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Would not book a balcony again until...


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Sadly, your smoke can't stay in tat stamp sized area. That's the problem. It is not you we ***** about, or the fact that you smoke. It is the fact that your smoke travels and invades our stamp sized area. What baffles me here (and I'll admit that I don't understand because I am not addicted to smoke) is the passion smokers have about their "right" to smoke. I understand that it is your right to smoke... I just don't understand why you want to smoke. Addiction aside, what is so great about smoking that we non smokers are missing?


I will try to answer in a nutshell. Nicotine is the only legal substance that has a calming effect while making you more mentally alert at the same time. It is very unique. where as other calming substances make you drowsy which is not desirable and reduces clear thinking as well.

mental stimulants also stimulate other areas of the body and also is not desirable.

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I get that. I am really just asking honestly now. What is it I am missing? Just curious really. Is there actually an answer?


It's a feeling of calming - not like a drug or anything like that, but a calming effect that becomes a craving. I have a few friends that say that chocolate gives them the same calming effect, but I'm not big on sweets. I limit my cigarettes to 3 or 4 a day and it will sometimes be more depending on what I'm doing or who I'm with. If I'm drinking (weekends only, normally), I'll tend to smoke more since that's basically how I started - peer pressure in college at a beer party. We are not "chain smokers", but do enjoy a cigarette - maybe the same way my "chocolate lover" friends enjoy their sweets or a cigar smoker enjoys a cigar. I don't know if that is the "answer", it's just my thought on it and what I get out of it. Am I aware of the risks? Yes. That's another reason, in addition to the cost, that I set a limit. Do I regret starting? Yes. I was a typical college freshman at a party and gave into peer pressure and thinking I will not get hooked.


BTW, we've had a balcony on our last two cruises and do smoke out there, but only one at a time. We're only out there in the morning and I'll have one with coffee, maybe one out there before dinner and one before bed - we're not out there constantly chain smoking. In other areas of the ship (or anywhere else for that matter) we are very respectful of everyone else and will only smoke in designated areas.

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I am curious about the e-cig. Have any of you tried it and does it give you the nicotine satisfaction that you speak of? I've read a few people who say they have even been able to quit smoking by using it. Not saying that that is even a goal as I'm sure many of you enjoy the whole pleasure of the habit.


Also, isn't it even cheaper than buying the real thing? I am only guessing here but I would think that if the e-cig became more popular, the whole "us against them" mentality would stop.

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I agree.. but I wouldn't be so polite as to say you paid for the balcony.. I would let them know that the BALCONY is an ALLOWED SMOKING AREA period... if they don't like it they can go to a non allowed smoking area if it bothers them that much.. like inside the cabin...:rolleyes:


See this isn't about smoking at all.......it is about immature inconsiderate rude people:D

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I have tried to stay away from these discussions... but here I am .. Bottom line here folks just be respectful to your neighbours! Some of us are supersensitive.. and maybe need to grow thicker skin and some of us believe we are the only one that matters on the planet. This is a vacation that we have all agreed to share some time having fun.. remember?? Try to be kind to your neighbours and I bet the favour is returned! I love the balconies and the fresh air too. I don't let the door slam when closing it in the morning, I try to be as quiet as possible when returning to my cabin late at night.. I don't chat in front of someone else’s cabin in the hallway (some people have naps in the afternoon). I don't think asking smokers to stop is the answer but maybe if they can be mindful of others instead... When we are docking .. lots of kids hanging out on the balconies that would be a good time to hold off a bit instead of hanging that cigarette 4 feet away from there face. Just the simple things can make it better for everyone... If these things seem to be unreasonable to ask, maybe you should be looking for vacations that don't include hundreds of other people in close quarters. This is a free country.. that means all of us!


I totally agree!

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Unless your little darlings are making disturbing amounts of noise, how would anyone next door even know they are out there?


Why not take 'em up on the Lido and let 'em inhale stack smoke instead?


You don't need to understand it. It's none of your business, and smokers don't have to justify themselves and their LEGAL BEHAVIOR to you.


Wow...:eek: I really tried not to take sides or take a negative stance on this subject but you seem to a person who likes to "Stir the pot!" Your comments towards my Child or any other is less than acceptable and does not help your cause for "your side of the argument" really "let 'em inhale stack smoke instead? " This is your answer!! BTW I lost my Father to your cancer infested smoke and watched him wither away. So yes my choice to protect my Child from second hand smoke is not just to take a side in a lost battle, and I do understand the addiction and your choice to maintain it! Just respect our choice to avoid it! come up with reasonable solutions for both worlds to help each other enjoy the cabins and ship that we have all paid good money for not by asking the other to leave or not use the balcony.. unless you have better solutions or helpful ideas, other than being a smart @ss then maybe zip it!! Your posts are only fuelling a combative thread....

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So, I just read something on the NCL and Princess websites. According to them, smokers only represent 10% of their cruisers... globally (I find this a little low because I have been to Europe... 7 years ago, and everyone smoked). Hence their justification for changing their policies to non smoking ships (accept a few public areas).


I find this interesting for two reasons. First, I had always assumed that cruise line passenger demographics were pretty much the same now between cruise lines. So, if this is the case, then why is Carnival slow to react? If it is not the case, and indeed more smokers choose Carnival... why?


The second thing I find interesting which may answer the first questions is income demographics. Many studies suggest a correlation between income level and smoking, with lower income levels having a higher percentage of smokers (read lower, not low... I believe this still represents the low to mid range of middle class... which is still fairly "well off" IMHO). So, do more smokers choose Carnival because its cheaper (which I don't really buy because I chose Carnival, and I don't smoke... I am just cheap :-P ), or do the really rich simply choose other lines simply because they cost more (which I also don't buy because in my experience, rich people are CHEAP... hence why they are rich).


So again the question... why the different demographics with the different lines I wonder? Thoughts?


Oh, and age would not really answer this demographic question... something like 70% of all smokers at baby boomers... but according to Carnival, the average age on their ships is 40.


Anyway... would welcome any thoughts or opinions... so long as we don't all start fighting again.

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You guys just won't let it alone, will you? The general environment of the world today is pollution. You just can't visually see it, and if you do, you say, okay, it's not cigarette smoke. Everything in the modern world is carcinogenic, but you accept it because it makes your life easier, provides you with things, makes you look prettier or smell better. All chemicals.

I agree-the general environment is pollution-why keep adding to it? I don't accept carcingenic in my world-use all organic and natural cleaning products as well as creams lotions and make-up. so basically your justification is it's there anyway, so what difference does it make if I add to it?! the exact sentiment that has contributed to our carcinogenic world.


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Happy for you.. but stop preaching to the choir... especially as an ex smoker...


Smoking outside in open air has never been proven.. smoking in confined spaces maybe.. I have yet to believe it.. just because one person gets cancer because of it.. and the other 100 patrons of said establishment do not.. very strange how they single out the ONE person who did... Cancer is a very nasty disease that attacks many people.. smokers or not.. and you don't have to be around smoke at all or a smoker to get lung cancer...

I agree with you. And I don't begrudge a smoker smoking outside in open air or on their balcony for that matter. But the facts do remain, being exposed to second hand smoke, especially children and the elderly-is risky to ones health. I just steer clear of it.


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I am curious about the e-cig. Have any of you tried it and does it give you the nicotine satisfaction that you speak of? I've read a few people who say they have even been able to quit smoking by using it. Not saying that that is even a goal as I'm sure many of you enjoy the whole pleasure of the habit.


Also, isn't it even cheaper than buying the real thing? I am only guessing here but I would think that if the e-cig became more popular, the whole "us against them" mentality would stop.


It's a great thought that people using an ecig rather than a real cigarette would stop the battles about smoking. However, there are multiple threads here about the ecig use on a ship and tons of people who swear that the water vapor puts out carcinogenic substances (completely incorrect) or that they disperse nicotine in the air and make others inhale it (again, incorrect).


If the FDA has it's way, it will ban the ecig and not cigarettes. After all, they regulate cigarette manufacturing and the government makes lots of money from the sale of them.

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Sorry you feel that way. As others have posted, smokers are (and will be Dec.1) simply following the rules. I'm not picking a fight (honest!), but rather than expecting the smokers go up on deck, why don't the non-smokers? Is one group more "entitled" to their balconies than the other?


You always have the option of booking a spa balcony or sailing another line. Can't offer many suggestions beyond that if you're looking for a cruise vacation.


Again, sorry you feel that way.


I agree here. The smokers do pay their fair share of enjoying the cruise and if they are smoking on the balconies, at least they are not in the rooms. You can't expect them to have to run upstairs or wherever to the lido to go and smoke. And I agree, that is a certain person does not like it, then why doesn't that person make the move to run somewhere else where there is not smoking. Everyone has some rights, you can't take it all away.

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I understand that smokers are being more and more restricted in where they are allowed to smoke. Of course if a balcony is one of the few areas on board that smoking is permitted, they will smoke there and have every right to. I am not a smoker, but close friends & family are. I just hope that when I cruise, I am lucky enough to be next to people who are not heavy or chain smokers. I try to be considerate of others when I'm out on my balcony - I don't yell into the cabin to get my son's attention if I want him to see something. I don't blast my radio or carry on loud conversation because I know it can disturb the peacefulness of the balcony for others. I don't slam my door. These are all things I could say I have a right to do, and I payed for my balcony so I will do whatever I darn well please - but I wasn't raised that way. It would just be great if everyone could have a little concern for how their actions affect others. Just being willing to keep it to 1 cigarette instead of chain smoking if you are aware your neighbor is on their balcony right next to you - even that would be showing some concern.


I'll see how this next cruise / balcony experience goes. If it turns out every time I want to step out on to my balcony for some fresh air, if there is cig smoke coming over I'll have to move on to another cruise line for the time being. I say the time being, because I have no doubt that eventually Carnival will follow suit with Princess, Celebrity etc. They are all heading in this direction, this is not a passing fad. If someone had told me last year that HAL was going to ban cigarette smoking in the cabins, I would have thought they were absolutely nuts.

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We smoke, my husband was a non smoker for 45 years! Not a single cigarette all of his life, and last year, I "caught" him smoking:eek:

He said he started when he was outside the bar, as everyone now, banished from smoking indoors, was going outside... I was REALLY shocked!

I smoke in one area only in our house, and am obsessed with smells etc. I have air filters everywhere, and wont smoke with my dogs in the room.

I HATE that I smoke, and so wish I didnt.

I do go to non smoking sessions, and every now and then I go on a mission.. so far, not managed to quit:(

As for low income etc, I smoke more in the last ten years and for SURE its down to pressure of business and the fact that the money side is not a worry to me. Its easy for me to smoke... and I know for a fact, I smoke more now than I did ten years ago.. I am ashamed that I smoke, BUT I will not choose a vacation where I know I cannot smoke. I do my research, and pay accordingly. So yes, we will smoke on our balconies without fear. We are seldom in our cabin, but early morning, before dinner, and last thing at night we WILL smoke. HOWEVER - and I DO think this is great, I take with me a smokeless ashtray. Easily obtained online, portable ashtray which filters the smoke. As I say, I am kind of obsessed with smoking smells, and with my husband smoking too now.. I dont want us in a cloud LOL! Smokeless ashtrays, they work!!! Your non smoking neighbour will appreciate it.. just a thought folks. And for anyone who has a non smoking partner, they too may appreciate it.

I find American cigarettes smell worse than our mild cigs in the UK. I smoke a silk cut silver, which has 1mg tar, 0.1mg nicotine. I cant find anything in the US as mild as this. A Marlborough light would choke the life out of me...

I KNOW if someone has been in my house smoking a strong cigarette..

So yeah, anyone who wishes to try to eliminate air smells etc, do try out a good smokeless ashtray, can highly recommend them.

On another note, I am interested in what many of you are saying re car pollutions etc. I live in a TOTALLY non pollluted area. No neighbours, surrounded by hills, trees, countryside. Single lane road nearby with an odd passing car of farm vehicle.

I was born in the city, and still love on an odd day, to go up to the city shopping and getting a doze of civilisation! BUT, after a few hours in the city, my eyes itch and turn red, my nose and sinus block and I come home wheezing...

When I went to non smoking sessions, I had my carbon monoxide levels taken..the FACT was, my levels as a smoker, were LOWER than the average levels of a non smoker living in the city...

Not making an excuse for my smoking, there is one excuse only..addiction pure and simple. BUT I do wonder, about city living and cancers, asthma etc.

My MIL smokes, drinks, she is 80, and we are off this week on a wee break. We have a balcony to smoke on, and she for sure, will be puffing away... She's as fit as any 30 year old.. I do wonder, is this down to her life in rural area and work at sea for many years...

E-Cigs, I have them, but they are so rare here it causes ructions when you use them.. I do wish they were more common here..

In the meantime, I continue to smoke, who knows, maybe one day I'll quit, hopefully before its too late!

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I agree-the general environment is pollution-why keep adding to it? I don't accept carcingenic in my world-use all organic and natural cleaning products as well as creams lotions and make-up. so basically your justification is it's there anyway, so what difference does it make if I add to it?! the exact sentiment that has contributed to our carcinogenic world.


I see your "blinders" are still up. Can't compare a puff of smoke from a ciggie to what pours out of a smokestack, car emissions. Someone had to manufacture your organic items, I doubt if they were mixed in a bowl with a spoon.

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they start the no smoking policy in staterooms and balconies. Any time we book a balcony, we are aggravated because the smokers use it as their private ash trays. It seemed like every time we went out to our balcony the people next door would rush out to smoke. Ridiculous! If you want to smoke go up on the upper decks provided for your habit. Meanwhile, I felt very badly for the baby who was with his parents in the balcony (sleeping in a crib) while his parents, rushed out to smoke while constantly hacking. We knew they were smoking in the room as well as you could smell it through the air ducts in the middle of the night. Disgusting for us and for their innocent baby. They are suppose to start the no smoking policy in Dec. 2011. We recently were on the Celebrity Summit and they have the no smoking policy, however there was one couple in a balcony smoking and after several days and the threat of putting them off the ship, they got the message and stopped.

I know smoker's will be outraged, but so be it, I'm sick of smelling your cigarettes!

By the way, we were on the Miracle!


then if you don't like the smoke stay home in your smoke free house and leave us a lone I am sick and tired of poeple like you bitching about smoking it needs to stop you do not owen the world some people get the balcony so they can smoke this is the rules so I guess it sucks for you and stop bitching about it get it got it GOOD :D:D:D

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I see your "blinders" are still up. Can't compare a puff of smoke from a ciggie to what pours out of a smokestack, car emissions. Someone had to manufacture your organic items, I doubt if they were mixed in a bowl with a spoon.

I have no blinders about polution. I just feel it is my responseability to make as small a footprint as possible. I don't care if you or anyone else smokes-your choice=but it is my choice not to breath it. So I remove myself when possible, from smoke-filled rooms and areas. I think this thread was about right to smoke on the balcony and I uphold that right for the smoker. Doesn't mean I like smelling it-forget the health aspects-it stinks! Everybody has the right to personally see to their own health-really, what you do is none of my business.


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then if you don't like the smoke stay home in your smoke free house and leave us a lone I am sick and tired of poeple like you bitching about smoking it needs to stop you do not owen the world some people get the balcony so they can smoke this is the rules so I guess it sucks for you and stop bitching about it get it got it GOOD :D:D:D
Well I certainly wouldn't argue with a well reasoned argument like this.:p


Do you pay extra for using punctuation.


This thread is almost up to 300. What do you think it would smell like if we smoked it?

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Like the ones who expects smokers to abstain in designated smoking areas? :rolleyes:


Halos - haven't you been reading this thread??? Many, many, many people have said they don't want people smoking on their balconies and those are designated smoking areas.




I have been, yes.

No one said they expect them to abstain.

Hell, I would like the ships to be non smoking...I don't expect it.

I would like a lot of things that I would never expect.




Not exactly...There are nasty posts on both sides of this issue and yours all contribute to that.

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