 7 or 8 channels is shown on a continuously rolling display on channel 27. with a page for each movie, maybe I am feeble minded but as it takes about 10 minutes to cycle through the entire listing for that day, by the time it finishes I have forgotten what the earlier displays had said. When I consider the flyers for Tanzanite, cheap watches and wine tastings that I am bombarded with in my cabin, I have to wonder whose bright idea it was to save money and paper this way. I realise that I am on a cruise but it is still nice to know when I can see the start of a film that I have switched onto half way through whilst dressing.


I did go to the Cocktail Party and it was very crowded and hot but I did meet Julie Rynd again and we had a very nice chat, she really is a very pleasant person. After the Captain had given his speech introducing his officers she grabbed him and introduced me to him. He is an absolutely charming man and we chatted for 5 minutes about a whole raft of things. He is heading for the QM2 in June and I do hope to bump into them both again.


I was a little late for dinner tonight due to chatting with Mr Rynd and joined the table at about 8.40. Dinner was uneventful and I had a lovely meal of liver pate, asparagus soup and haddock. Thomas, our head waiter who I had met on QM2 told me that he had ordered Crepes Suzette for the table; I am not a big fan of desserts but was grateful for his kindness. They duly arrived and were fine; we all remember when they were cooked tableside, but sadly due to ridiculous restrictions they now are prepared in the kitchen. This removes all the theatre of the process and it becomes a dull pudding rather than n event.


After that I went to the Commodore Club, where I finally met a crew member who I knew. Kirsten was a bartender on QM2 who got promoted to be second in command of all the bars on QV. I had a couple of drinks and then thought that I would head off to bed via the Pub where I hoped to see Shannon who is the bar supervisor there. The best laid plans don’t always work and there were a crowd of CC members who would normally be in the Commodore Club down there participating in the Karaoke. A few of them performed and acquitted themselves admirably, very good voices. Sadly the same cannot be said about a few of the others who “sang”, but it is unfair to criticise their performances as at least they got up and sang, good for them for that. This did mean that my early night disappeared again. The sacrifices that I have to make!


More later.

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Update No 7



Today is the third whole day of this cruise, it is Sunday April 17 and it is beautiful weather. We have a slightly opaque and milky sky with the finest wispy clouds dotted around and bright sunshine. We continue on our southwest track and have slowed to 18 knots, there is very little wave action on the surface of the sea The forecast, apparently, is for rain this evening when we get to Funchal. This will obviously be a pity, although as I have no plans to go ashore this evening it doesn’t really concern me too much. Tomorrow however I have planned an excursion by taxi to explore the north side of the island followed by the almost mandatory visit to Read’s Hotel for afternoon tea on the terrace. If you will excuse the pun, a dampener could so easily be thrown on these things by persistent rain.


I am just back from breakfast in the Britannia, porridge and kippers today, served on separate plates of course, totally delicious. I am still a little hungry as the kippers were not the largest that I have seen. Still a little hunger won’t do me too much harm. The sky is filling with low grey clouds building on the eastern side of the horizon; it is still very pleasantly warm albeit, a little humid. I suppose that this could indicate a rainstorm approaching. It is so relaxing on board that I really can’t get too concerned about it all.


We have covered 1220 miles since leaving Southampton and according to the chart are about level with Casablanca on the west coast of the African continent. That town was immortalised in the eponymous film with Mr Bogart and his café. Apparently this film was shot in Rabat, further along from Casablanca but truth and accuracy should never be allowed to interfere with a good story. The current air temperature is 66/19 degrees with 71% humidity, the barometer is steady and we have a 14 knot headwind.


I am off to the gym and spa shortly although I don’t think that I will be expending too much energy today.


More later.

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Casablanca on the west coast of the African continent. That town was immortalised in the eponymous film with Mr Bogart and his café. Apparently this film was shot in Rabat, further along from Casablanca but truth and accuracy should never be allowed to interfere with a good story.


Indeed! The furthest anyone got from Warner Brother's back lot was Van Nuys Airport....and it's release was timed to coincided with the Allied Casablanca Conference......(only recently liberated)......


Delighted to read your updates and that you've had a good chat with Chris & Julie Rynd - both great assets to the line!

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Phoebecat and her good husband like the excellent Capn enjoyed the karoake tremendously, it's either superb or a total car crash, and a mixture of the two served to make a great hour of entertainment. But then, wisely or no, we headed back upstairs to Hemispheres where we tripped the light fantastic, along with a few other hardy souls, until 3am. At that point, the long suffering bar staff shut the club up around us, and thus we headed down to the Lido for a late supper/early breakfast of ... salad and curry. The things you do when you are slightly 'happy'. Pleased to report there were no ill-effects this am, Mr Phoebecat is full of the proverbial beans and Im off to the gym to shift a few pounds before tonight's extravaganza - whatever that might be. The weather isn't as good as yesterday, but the ambience and general sense of bonhomie is excellent. One aside - I wore my outrageously poufy ball gown, complete with layers and petticoats. Felt like a princess, had some lovely compliments, but the Face like a Smacked Arse brigade were out in full force last night, and I had some real stinkers in terms of looks and 'tuts' What is wrong with people? Didn't spoil my evg (see above!).

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I can gladly confirm that phoebecat looked stunning in her dead posh frock.


Update No 7


Today is the third whole day of this cruise, it is Sunday April 17 and it is beautiful weather. We have a slightly opaque and milky sky with the finest wispy clouds dotted around and bright sunshine. We continue on our southwest track and have slowed to 18 knots, there is very little wave action on the surface of the sea The forecast, apparently, is for rain this evening when we get to Funchal. This will obviously be a pity, although as I have no plans to go ashore this evening it doesn’t really concern me too much. Tomorrow however I have planned an excursion by taxi to explore the north side of the island followed by the almost mandatory visit to Read’s Hotel for afternoon tea on the terrace. If you will excuse the pun, a dampener could so easily be thrown on these things by persistent rain.


I am just back from breakfast in the Britannia, porridge and kippers today, served on separate plates of course, totally delicious. I am still a little hungry as the kippers were not the largest that I have seen. Still a little hunger won’t do me too much harm. The sky is filling with low grey clouds building on the eastern side of the horizon; it is still very pleasantly warm albeit, a little humid. I suppose that this could indicate a rainstorm approaching. It is so relaxing on board that I really can’t get too concerned about it all.


We have covered 1220 miles since leaving Southampton and according to the chart are about level with Casablanca on the west coast of the African continent. That town was immortalised in the eponymous film with Mr Bogart and his café. Apparently this film was shot in Rabat, further along from Casablanca but truth and accuracy should never be allowed to interfere with a good story. The current air temperature is 66/19 degrees with 71% humidity, the barometer is steady and we have a 14 knot headwind.


I am off to the gym and spa shortly although I don’t think that I will be expending too much energy today.


Last night, after the Karaoke ended, the crowd that I was with thought that it was time to head to Hemispheres, the disco bar. I pondered it for a while and took the saner option and headed up to bed. Early this afternoon about 12.15 I met one of the participants who was heading for the gym. She explained that they actually closed that bar at a little after 3am. It would have been fun to go with them but 3am is still 3am.


More later.

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Seriously, you should think about going ashore tonight. Funchal is lovely. Tea at Reid`s will be good especially if you get a table on the terrace- v pricy though- but a lovely experience. I`m sure you`ll have a great day trip tomorrow. Enjoy ! Am feeling very jealous but anticipation is half the fun for me. Roll on 28th August!

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Seriously, you should think about going ashore tonight. Funchal is lovely. Tea at Reid`s will be good especially if you get a table on the terrace- v pricy though- but a lovely experience. I`m sure you`ll have a great day trip tomorrow. Enjoy ! Am feeling very jealous but anticipation is half the fun for me. Roll on 28th August!


Loved Funchal although we made the mistake of getting there on one of those new fangled flying machine things - not nice! The budget never stretched to tea at Reids but I loved everything else about the place. And I'm looking forward very much to being there again in just over a week's time - by a much superior mode of transport this time :)



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